All Chapters of Stolen By My Lycan Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
165 Chapters
Trial Begins
Karica’s POVI was still huddled up in my morbidly chilled cell. My throat was parched like the soil devoid of rain for months. My tongue was stiff and it took a great deal of effort to move it. The slash wound on my face and neck hurt a great deal. My body was shivering uncontrollably. It seemed like soon my blood would freeze over in my very veins putting me out of my misery. I missed Laila, at least I wouldn't have been so alone. The noise of shuffling footsteps had me lifting my head. It was Xu and Gamma Aegir, standing outside my cell. While the former held pity for me the latter only had contempt. “Open the door,” he commanded the guard. He unlocked it and the door creaked open in the stillness of this forsaken dungeon. Xu walked inside carrying a glass of water and all I could think about was gulping it down. She quietly sat beside me and offered me the drink, I ravished it with gratitude brimming in my eyes and downed every last droplet.“Thank you,” I whispered and she me
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Sentenced to...
Karica’s POVI closed my eyes at her revelation. It was the truth but it will surely be used against me. A hushed murmur went around the crowd and Luna Nashia clenched her jaw. “Did you discuss this with anyone else other than Alpha and Karica?” he asked next.“I did not,” she firmly answered. “Why is she undergoing training with you? She is a werewolf, what has she got anything to do with a witch,” he sarcastically questioned, his hands clasped in front of him. “I am afraid I can't disclose that information. I am under oath with Alpha Xynathius,” uneasiness in Arasia’s voice was becoming apparent with every passing second. “You understand what condition he is in. She is the cause of that, you can't withhold information like that from us,” he groused, getting angrier by the second. They wanted to pin it on me and get it done with. “Apparent cause and I can't discuss it. I take my oaths very seriously. Maybe you should wait for Alpha Xynathius to regain consciousness before decidi
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Like A Broken Butterfly
Xynathius’s POVMy claws grabbed Kamryn by the collar and I lifted him off his feet, he struggled against my hold but was no match for Zilver’s sheer strength. “What did you people do? Is she even alive?” I demanded, the rage and pain mingled bringing forth a deadly storm which was about to sweep all of them away. “She is, let go and just use your brain to understand what happened first,” he strained, his face still miserable. His whole stance was just pitiful. “Take me to her Kamryn and don't you dare refuse me,” I thundered, wild thoughts ran through my brain. What had they done to her? They didn't understand her like I did now. Besides Laila always told me the truth, my pack was unaware of this fact. The door was thrown open and Mom Nashia rushed inside followed by my Gamma. “Put him down, let's talk first and then you can decide if we punished her right or not,” Mom Nashia instructed, tugging at my arm. “I will see her first and then talk to anyone. Tell me where she is,” Zi
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I Am here, My Love
Karica’s POVI was thrown back into the cell after they whipped me. The pain was so intense that I would have surely passed out if not for the concoction they had made me drink. It surely meant to keep me alive too for I felt like dying. Every nerve ending in my body ached and I couldn't even feel my back. My body uncontrollably shivered as I huddled up. Not knowing what was more painful, the public humiliation of being whipped for a crime I didn't even commit or the fact they disgraced me further by destroying my hair. I had started to dream of having them braided by him daily. Decorate them with tiny lilacs and his ribbon. It all seemed like a pipe dream now and I couldn't help but contemplate my miserable life. Whenever it seemed to take a turn for better, it always took a turn for worse. I felt barren inside, stripped of my dignity, stripped of my rights. I should have screamed and cried but no tears came. I was broken and yet holding myself together. There was no strength in
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Please! Kiss Me
Xynathius’s POVThe sight of her back kindled emotions inside me that I didn't even know existed. It enraged me to the point that I wanted to rush to the Lycan Council and rip the person apart who had dared whip her, alongside all those old bastards. The entirety of it was covered with deep gashes which I knew would leave permanent scars. Her once spotless skin had been blemished beyond recovery and it infuriated me beyond imagination. I held myself together, for her sake. They even starved her, I didn't even starve my prisoners and yet they had the audacity to starve my mate. Dipping the cotton in the antiseptic solution Tacy had left me, I began to clean her wounds. She grimaced and clutched the sheets tightly every time the swab touched her slashed skin. My heart would get jabbed by the pain her face radiated. It was going to take too long and I knew the shorter and more efficient method. Throwing the swab aside I lowered my face. Positioning my hands on both sides of her broke
