All Chapters of Mr. and Mrs. Walker: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
288 Chapters
Chapter 101 Specially For Him
Isabelle took a glass of wine from the waiter and took a huge sip. It was like quenching her thirst.At this time, Seth walked over to her, a glass of wine in his hand, too."Cheers." Seth's voice was sexy, and his eyes were filled with awe.Isabelle's smile deepened a little as she had a toast with him. "Is the matter done?""Just watch the show later." Seth chuckled proudly."Very well." Isabelle lowered her head as a cold and complicated look crossed her eyes. "Violet, you're not a lucky person. Carl will never be your man!"After muttering to herself, she looked up with a dazzling face void of any traces of cruelty and evilness.Isabelle effortlessly maneuvered through the crowd. Her eyes landed on Nathaniel, who was also without a female companion.Nathaniel noticed that Violet wasn't with Carl, which was the expected outcome. Although he felt a bit disappointed, he remained firmly convinced that one day, Violet would return to him!"Nathaniel." Isabelle smiled. "I haven'
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Chapter 102 Doubts and Suspicions
Isabelle grabbed Carl's clothes tightly. After crying, she wiped her tears away but continued to sob, looking pitiful and fragile."Thank you. Just now … if you didn't … I …"She trailed off, weeping."Why didn't you shout?" Carl roared at Isabelle. "Don't you know how to ask for help?""I …" Isabelle cried silently.Carl barked, "You can't even protect yourself? You're not that weak!"Isabelle reached out to smooth Carl's frown. "Carl, don't frown. Don't be mad."Carl's fist tightened. A surge of anger spread in his heart, and he felt like venting.Isabelle forced a smile. "If I weren't with Timothy this time, I wouldn't have been able to come back at all. I wouldn't have seen you, either."Carl, I really want to know. During these years apart, have you ... ever missed me? You haven't, right?"You have Violet with you, so I'm sure you've forgotten all about me!" Carl said, "We're over. Find a new man and live your life.""They always say men are crueler than women, and I'
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Chapter 103 How Would You Choose
Carl looked at Violet and noticed a very unfamiliar hostility on her face, one that seemed to be directed solely at him.Violet also looked at Carl. She hoped that he could tell her the reason why he was monitoring her. But looking at his expression, it didn't seem like he was going to admit it."So you're not telling me? I can find out myself," Violet said coldly."You're not allowed to investigate!" Carl ordered.Violet frowned. "What on Earth are you hiding from me?"Carl looked up. "What about you?"Violet's eyes darkened. She was aware that Carl must be suspecting her, but she didn't know if he was suspecting her and Whitney.Violet felt a sense of danger. If she didn't leave with Whitney soon, it would be hard to do so in the future.She didn't know if Carl would believe her if she told him the truth, or if he would kill her and Whitney.Violet could risk her life, but not Whitney's!She endured everything and gave birth to Whitney. She did not regret anything and just
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Chapter 104 Good Stamina
After hanging up, Violet stayed in the villa's garden. She saw Marina admiring the flowers here too.Marina smirked when she saw Violet.Violet stood there without moving, thinking that she didn't have anything to talk to Marina about. There was no need for her to leave just because Marina was there, either.Violet was in her own thoughts when Marina walked over with a mocking look."Many women here couldn't stay by Mr. Walker's side for long. You are the only one. I'd like to see how long you can remain here," Marina said softly.Violet didn't reply as she already had too much on her plate, so she wasn't in the mood to care about Marina's words."However … you flirt with Reed behind Mr. Walker's back. Aren't you afraid of creating trouble for Reed?" Marina asked with a hint of jealousy."That person would be you, not me," answered Violet.Marina's eyes darkened. Violet continued, "You and Reed … that's your relationship issue, but if you have other intentions … " Violet didn't
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Chapter 105 Leave Your Life
After their sex, Violet was out of breath. Every time Carl was rough to her, she would be the one who suffered."Vi," Carl called out softly. "Vi …""Hm?" Violet replied lazily."Please be obedient. Don't always go against me." Carl's voice was filled with a hint of dissatisfaction.Violet was speechless. There were many things that both sides needed to compromise, so why was Carl always so self-centered?Even if he was the boss of the Night Crawlers, he shouldn't act alpha!Carl hugged Violet in his arms. There were many problems between them that weren't solved, but he didn't want to touch upon those matters anymore.If some mysteries were bound to hurt someone when exposed, then he'd rather they remain a mystery.Violet's eyes darkened as she thought about Isabelle and Whitney. Those that were not meant to be, were not meant to be after all."Annabel is getting married soon. I want to get her a good wedding gift tomorrow." Violet spoke up softly."I can arrange that." Carl
