All Chapters of Two Warriors, Two Battles - A Twist of Fate? : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
122 Chapters
Chapter 60 - Manuel
I step in front of Lola again, hating hearing him talk to her like that. How he can blame this situation on her is ridiculous. This is all their doing for running a pack so inappropriately. “Do not talk to her like that, Alpha” I hear a voice from the doorway and look up to see a man. “Papi!” Lola says from my side. Ah, I assume this is her Dad then. No chance to feel nervous in meeting her parents I guess! She rushes over to hug the man as he walks into the lounge. He is tall, and has the same caramel skin as Lola, but jet black hair. A muscular build of a typical former warrior, much like my Dad and Uncle. He wrapped his arms around his daughter like he hadn’t seen her in years. “Oh Lola, I thought he was going to have hurt you” he says. “There is still plenty of time for that. Don’t you worry about that old man” Alpha Jace laughs evilly. All of us in the room look to him with a snarl. My girl is well protected. A woman walks in the room following
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Chapter 61 - Jake
Hearing Alpha Jacobs mindlink got me fired up. I was ready for this. This dickhead had been pissing me off since we had arrived here. The way he had spoken to Lola and her family was unforgivable. He was no Alpha. He should be punished for the way he runs his pack. That is not the actions of an Alpha. I am impressed in Manuel for keeping his cool. Though I can only imagine the internal battle he must be fighting with his wolf to stop him coming forward, as I know Rey will be desperate to come forward to attack the Alpha for the things he has been saying about Lola. As for Mateo, well, he is funny as fuck, but I swear he was trying to get himself or us killed. When you listen to how he speaks and how Gabe speaks, there is no denying where Gabe gets his sense of humour from. It was almost like having Gabe here with us when he spoke up, but I still think he probably should have kept his mouth shut in that moment. Pissing of a psychotic Alpha when he is already enraged is proba
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Chapter 62 - Manuel
Our warriors teams came running into the building from three different directions. “What the fuck?!” Alpha Jace demands “And you weren’t invading?! You sure of that former Alpha?!” “No, these are merely our protection, bodyguards if you like, and considering you were about to illegally detain us, I would say we were within our rights, wouldn’t you?” Alpha Jacob says, I’d like to say calmly but I am sure there are nerves to his voice now. “No, I don’t think so former Alpha, I would say you came here to cause trouble. So I suggest your fucking men stand down or there is going to be more than trouble” Alpha Jace says, his voice full of authority right now. I glance to Jake, who is looking a little less confident than he had done earlier, I have to say. I normally would be fine in this situation, but the fact Lola is here and she is in potential danger is my main concern right now and I can't shift that thought from my mind. That is going to be the thing that affects my usual a
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Chapter 63 - Jake
I was impressed with Manuel’s bravery at suggesting we just attack while they weren’t expecting it, while they had their back to us. It probably gave us our best chance, and meant any back up hadn’t got here yet. As soon as Alpha nodded, we all knew what was about to come. I just hoped it went our way and we didn’t lose anyone. In a flurry of confusion and bodies, we moved forward. I could hear as bones were adjusting and cracking into our wolf forms around me as we moved. Many years of practice allowed us to be quick in our shifting and able to do this while moving, so we were already fast on our way to where the group of Crimson Night men stood. Lola run now, while we are distracting them, hunni. I link, unsure if Manny had given her the signal to go or not, but now seemed the best time. She did exactly what I said while we blocked the view of the exit of the room, so the group of the men had no clue. I hope this meant she has a good chance of getting to safe
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Chapter 64 - Manuel
That fucker using his rank against me. I wanted to stay with my team and he wasn’t going to let me. I want to make sure they are all ok, and he knows it. Rey bit down hard on the flank of the wolf in front of us, biting hard enough to break the flesh open, pulling hard to leave a gaping wound. Yeah, Rey was not happy…… These warriors were holding us back from what we needed to do. They were working for that psychopathic Alpha and, for all I knew, have the same evil and depraved views that he did. Lola’s parents had fled the second we had begun fighting as I had instructed them, Lola telling them beforehand quietly to head home, find their son and gather some basic belongings in case we have the opportunity to fetch them back with us. I have to be able to carry through that promise to my girl. I was relieved to hear she had got off the packlands, I just hope she was at the hotel now, though I know her priority was speaking to Lilah to get the Council here. This Pac
