All Chapters of Two Warriors, Two Battles - A Twist of Fate? : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
122 Chapters
Chapter 70 - Gabriel
Getting through the border of the pack was far too easy. No one appeared to be running border patrol like they should be. I had decided heading over the borders was an easier option than trying my luck with a guard at the gate, and it turned out I was right. I figured linking Lola direct would be easier than going through Manuel as it is her former pack, so she would give better directions and, to be fair, Manuel could still be fighting. Gabe! Oh thank goddess. I don’t know where they are. Fighting kicked off. I ran as planned but Alpha caught me as I escaped. I’m locked up. Lola mind links me sounding panicked, and having listened to what she said, understandably so. Fuck, that ball bag of an Alpha had caught her and locked her up. Plus, we don’t know how Manny and the others are doing either. Shit, shit shit. And shit again. I knew I should have come with them . Not that I would have stopped this happening, but I wanted to be there with them to help, make sure they are ok.
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Chapter 71 - Lola
The second I heard Alpha Jace’s voice I knew we were in trouble. Gabe let go of me and spun around. I could feel anger emanating from him. He always seemed so sweet and funny, other than when he had been upset, that is. But that had been understandable considering his mate had literally ran on him with no explanation. “Don’t need to ask who you are, do I?!” Gabe says bluntly. “Oh another cocky little fucker then?!” Alpha Jace snarls, moving toward Gabe. “No, just a guy who does not like a man who treats women with disrespect. Not to mention one who has left my mate that terrified to take her mate for fear of what you may do. That tells me you are a fucked up excuse of an Alpha and a werewolf.” Gabe is scowling as he talks. Shit, he has mentioned Esme. I don’t think she wanted Alpha to even know. “Your mate? Your mate is from my pack? And how would you have met her? Who would that be? Though if you’re here saving this one, are you linked through her?” Alpha Jace is
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Chapter 72 - Gabriel
I did the right thing, I stayed calm, tried to get out of there with Lola, to keep her safe for Manny and that fucking nutjob of an Alpha ran for me. I used all the training I had to fight him off. I didn’t realise he had a damn knife though. The first I realised was the sickening sharp pain as the knife split my skin. I was ready to shift, but then Aspen seemed to fade, like I was losing radio signal. The strangest sensation I have ever experienced. I have had him go quiet on me when he is in a mood and I call that radio silence, but this was something on a different level. It was like he was literally fading, like I was losing a connection with him. There had to be something on that knife….. I tried to fight some more, warrior instinct kicking in, but that sick fucker wasn’t using any normal fighting technique, just erratically stabbing me, the pain intensifying at each contact. I managed to dodge a few and push him away. But some definitely broke the skin, and from the wet
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Chapter 73 - Esme
I was exhausted after a training shift at the hospital today. But while it was exhausting, I love it. It all getting me closer to my final goal of my medical degree. I had literally got back to my apartment, stripped out of my uniform and flopped on to my bed in my underwear. I was just dropping off when my phone was ringing. I initially ignored it, assuming it was likely some call centre trying to sell me life insurance or to do a survey or some other random phone call that forever seem to harass me.I just wanted to snooze. But my phone was persistently ringing again and again. I rolled over half asleep to pick it up and answered it putting it on loud speaker, flopping back down again. “Hello” I say sleepily. “Ezzy?” I hear Lola’s voice. What is she calling me for? Thought they were going to see them at pack today, had something happened? “I am really sorry for calling.” Lola says. I swear she sounds like is crying. What is going on? “Lolly, what is up?
