All Chapters of Two Warriors, Two Battles - A Twist of Fate? : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
122 Chapters
Chapter 80 - Manuel
Rey is going crazy inside of my head at seeing Lola run across the car park and fling her arms around that guy. I have no clue who he is. But he is clearly far from a stranger to her. He is tall, well built and muscly. At a guess, maybe a warrior as he looks well trained. I hate thinking badly of her, as deep down I have no reason to think she would do anything to me. She has said she has no other guys and I have no need to think otherwise. Yet this mate bond, and a crazy wolf who is seemingly extremely jealous is not a fun individual to be sharing brain space with. My mind is working over time. “Come on you big wuss, I’ll come over with you” Jake says to me with a big grin. I am sure he finds this amusing. Wait until he finds his mate, then he will know. He should know anyway, we have been through it all with Knox, and Dan, but especially Knox. I seemed to get the brink of that, and Gabe. We walk toward Lola, and I notice she was no longer wrapped around the guy n
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Chapter 81 - Jake
I see Manuel has relaxed a little now he realises his mistake. Which, to be honest, is highly amusing, I have to admit. But listening in a little, it appears we may be getting ourselves a new warrior if Lola’s family do decide to follow her to Midnight Forest, which is never a bad thing. “Hey there, Lindo” I hear a voice from behind me, as someone ruffles my hair, and I quickly turn and there is Ruby. “Hey, you ok?” I smile, now knowing that she is calling me cutie when she says that, thanks to Manuel’s earlier translation. “Hmm, not too bad, getting bored of waiting out here, you heard anything?” she asks. “Where are your family, Ruby?”Alpha Jacob asks. “Just over there, is everything ok?” she smiles. “Yeah, just want a quick chat if that’s ok, you want to meet us in the lounge? You too, Lola, with your family?” he says, interrupting Lola chatting to her Mum and Dad. “Sorry to be cheeky Alpha, when you say family, how extended are you meaning, like immediate, or
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Chapter 82 - Lola
We are back in the lounge after being told to meet here. It is a lot more of a mess than it was earlier when we walked in, likely due to their earlier fighting. Maybe Alpha Jacob had forgotten about that. There was blood on the grey sofas, up the walls and across the floor. Thankfully, bodies had been removed, as the warriors that were with us from the Midnight Forest Pack, now all bandaged up, told us there had been a fair few of Crimson Night Pack Warriors on the floor, bloodied and injured, some even dead. I don’t even want to think about that. That is one element to my family being warriors I hate. The fact that a big part of that is the fighting, and the killing it can involve. And the way they seem to be so free in forgetting about it, and letting it go like it is literally nothing. Like it is part of their day job, which I guess it is really. But it just doesn’t sit right with me and puts me on edge. Yet most of the men in my family are warriors; my Dad, my brother, my
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Chapter 83 - Esme
That has to have been the longest journey known to man! Every single person in the airport seemed to be moving at the pace of a snail. And I seemed to get stuck behind them all! I was desperate to speed walk through the airport the second I got in there, check in and get to my gate. But oh no! People everywhere seemed to be on a mission to get in my way, hit me with their bags or run over my feet with their fucking luggage trolleys. I mean, come on, how hard is it to steer one of them damn things and not run over somebody's feet? Or at least have the common decency to apologise afterwards. By the time I had eventually checked in and got to my gate, I was beyond flustered and pissed off. So to then see there was at least an hour delay on the flight due to a storm just about tipped me over the edge, I didn’t know if I wanted to go and poke the air flight attendant in the eye or burst into tears in the corner of the departure hall. Today was not going my way, I just hoped it was
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Chapter 84 - Knox
Seeing Esme at the airport was a surprise, but I understand why she would want to see Gabe. When she said she would deal with the consequences of the Alpha later if needed, I was torn whether to tell her the Werewolf Council were there. I didn’t know if Gabe may want to tell her that himself, and tell her that they can be together and see if she choses to be with him now or not. Thankfully, I was disturbed by Dan bringing the coffees anyway. So I didn’t need to worry any further. The flight being delayed is one thing I could have done without. I just want to get to my friend, and find out what the hell is happening. My Dad knows what to do, being the former Alpha. I could so easily have left him to deal with all this, but I still want to be there. Strange to think when we come back we will be coming back with some new pack members. Dan is busy chatting on the phone now to Indie or maybe Finn… difficult to say. Either way whatever he is saying isn’t making much sense. The we
