All Chapters of Stolen By My Lycan Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
165 Chapters
Will you be my Luna?
Karica’s POVI turned to face him and my eyes slowly opened, taking him in and an uneasiness gripped my heart. A deep-seated sorrow was reflected on his face and I could sense it consuming him. “Xyni! What's wrong?” my hands shifted to cradle his face. His own tightened around my waist. Instead of answering me, he stared at me with such loving intensity that I couldn't hold his gaze and lowered mine. “Look at me, Ari,” he requested in a rustling voice. I peered back at him and he lowered his face to hungrily claim my lips. The subtle softness of them pressed onto mine with an insatiable hunger. His tongue instantly wriggled out and my teeth parted to give him space to invade. He jammed it inside my mouth with such ferocity that I forgot to breathe for a second. Pulling me closer as if he couldn't get enough of me. His knee bent and he grazed it between my legs and mine parted and I shamelessly parted them to give him more access. My whole system had awakened and was heating up li
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Xynathius’s POV(NSFW content)Her answer was something I wasn't expecting. I thought she would be reluctant but she was extremely clear in it. I found no traces of hesitation. She was ready for the next step and after what she had been put through she sought comfort in every way possible. Mating would make her put aside those horrendous and torturous memories for at least a while. We would be lost in each other's world and nothing else will matter. And she had already done it so it won't be a painful experience for her but would only give her pleasure.I still wanted to be sure this was her choice. I didn't wish to impose anything on her. “Ari? Are you one hundred per cent sure? Once we do this I will never let you go. You will be mine and mine alone to the end of our times,” a hint of reluctance passed on her face but she let it go and her eyes mellowed down. The softness they held was for me today. “I want this with you Xyn, I am yours.” Her hands stroked my face and her eyes tw
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Karica’s POVThe pain was unbearable and I screamed without wanting to when he so abruptly sheathed me. Ripping my innocence away for nothing could have prepared me for this. It was emotionally and physically painful, overwhelming and draining. His member had brutally torn through me, reaching where no one ever had. Tears welled up in my eyes at the mind-numbing pangs that ruptured through me.And he stilled over me, his glowing eyes were suddenly tension-filled and that playful smirk disappeared to be replaced by a frown. Every muscle in his body seemed to be straining right now and I had no clue how he was holding himself back instead of taking me rough. “Nothing, keep going. It's just a slight discomfort, it will pass,” I lied, I didn't want his pity because I was sure he would try to act all gentle if he knew it was my first time. And that would not be what he wanted. I knew how much he was looking forward to this moment and how much he had waited. “Karica, I am not an expert i
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Bonded By Souls
Xynathius’s POVThe cascading emotional upheaval threatened to rupture me inside and out when I saw her innocent blood. How wrong, how presumptuous I had been about her. Calling her cheap titles, always blaming her that she had spread her legs for numerous men. How I wished I could take back those words. Thinking about the amount of hurt I had caused her gnawed at my soul. I had never been so wrong about anyone in the entirety of my life as I had been about my own mate. My fury had blinded me from seeing the goodness she held, to see how pure and innocent she was. I had tainted her in the worst possible ways and I was ashamed beyond anything I could comprehend. The words had left me, there was nothing I could say to her that would make up for my behaviour. Extremely remorseful, I let Zilver talk to her. He had always been more considerate and gentle with her. Something he understood which I lacked. ‘Laila didn't know either. She thought Karica had been intimate with Adiyan because
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Luna Preparation
Karica’s POVThe previous night was the best night of my life. Xynathius didn't let me go even for a second as he and Zilver made love to us, multiple times must I add. He tried to be gentle but that was not his forte and I could sense it. We changed the sheets and washed the ones we had removed. Xynathius didn't want anyone to see the blood stains. For him, it was meant for his eyes only. Later he bathed me and put me to bed. I was sleeping in his arms rather peacefully until I saw someone with piercing green eyes and flaming red hair, haunting my dream. “Karica! You are mine,” he taunted with a hideous laugh and lunged at me. I woke up with a scream and Xyn roused beside me with a jerk. “What's wrong?” he pulled me to himself until I rested against him and tried to control my frantic heartbeats. “Just a nightmare,” I told him in a tremulous voice. “I got you,” his supple lips brushed against my temple and I instantly calmed. They traced alongside my jawline further easing out