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Chapter 74 - Manuel
Seeing my cousin lying bleeding on the floor knowing he had got hurt, coming to help us, and ultimately being there saving my mate was crushing my heart. The guilt and love for him right now was overwhelming. Hearing the officers from the Werewolf Council saying he had three or four large lacerations to his side which were still bleeding heavily terrified me. We deal with injuries frequently with being warriors, so we know first aid, we know about wounds and how serious they can be. This wasn't sounding good.The Werewolf Council had arranged a helicopter along with a Dr from a nearby pack which had a large hospital, because they wanted him to be in a pack hospital that had knowledge of shifters and knew how best to treat them. The hospital here was too small and they did not trust the pack members as yet, while investigations were still ongoing. From everything they had told us so far, they planned to close the place down and destroy everything here. Alpha Jace and anyone else
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Chapter 75 - Jake
We had been sent to the pack house by the Werewolf council and told to wait until they came to speak with us. They planned to deal with what needed dealing with but it seemed apparent that the pack was being closed. The pack members would be investigated and then relocated. Any that were directly involved with the misconduct and mistreatment of pack members would be sent to various prisons in varying packs across the country. I was amazed just how seriously they had taken this and how quickly they had been able to get this all in motion. Yet at the same time, eternally grateful as it meant it helped us and it meant we were able to help the innocent and vulnerable pack members that deserved that fresh start within the pack. Manuel had barely let go of Lola since we had found her. And to be fair, I don’t think I could blame him. He must have been terrified knowing that nutjob had her locked up somewhere. It had to be a turn of fate or sheer luck that Gabe had decided he would c
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Chapter 76 - Lilah
I hated watching Knox leave, but the moment he and Dan had heard that there were issues and Gabe had been hurt, they were not for taking no for an answer about going down there to be with their friend. They wanted to make sure the Alpha of the Crimson Night Pack got the punishment he deserved, though I had tried to reassure them, as had Ava and Indie, that his Dad and Jake were more than capable of doing that. But they had booked their flights and were travelling down there as soon as they could to be there to help and to go and see that Gabe would be ok. To be honest, I would have liked to travel down with them but Indie and I had agreed we would stay here with the kids and wait for an update. And Ava said she would stay here too, though I think she was desperate to know that her husband was ok. Manny had let me know that Esme had decided to fly down there to be there with Gabe too, which had taken us by surprise but filled me with hope that there could be a chance for them
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Chapter 77 - Knox
Leaving Lilah and Kai was torture, but I had to be a good Alpha and go and be there to represent our pack to the Council, though to be fair my Dad was doing a good job of that. And I knew he was more than capable of dealing with all of the issues that may come up with it, he had been the Alpha of our pack at the end of the day. The real reason I had eventually booked the ticket was Gabe. Hearing he was hurt was the final straw. I could not just sit up at our pack and await news any longer. I needed to be down there and be there with him. Not that I could physically help him, but I could be with him. I blamed myself for not guessing he would do this. I have known him since we were kids. I know how his mind works, I should have known he might decide at the last minute he wanted to be there. But he had been so far from himself the last few days, I just hadn't seen it coming. He has been so unlike himself, so unpredictable. I don't think he has been close to what he would normally
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Chapter 78 - Manuel
Right, I had had enough of just sitting here like we were waiting for Christmas. How long did the Werewolf Council think we were willing to sit around and do nothing? I want to go and be with Gabe. He is my family. He is in there because of me. He came here to help me and my mate. I know he did. We wouldn’t have been at this hell hole of a pack if it wasn’t for me. If I hadn’t seen the need to follow everything officially to the rules. Coming to meet Lola’s parents, and her Alpha. Get their permission for her to be with me. Seems fucking stupid now, following the rules when the Alpha here clearly didn't respect any rules and made up his own as he went along. Listening to nobody but his own messed up head. I should never have come here. If I hadn’t done that, then Gabe would be ok. He wouldn’t have been in hospital with his side spit open, bleeding to death. This was my fault. I am so selfish. I needed to be there for him. “Alpha Jacob, I need to go and see if Gabe is ok
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Chapter 79 - Jake
I listen as Alpha Jacob tells Javier to keep us updated of any change. Then we decided to head out of the door and find out if we could speak to someone from the council. Alpha Jacob is striding ahead. To see him nobody would question whether he was an Alpha. He was happy being back in this role. I don’t think it is one they forget. Knox could have stayed up at the pack, but I understood his need to be down here with us, and I think it wasn’t his lack of respect for his Dad or his lack of confidence in his abilities either. It was his and Dan’s need to be with our friend. I was feeling the need to be at the hospital too, but right now I had the Beta role to fulfil, so I had to stand alongside Alpha Jacob and do that. I had to be content with the update we had heard and hope that the hospital was doing enough to make our friend better. The means Alpha Jace had gone to in order to hurt Gabe were disgusting, using a wolfsbane laced knife to stab someone, knowing it would ca
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