All Chapters of Stolen By My Lycan Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
165 Chapters
First Snowfall
Xynathius's POVI had to plead and put some sense into Zilver, it would be an understatement to say he was pissed. 'Why can't I show my adoration for her in front of the pack? When are you going to stop being a di*khead and announce her as your mate in front of the pack?' he protested while I stood under the shower. The hot water trailed down my back. 'When she will be ready to accept us. She is not and I am done forcing her,' I countered but Zilver didn't understand. He thought she was as smitten by us as we were by her. He kept growling painfully in my head on purpose as if everything was my fault. 'Shut it, Zilver. You are being a bloody prick right now,' I scolded him, turning off the shower. I needed to go see her or he wouldn't stop, maybe spend some time with her and take her for a run. Getting dressed, I found the smoothie Tacy had left me. Downing it in one go I quickly made my way to Melsine's room. As I neared I could hear cackling from inside. The girls were enjoying
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Am I The Only One?
Karica's POVOne second Laila was enjoying Zilver's hugs and warmth, I was just relaxed watching them snuggle. Next, she shifted and left me naked in Zilver's arms. He watched me with such affection-filled eyes, his coarse tongue licked my lips as if he wanted to taste them before he shifted too and now I was staring into my mate's passionate but bewildered ebony orbs. I shivered from the cold and the surge of emotions that travelled through my uncovered body. And he drew me near to his heat. His steely chest squished my soft one, his arms entangled around my back and waist. "Sorry for that, seems like our wolves had ulterior motives," he spoke in a leisurely manner, his warm breath keeping the cold at bay from my face. My cheeks burned at our position while he struggled to control his rugged breathing which was coming in pants now. His stiff organ poked my inner thigh, sending little sparks of pleasure all over. "Yeah, they are cheeky," I reached out to touch his face with my rig
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Seducing Him
Karica's POVThe movie started and so did the tension between us. He was sitting rigid like a piece of log, his expressionless face staring straight towards the big screen, illuminated only by its changing light. My attention was more on him than on the movie and every time I stole a glance he would stiffen a bit more, his jaw tightening as if with a plier which was in my hands. His arms were tightly crossed across his chest. Melsine was nestled with her mate and he was gently massaging her swollen feet as they both were engrossed in the movie. I couldn't concentrate for the love of anything. A shiver ran through me and I sneezed, suddenly feeling cold and his expressions hardened even more. Picking up the blanket lying near him, he draped it around me without uttering a word. "Don't catch a cold," he replied in his even colder tone. The frigidity of it will surely make me ill, not the weather. I sighed heavily and wrapped the blanket swiftly around me. I offered him popcorn but
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Amal: The Ray Of Hope
Xynathius's POVI was still reeling from the pleasure Karica's mouth had provided when Kamryn's startled voice brought me back to reality. "Melsine is going into labour," he was already carrying her in his arms and she had her hands around her belly. We sprung from the lounger.“Head over to the hospital, be quick." He rushed out with her huddled in his steady arms and Karica and I followed. Melsine was quickly transferred to our hospital, the labour pains were coming in fast succession now. Kamryn went inside with his mate while Karica and I waited in the corridor. I impatiently paced it as I mind-linked mom Nashia and Aegir, informing them about the situation. "Both of them will be alright, don't worry," Karica spoke up, seeing my tense pacing and furrowed brows. "Just want everything to go smoothly, this child means a lot to the pack,” I answered while continuing my pacing. "I understand," she stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder. The raging storm of restlessness inst
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A Mate For A Vampire
Ancient Vampire's POVRomello's intel opened such closed doors which I had never anticipated that I would ever see opening. I wanted an heir for as long as I could remember I had been alone. Born out of a forbidden relationship between a lycan and a vampire I was an outcast from the beginning. My mother was from a powerful clan called 'The Warbringer Clan' which later turned into Warbringer Pack. Against her clan's wishes, she fell in love with my father, who was a vampire. She rejected her fated mate and chose my father. Her clan was furious, they thought she was under my father's compulsion. According to them no lycan in their right mind could fall in love with a bloodsucker. She was banished along with any family she would bear in future which meant me. She got pregnant soon after she met my father. Having me had a toll on her health and she was never the same. When I was born, they gave me the name Vildus. I was born a vampire and even resembled my father in appearance. My mo
