All Chapters of Mr. and Mrs. Walker: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
288 Chapters
Chapter 121 Break Up
Carl watched Violet intently, and her silence made him panic."I'm sorry." Carl's voice was sincere as he apologized, "I'm really sorry.""Mr. Walker, why are you apologizing to me?" Violet smiled as she asked. "You've done nothing wrong.""Vi!" Carl started to panic. "It's not what it looks like!""It doesn't matter." Violet still had a light smile on her face as she continued, "I just hope that you will return Whitney to me."Carl shook his head. He also wanted to reunite Violet with a healthy Whitney, but he couldn't do that right now."You already have a child, so what more do you want?" Violet raised her voice slightly as she hissed, "Whitney is just a child. She is not a threat to your organization!""Give me some time. I will figure things out," Carl explained hurriedly."It's too late now," Violet said as she shifted her gaze away from him. "I've waited for a long time already, and I haven't left the villa at all, right?"During this time, not only did Carl not apologi
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Chapter 122 She Is Getting Ready to Move On
Carl didn't go to see Whitney. Instead, he went to the headquarters of the Night Crawlers to smoke.Carl didn't usually smoke, but whenever he faced a problem he couldn't solve, he would chain-smoke.The office was soon filled with the stench of cigarettes, and the ground was also littered with ashes. It was only after he had finished smoking the last cigarette that Carl finally looked at his phone.He searched for Dr. Howell's number and dialed it. The dial tone beeped slowly, and his heart raced as he waited for Dr. Howell to pick up."Mr. Walker?" Dr. Howell's tone was laced with confusion. "It's so late already …""Can you save Whitney with the umbilical cord blood of someone who has the same father as her but a different mother?" Carl's tone was cold but was laced with a complicated emotion."We can try …" Dr. Howell replied."Try?" Carl frowned. "Why don't I try to break your neck instead?" "Mr. Walker …" Dr. Howell sounded pained. "You can't blame me. The process of cur
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Chapter 123 Saving the Damsel in Distress
Fury rolled off Carl in waves at that, and Violet watched him lazily. This was exactly what she wanted, to provoke him.Strangely, Carl didn't lose his temper.Carl, who was known for his explosive temper, did not lose his temper!Violet was bewildered by his reaction.Carl looked at her coldly before snapping, "Did you think I would leave if you piss me off? You really are a stupid woman!"Violet was dumbfounded. Had he seen through her tricks?"I won't get upset," Carl gritted out. "Violet, I know that you love me, not him!""That was the past," Violet stated as she rolled her eyes. "You think too much of yourself.""I watched Maverick cry again just now," Carl said softly. "He's such a strong man, and nothing ever bothered him. But now that Annabel is dead, he has become a completely different person."Violet's eyes darkened. Annabel's death had been weighing on her heart, too, and she had tried her best to forget it, but she just couldn't."I finally understand now. To be
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Chapter 124 I Am the Mother of Your Child
"Carl?" Isabelle exclaimed in alarm. "I am the mother of your child!"Carl's gaze was frosty as he replied, "Go back to your room if you have nothing else to say. I still have many things to take care of."Isabelle was very puzzled. She had no idea what Carl was trying to do. She had thought that Carl and Violet's relationship would crumble once it was revealed that she was pregnant with his child. However, why did it seem like they were closer than ever?Isabelle also had no idea what Violet was thinking. Unless … they had somehow managed to resolve their misunderstandings?Impossible!Isabelle was sure that Carl was not the type to explain himself when there was a misunderstanding.Thus, Isabelle could only leave the study room for now. Since she couldn't talk to Carl, she was going to look for Violet.Violet was currently circling areas on a map where Whitney could be. When she heard someone at the door, she didn't immediately respond and instead continued pondering over th
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Chapter 125 Problem
"After we watch a movie together, Whitney will call you and tell you what she's doing herself," Carl explained. "So, let's go watch a movie. What movie do you want to watch?"After that, Carl walked off in the direction of his car."I'm coming with you!" Violet exclaimed as she ran to his side. "This girl! Does she not miss me at all? How could she force me to watch a movie with you just to get a call from her? My chest is expanding and about to explode from all the anger building up in me!" Violet grumbled.Carl unabashedly stared at Violet's chest. After a while, he said, "Liar, your chest isn't getting bigger."Violet shot a seething glare at him as her cheeks flamed. She kicked him in annoyance, and they left the restaurant still bickering with each other.Once they were at the cinema, Violet studied the titles of the movies and mumbled, "Which movie has the shortest run time?"Carl felt a stab of pain go through his heart at her words. He knew that Violet genuinely missed Wh
