All Chapters of Mr. and Mrs. Walker: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
288 Chapters
Chapter 151 You Are Not Allowed to Get Close
Carl remained calm as usual. Although he had doubts, he still smiled. "Yeah. I knew you wouldn't like this, so I hid it in a rush. I didn't expect you to find it!" "Indeed." Donald smiled, but his gaze on Carl never relaxed. The cunning Donald knew that Carl was much more manipulative than he seemed. Would Carl really keep stopping Donald if he was just hiding a terrible piece of clothing?He did not believe it!"Yup. This thing is worthless anyway." Carl noticed Donald's lingering suspicion and slowly walked to the closet. He took the clothing from Donald's hands. He could still smell a familiar, light fragrance on it. It was clear that Violet had just left."But because it belongs to someone else, I feel sentimental toward it." Carl smiled and met Donald's sly gaze. Carl changed the topic, "That's enough. Oh, why am I talking about this with you, Mr. Brown? I've prepared something special for you in my own closet. It would be my pleasure if you want to check it out.""Of
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Chapter 152 I Must Get Violet
Violet and Carl fought for a long time in Donald's room before they slowly stopped.Carl stood to the side, his expression stony, while Violet leaned on the window, her eyes flickering."I don't have time to mess around with you." Violet glared at him. She watched the doorway. Every movement and sound made her tense up. She guessed that someone had returned."I'll talk to you next time!" Her agile body leaped out of the window and disappeared into the night.Carl followed her but halted at the window. He stared at the bright moon in the night sky and smiled ever so slightly. He got up slowly and went back to Donald's bedroom. After some searching, he quickly left through the window.Carl's and Violet's movements were swift and practiced. Even if someone opened the door at that moment, they wouldn't even see them leaving. "Everyone, come here!" Once Carl returned to his room, he heard a commotion coming from the room next to his. Donald was shouting up a storm.What happened t
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Chapter 153 Many Against One
Isabelle's thoughts were in a jumble. She glanced at Carl, who looked calm, and Donald, who was sitting in the wheelchair with a serious gaze.Perhaps she should have followed Seth's suggestion and stirred up trouble between Carl and Donald as soon as possible. She should get the family crests from both the Walker family and the White family before the child was born."Carl, are you still angry over what happened that day? Don't be angry. She didn't do it on purpose. We really don't need to be so petty." Isabelle pretended to be understanding, but Carl frowned slightly. Every time Isabelle was generous and forgiving, it was a telltale sign that she was going to carry out some wicked plan. This also meant that Violet might get harmed.Although Carl believed that Violet was capable enough to deal with Isabelle, he honestly wished that Violet would never get hurt. Moreover, Violet had one more enemy to deal with—Donald. "Isabelle, you must be tired. Let's go back." Carl hinted to h
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Chapter 154 I Love You but I Must Hate You
"You don't need to know who I am," Carl said coldly. "Let him go!""What if I don't let go?" Violet scoffed and swiftly moved. In less than ten seconds, she pushed Finn out and lunged toward Carl. Carl was afraid of hurting Violet, so he didn't shoot but got ready to fight her. She lashed out ruthlessly, as if she were determined to win. Carl's gaze darkened, and he threw the gun to the side. His palm swung toward Violet at high speed.He was going to stop her and wrapped her in his arms again.But Violet was waiting for the moment he threw the gun. She bent down and slid toward him, kicking out her foot. When Carl dodged, she leaned over and picked up the gun. The gun pointed at Carl's forehead. Violet's gaze held clear hatred. "Carl, where is Whitney?" Violet asked."She's … just a dead person. What's even the purpose of this question?" Carl arched an eyebrow and did not answer her directly."Tell me, where is she!" Violet stepped forward, her finger placed on the trigger.
