All Chapters of Mr. and Mrs. Walker: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
288 Chapters
Chapter 111 The Split Up
"I won't meet them." Carl declined without a thought.Violet observed Carl silently. She saw his livid expression, and dissatisfaction roiled in her heart."But …" Reed paused before continuing, "Even the senior Skye family members have come. If you don't …"Carl furrowed his brows. He was set on stopping Nathaniel from meeting Violet. However, he knew that he wouldn't be able to stop them forever, even if he could avoid this now."I said I won't meet them!" Carl eventually stood by his decision.Was the Skye family that important? Was Carl obliged to meet them at their beck and call?He suddenly looked at Violet. Anxiety flashed across his eyes when he realized that Violet was staring back at him."You should leave first," he told Violet, "I have some things to discuss with Reed."Violet was taken aback. She did not expect Carl to get her out of the room.Carl lowered his head in guilt. He did not want to meet eye to eye with Violet as he was worried she would sense something
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Chapter 112 Whom Do You Love the Most
An ominous gust of wind blew as the sun scampered behind the thick layers of dark clouds. The atmosphere surrounding the three people was tense."Is that so?" Carl chuckled ironically. "So it wasn't a coincidence? You named her Cash on purpose?"A bad feeling arose in Violet's heart. She knew that she would be the one to bear Carl's wrath had she angered him.However, she couldn't hold back either. Her anger was on the verge of explosion as well."Violet!" Nathaniel's voice was laced with joy. "You have feelings for me too, don't you? You left me so cruelly back then, but you had your reasons, didn't you?"He smiled brightly. "I came back! I came back for you now! Violet, come with me! I came here today to take you away from this place!""Away?" Violet murmured in a daze."Violet," Carl uttered, short of his usual composure.Violet looked at Carl again and said nothing."Carl Walker, you call yourself a man?" Nathaniel pressured him in a cold voice. "You think you're a thug, t
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Chapter 113 An Infuriating Love Rival
With Whitney and Mick gone, the cheer and laughter disappeared from the villa. Violet and Carl all but considered each other as enemies.Violet spent her days worrying about Whitney, but she had no clue of her whereabouts. She hadn't seen Carl for a week. Every time Reed tried to bring him up when talking to her, she would stop him."Whitney, where are you?" she mumbled. "Do you miss Mommy?""Violet!" Just then, a familiar voice sounded. Violet turned and found Isabelle approaching her."I didn't expect to really see you here." She giggled. It was clear that love had done wonders to her temperament.Violet gave her a cold look before turning away."Don't leave!" Isabelle called out. "Don't you want to know how I got in?"Violet rolled her eyes. There was only one way Isabelle would be able to come in. She was in a relationship with Carl.She was just asking this stupid question so she could brag about it."I should really thank you for backing out and allowing Carl to realize
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Chapter 114 I Missed You
Carl arrived at a small house. As he approached, he could hear Whitney and Mick laughing as they played."Daddy!" Whitney jumped at Carl. Carl picked her up and kissed her on the cheek. "How are you today? Did you get a nosebleed? Did you listen to Dr. Howell?""I already told you I'm perfectly healthy!" Whitney pouted. "Don't leave me here alone for treatment!"A week ago, on the day Violet and Carl had fought, Whitney had suddenly fainted from an unknown illness.To prevent Violet from getting too worried, Carl had sent Whitney and Mick to Dr. Howell's residence for treatment, as he had all the equipment there.Carl put a hand on Whitney's forehead to check her temperature, then asked in concern, "Did you take your medicine?""I did!" Whitney said proudly.Carl nodded, no more worried. He carried Whitney out and sat on the swing in the garden."Daddy, are you and Mommy still fighting?" Whitney asked in a small voice.Even though she didn't know exactly why her parents were
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Chapter 115 The Wrong Woman
Violet frowned. She placed a hand protectively between her body and Carl's and stopped him from kissing her."It's not because you threw up. I think you're disgusting because you slept with another woman while you were still in a relationship with me. Got it?""Another woman?" Carl looked like he was wracking his mind. "I've never touched another woman before!""You're still lying when you're drunk!" Violet said, upset. "Isabelle, remember her? You're always with her.""I wasn't!" Carl pouted, offended. "I am always thinking of you. I can only get hard for you, you know. I can't get it up for anyone else."Violet couldn't help but laugh at that.Carl blinked. He was still pouting.Violet had never seen him like this before. She reached out and pinched his cheek. He was adorable like this!"Now I'm 100 percent sure Whitney is your daughter," she muttered. "You look exactly the same when you're trying to act cute.""What did you say? Speak louder. I can't hear you," Carl said lo
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Chapter 116 Did You Kill Her
Violet was taking a nap when the bedroom door opened. Instinctively, she opened her eyes and sat up. When she saw Carl coming in, her heart pounded.It had only been a few hours since they last met, but Carl looked so much more dejected.Violet was confused. Why did he look so downcast?Was it that much of a shock to find out that he'd bedded Isabelle?"What are you doing?" she asked, staying expressionless. "Why are you so quiet? Are you trying to murder me?""Violet." Carl looked up at her, his eyes dark. "If I wanted to kill you, you'd have died a hundred times over by now."Violet rolled her eyes at him. He'd just "cheated" on her last night, yet he could speak to her like this. He was really shameless.Carl clenched his fists. "What does that look mean?""If I remember correctly, we're still fighting," Violet reminded him. "Or are you too important to remember things like this? Has your love for Isabelle blinded you to the world?"Carl's knuckles were white. "Of course!"
