All Chapters of Chasing Oblivious: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
70 Chapters
21-Senior Trip to, France
Nothing is more romantic than going to Paris, the city of love. Yesterday was announced that we were going there. I'm so excited, Paris!!!"Well, this trip is going to be amazing. Imagine, us in front of the Eiffel Tower kissing and then in the bedroom, you making love to me." I said before pecking his lips."I can't, this trip is expensive, and as much as my parents were raised in their jobs. I would be taking all their money for a trip that will last only 5 days.""Matt, have you even asked your parents how much they're making now?" I asked while raising an eyebrow."No, I don't like asking about that kind of stuff." He replied."Well, let me tell you a little information." I leaned in and whispered the amount."What the fuck!?""Yep, so about that idea that I told you?""As much as I love that idea, guys and girls will be in different rooms, babygirl." He chuckled. "I doubt our chaperones would leave us alone.""We'll managed to get some alone time." I smiled as he smiled too.....
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22-A Little Love Story
Bella The doctor told us he was stable and nothing inside was damaged. We all stayed there with him till one of the nurses told us only one could stay.Since Cole is my fiancé, I stayed with him. I didn't want to be away from him. He was so pale; I can't believe he jumped in front of me."I thought I lost you back at the park. I was going to tell you some big news." I said as tears started to fall. "I'm pregnant. And when you wake up tomorrow, I will tell you again.""Till this day, I'm still surprised that we're together. You saw me when no one else did. Love me when I didn't." I grabbed his hand.*flashback* I was in the library doing Patricia's homework, oh yeah, I was her little pig. I wasn't brave enough to stand up to her and she scared me and I was afraid she would do something to me. I didn't have friends. I was so distracted that I didn't hear someone sitting next to me. "I thought your name was Bella and not Patricia." I looked up to see the most gorgeous guy. He was my
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23-The Big Day
Three years have passed, three amazing years. Matt graduated from pastry school. His parents bought him a bakery for him. I told Matt that his dad job, would change all their lives.Matt was over the moon with his bakery. He named it, 'Rain's sweets'.I didn't go to college. Matt couldn't wait to start college so we decided that traveling can wait. College just wasn't for me. My parents understood my decision.I wanted to travel around the world with Matt, of course the traveling will be our honeymoon so we're waiting for that. That doesn't mean I won't work; I will help Matt at the bakery. I'm good with business. But that didn't mean I want to lock myself in a college for 4 years for that. College would be a waste of my time and a waste of my parents' money.I have my trust fund and Matt has the bakery, I think we will do good and provide for our future kids so they can have the life they deserve.......The day of my wedding arrived. I still couldn't believe that I was marrying my b
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Time sure went by fast, our first born was a boy. He was a mini Matt. Cutest toddler in the world. We also had another baby. A girl, we named her, Chantelle. As for the boy, he was named after Matt's brother. Aaron. He cried when I told him that. Everyone was really happy when I decided to give him that name in honor of his uncle.Aaron is 3 years old and Chantelle is 1 year old, she was my mini me. I thought I would have them on a big age difference, but we always got in the heat of the moment.We also kept Aaron's dream alive. Matt and I visit the 5 countries him and Aaron wanted to travel to. We wrote his name in every country we visit. It was an awesome honeymoon. We traveled for a month and then returned home, would've been more, but being pregnant and traveling wasn't the best.I was being lazy today and since the kids were napping. It gave me a chance to relax a little. Those two drain my energy. "I want, cookies." Aaron said while sitting on my belly."Mama." Chantelle started
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Uptown Girl
ChantellePeople always tell me; how cool it is to live in the upper East side of New York. It's great, don't get me wrong. I've lived my whole life here. Thanks to my parents. Dad has the most famous bakery in New York. He named it, 'Black's Bakery'. Yeah he changed it, since it's a family business, it fits more. Mom is one of the Best Seller around the world. Her book, about her story with dad made a fortune. Well uncle Cole has a best seller too, it's his little love story with aunt Bella. They are both amazing Writers.Me, I'm a simple girl who loves fashion. Just kidding. I'm a simple girl. Who most of the time attends high society events thanks to my parents.My brother Aaron is studying to become a fashion designer along with his boyfriend. They're so cute together. They're already engaged. This is their last year studying.Our cousin's live in Miami. They visit on holidays.Me on the other hand, just started college. I want to become a kindergarten teacher. I love kids and one