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Xynathius’s POVThe whole pack had gathered in the training ground to witness the Luna Ceremony. After that, the real culprit behind the poison fiasco was to be brought out and punished. Adorning my white fur coat and leaving the buttons open I took Karica’s hand and led her downstairs. She was tense, I could sense it. Although my kiss eased her a bit, she was facing the very people who had doomed and punished her unfairly. I wouldn't even be surprised if she chose to punish them. “You good,” I squeezed her hand and she generously smiled at me. “Yes, just a tad nervous,” she answered, her eyes still holding this unknown fear. The traumatic events must still be flashing in her mind. We stepped outside and the whole ground had transformed into a Winterland. Soft snow blanketed the entirety of it. Our feet sunk in as we walked through and reached the raised platform that had been placed for the ceremony. The snow was still falling and the howling wind was bone-chilling. I didn't mi
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Punishments for Beta and Gamma
Karica’s POVThis had to be one of the best days of my life. He finally owned me, who would have thought? After that disastrous first meeting. Xynathius finally let me go, his passionate kiss revealed the deep love he held for me. Raising my hand he presented me to his people, my people now.“I present to you, your future Luna.”Some craned their necks to have a better angle as everyone wanted to have a glimpse of their Luna. Not all of the faces had appreciative looks. I could sense some hostility as well, maybe they didn't think a werewolf was a good match for their lycan alpha. The notion that I was the real culprit behind the poisoning could be rampant in their brains as well. It wasn't unheard of when someone else was blamed for the crimes of a high society member. Aegir and Kamryn still had their heads lowered, too ashamed they wouldn't even glance in my direction. There was this rage inside of me against Gamma Aegir, but I knew he only wanted to protect his Alpha and the woma
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Xynathius’s POVXui Lin was brought out, bound in chains dragged along by two of my warriors. The pack members sneered and jeered at her but she only stared back at them with mischief in her eyes. I made the announcement yesterday when Aegir and Kamryn were punished that tomorrow we will behead the traitor. The tension in the air was like a heavy veil, needing to be lifted by my command. My eyes scrutinized her every move and I could sense Karica’s disgust through the bond. Xui had broken her trust and hurt her the most. It was only fair that Karica wanted her dead and chose a befitting punishment for her by giving the task to Aegir. I was proud of how she had handled the sentencing. “Bind her with the post,” I sternly ordered and Xui Lin lifted her head, maliciously staring at our mate and then she toothlessly grinned. “She belongs to our Lord, you can't change the destiny, you can't change the prophecy, you can't change what's written in the stars,” she began rambling loudly.
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Incomplete Prophecy
Karica’s POVThe world had come to a halt when that vampire materialised out of those hideous bats and locked his eyes with me. Dead. His eyes were so dead and lifeless. The vacant green stared directly into my soul and yet I couldn't look away. I had been entranced and spellbound by him. A cold shiver ran down my back as if a centipede was crawling on it. Uneasiness mingled with this attraction that gave birth to this fleeting desperation the more I gawked at him. Those flaming red hair and malicious evil grin screamed of danger and yet I felt attracted to him. There was this sense of knowing as if I had seen him before. Yes. He was the same man from my nightmares. He had scared me and yet I wanted to approach him. What was wrong with me?Laila was fighting for control, she wanted to take over seeing I was a lost cause. All around me, the surroundings were filled with screams and howls, the air reeked of blood. But all I could think of was that vampire who was teasing Xynayhius
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Xynathius’s POVMy words had left Karica speechless, her gaze was fixed on me as if I had grown extra horns. I knew this was all very disturbing for her. She seemed to have led a very protected life regarding vampires. I would have to train her, especially on how to avoid their compulsion technique. “There has to be a mistake, I can't be his mate. He is fixated on the wrong girl. Nowhere does the prophecy say it will be me. It can be anyone,” she frustratedly answered and I reached out to her. Picking her up I hauled her into my lap. She snuggled close to me, her arms tightly wrapped around my neck. “The prophecy is incomplete so we don't know. And whatever it is, I will always protect you. No asshole is taking you away from me or laying their hands on you,” her body instantly relaxed in my arms but she kept hugging me. “I know but this is just too much information. We just found our way to each other. All I want is to have some quality time together and peace, not all this chaos.
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