All Chapters of Mr. and Mrs. Walker: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
288 Chapters
Chapter 141 Gotcha
Novya could only sigh softly. His gaze was filled with emotions as he looked at her.The concern, reluctance, hesitation, and various emotions in that gaze stirred Violet's heart.But these emotions weren't enough to make Violet give up or break her promise to Silvia.Seeing that there was no stopping her, Novya could only shake his head. He took out a small black box from his pocket.Novya handed the box to Violet and instructed her, "It seems … I can't really stop you. Donald's current residence has slightly relaxed nighttime security. With these glasses, it'll be more convenient for you."Violet took the box and slowly opened it.Inside the box, there was a pair of contact lenses with ultra-thin lenses, along with a special multipurpose solution. It was all designed specifically for Violet's night blindness."Thank you, Mr. Kaplan." Violet's voice was almost a sob.Novya gently patted Violet on the back, reassuring her, "Don't rush things. Your safety comes first. When you g
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Chapter 142 The Difference Between Him and Violet
Violet didn't dare to act rashly. She quickly scanned her surroundings and came up with an escape route. Then, she walked toward Donald cautiously as her hair stood on end."Put the grapes down, Ellie. Leave the hard work to this guy. All you need to do is to make me happy." Donald laughed and gently tapped Elle's hand."You know my thoughts best. You won't disappoint me, will you?""Of course … Mr. Brown," Elle answered and hid her frustration.It had been humiliating for her to take care of a man like Donald. To make things worse, Donald was thinking of making the bodyguard her competition?"Good. You, come over here," Donald instructed as he smiled in approval.Violet paused and hesitated for a while at his order. She roughened her voice on purpose and said, "Mr. Brown, I've caught a mild cold. I shouldn't risk passing the cold to you."Despite Donald's frown, she continued, "Mr. Walker has been waiting for a long time in the living room. Mr. Brown, if you have no plans of me
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Chapter 143 Who Do You Think You Are
"Huh! You're quite a proud one." Donald quirked his brow. He didn't look at Helen but at Carl instead.He said, "Carl, we've worked together before, so I'll give you one more chance. Just tell me what you really want, or you'll have to leave.""You!" Helen was furious since Donald treated her like thin air.She yelled, "If it weren't for you stealing my family's crest, Carl would never have come to your pathetic place! I don't even know if your bodyguard is a man or a woman, and you yourself look hideous! All of you are ridiculous!"Helen went on her rant and did not realize that Donald's face had darkened.If Carl, who was standing next to her, didn't pull her sleeve, she would still be cursing Donald."Carl, you must help me …" Helen looked at Carl weakly, feeling apologetic.She had promised to control her temper. Why did she lash out in front of Donald?"Okay." Carl tapped Helen's hand and comforted her.Then, he looked at Donald and said, "Mr. Brown, you're a great man wh
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Chapter 144 Who Is the Bad Guy
Violet took a deep breath when Novya's text message came. She made up her mind.Maybe she could deal with Silvia and work for her. In the meantime, she would look for Whitney in secret and protect her.After all, she had to take the risk to get what she wanted.Violet knew that she couldn't escape from Silvia's control for the time being. She decided to calm down and use the resources around her to achieve her goal.She wasn't sure what resources she had at the moment, but for Whitney, she would give her best!"Mr. Kaplan, I'm heading back in a while." Violet parked the car by the river and sent Novya a text message.Novya received the message and immediately replied, "Take care."Violet stared at the two words sent by Novya. A faint smile formed on her lips, but she looked chilly.Novya seemed to care about her a lot. But was it genuine?Violet was suspicious of Novya for the first time.She didn't dare confirm her suspicions either. Ever since Novya brought her to Silvia, V
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Chapter 145 Disappeared Out of His Control
Mick was so eager to let Whitney meet Violet that he didn't realize a black sedan had approached them silently. The sedan hit his car when he was about to make a quick turn.Mick's car shook. Even though he thought himself a pretty good driver, the car still wobbled from the impact."Whitney!" Mick cried out in worry.Whitney answered in a small voice, "I'm fine."Mick frowned. He dodged the attacks from the black sedan while glancing at Whitney behind him."Mick, I'm … Careful!" Whitney had her eyes wide open before she could finish speaking.She stared at the sedan in horror, and her face paled as it moved closer."Don't worry," Mick said with fake bravado when he sensed the impending danger.He gave Whitney a smile and turned back to take on the challenge.He was confident in his abilities, and he shot out his gold needles faster than he usually did.However, a mysterious dark figure had come close to him even before he could use the first needle. The figure pointed its gu