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2-Ricardo Diaz
I came to the states when I was 10 years old. My parents met when my mom was an exchange student in Colombia. Yes, my mom is American and my dad is Colombian. They got married here and after a year, they moved to Colombia. When I was 10 years old, they decided that it was time to move back to the states, life in Colombia was a little too hard, luckily, Nana, let us live with her. We don't have a lot of money, but we do enough to get us by. I work with my dad in a mechanic garage. Lucky for us, dad has a good friend who takes his car and pays dad really good. Mom works as a maid for a rich family who pays her well. With all our money combined, we can pay bills and food and buy Nana's medicine. We may be lower class, but we're happy. I want to become a veterinarian. But I got no money for that. I thought I would at 18 but no such luck, now I'm 20 and still no luck. I hope one day I get my chance. I don't want to be a mechanic for the rest of my life. I have goals and dreams. "Ricky,
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3-Mechanic Garage
The day I've been dreading, has come. I'm so nervous. What if they hate me, or do something to me?"They're going to kill me there." I Sighed. "they love to torture fresh meat.""You watch too many movies. And no one will mess with you. And if they do, they will know what is like to mess with a Black." Dad told me while his eyes were focused on his phone."I hope you're right.""It will be, I'm doing this for your own good. Not because I hate you. I know what is like to work hard to get your dreams come true. I was from a lower class once. It's time for you to learn a valuable lesson, little princess." He gave me a side hug."I love you dad." I smiled while returning the hug."Are we ready?" Mom asked while entering the living room."As I'll ever be." I answered her."Good, now time for your first day of a new chapter." She smiled while giving me a hug. I just chuckled. I love these crazy people.........We arrived and were met by a man who appears to be my dad's age."I'm Carlos. Ni
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4-Issues At Work
It's been an intense week, everything in my body hurt. Yesterday I fell on oil car. I swear that thing hates me. Everyone laughed except, Chad and Ricardo. Which surprised me."Wake up, sleeping beauty." I heard mom's voice."Five more minutes, I'm too tired." I mumbled in my sleep."Is that a bruise?" She asked while looking at my arm.I turned around and face her, "yeah, I fell on oil car and hit my arm.""Working is hard, baby girl.""Grandpa is filthy rich, I doubt you had to work hard.""I may not have worked as a secretary, or a mechanic, etc. But you have any idea how long it took me for my story to be a best seller? I kept getting rejected." She told me as I sat straight."Not even with grandpa's power?""He offered help, buy I declined. I wanted to be successful on my own. And I did. I achieve my goal." She smiled. "Your dad and I know the meaning of working hard. Your brother too. And now it's your turn.""I miss being a kid." I sighed."I remember writing my story, and you
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5-Club 15
I went home and plopped on the couch. Working is not a walk in the park."So, rocky. What's new?" Aaron said while sitting next to me, I just chuckled."This girl is a pain in my ass. Not sure what's her problem." I rolled my eyes."She might be one of those girls who likes to fight just cause.""She deserves a cactus up her ass." I said as he laughed."Chantelle, you almost broke that girl's nose." Dad said while sitting in front of me."She gripped my bruised arm really hard. It hasn't even healed." I huffed as I showed him my left arm their eyes widened.I have a very delicate skin. Even the lightest hit will bruise me."What the hell?" Mom said while looking at my arm. "That wasn't like that, this morning.""Well, someone thought it would be fun to bruise it more.""I'm going to kick some ass." She was fuming, as she was about to leave, dad caught up to her and took her to their bedroom.A few minutes later, they came out. "sending you there was a mistake, let's try the bakery.""
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6-Crazy Night
Ricardo I watched as she disappeared in the crowd. She knew exactly what she was doing and boy was it working. Chantelle didn't play games, she was straightforward."Hot, isn't she?" I turned to see a girl with Eric. "I'm Maggie. Chantelle's best friend.""Ricardo or Ricky." We shook hands. "And I wasn't looking at her, I was looking at that other person.""That's an old woman." Eric mentioned, I just rolled my eyes."I have to go." With that said, I left."He so has the hots for her." Eric told Maggie."Big time, those two have a lot of chemistry." She replied as he nodded.As I made my way to the bathroom, I saw her dancing with Alex. They were really close. Alex is a perv, then again, Chantelle doesn't need saving since she ca defend herself. Screw it.Chantelle I dance with this cute stranger, no idea who he is. But tonight, is about letting free and relaxing, I'm just living in the moment. If my parents saw me like this, they would lock me up.I felt his hands leave, when I tur
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