All Chapters of Mr. and Mrs. Walker: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
288 Chapters
Chapter 91 Stolen Papers
Maverick chuckled awkwardly and said, "Ah, the thing about the White family."Lucy's eyes were fixed on Maverick. She was angry that he didn't even spare her a glance since he walked through the door. "Spill it! I'm also curious about how you handled it," Elsa said in a commanding tone. "And spare no detail. If you try to hide anything from us …" Carl didn't bother to finish his sentence. Maverick was in despair. The three Walkers were harsh masters. If he offended Lucy, she'd hound him forever. If he offended Elsa, his social life would be utterly destroyed. And if he offended Carl, he would be better off dead. The three of them had overwhelming presences. Maverick knew that Violet was the only one who could get him out of the tricky situation. He knew Violet had the most authority here because she could bend Carl to her will. Maverick regained his cool when he thought of that. After all, his actions toward the White family were retribution for Violet."I didn't kill a
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Chapter 92 The Right Person
If Carl couldn't marry Violet yet. That meant that Whitney still couldn't be recognized as his legitimate heir. Carl had no choice but to put his plans on halt. He brought them back to Zeloth to deal with the issue at hand. Lucy was pestering Carl as she said, "Uncle Carl, why aren't you bringing me back with you? I want to go with you!"She had just heard that Carl intended to leave her here with Elsa. Lucy couldn't possibly accept that. She had planned to pursue Maverick in Avrington. She had just talked it out with him. They agreed not to tell Carl about their situation. The condition for that was that he must not hide from her anymore. Maverick had been a playboy all his life. He didn't think a woman would ever get the better of him."Why would you need to go? Stay here and accompany your great aunt," Carl said coldly. "I don't need her here," Elsa said. Elsa wanted Lucy to follow along so that she could ruin the relationship between Carl and Violet. "Do you hate me
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Chapter 93 The Woman He Liked
Carl frowned hard. Not only did he have to worry about Lucy, but he also had to worry about Violet. The person who stole Violet's papers had a clear goal. That was to stop her from getting married.Who would it be? Carl had a suspect in his mind—Nathaniel Skye. "You're ignoring me again!" Violet said as she pinched Carl. "I asked you, why did you say Maverick wasn't the right man for Lucy?""You don't have to worry about that. Just remember that they must not be together." Carl didn't want to answer her question. Violet shrugged and muttered, "You're like a domineering old man. You're even interfering in other people's love life now.""What else can I do? Do you think it's a wise choice to let Lucy get between Maverick and Annabel?" Carl asked coldly. "I can't tell if it's a wise choice or not. But if it was me, I would respect Lucy's decision. She chose to walk this path. She will have to endure the hurt or happiness that comes with the choice. And you! You can't be respons
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Chapter 94 Pancakes
Carl had just finished making the pancakes when Violet woke up. She smelled the fragrance of the food, but she stopped in her tracks. She would've leaped into Carl's arms in joy if she hadn't tasted the disgusting pancakes he'd made before. But because she did eat that before, all she could think of was how to get out of eating it now. No one else was in the house. She knew she was going to be the first to taste the pancakes. She quickly ran back into the bedroom and grabbed her phone and purse. She was ready to sneak out of the house. She was sure she couldn't stomach any of the food Carl made for her. "You're awake!" She came face to face with Carl while trying to sneak out. He frowned when he saw she had her hands behind her back."What's wrong? What are you holding that you must hide from me?" Carl asked. "It's nothing!" Violet quickly replied. The thing she was trying to hide from was his food!She trembled slightly when she saw the pancakes he had placed on the di
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Chapter 95 Not Enough Love
It took Carl over an hour to finish. Violet was starving by the time he was done. The pancakes became something she actually yearned for. "Bring me the food! I need to eat. I'm famished!" Violet shoved Carl and said. "Mind your tone." Carl was dissatisfied. No one had ever spoken to him in such a demanding tone. "Carl! Heartless bastard! Honey! Bring me the food, please. I am really hungry," Violet said in a sweet voice. Carl leaned in and nibbled on her ear. He then whispered, "Don't seduce me like that. I might lose control."Violet's face paled. They had already done it multiple times today. If he lost control again, she might have the urge to put him down for a few months to get some rest.Carl smiled impishly. He left the room to get her the pancakes after seeing the worried look on her face.But the pancakes that were placed on the table were gone. In its place was a message. "Do not succumb to lust".Carl clenched his fists. The pancakes he had gone through great pai