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Chapter 155 Fell for It Again
The family crest looked like half of a tiger insignia—a small, crouched tiger without its tail. Did it command so much power, enough to make Carl ignore his beloved woman in danger?"Mr. Nathaniel, the family crest holds great importance. Madam Miranda is also aware that you have the crest." Next to Nathaniel, the old man, Ted Quill, seemed to have sensed Nathaniel's intentions.Ted continued to advise Nathaniel without waiting for him to speak, "Mr. Nathaniel, Madam Miranda sees the family business and fortune to be more important than a woman. Besides, after all the years she spent raising you, she's most afraid that you'd end up making the same mistake as Mr. Skye.""I … I understand." Nathaniel caught the underlying meaning of Ted's words. After a moment of hesitation, he slightly nodded as a sign of agreement.Ted wiped the thin layer of sweat on his forehead and smiled brightly after seeing Nathaniel. Nathaniel seemed to have given up on the idea of giving the family crest to
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Chapter 156 Does It Matter if He Loves Me
"To think you're the notorious Nightshade in the underground and the top assassin of Novya Assassin Agency. You're too weak," the little boy scoffed coldly.He stabbed Violet's thigh with a knife again and continued, "Give me the family crest, and I'll let you live! Or you know what's going to happen to you."His voice was chilling, laced with a bloodlust familiar to Violet.Somehow, Violet was reminded of the girl she met when she was being hunted down by the Whites. She had also saved the girl out of compassion. In the end, she got stabbed.Had she made the same mistake again?If Whitney knew her mother was such a fool, she wouldn't leave Violet alone, would she?Tears welled up in Violet's eyes as a faint smile appeared on her lips. She thought of Whitney's adorable face. She slowly took out a silver needle and stopped the part of her body that was bleeding."I'll never give it to you." She regained her usual composure, arrogant and aloof. She looked calm as she looked at the
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Chapter 157 I Really Really Do Love You
Isabelle's rage seemed to reach far. Even when Isabelle was far away from her, Violet seemed to feel an ominous feeling.Violet frowned and ignored the feeling. She faced the many men in front of her coldly."Violet, give me the family crest," the man ordered icily with a tone familiar to Violet."Why should I?" Violet stood upright and scoffed.Her face was pale. She had been traveling and fighting enemies for a long time. Now was not a good time for her to attack.Although she held on, she was on the brink of exhaustion.The man couldn't calculate Violet's capabilities, but he had heard of her notoriety. He didn't dare to charge forward rashly.He could only instruct his men to surround Violet and attack her.The moment the man approached Violet, the others who had been waiting immediately circled her.Although Violet fended herself from the man's attacks, she couldn't escape from the circle easily.No!She couldn't stay here!She was clear that she shouldn't fight them.
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Chapter 158 The Worst Torture
"It's been a while, Violet. How are you doing these days?" At the Galactic League, Silvia was staring at Violet in a superior manner. She had a skull mask on. Violet was on the floor on her knees. Although she was still dressed in her hospital gown, she looked dignified. No one dared to underestimate her. "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfectly fine.""Are you?" The tone in Silvia's voice rose slightly. She came down from her seat and stood before Violet. "Yeah, I think you are perfectly fine. It's just that something might have slipped your mind. Where is it? " Silvia's voice was icy. "I didn't get the family crest." Violet knew what Silvia was implying. Her brows furrowed as she continued to explain, "I did go into Donald's room, but I didn't get my hands on the Whites' family crest. It seems like someone got there ahead of me, but I took the blame for them instead." "Did they shift the blame on you? Really?" It seemed like Silvia didn't quite believe her. Her tone s
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Chapter 159 Welcome to the League
"Violet, you're back." Silvia still had her mask on. She was sitting in a higher position. Her cunning eyes, tinged with intimidation, were visible through the skull mask. Even though Violet had her head down, she could still sense her intense gaze. "Yes. I will not repeat the same mistakes in the future," Violet answered. She went down her knees in an instant, hanging her head low. Her voice was low as she pleaded, "It's just that I was desperate to know where Whitney is. Ms. Grey, if you happen to know where she is, please let me know.""Yeah," Silvia simply replied as she glanced over to the seat beside her. "Violet, you must be tired after a day's work. Come sit down and rest. And I think it's better for us to talk about Whitney while you're seated."Silvia tried to sound friendly, yet Violet still sensed something was off. She frowned slightly and declined without any hesitation. "Ms. Grey, I'm not tired.""Why? Are you afraid that I might harm you?" Silvia hated reject
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Chapter 160 Whose Child Is It
While Carl was investigating Whitney's, Mick's, and Violet's whereabouts, Isabelle and Marina were also making a move. They got in touch with the League quickly while they continued to find the crest in the Walker residence. "What? Is Violet also one of us now?" Once Marina got news from the League, she immediately contacted Isabelle. They were both dumbfounded when they found out about it. Isabelle's eyes dimmed. She suddenly had an idea as she thought of Donald, who was on the run, and Violet."Marina, you stay at the Walker residence to look for the crest. I need to go overseas," Isabelle said."Huh?" Marina frowned. "Does the League know about this?" Obviously, she wasn't in favor of Isabelle's decision."The League doesn't have to know about this. I will report to them personally." Isabelle didn't seem particularly happy with the interruption. She snapped, "You just have to stick to Reed. I'll handle my own stuff.""You—" Marina was infuriated. "You better make sure that n
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