All Chapters of Two Warriors, Two Battles - A Twist of Fate? : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
122 Chapters
Chapter 100 - Esme
Leaving my family behind at Crimson Night Pack was difficult, but knowing that they would be following in a matter of days driving up to Midnight Forest Pack to move there permanently was crazy. I never imagined when I met Gabe that night that it would mean such a big change for me and my family.   Their pack has done so much for the Crimson Night Pack and the people in it when they didn’t need to. They could have so easily ignored the things we told them. Or chosen to help just Lola and I so we could be with our mates. But to go above and beyond to help the entire pack, make sure everyone was rehomed in safe packs and make sure that any of the senior pack members was held accountable was honourable of them. Something I think the majority of the pack will forever be grateful to them for. And I can't begin to say how relieved I was to know that the Alpha and all his senior team and former Alpha's would be punished for the things they have done, and for r
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Chapter 100 - Manuel
We finally arrived back to pack, back to our house after a long day of waiting at the airport, and then the flight and travelling from the airport. We now had some time before Lola’s family would arrive, as they were driving up to allow them to bring all their things from their home they would need.    “Welcome home Carino” I smile at Lola as we walk through the door having finally left everyone else to go their separate ways.   Gabe had wasted no time rushing off home with Esme. Not that I blame him in the slightest.    She came to me and wrapped her arms around my waist “Mmmmm. I am glad that is over with” she sighs.    To be honest, so am I. I finally have my mate home, and know she is going nowhere. Can't say I was not worried for a big chunk of that that I would lose her.     “Me too” I admit. “I was scared for a
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Chapter 102 - Gabriel
I had left my friends and my family as quickly as physically possible to get back to my house after saying goodbye. Tomorrow I will be going to speak to Tate Carter’s family along with Manny, and the other warriors that had been out there, we had agreed that while we were waiting at the airport. We wanted to show our respect for our fellow warrior and his family. Knox would no doubt come with us despite having already been with Lilah before he traveled down to see me in the hospital. Alpha Jacob too, I would imagine.   We will be arranging a memorial service for the young warrior too, bless him. He had been so eager to come and join in on a real mission. I had been devastated when Manny had told me. But unfortunately, it is part of the role we take on, and something we find ways to adapt to, probably never fully deal with or accept, and never forget the guys you lose. But you find ways to move on in your life and be happy and have a fulfilled life as much as
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Chapter 103 - Esme
 I had been so nervous initially, but kissing him and being in his arms, I suddenly felt a surge of confidence. Kya was going crazy in my mind for her mate. She wanted this as much as us I think. So I can only imagine what Aspen must be feeling.    Gabe literally stood there with his eyes popping out of his head as I walked away naked, which made me giggle to myself. I am hoping that is meaning he wants me as much as I want him. Seeing him take his shirt off made me all hot and flustered. He is one hot bastard! I am a lucky girl…   Standing at the shower screen door and trying my hardest to be sexy, trying is probably the right word, I am far from sexy, I am clumsy and dumpy, I probably look as sexy as an old woman, but I got to try for my mate right…     I stand waiting for him, and I am guessing my trying worked to some degree, as I have not seen a guy take his clothes
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Chapter 104 - Manuel
 I wake to find the bed next to me empty, and Lola not upstairs. How had I not heard her get up? This is odd. I quickly get out of bed and grab some shorts to throw on after going in the bathroom and head downstairs.  As I approached halfway down the stairs I spot Lola, already dressed, in yoga pants and a crop top, her hair twisted up into a small bun on top of her head. She appeared to be busy cleaning the house. But why?! It wasn’t even messy. I don’t get this.     I headed further down the stairs, to be hit by the smell of food cooking and coffee brewing. Don’t get me wrong, it smells amazing, but why is she doing all this? I get a sinking feeling I know where this is coming from, and it bothers me. A lot. I do not want this from my mate? She does not need to be doing all this for me.    I feel like she seems to think I expect her to be like a housemaid for me, as that is certainl
