All Chapters of The Prince's Flame: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 Chapters
11. Crash
Eoin. I woke doused in Kayda's delicate delicious scent. She lay sexily tucked close to my chest. Her naked body exposed with the sheet only tangled around her waist and legs. She was absolutely divine a Goddess on earth, and as much as I wanted to spend all day making love to her, we had things to do before we had to leave for this stupid Greek ball. I reluctantly rolled away from my sexy mate. Knowing we were alone in the lake house, I wandered naked into the kitchen to start the coffee machine. I filled two mugs before I sensed Kayda stirring. She wandered out onto the secluded deck and also naked, and a smirk spread on her face when she spotted me. "trying to tempt me, Eoin?" She asked as she took me in unashamedly. "Not really unless it's working. I needed some coffee before a shower. Someone kept me up most of last night." I smiled at her as she sat on my lap much to my delight as sparks and tingles danced on my skin. I sniffed her alluring scent. "What do I smell like to yo
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12. Healing
Kayda.I opened my eyes to the glaring white bright lights. The smell of antiseptic and blood hung in the air but I could also pick up my mother's scent and my father's which my dragon and wolf took some comfort in briefly before pin pointing the one scent that we truly needed and wanted but it was so faint. "Eoin?" I croaked my voice dry and cracked. It felt a little sore. My father's face came into a blurry view as he stood to take my hand comfortingly. "It's okay, my love." My dad cooed at me. "You had to have surgery after your accident. You've been out awhile." "Eoin?" I called again panic, trying to take a hold. "He is okay, Kayda. He helped bring you here." My dad answered, and it was then there was a knock on the door. I didn't need to look as my wolf retreated in disappointment as Ash's scent filled the room. However, Eoins scent clung to him, indicating he was nearby, and this was enough to help me keep my dragon and wolf at bay. I knew both my dragon and wolf were near
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13. A light workout
EoinI lounged, annoyed against the Palace wall in the foyer. I had sent Ash on a damn recon to check on Kayda in her apartment as she hadn't responded to my text messages or calls. I was even more pissed off when my moody brother grudgingly returned with no Kayda in tow. "Well?" I snarled as he shrugged. "Her dad said she got up early to go for a run. She's not picking up any calls from me either." he added as my anxiety kicked up another notch. "Come on, I need a coffee, and then I'll help you track her down." he grumbled as we moved toward the breakfast hall. I ate quickly and then made Ash so uncomfortable that he gave up begrudgingly on his breakfast. I allowed Jagger to rise to the surface to scent Kayda. It didn't take long before he caught her scent, and I peeled way from Ash to follow it. I found Kayda jogging slowly towards the training arena her skin glistened with sweat from her early morning run. She wore a tiny white sports bra and her little black yoga pants. Her hair
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14. Just Shush
Kayda I wasn't sure what my problem was, really deep down and rooted in the depths of my messed up brain and emotions. My dragon was really pissing me off, begging for Eoin and Jagger so unbearably strong I could barely breathe with her upset, crushing my heart. My wolf was refusing to speak to me, but at least she was taking the high road with dignity. My soppy weak dragon took to pleading in my head. It was moments like this that I wish I was just an average wolf shifter. For such a strong mytical creature, dragons were soft, delicate, and a lot of work. I stood under the hot water after another day of training, I hadn't seen Eoin since I had threatened to reject him. The assessment was three days away, and my nerves were on edge. I burned for my mate, but Eoin wasn't showing any signs of needing me as badly as I felt the need for him. I bit my lip in temper. I was going to fail this damn assessment unless I could get my mate to give me what I needed to clear my mind. Once out of t
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15. My girl
Eoin. I lay in bed after Kayda left thinking about what had just happened. "F*ck," I said aloud into the darkness as my rock hard c*ck tented up the bed covers. Kayda was some naughty brazen infuriating minx. The thoughts of her strutting in here tonight in that red lace see-through sexy ensemble to seduce me made my wolf growl. After all she had said and threatened the brazen nerve of my little mate. All she was missing was a pair of devil horns. I know she wants to dominate me just as much as I do her, our two wolves going to war in that sexy dance of defiance and dare that we always engage in. I had planned on holding back, despite her outfit and her begging, but then she began to cry, and I knew she was sorry for saying she'd reject me. My resolve broke, and all that mattered was her. I pumped my hard length, thinking about her before getting up and stomping into the bathroom. Under the rush of shower water, I found my relief as I thought of her. I was going to have to claim her
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16. Apart.