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Chapter 85 - Knox
In that moment, my whole body felt like it was frozen. Taking in what Mateo had just said. Was my friend dead? They said he had improved. “What?” I hear Dan stutter next to me. “He went into cardiac arrest. They don’t know if it was shock or what it was. Maybe the wolfsbane.” Javier stood up to greet us. “What?!” I hear a voice from behind us. Esme. She sounded heartbroken. “Is he….” Dan was fighting tears, I could tell, and to be honest I was in too much of a state to even speak. This was one of my best friends. He couldn’t be dead. Surely not. I hear Esme sobbing. “What has happened?” she asks. “His heart stopped” Dan says, going to hug her. I should have done that. I know I should step up and be a good Alpha, a good friend, but I am in shock. My brain just isn’t wanting to work. “I heard that. But why? He was stabbed, they said he was improving.” Esme said. “I want to see a Dr.” Of course, she has medical knowledge, she will want to know mor
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Chapter 86 - Esme
Hearing Gabe had gone into cardiac arrest had broken me. In that moment, walking around the edge of the corridor to hear them say his heart had stopped, I thought I was too late, I thought I had lost him. I thought I may not have a chance to put things right with him. That we may not be able to try to work things out. Because hearing he had been hurt had made me reconsider everything. I would give up my degree for him if I needed to. I was terrified for him. I knew how strong the mate bond can be, but knowing your fated mate is hurt is enough to bring you to your knees. Kya was howling and whining in my mind. She is still angry with me, but at the same time desperate for me to get to him, so I think right now she is torn between whether she will be on good terms with me or not, knowing I was here to see our mate. There was no way I was never going to not go and see him. But hearing his heart had stopped, I thought he had already gone. I thought we had lost our chance a
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Chapter 87 - Manuel
We have sat in the lounge listening to Alpha Jacob chat with Esme and Lola's families, offering them homes at Midnight Forest Pack if they would like to move with them. He went over the issues Alpha Jace has caused, and he explained what our pack could offer. Focusing so much on a fresh start for them all and the support they would receive. He said they did not have to take up the offer as the council had said they could be relocated with the other pack members at neighbouring packs closer to the Crimson Night Pack if that is what they preferred; but as a pack, we had wanted to offer them the opportunity of a fresh start with Lola and Esme, especially after hearing everything they had had to endure over the years. I had seen many shocked faces at this offer of a fresh start and a new home, new jobs and even education for the women. Some seemed uncertain, understandably. But as we were explaining they would be given time to think about it and discuss between themselves, my phone
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Chapter 88 - Knox
I wanted to go and check Gabe was ok, but right now Esme and Mateo were by his bed, and I felt it was necessary to let them be with him. Dan and I were standing in the corner of the room. Both quiet, both watching the scene in front of us. I wonder if he is full of emotion and turmoil like I am. It doesn’t feel right seeing Gabe like this. He is a warrior, he is not meant to be weak and vulnerable in a hospital bed. Not to mention quiet and unable to be cracking jokes, having a laugh like he normally does. It feels so wrong in so many senses. It makes this whole situation so much more scary to me. That probably doesn’t make sense. But that is how it feels. He looks ill too, and that is not good. I hope these Drs are able to help him. I truly do. My gut feeling is that I want him taking to our pack hospital if I am honest, so I know the Drs, know they have the best possible treatment available, as here I don’t know how they work, don’t know the staff and don’t know what they ha
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Chapter 89 - Lola
I was shocked to see Manuel and Jake leave the packhouse, but when I received his mindlink I assumed he had had some bad news about Gabe. I hope Esme had got here in time. I let Alpha Jacob know where they had gone. While my family sat and spoke among themselves about their future. Right now my focus wasn’t really on whether they came with me to Midnight Forest or not. My mind was on Gabe. He had saved my life, and now his life hung in the balance or may have even ended because of that. I wanted to know if he was ok or not. “Ok Lola, we will call Knox shortly, he should be there by now. He told me he was going straight to the hospital when he landed. Are you ok?” Alpha Jacob looks at me with a sad smile I shake my head. “This is my fault, isn’t it?” “No sweetheart, it isn’t. This is your Alpha’s doing. Manuel was following protocol, as the boys always do. That is how they have been brought up, that is how our pack do things. And Gabe was doing what he does, being the
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