All Chapters of Mr. and Mrs. Walker: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
288 Chapters
Chapter 131 To See Her Die
At night, the sky was dark, and everything was just right for Violet, who was wearing the special glasses, to act. Based on the route in her memories, Violet ordered the assassins to distract the guards. She went into the underground prison instead.Everything was smoother than she had expected. Within half an hour, she had already searched through the entire place, and she even found the secret door. But she couldn't find any trace of Whitney."Who's there?" A cold air flashed by Violet's side.Violet narrowed her eyes, trying to follow the shadow. She was about to chase after that person when someone stopped her.Then, Carl's cold voice sounded, "Violet, you must remember what I've told you before!"Carl stared at Violet with bloodlust in his eyes, yet his heart was broken. He didn't want to harm her, but he knew they had to hurt each other one more time.Carl clenched his fists, and the veins on his forehead popped out. His eyes were filled with bloodlust, as if he was going
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Chapter 132 In Her Embrace
Carl's heart ached when he saw Violet like this. He got up and walked toward her, then clenched his fist and sat back down. He took his phone and called someone."Isabelle, do you want to come over? Reed can help you." The sweet voices on the phone felt like a sharp knife cutting into Violet's numbed heart. They turned her last glimmer of hope into silence, changing it into resistance and anger."Oh? Ms. Cooper, why are you here?" a soft voice suddenly sounded.Isabelle was already by Violet's side, and she even passed Violet a piece of note.With a slight movement, Violet rolled up her sleeves, completely ignoring Isabelle's questions.Isabelle approached Carl, and he embraced her, his big hands gently caressing her slightly protruding belly. Carl looked at Violet mockingly."Isabelle, you should be resting in the bedroom. Why would you come here to see someone so disgusting?" Carl asked."Carl, how could you say that?" Isabelle knew Carl was putting on an act in front of Viole
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Chapter 133 Kneel
"Ms. Cooper, Lucy was so nice to you. How could you? Boohoo. Carl … I miss Lucy." Isabelle pretended to cry bitterly, but Carl thought she seemed to be sincerely upset. He hugged her lovingly and comforted her while glaring at Violet."Violet, don't ever think about seeing your daughter's body anymore! Leave, leave now!" Carl roared as he tightened his grip on Isabelle.She was faking her sobs in his embrace, and he wanted to skin her alive badly.But for Whitney and Violet, Carl had no choice but to put on an act and protect Isabelle.Carl's every move was just adding salt to Violet's wound. His care for Isabelle and cruelty toward Violet was not even anything compared to how he treated Whitney.Whitney was also his child, and she brought him so much happiness!Even if Violet and Carl couldn't be together, he didn't have to be so cruel!Violet's eyes reddened, and she spoke in a cold tone, "Carl, just let me see her body. You can kill me after that."Violet seemed determined t
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Chapter 134 Do Not Love You
"I … I can't do that." Upon hearing those words, Violet began to reach for the buttons of her clothing.But as her hand brushed against the fabric, she suddenly withdrew it. Instead, she clenched her fists tightly and turned her gaze toward Isabelle.Isabelle sat by Carl's side lazily with a mocking smile.Even Isabelle knew Carl was just trying to humiliate Violet, so why was Violet doing this to herself?Violet could just provoke Carl, leave, and head to the crocodile pond to find Whitney's body.With a firm resolve, Violet's gaze toward Carl had changed. "Even if I were willing to do it, I wouldn't do it for someone as untrustworthy. And you, Carl, are the epitome of treachery and deceit!""Get out! Get the hell out!" Carl roared, though the grip on his fists had loosened slightly.He knew that Violet wouldn't do it.But his heart sank when she said yes.Looking at Violet now, Carl admitted that he felt much better.He was pretending to be mad, but in fact, he felt relieve
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Chapter 135 Feud With the Demon King
Violet didn't say anything. She just stared at Isabelle with mixed feelings that contained disdain and hatred, which scared her off. Although Isabelle and Violet were 33 feet away from each other, Isabelle still felt scared looking at her. It felt like a reaper was standing right in front of her. She knew Violet could end her right now, even with Reed here. Reed glanced at Isabelle indifferently and said, "Please behave, Ms. Furon." Sensing Reed's rude attitude, Isabelle sneered, "Mr. Tomlinson, do you feel sorry for her? If so, why don't you strip off your coat and dance with her? I mean, the ground you are standing on is quite suitable to be your dance floor." Violet could take Isabelle's rudeness for the sake of Whitney, but she wouldn't let her drag Reed into this matter. She didn't want Reed to be punished by Carl. Violet raised her voice and said coldly, "Don't you dare cross the line, Isabelle." "Did I cross the line?" Upon seeing Violet's bloodshot eyes, Isabell