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Chapter 146 Growing Suspicions of Her
"Carl, I know where Violet is. Can you get me out of here?" Elle asked. She needed to secure her escape plan."And?" Carl's voice was cold. He didn't give Elle any chance to negotiate.Elle hesitated for a bit before saying, "She came to the Browns' villa before. If you promise to take me with you, I can help you find her.""I got it," Carl answered. He didn't give Elle any more promises."Carl, hello …" Elle still wanted to speak, but Carl had already hung up the phone.Her eyes turned dark when she heard the beeping sound after the call ended. A sinister and disdainful smirk formed on her lips.Violet! When Elle found Violet the next time, she would definitely leave Violet no mercy.She hoped Violet would suffer so much that she wished she were dead!Violet, who sat in Novya's office, felt a chill crept up her back. She raised her head to look at Novya. Novya had the same serious expression on his face just like an hour ago.His suspicious eyes closed in on Violet. He asked,
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Chapter 147 The Closest Strangers
Silvia seemed to soften up after Violet apologized."A Walker bastard left this behind," she said coldly."A Walker bastard?" Violet's eyes widened, and her fists clenched tight. "Who?"The only people Violet knew to have Walker as their last names were Carl and Lucy. Chill crept up her back. She felt worse when she thought of Lucy's death.Silvia took in the tiny changes in Violet's expression.She smiled and scoffed, "Don't make wild guesses. He was just a bastard who worked for Carl. He helped Carl move the near-dying Whitney to the crocodile pond."Violet couldn't help but say, "But … Whitney wasn't at the crocodile pond."She still had vivid memories of her journey to the crocodile pond. The bloody pond indeed had human blood.But didn't Reed tell her that Whitney wasn't there?Besides, Violet had gone to the pond herself and was in close contact with the crocodiles. She was sure that Whitney had not been sent there."She's indeed not at the crocodile pond. She's at a pl
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Chapter 148 Not My Freaking Business
Violet hadn't identified the caller before her phone was knocked off. A man's pleasant voice quickly followed. "Sorry."Violet frowned and looked at the man who approached her. He had his head down and seemed like he was in a hurry."Sorry, really sorry," the man sincerely apologized while he scrambled to help Violet pick up the phone. However, a grin flashed across his face as his ploy was successful."It's okay," Violet replied indifferently and took her phone back from the man."Sorry, I'm rushing to catch my flight. I'm really sorry." The man smiled apologetically and went past Violet, sprinting forward.Violet realized the time. It was 20 minutes before her flight would take off.She couldn't waste more time!After her flight ticket was checked, she rushed to the boarding gate. The flight had arrived. She quickly boarded the plane with her belongings.She was rushing throughout the whole process. Of course she didn't realize that her phone had been tampered with.By the t
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Chapter 149 Do You Want Him
While Carl had left, Violet was restless for a long time.Carl had been absolutely attentive to Isabelle, which made Violet clench her fists in frustration.She didn't know why Carl would bring Isabelle here, but she was sure that the two of them had no good intentions.Maybe Carl had come with Isabelle to obtain the family crest from Donald as soon as possible.As she thought of this, Violet grew more determined. She couldn't let them get the family crest. She must get it before they did.Her eyes narrowed, and she returned to the sofa like a stealthy cat. She went through the surveillance footage of every corridor.After going through more than 150 pieces of footage, her eyes grew tired. Unfortunately, she couldn't spot Donald.Was Donald not in any of these rooms?No way!She must have missed something.Violet had her assumptions, and she regained her focus on several luxurious rooms with a golden theme. She studied the surveillance footage carefully.Maybe the heavens ha
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Chapter 150 Let Go of Me Scumbag
Violet didn't answer. She only swung her fist toward Carl's chest, hitting him again and again. She thought that this time, Carl would definitely fight back, so she could pretend to back away from him and escape quickly from the window.However, she miscalculated. Carl couldn't bear to hurt her, much less let her leave.He grabbed Violet's fists while his expression was tense. He gritted out, "Violet, if you do not wish to be the next one to lie on Donald's bed, you better listen to me." His tone was very low, but there was no mistaking his threatening growl.He inched closer toward Violet's face while his hand traveled up Violet's arm."Let go of me!" Violet glared at him and tried to attack him. Yet, the laughter outside the door grew louder, making Violet grimace. She could only hide in the closet for now.She was here to steal the Whites' family crest, not argue with Carl."That's a good girl." Carl saw that Violet hid in the closet and smiled lightly. He quickly made a mess
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