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Chapter 105 - Gabriel
Waking up I was so sleepy, after very little sleep. I went to roll over and my arm was dead. I went to lift it and couldn’t feel it, it was only then I realised Esme was lying in bed with me. How in the hell had I forgotten that she was with me?! I swear I am losing the plot!    My mate was with me! We had slept together! Re-marked one another! And my crazy ass brain had completely forgotten she was laid next to me in bed, despite the fact I have been snuggled up with her all night in between our fun and fumbles. Not quite sure just how much sleep we actually got. But how I had forgotten she was there I do not know. Maybe being in the hospital had sent me insane or something.       I turn myself to look down at her, watching her sleep. She is perfect. She was still snoozing, her face so sweet and innocent looking when asleep. Haha, though I know now, after the many times last night, she is far from
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Chapter 106 - Lola
 I sit in the lounge desperate to get up and continue cleaning, but Manuel has told me I don’t need to. The house isn’t that bad, but if I am sat around doing nothing, then it looks like I am not doing my job as a good mate, taking care of our home. Especially when our home is one as nice as this. Manuel has built a beautiful home in preparation for when he found his mate.      Ready for his mate and himself to build a family. It is only right, like I have been taught that I should do the right thing and clean it, take care of it. He is the man in the house. I have to take care of him. He provided me with the house. I have to look after him, make sure he has all that he needs at home. That is what I was taught. I keep reminding myself.    Though when I follow the things we were told, he seems to get frustrated. Says it isn’t like that here, but that is not what we were told. We were
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Chapter 107 - Gabriel
 I lead Esme proudly through the pack by her hand. Yesterday we had spent the afternoon speaking with the tutors at her university to get the paperwork needed to catch up with what she had missed. She seemed confident that she would be able to catch up, and listening to her tutors talking, they seemed to think highly of her and believed she would be caught up in no time. I left the room feeling so proud of my mate.Plus, we had spoken to the receptionist and got the payments set up again for her course thanks to Knox. So she was good to get back to her course. I was so glad to be able to do this for her. I knew how much this meant to her and did not want being with me to be something that held her back. Knowing that she was working toward her dream made me so incredibly proud of her, and knowing she would be one of the Drs at our pack hospital is mind blowing to me. Not only did the moon goddess bless me with a beautiful mate, she blessed me with a
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Chapter 108 - Manuel
Lola and I spent the evening with her parents and brother Luis as they settled into their new homes in pack. Luis had decided on a room in the pack house, which didn’t surprise me given his age. He was definitely not wanting to be living with his parents now and had lived alone at their previous pack too so it only seemed right to sort the same here. And Knox was happy to sort him a seperate room. I think he was doing the same for Esme's older brother too. It was what Gabe and I had done as warriors too as soon as we reached 18. My Dad had told Eduardo that he and my Mum would show them around the pack in the coming weeks. And help get them settled. I have no doubt that is true. No doubt Uncle Mateo and his wife Auntie Eden would be joining them. Plus Esme’s parents once they arrive. But today we headed to the welcome BBQ for the girls. The first of many, no doubt. Time to see what they thought of the rowdy, crazy group I get to call my family. There were plenty of them, and t
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Chapter 109 - Gabriel
We are surrounded by family. Esme is by side and she is smiling. Everyone is being so kind and welcoming to her. Abuela was teasing when she first met her.    We walked to the house together. She had said she thought she had sense and was going to keep running not come back for me.     Esme initially looked shocked by her, but then I think she realised she was joking when my Abuela ruffled her hair. She was already treating her like family despite it being the first time she had met her. And I have to say, I loved it!    Esme seemed to too, as she joined in with the joke and responded to my Abuela by saying she couldn’t keep running as she had work on Monday, to which Abuela was laughing. Telling Esme she knew where to come when she was poorly now. That it was about time we got a clever one in the family!    As my Mum and Dad spoke to Esme, Abuela gave me a lecture on
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