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Chapter 65 - Gabriel
I had come back from another run trying to clear my head and let Aspen let off some steam. He was beyond pissed with me right now. Which I know was only right. I had walked away from our mate. Though, to be fair, she had done it to me first. Ok, I sound like a kid. Though, as I have said before, I don’t think I ever grew up, not sure I ever will. And right now I feel like shit, so if I want to act like a fucking kid I will act like a kid. Aspen is going to have to suck it up for now, I guess. I had struggled to sleep when I eventually got to bed, tossing and turning, and then just giving up before heading to the spare room and battering the hell out of my punching bag for a while. I heard noise outside, and considering the time and the fact it was pitch dark out, it drew me to the window. Only to see Manuel, Jake and the others chatting as they loaded cars and climbed in. I assumed on their way to travel to the airport to set off to head down to Lola’s pack to meet with her f
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Chapter 66 - Jake
Jaxx ran from the building and toward the cars. I urged him to the back of the cars. The thud of his dappled grey paws soft against the concrete next to the car. I pushed him back as I felt my bones change. Shifting form is barely painful anymore. The more you do this, the more you get used to it, and the easier it becomes… I grab some of the spare shorts in the car, and I see Manuel jump from the car, tears in his eyes. What the hell is going on? I know he was pissed before, but he should be glad all is going to plan and that Lola got off the pack safely. I throw on the shorts before heading to him. We can't risk being out here and being seen. “They got her J” he is barely holding himself together. Shit, what?! She had got away, hadn't she? She mindlinked to say she had?My eyes dart around. We are at risk out here. We could be seen. He is meant to be staying in the car, we are meant to be driving off pack. “Get in the car.We will talk there” I tell him. “No, I need
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Chapter 67 - Manuel
I swear my Uncle was sent from hell to torture me! Not like I could go look for my mate when he suggests me going to look for her could result in everyone dying, is there?! And he fucking knew it. I was desperate to turn this pack upside down in search for Lola, but what Uncle Mateo had said was true, we were at risk if we stayed, and there were far more of them than there were of us. If I went looking for her with no plan and my mind let loose I was putting everyone at danger. Dammit, I hate it when he was right..... Though he had been trained for interrogation and suchlike when he was a warrior. I do wonder if some of his bluntness and lack of filter was partly due to that sometimes. He certainly had a way of getting his point across, to get what he wanted. That was a skill in itself, one he used to his benefit. And to the benefit of the pack on many occasions. Usually it impresses me, but right now, I do not appreciate it being used against me. Dick. I can’t believe
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Chapter 68 - Jake
I see a smile spread across Manuel’s face.“Ok, Angel, I am going to go in case anyone needs me, plus we need to find somewhere to discuss what we do next, speak soon ok.” And I watch as he puts his phone on his knee. “Council are coming J. My Dad called them as soon as they came out, well called Lilah to see if things were in motion, and for an update. So they are on their way. We need to get planning and soon.” Manuel says to me. He seems a little calmer, maybe knowing the council are on their way gives him some hope that Lola will be ok. It is just what happens before then and if the council have much strength against the absolute nutjob of an Alpha. “We will head for that nearby dirt track we saw on the maps, we can park the cars there, let Lilah know we are parked there so the council can find us. And we can get back quickly if and when we are needed” I tell Manuel. Uncle J, park up on the dirt track like planned, yeah? I link my Uncle. I might be getting old Jake,
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Chapter 69 - Lola
I had got a good distance away from the pack border and stupidly thought I was safe. I had got toward the edge of the forest, Nori running at her fastest I think I have ever known her run. Maybe she knew what was at stake. I loved running with her, the speed she can go is impressive, and feeling the air rushing through her fur, and seeing things through her eyes. She is in her element running through the trees, be it in the sunshine, or in the moonlight. But as she approached the edges of the trees, I knew it was time for me to shift back to my human form, dropping the bag of clothes she had in her mouth to allow me to get dressed. All planned and pre-prepared beforehand.The guys at Midnight Forest had thought of everything, though I have to say, I am glad about that or I would have been walking around town naked, as I hadn’t thought about that in the rush of shifting and leaving when all hell had kicked off at the packhouse, to be honest. My main concern was to get out as quickly
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