All Chapters of Two Warriors, Two Battles - A Twist of Fate? : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
122 Chapters
Chapter 40 - Lola
I watch Manuel walk to the door, wanting nothing more than to escape out of the back door of the house before he lets his parents in through the front door. I can’t believe he landed this on me! Though considering Esme's actions, that probably wouldn't reflect well right now.....dammit.... who ever came up with meeting the parents? Surely I could just avoid them the whole time? Go out each time they come over or stay home when he visits?...... anything to avoid the horrendous nerves inside of me right now.......... I think i feel sick....... I haven’t had chance to tidy his house, do the good mate thing and sort the house or anything….. they will think I am a terrible mate…… “Hola Manuel, you going to let us in son?” I hear a deep voice say. I assume his Dad. I really want to hide, though I am not going to get way with that now…. “Lola, come say hi, Carino” I hear Manuel’s voice now from the hallway. I walk through from the kitchen to meet him. He is stood with who I a
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Chapter 41 - Manuel
Hearing my new mate pretty much admit to the fact she has been mistreated in her previous pack has sent my emotions into overdrive, not to mention sending my wolf Rey crazy too. He is wanting to go to their pack now and rip them all apart for hurting his mate. I guess I am going to have to get used to this protective streak coming out more often now. It was already there for family and close friends, but it seemed even stronger for Lola. I seriously feel like I want to go and kill these bullies from her old pack, I am just glad that she allowed me to mark her and that she will be with me here from now on so I can ensure she is safe. Maybe we need to consider having her family move here too, I did faintly hear my Dad mention it to her when I was making the drinks, and that makes a lot of sense. The more things she mentions about her pack, the more I think it is an unsafe place to be, so perhaps it would be better for her family to get away from there. Though if Knox does r
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Chapter 42 - Lola
We head to the packhouse. I love the buildings here. They are like ski chalets, with the pack being up in the forest and up toward the mountains, a lot of the buildings seem to have been built with a ski chalet-type style and they look gorgeous! The pack house looks like a large ski chalet type lodge hotel building at first glance. I can’t believe how lucky I am to call this my new pack! Our pack is run down and barely looked after. You can see how much this pack is cared for and looked after, and like I said, the buildings are just gorgeous. Plus, living up here means I would actually get to experience snow too! Being down near the southern border meant we didn’t get snow, but up here I would imagine they get plenty of snow in the winter, and I bet the pack looks stunning glistening with snow and ice……. “You ok beautiful? You look like you are off in a dream world” Manuel asks as we are walking. “Just wondering what the pack must be like when it snows” I explain. I see h
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Chapter 43 - Knox
I had headed to the Beta office with the warriors. I had intended to let Jake deal with all this but I wanted to let him know what my Dad had said. It looked like Jake, Manny and Lola had already been there along with Gabe and Manny’s Dads in preparation for the meeting. I am sure they just want to get down to Crimson Night Pack and get this show on the road, deal with this situation so Manny and Lola can be together with no worries hanging over them. Because I imagine it must be lingering over their minds right now how this Alpha was going to accept that they had marked and mated one another without his permission. Not only that, but they were also massively worried about Gabe and his well being, as they had seen how he was struggling with the situation he had found himself in. “Right, let's get this started” I say as I stand at the front of the room, which is now feeling very full with a couple of warrior teams, as well as the others that were already in here, and me a
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Chapter 44 - Lola
Manuel takes my hand as we walk from the meeting. Everything seems like it is planned out. I assume Beta Jake and Alpha Knox have done all the behind the scenes planning, plus with the additional help of Knox’s Dad. It appears he had been aware of our pack from the past, which surprises me as our Alpha, the current one and the ones from the past always made sure our pack did not interact with other packs. Maybe that was an oversight on their part on that one occasion, as from the information they mentioned, it seemed they did not return to the inter-pack warrior training sessions in the following years. And that would make sense as there is too much risk involved and too many possibilities of awareness of issues within the pack being brought to light. Alpha would have seen that as too risky and put an end to that. Even if the additional warrior training could have benefited the warriors and the pack, it would have been counterproductive if it brought awareness of how poorly the