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Chapter 136 He Would Die For Her
The Demon King noticed what Violet was going to do, and his eyes darkened. He sneered as he attacked Violet's chest. Violet instinctively dodged his attack. Swiftly, his palm stuck again. When Violet reacted, he pulled out a gun and aimed it at the railing beside her, forcing her closer to the edge of the platform. She was hanging from the railing at this point. Seeing Violet losing, Isabelle smiled with satisfaction. But her happiness didn't last long before a sharp ringtone sounded. "Finish her as soon as possible, Demon King." After that, Isabelle glanced at her phone, and her face dropped in an instant before she rushed out. Isabelle walked away from the crocodile pond, and Violet's body had reached its limit. Violet's knuckles turned white as she held onto the railing tightly, and her face looked pale. Before her was the Demon King, and there was a pond of crocodiles below her. She had to think of a way as soon as possible. "Oh, you have no idea how much I like to se
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Chapter 137 Where Have You Been
Ethan then followed Dr. Howell outside. He closed the door behind him and asked in worry, "Dr. Howell, is Mr. Walker in bad shape? Does he need more blood? I have the same blood type as him …" "It's not that." Dr. Howell shook his head. "Mr. Walker is seriously injured, Ethan. You have to take good care of him and not let his wounds come in contact with water for three months." Ethan nodded. "I will take good care of Mr. Walker. Does that mean he is not allowed to take any shower in three months?" "No." Dr. Howell chuckled. "My bad. What I meant is that Mr. Walker shouldn't go anywhere that is cold. It will affect his recovery. Just be careful during showers and not let the wounds come into contact with water. Oh, where is Violet?" Dr. Howell looked around and frowned. "She must be seriously injured, too. Where is she? I can go check on her now.""She …" Ethan sighed and said, "She is gone." The subordinate took Violet to a safe space before he returned to the crocodile pond
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Chapter 138 Saving Mommy
"Mr. Walker!" Dr. Howell persisted. He was genuinely concerned that Carl's injury on his back might worsen.Carl was currently caught in a tough spot. He could no longer simply walk away unharmed these days.Whitney cast a skeptical glance at Dr. Howell, sensing that something was amiss. Then she said, "Daddy, put me down! I'm all grown up now. People might start talking nonsense if you keep carrying me like this."At last, Carl cracked a faint smile and released Whitney."Daddy, look. I'm almost as tall as you now," Whitney teased, blinking and laughing with joy. But there was a hint of worry in her eyes.She had picked up on something in Dr. Howell's tone just now. Something was amiss with Carl's health. Furthermore, Carl's grip was so strong when he was holding her just now. It was as if letting go of her would mean losing everything."Daddy, Mick and I made a gift for you. I'll go get it for you now," Whitney said as she pulled Mick upstairs. Meanwhile, Dr. Howell brought Car
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Chapter 139 Who Is She
"What? My son also went missing?" Donald anxiously asked as he lay in his hospital bed.Carl's previous trick had kept Donald bedridden for two whole months. Donald's health had improved with the attentive care of his doctors. But he remained bedridden, unable to carry out daily tasks like an ordinary man.Donald had used his bedridden days to think things over. He concluded that Carl was the main cause of all his troubles.Thus, when Maverick came to him seeking help, he rejected with a visibly displeased look.After all, why would any sane man lend a hand to their own romantic rival? Even if it was to find Violet, he would have to do it secretly himself. Then, he should claim her as his own to provoke Carl.Donald had calculated his plans meticulously. Even someone as eloquent as Maverick found it hard to convince him.Originally, everything was under Donald's control. But now, to his dismay, Mick had gone missing.Donald's clenched fists lashed out at Maverick as he shout
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Chapter 140 You Must Do Something for Me
"Alright then," Novya seemed to be swayed by Violet's words. "That person is Silvia Grey, a well-known figure in the underground world. She has companies and assets worth billions of dollars worldwide."Also known as the 'Midnight Viper' in the underground mafia, she leads an assassin organization with thousands under her command. She's cold, ruthless, and particularly enjoys going against Carl's Night Crawlers. Perhaps … she could help you."But I really don't recommend you to find her. She's unpredictable and handles things ruthlessly. I won't rest easy if anything were to happen to you." Novya paused, then added, "As for Whitney, we still have other options. I can handle the organization's issues on my own, too. Violet, you should really just rest."Violet had heard of Silvia before, but she didn't know much about her. But her background hinted at her nature. For instance, Silvia's organization once wiped out a hundred people in one go. The common trait among the victims was
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