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Chapter 117 A Savior
Violet's heart was in her mouth when she heard that."Medical equipment?" She didn't know what Carl was doing with those.Did he buy them for Dr. Howell?If Whitney was with Dr. Howell, did that mean she was injured?"What kind of medical equipment?" she asked anxiously."I don't know yet. I can't figure out how that relates to Whitney either, but since they both disappeared at the same time, I found it suspicious," Nathaniel said.Violet nodded. She wasn't sure if the medical equipment had something to do with Whitney either, but she couldn't ignore anything remotely suspicious. What if it led her to Whitney?At least Violet was sure that Whitney was still alive."Don't worry. I trust that we'll find Whitney very soon," Nathaniel said."Yeah," Violet said. "Thanks.""Don't need to thank me," Nathaniel said softly. "I'm glad I was able to help you."He stepped forward. "Your hair's messed up," he said, reaching out to help her straighten up her hair.Violet stepped back in
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Chapter 118 I Belong to Mr Brown
Violet's expression fell slightly before smiling at Elle. "Congratulations on your marriage to Mr. Brown!""Thank you," Elle replied through gritted teeth.Elle had found out that it was Whitney and Mick who had caused her to enter the wrong room that night. She thought that Violet had put them up to it. After all, what did mere children know?Even though Elle wasn't around Carl, she still knew everything that had happened lately. When she found out that Violet was in a relationship with him previously, she felt betrayed.Her life appeared glamorous, but Donald was very cruel in bed. He would torture her during sex.But in order to survive and keep Donald on her side, she had to endure it and even pretend to like it. Fortunately, Donald loved her for it. The downside was he would find more ways to torture her.Elle had never thought this would happen to her. She'd thought that she would be able to be with Carl forever and be his wife eventually. Violet had taken that away from he
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Chapter 119 Raped Again
The air in the villa seemed to cool down. Coldness seemed to emanate from Carl."Stop!" Carl said, his teeth clenched.Violets stopped and looked back at him. "Is there something you need, Mr. Walker?"Carl did not know what to say. He couldn't exactly stop her from going to see Donald.What did she say just now? That she belonged to Donald?What a joke!He'd just molested her around the waist for a while. Was that what she considered a stake of claim?"Did you trip Mr. Brown?" he asked coldly.Violet was speechless. This was a blatant framing."Do you have any evidence, Mr. Walker?" Violet retorted, equally cold.Carl's anger seemed to solidify around him. Violet was getting bolder by the day. How dared she question him?Fine! Just fine!"Come with me to the study!" he ordered. He did not turn. He wanted to make sure that Violet would follow his orders before he left.Violet shrugged. She wanted to know what Carl was up to anyway."Carl!" Isabelle sounded panicked.She
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Chapter 120 Pregnant
When Carl arrived at the hospital in haste, Violet and Donald were alone in the room.He kicked the door open. Even though Donald couldn't do anything to Violet in his injured state, he still felt very jealous at the thought of them spending time together.Violet just gave him a cold look when he entered. She stood up and turned to leave."Where do you think you're going?" Carl roared.Violet ignored him and kept walking.Carl turned and yelled at Donald, "Violet is mine! Don't you get any ideas about her!""What?" Donald was shocked. "Carl, what do you mean by that? You just agreed to give her to me, yet you're now saying that she's yours? Are you making me a fool?""If you touch her again, you won't see tomorrow," Carl spat before hurrying after Violet.Donald was stunned. What was happening now?Carl caught up to Violet and grabbed her wrist. "Why are you running?" he shouted."Let go," Violet said coldly."You are mine!" Carl roared. "Why would I let go of you?"Violet
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