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Chapter 96 Her Past Belongs to Me
Annabel sighed in frustration. She tried several other methods to regain control of Carl's computer but to no avail. She wasn't good enough to undo the Demon King's damage. She wondered how the Demon King came back to life. She had a bad feeling. Her gut told her that something big was about to happen. She left the study to knock on Violet's door. "Are you asleep, Violet?" she asked. "No, I've been waiting for you!" Violet said as she quickly came out.Carl came out with her and asked coldly, "Where are you two going at this hour?""We're going out for supper," Violet replied. "You have a lot of things to talk about with Maverick, right? We'll leave the two of you alone. Feel free to talk to your heart's content.""You're not allowed to go out tonight," Carl said in a commanding tone."Why?"Annabel quickly said. "Violet, it is indeed too late. We'll catch up tomorrow."Violet said with a frown, "I have to go to work tomorrow."She looked at Carl and wondered why he wanted
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Chapter 97 Why the Knife
"Are you able to keep her from avoiding me and ignoring my calls for a lifetime?" asked Nathaniel. "I doubt you have the power!""She isn't going to meet you," replied Carl, but he didn't sound very confident.Violet had previously made herself very clear to him—she wouldn't stop seeing Nathaniel simply because of their relationship."She will," insisted Nathaniel. "By the way, please tell her that I'm her Big Brother xxx, and I've returned. She's sure to remember."With that, Nathaniel hung up the phone.Carl's heart suddenly turned't that the guy Violet was secretly crushing on at the orphanage?Hearing the monotonous beep on the phone, Carl sat down. The turmoil in his heart was making it impossible for him to calm down.A question surfaced in his heart. If Violet had to choose, would she rather go for her childhood sweetheart or him?Carl wasn't sure. After all, Violet had always harbored feelings for her Big Brother xxx.But ... To think that the man she
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Chapter 98 Love Rival Here to Make Things Difficult
"I get jealous very easily?" Carl raised an arrogant eyebrow. "You're the one genuinely jealous! With that mindset of yours, what will happen when the time comes for Whitney to get married? Are you going to guard the door and keep the groom from entering?""There's no way I'd do that!" Violet countered. "I must admit that it saddens me to think about her leaving me and starting her own life. Nevertheless, I will still be happy for her!"For some reason, Violet only compared herself to Carl when it came to matters like this. Whenever she caught snippets of the strong bond between Whitney and him, she couldn't help the overflowing jealousy.Perhaps it was merely a sense of injustice!After all, she had single-handedly taken care of Whitney for years now. Meanwhile, Carl effortlessly won their daughter's heart as her biological father!It was downright unfair!She let out a chuckle, amused by her own pettiness. She looked at Carl with a serious expression and said, "I hope Whitney c
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Chapter 99 I Guess You Don't Trust Me After All
Violet turned off her phone and switched it on again in a different mode on the operating system. Then, she dialed Novya's number."Violet! Great timing! I've been trying to reach you. Why is your phone always switched off? Don't tell me you've injured yourself so badly you struggle to pick up your phone!" Novya began with a barrage of questions. "Don't you know? If you still don't show up, I'm going to suffer a huge loss!""What's going on?" She furrowed her brow."The Demon King has shown himself. You must kill him," he said."The Demon King?" Violet blurted. "Isn't he dead?""He isn't. He's alive and well.""That's impossible! I saw him die in the fire!" Violet was incredulous."I know, and it was you who led people after his life." Novya's tone was solemn. "But he's appeared recently and even sent me a letter asking you to kill him again."Violet fell silent.A year and a half ago, she received a mission—to assassinate the Demon King for 50 billion dollars.She went disgu
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Chapter 100 Choose Between Daughter or Husband
The dinner for four was filled with joy and harmony. Marina watched them from the second floor, and her anger boiled more ferociously as she saw the gentleness in Reed's face. She clenched her fists.She had initially approached him to extract the secret of the Walker's family crest. But what she did not expect was that she would also fall into the game.To her dismay, she had developed feelings for Reed with each interaction.Marina typically wouldn't allow herself to fall for an enemy, but her heart could not be controlled.Watching the warm exchange between Reed and Violet, she felt what every woman would feel in her shoes—jealousy!She could not fathom why Carl, Nathaniel, and even Reed would fancy Violet!What was so great about her?With these thoughts in mind, Marina's lips pulled into an evil smirk. She thought to herself, "Violet Cooper, let's see if you can still smile after tonight!"Out of the corner of her eye, Violet caught sight of Marina's silhouette as she walk
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