Kayda. I felt him in my dreams as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips so on brand for the Prince to kiss awake the Princess. I used to hate those damn fairytale damsels in distress girls, but now we'll now it was clear that with the right prince, I didn't mind playing the damsel. I kissed him back, and my dream broke as his scent told me he was really there, I looped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer into the kiss. He moved his mouth against mine, and I opened my sleepy eyes as his tongue begged me for entrance to my mouth. I obliged, wanting to taste him, and a moan left him that curled my toes. I increased the want and desire in the kiss, and he responded but then suddenly pulled away. "Hey." I complained as he smirked. "I want too, Little Dragon, but you need to eat." he responded as I groaned, but my stomach grumbled at the same time betraying me. Eoin smirked as he brought the sandwich to me. I took an eager bite as he popped the diet coke can that was on my bedside
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17. Cadmus
Eoin. Climbing out of Kayda's bed after spending the night with her in my arms wasn't how I had invisioned having to start my official pack duty. I folded my shirt on her desk as promised and took hers with me, knowing I needed something to stop Jagger from going off the deep end. If she bore my mark he wouldn't be like this and a few days away from her would be no big deal but leaving an unmarked mate surrounded by other unmated males was not normal for a reason this could send an Alpha crazy. I climbed onto James balcony on route to mine only to be met by my Beta. "Morning Romeo." he smirked as I rolled my eyes. "Figured you need this." he added, holding out a steaming mug of coffee. "Can't imagine you got much sleep." he wiggled his eyebrows as I ran my hand over my tired face. "James, I will be giving you no details of my private life with Kayda ever." I warned. "Ah, another one bites the dust." James said almost sadly. I didn't mock him further as I felt this went much
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18. I am what?
Kayda. Being away from Eoin is tougher than I had anticipated, and it had been quite annoying learning that being unmarked seemed to maybe lessen the effects of my dragon and wolfs pinning and longing for him but that the effects were still strong. My mother had surprised everyone in giving birth to perfect twins one girl and just when my father had smiled and said he was happy in life to be surrounded by women my mother had given another push and out came my brother. My new sister was named Angel, and my brother, like myself, shared a name that indicated our true selves. He was called Draco, meaning dragon just as Kayda meant little dragon. I held my new siblings close, marvelling at how tiny they were in my arms. Despite recent events and my declaration of not wanting children, something strange passed over me as I looked at the newborns in my arms. Damn the betraying traits of womanhood. My mind whirled with how nice it would be to cradle Eoins' little pups in my arms, and sudden
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19. Ash's dilemma
Ash. After Dr. Teller mind linked me as I finished training looking for Kayda, I was a little worried. she hadn't been answering his calls or mind links, and now she wasn't answering mine. I went to the Gamma apartment and found her room empty. Danny and Dottie looked tired with their two newborns needing attention they really didn't know where Kayda was. I followed my super sensative trackers nose out onto the balcony and immediately knew where she was. I walked into my brothers room and found my best friend cuddled up in his clothing in the walk-in closet. I watched her closely as she slept. She seemed pale. This mate thing was really messing with her. I don't know why her and Eoin hesitated to mark each other and make their relationship public. I would love to have found a mate like Kayda. The truth is, for a brief moment when we were sixteen, I thought we might be fated mates. But that was a fleeting thought, and she never seemed like mine, but then I never saw her as being Eoin
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20. Little Egg
Kayda. I ate in the pack hall with Ash, but I was now hyper aware of my condition and the fact I now was beginning to smell like Eoin because of our pup. Once lunch was over, I left Ash to head to the gym as I darted up to my room. I sprayed a few spurts of Sage's scent concealing potion. It made me think about Sage as I pulled out my mobile phone and rang her. I waited patiently as it rang out and gave a frustrated sigh. I needed someone to talk this out with my mate was away, Ash was just as overburdened with the information as I was, and my sister wasn't picking up. I put my cell phone back in my pocket and left the palace. I walked to the meadow, clearing in the woods where two headstones stood. I ran my hand over the stone that was there under a cherry blossom tree marking Sage's mother's final resting place. Sasha's grave always had fresh flowers that were laid by my father, the Queen or Sage. The other headstone was my grandmother's she had died two years ago. I sat down in f
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