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Chapter 126 Finding Out an Important Secret
Violet's secretive behavior made Carl narrow his eyes in suspicion.Carl studied Violet intently. Violet wanted to keep asking about Whitney but didn't for fear that she would accidentally expose her identity."Let's go back home first," Carl suggested. "Or would you like to eat something and go shopping instead?""Let's go home," Violet said weakly. How could she be in the mood to eat and shop if Whitney wouldn't call her?Violet suddenly felt as if she were an incompetent mother. She couldn't even take care of her own daughter.Carl held Violet's hand lightly as he reassured her, "Trust me, Whitney will be alright."Violet could only nod. She believed in Carl's words, but she also believed in Whitney. Whitney was an elite member of Interpol and couldn't be defeated so easily!Back in the house, Violet sat listlessly on her bed as she stared at her phone.However, the phone never rang.Violet's heart was racing as she thought, "Oh, Whitney, what exactly are you doing? Don't y
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Chapter 127 How Could He Not Avenge Her
Upon seeing the text message, Violet furrowed her brows. Why was Lucy calling her to the hotel so early in the morning?Violet tried calling Lucy but was immediately hung up on. Soon after, another text message arrived.Lucy: "Come quickly! It's a top secret!"Violet sensed that something was wrong. Lucy's failure to answer her calls only deepened her concern.Violet bit her lip lightly. She sensed that something was amiss but still decided to go to the location Lucy mentioned.Upon arriving at the hotel, Violet felt a foreboding atmosphere hanging in the air. She instinctively reached for her sidearm and cautiously walked toward the room.She noticed that the door was slightly ajar. As Violet pushed it open, she was met with a distressing sight. Lucy lay on the floor, naked, with blood seeping from the corner of her lips."Lucy!" Violet cried out in shock and rushed over to pick up Lucy."Violet." Lucy weakly opened her eyes. "It … It was Isabelle, Marina, and Seth.""Don't w
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Chapter 128 She Must Leave
Violet clenched her fists. She had just examined the wounds on Lucy's body. Lucy's previously flawless skin now bore countless marks of abuse inflicted by various men. The fatal gunshot wound in her chest was the most severe."Violet, just you wait. You killed Lucy and have been going undercover in the villa for so long. Carl will never let you off!" Isabelle taunted with a malicious tone.Violet's gaze toward Isabelle turned icy. Killing Isabelle could be done in less than a minute, but she was determined to make Isabelle suffer a hundred times worse than Lucy.Carl remained silent, awaiting the autopsy results. Though it seemed unnecessary, he needed to know the truth.The forensic examiner arrived shortly. Violet watched him intently, anticipating the results. The examiner handed a small plastic bag containing a bullet to Carl."This is the bullet retrieved from Ms. Walker's wound," the examiner reported.Violet's brows furrowed upon recognizing the bullet. It was of the sam
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Chapter 129 Secrets and Lies
"Violet, you truly have a knack for surprises," Carl remarked, feigning affection while holding Isabelle. "You've gone to great lengths to save Whitney.""Carl, she is truly your daughter!" Violet exclaimed loudly. "Haven't you noticed the striking resemblance? You both share seafood allergies and react similarly to many things!"Carl's eyebrow arched, and he sneered, "Do you take me for a fool, Violet? Such lies from your lips!"Heartbroken, Violet asked, "Why won't you believe me?"Carl's fists clenched, the veins on his hands bulging as he sneered, "Why should I believe you? Do you really think that someone of my status could fall for a woman like you, who lacks the figure and the looks?"When I said I liked you earlier, it was merely for my own amusement since you seemed readily available. But I never expected you, being the gullible woman you are, to take it seriously."Carl's eyes gleamed with menace, looking icy.Violet couldn't understand Carl's thoughts, and trying to d
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Chapter 130 Falling Right Into His Trap
Carl didn't remain by Isabelle's side. Instead, he kept a watchful eye on the doctor examining her. He was mainly concerned about the child she bore. Without that child, he wouldn't be able to save Whitney, making it impossible to make up for the guilt he had carried for all these years.Carl assigned two of the most capable maids from the villa to take care of Isabelle in her room while he went to the study. The villa felt empty without Whitney and Violet around, like a dungeon that had entrapped him. There was a deep and lingering sense of bitterness in his heart. Opening his laptop, Carl gazed at the heartwarming family picture on the screen. It was a picture of himself, Whitney, and Violet huddled together. A mix of anxiety and relief flooded his emotions."Whitney, don't worry. Daddy won't let Mommy know," Carl said with a pause. "Daddy promises Daddy will take good care of you."In the picture, Whitney was smiling cheerfully. She looked nothing like a child suffering from le
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