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Chapter 45 - Manuel
Hearing Lola say her Alpha likely had a mate lined up for her makes my blood boil. I do my best to hold in my temper. Most people would say I am chilled out and sweet, and yeah I guess I am, though, obviously, as a warrior I have a switch I can flick to turn myself into a fighting machine if needed. That is how we have been trained. Gabe is the same. But the thought of my mate being with another man makes me angry, like nothing else I have ever felt before. And the thought that an Alpha believes he has the right to have arranged this infuriates me. It is not normal, and it is not right. This prick needs punishing, and the sooner the better in my mind. Plus, the sooner the better I get my mate away from that place, in my opinion. I think we need to find a way to get Esme away from there too, because I hate the thought of my cousin’s fated mate being subjected to that if the werewolf council are not able to close the pack down. “Stubborn as always then” I hear Lola’s Dad s
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Chapter 46 - Gabriel
I had been out for yet another run with Aspen in the early hours. I don’t know if they were helping or not. I felt like I was hollow inside. My brain didn’t seem to want to function the way it was meant to….. Warrior training earlier today was pointless. I had gone like I was expected, though Knox did tell me I didn’t have to. But I am not going to have people feeling sorry for me, and being all sympathetic. Life needs to carry on. Esme has made her decision, I can’t change that. Training, however, the guys were being overly kind, which bugs the hell out of me. Though the fact my mind will just not focus when I need it to does not help. I go from one extreme to the other. I got paired up with Dom, one of our other Warriors. I normally train with Manuel, but I am guessing he is taking a break, to spend time with Lola. Well, usually I am pretty tough to beat, and don’t think Dom has ever beaten me, yet on a couple of training exercises we were practicing he beat me easily, b
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Chapter 47 - Esme
I had been busy in University all day, completing multiple classes and doing some coursework that needed completing too. I was heading out of the classroom block to walk to my apartment on campus to carry on with some more coursework to make sure it was done for the deadline later in the week. Two of my tutors, Mr Braxon and Mrs Dawson, were walking the same way and began chatting to me as I walked, so as much as I wasn’t really paying attention I made polite conversation and smiled nicely at them. The sun was shining gloriously outside, which was definitely not a bad thing. It meant I could maybe sit outside on the small balcony with my laptop to do my coursework for a little while to enjoy the sun. Or even go for a drive and let Kya out for a run, assuming she wanted to, she was still in a mood with me….. I don’t know how long the silent treatment was going to last after me walking out on Gabe. She clearly saw me as being to blame for that, despite the fact I was doing my best
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Chapter 48 - Gabriel
Wow, I can’t believe she has asked me to stay with her for a coffee. Though I didn’t want to leave her. I didn’t know that I wanted to stay either. My head right now is just a chaotic mess. It does not know what it wants. My head and my heart are hurting. Being with her feels so natural, yet a little uncomfortable. I feel at ease being with her, like it is where I am meant to be. I don’t think I can just give that up. Is that how she feels? Is that why she asked me to stay for a coffee? We go and sit down while we wait for the staff to bring our order over. I felt like an idiot when I had said she should try Abuela’s churros. It just felt like a natural thing to say. Talk about making a conversation awkward. It will never happen. Could never happen as she did not want me, did not want to be with me. “So I guess I owe you an explanation, Guapo?” Esme reaches across the table for my hand. I whip my hand back, not wanting her to touch me. She looks shocked at my actions, bu
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Chapter 49 - Esme
I am shaking as I take in his words. He wants me to reject him? I look to him. He is looking me right in the eyes. He doesn’t look angry. If anything he looks hurt, he looks scared. Does he want me to reject him? Or is he scared of me rejecting him? “Do you want me to reject you Guapo?” I say softly. “Well, that is what you do when you don’t want to be with someone, isn’t it?” he says, the nerves are evident now in his voice. I am sure of it. “But I do want to be with you though. More than you realise, I think Gabe.” I say, biting my lip after speaking, nervous of his reaction. “Ok, so you say, but you say we can't be together, Esme, you say we can’t be mates, so surely you should just reject me? You don’t need me” he says. I swear he is struggling to hold back tears. I know I am hearing his words. I know what he is saying makes sense. My parents asked me if I had rejected him when I had called once I had got home and told them I had run out on him. They had assume
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