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Karica's POVAmal was the most adorable baby ever. With every passing day, his cheeks were becoming fluffier and fluffier. He wasn't fussy and only cried for milk. I loved spending time with him, playing and cooing him when I was not training. Everyone in the pack adored the cute little guy, everyone wanted to hold him. He was a celebrity and didn't even know it. A month had passed and life had taken a very different turn. I was practising daily with Arasia and had awakened all the elements. I could control them in small succession, and even use them for level-one attacks except the fire element. It was very different from all other elements and Arasia didn't possess it, so she was only able to guide me on it. Arasia didn't possess the electric element as well but I was able to handle the electric element better than fire. There were five levels when it came down to witches' attacks and spells. Level one was the weakest and level five was the strongest. But Arasia was super impre
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Karica's POVThe blinding pain made my knees buckle and my mind was going hazy when Gamma Aegir's words hit me. "I, Gamma Aegir being the third in command, seize and restrain you with this silver cuff on the suspicion of poisoning and endangering the life of our Alpha. You will be thrown into the dungeon and will await your trial. Be thankful we are not killing you because our alpha will have that honour once he recovers. Just pray he does or Selene helps you." The silver cuffs were used for witches, werewolves and lycans. For witches, the long spikes tapped into their blood releasing an anti-magic element which restricted their magic. For werewolves and lycans it separated them from their wolf, they couldn't shift, reach out to their wolf or heal. For me, it worked both ways. I wouldn't be able to shift or use my magic. But that was the least of my worries, my heart ached and bled for Xynathius. I couldn't even feel Laila's emotions and yet the feeling was strong. "Aren't you goi
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No one Believes
Karica's POVI restlessly waited in the bone-numbingly cold cell. The physical and emotional pain mingled tattering my body even more. My right arm was numb due to the silver cuff, I could no longer feel it. The freezing temperature was dropping by the second, my fingernails were fast turning blue. I rubbed my left hand all over my body to warm myself up. Hours passed, maybe a whole day when I heard someone approaching my confined space. I lifted my head only to find Beta Kamryn and Luna Nashia standing there, seeming exhausted. While Beta Kamryn seemed perplexed, Luna was on the verge of losing her mind. Her eyes gleamed with hatred and disgust. Her sharp lips were upturned in annoyance and her hands had elongated into claws. "Open the door," she thundered, and the guard quickly obeyed. I staggered to my feet seeing them. "How is Xynathius? Please tell me he is out of danger," I asked in exasperation as Luna Nashia barged inside. ~Thwack~She struck me hard across my face and I
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She is in Pain
Adiyan's POVIt was almost three months since Karica was taken from my arms and since that moment my life was toppled as I knew it. Both of us weren't ordinary humans, we were supernatural beings and the most cliche ones too. She was a werewolf and I was a witch who could shoot fireballs from my hand, spit fire like a dragon from my mouth and form a fiery shield to protect myself. These were the cool new powers I had learnt from my grandmother who turned out to be a powerful witch. At first, all of this registered as a shock but the more I dwelled on it the more I learned. Grandma was correct, Xynathius was indeed her fated mate. I confronted her brother about it and he confirmed they were werewolves indeed. However, he requested not to tell my brother. We had decided to guard him from this world as much as we could. Then why was there a connection I still felt with her? As if she belonged to me and him. Grandma had said her aura was unique, something she had never observed befor
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Where Is My Mate?
Xynathius's POVEvery inch of my body was burning as if I had been dipped in lava. My insides squelched as I drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness. My throat was scalded like someone had poured acid down it. I had no clue how long my condition persisted. I remembered screaming and trying to claw at my throat. My arms were chained at some point. At times I couldn't even sense Zilver. Finally after battling between life and death for who knows how long my eyes opened. The world seemed hazy and too bright as my eyes adjusted. "My gracious Selene, my son is awake," Mom Nashia's enthusiastic voice greeted me and her shocked face came into view. Tears of joy were streaming down her face as she rushed to hug me. "What happened?" I tried to speak and my voice came out broken and hoarse. I remembered drinking that smoothie and then the unimaginable pain had gripped me. I looked around and there were silver chains all around my bed. I guess they had to bind me. "Doctor," she y
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