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Chapter 106 Toast If I Catch You
Carl furrowed his brows. If what Reed said was true, Violet's disappearance must have something to do with the Demon King.He didn't care if the Demon King had anything to do with Violet going missing. No matter what, Carl wouldn't let any chance slip through his fingers.Violet would be toast if Carl caught her."Go and check!" Carl said with gritted teeth, "Find her!" Reed obeyed his order and went to look for Violet according to his guess. Carl was then left alone in the office. His anger flared up every time he thought of Violet. After calming down, though, he worried about her and missed her a lot.Carl wondered what had happened that caused Violet to leave without a word.…Meanwhile, after Violet settled down in a hotel, she checked on her gun.It had been days since she left the villa. She brushed shoulders with Carl's subordinate a few times after she left, but they didn't recognize her.Violet smirked at the thought that Carl was looking for her.Did they think
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Chapter 107 Do You Still Love Her
In the study, Carl sat on the specific chair he had been sitting in while thinking about Violet in the past few days. Now that she was standing right in front of him, he didn't know how to approach her."You can admit everything to me," Carl said coldly.Violet blinked her eyes with a bitter expression. "What do you want me to say?""The truth!" Carl said loudly, "And I'm going to give you one last chance!""One last chance?" Violet chuckled. "What are you going to do if my answer satisfies you? Are you going to spare my life or kill me?""Violet!""Let me ask you first, why were you there just now?" Violet pressed.He looked at her and paused for a moment before saying, "To catch the spy." Violet tightened her fists. She knew it! She knew Carl must have suspected her to have something to do with the spy."Are you suspecting me?" She asked indifferently. "This is not the first time you've suspected me, right?"He looked up and asked, "How do you explain why you were always t
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Chapter 108 Disappointing Love
It was a set of beautiful jewelry and Violet knew the name of the diamond. It was called "The Angelic Eye", a classic among diamond jewelry."It's so beautiful!""Oh my god. You bought this, Uncle Carl!"Carl raised his eyebrows proudly when he saw Violet's surprised expression. "How is it? Do you like it?"Yes! Of course, she liked it!Violet would be thrilled if she received this before everything went down. But now …"Why did you spend so much on this?" Violet asked bluntly, "Such a big diamond would just be a decoration at home. You should sell this and give me the cash."Carl was speechless."What? It's true!" Violet continued. "Why would I wear such a big diamond?"Carl's expression darkened after hearing that. He bought it to make Violet happy, but Violet didn't appreciate it. She was babbling on and on as if he had made a mistake with the purchase.He was rich! He could buy whatever he wanted!He didn't even want to hear what she was talking about.Carl turned aro
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Chapter 109 Annabel Where Are You
The skies gradually brightened. Maverick was the sole figure left on the bed by the time he woke up.The wave of chaotic memories swamped his mind. He had ravished Annabel and lost his inhibitions deep within her.Maverick massaged his temples in frustration. He didn't have the leisure to inflict self-blame onto himself. The one thing he wanted the most at this instant was to get Annabel back.To hell with that damned promise!Why couldn't they be together if separation had left both of them broken-hearted?"Annabel!" Maverick yelled, "Annabel, where are you?"However, no one responded. The entire room was vacant, save for Maverick himself.Maverick shifted his gaze. At a glance, he happened to see two letters on the vanity.One letter, which was accompanied by the engagement ring on top of it, was for Hugo. Meanwhile, the other was meant for Maverick.Maverick quickly opened his letter. His heart sank at the sight of its contents.Annabel had written, "Mavey, by the time you
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Chapter 110 I Killed Her
Since the day Annabel was gone, Maverick had never stopped looking for her.He had been holding on to that thread of hope that Annabel did not die. He hoped that Annabel was only taken away and was still alive and well.Even that thought had him on pins and needles. He wanted to get her back immediately.Violet witnessed Maverick murmuring to himself. He was obsessed with finding Annabel.She was very worried about the lie being revealed. If that were to happen, Maverick would fall into endless grief again.Violet heaved a long sigh. There had been too many things weighing on her mind recently. These problems came one after another, not leaving her even a second of peace.She did not know when the storm would quiet down.At this moment, a shadow flashed across Violet's eyes."Come out!" Violet threatened icily, "You think you can run away in the villa?"After a pause, no one replied to her. Violet continued, "Or perhaps, you are someone from the villa?"There was still no one
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