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Bath Time
Karica’s POVHis velvety lips were at times tender and at times ferocious, taking me to new heights of ecstasy. The excruciating pain in my back had long been reduced to a slight ache. His saliva had worked like magic and his tongue was even magical. How was he so apt at everything he did? The fervour with which he had claimed my lips was quickly swirling into unfilled desires. Desires only he could fulfil and which lay between my legs and throbbed uncontrollably. My body was heating up and all I could focus on was him and his ravenous lips, which were devouring me like there was no tomorrow. My nails were digging into his back and yet, I couldn't get enough of him. I wanted him inside me to put out the fire he had ignited. As if reading my mind, he pulled away, panting and restraining himself. His sultry eyes glowed with a need to own me, his stare so arduous that I had to look away, my face heating up like a hot plate. “Kiris,” his sonorous voice was harmoniously pleasant to my
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In a Pickle
Xynathius’s POVAfter our heated session in the bathtub, I scrubbed her clean yet again and dried her. Dressing her in my oversized shirt, I tucked her in bed. I wanted to get her some food but she wouldn't let me go.I offered her some snacks and dry fruits, which I kept in my room. After munching on them she was now nestled comfortably in my arms and was sound asleep. I had turned the mind link off so no one would bother me. I wasn't sure what I would do with my pack for the heinous crime they had committed. Including Kamryn, I trusted him and he let them hurt her. His actions stung me the most. The door knocked lightly and I knew there could be only one person who would dare to come to me when I was in such a mood. Only person, I wouldn't say anything because I respected her too much. Karica was sleeping on my arm and I had no intention of disturbing her. Covering ourselves completely with the duvet I ordered. “Come in, Melsine.”The door opened and it indeed was her, carrying
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Showdown between Witches
Xynathius’s POVI learnt Thadius and my sister were out of the continent. Attending a joint conference of Leaders of all Supernaturals Beings. That meant the Council acted on their own, without waiting for him or me. I would show them now that they had messed with the wrong alpha. But I needed to know what happened exactly. I was still short on details, all I knew was that Karica had been framed by someone. But I didn't want to see the faces of my Beta, Gamma and step mom. So I decided to call Tacy. She had been my mom’s right-hand woman and had raised me along with her. She was the only person I could bear to look at right now. Since Melsine was kept locked up during the time frame, she didn't know the details. I opened the mind-link and she was already trying to contact me, so I told her to come upstairs. I threw another glance at my mate and ensured she was comfortably sleeping. I quietly slipped out of bed and wrapped the duvet around her so she would remain warm. She snuggle
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True Face of Xui Lin
Xynathius’s POVArasia cuffed Xui Lin, and we threw her in a dungeon cell. I ensured it was the same cell they kept my Karica in. She would feel everything she put my mate through. Xui Lin was powerful indeed, it had taken a lot of our strength to break through her shield. No wonder she was able to bring down Gwardia’s protective shield and had done an irreparable amount of damage to my pack. She must be the one to ransack my room looking for ‘Tome of Prophecy’.When Tacy came to me earlier today. She told me that she had accidentally read a text Xui Lin was sending someone in the kitchen. It was late in the night and Tacy found it odd that Xu was there standing in a corner, texting someone, so Tacy quietly drew close enough to read what she was sending without being detected. Lycans have sharp eyesight and they can easily read from a distance. The contents of her text shook her. She was telling someone that Karica and you had survived what they had plotted and was asking for her n
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Where is my mate?
Karica’s POVI woke up to an empty bed, his warmth was missing. I looked around and found Tacy was there with me, sleeping on the armchair. I had no clue when she arrived.The physical pain had subsided, my mate had ensured it but where was he? On the table I saw food, my stomach growled and my mouth watered. It had been days since I had a proper meal. Getting out of bed I grabbed the whole tray and began to munch down the cold mutton chops. The curtains were still drawn but I knew the sun had risen. A few rays were filtering through but they had very little warmth. I just sat there collecting my thoughts. I couldn't believe that Xynathius would trust me so blindly. He didn't even need my explanation and that put a smile on my face. The way he had collected my broken self and put me back together. The way he had licked my wounds and kissed me. The essence of his lips I could still feel against mine.My fingers instantly wandered to my lips and I wanted to have that feel again. Did
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