All Chapters of Chasing Oblivious: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
70 Chapters
13-Trouble At The Bakery
Monday morning came, ugh I miss the weekend already. It was a really good one, I spent more time at his house than in my apartment.I was getting some orders ready when I heard the front door open. I went out and saw Stefan with a very angry look."What has you mad?" I asked while leading him to a table and we took a seat."I went to search for those assholes. And still no sign of them. I just want them to pay already so I can breathe again." He said with a much anger."Again? How many times have you gone to that same place?""A lot, I sometimes leave work to check if they appear." He sighed."Stefan, that's reckless, what if they do appear and see you, they can harm you." I said with crossed arms."I know, but I just want them either dead or in jail. Although the first one sounds more appealing.""They will pay, just relax and don't let those bastards take away your peace." I told him while interlacing our fingers."Thanks, what would I do without you?""Probably be dead or back in j
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14-Bed & Breakfast
StefanI let her sleep and I went outside. Well this isn't awkward at all, her whole family was here. At least two people like me."How is she doing?" Rain asked me."She's resting now, but she's afraid of being alone now that she's been attacked. I think she should get a bodyguard. I can give her one of mine." I suggested."We don't need anything from you. Well only you leaving my house." Ricardo told me. Val wasn't kidding when she said he was very intense."Ricky!" Chantelle said, he rolled his eyes."I won't leave her side, you may be against us being together, but she's everything to me and with all due respect sir, you should stay out of our relationship. She's a grown-up." I wasn't being rude, but I'm also not staying away from her cause of her overprotective father."I need a drink." He left the living room and there was a big slam on the front door."But you stopped drinking years ago!" Chantelle shouted."Seems like a great time to start again!" He shouted back. "I'm going
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15-Dinner With The Campbell's
Once we were finally able to get off each other, we went to town and explore it, it was really beautiful. Our time here was spent exploring the town and exploring each other. We did more each other than the town. What can I say, Stefan knows how to please a woman.We returned to the city and I went to my apartment, followed by Stefan. I think he feels lonely in his huge house. We laid in bed just snuggling."So, my mom is inviting us to dinner tomorrow. what do you say?" He asked while interlacing our fingers."I say yes. I hope your family likes me." I answered him."They do." He smiled."How about you do your girlfriend?" I smirked."My pleasure." He pinned me down.And we made love. I'm so in love with this amazing man...........The next day after work, I went to my apartment to get ready. Ok that was a lie. I fell asleep for a few hours.I woke up and I found Stefan next to me snoring. This doesn't surprise me. The man comes here and make himself feel at home. I don't mind, I lo
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16-Spying The Big Guy
I left my apartment and went to that club. I entered and turns out it was the same club I used to come. I got bored of it. It had a pool, restaurant, you could play golf. And many more activities. I don't miss it."Miss Díaz. Good to see you're back." One of the staff greeted me."Thank you. If anyone ask, my name is Mariana Rodriguez. I'll tip you really good, I'm just undercover." I said as he chuckled."Very well, Miss Rodriguez." With that said he went to get me a drink. Raul was always sweet to me. He was in his 50's.I sat on my table and pretended to read the menu. A few seconds later, I spotted them looking through their menus and talking. Yeah business my ass."How is it that you're still single?" The woman asked while being all flirty.He told her he was single? That asshole."Well-" I couldn't listen cause I was interrupted by Raul bringing me my drink. I gave him the big tip.I saw them laughing and being all friendly. Okay that was me exaggerating, but I didn't like this
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17-Crazy Doesn't Even Explain It
Two weeks went by and I never heard a peep from him. I guess we were really broken up. Even though he promised he wouldn't leave me. Oh and I also found out I'm pregnant. Yeah our stormy night was a successful night. I tried contacting him but no luck."You okay?" Beli asked me."No, I'm still hurting and he doesn't want me in his life. I'm carrying his baby and he still won't answer my texts." I cried. She hugged me.Crash!Natalie arrived just in time, she hugged me too."I just wanted to come and check on you before my class." She said while wiping my tears away."Thanks." I sobbed. "How are things with Isaac?""Amazing, he met my family and they all got along so well." She smiled."That's good, Naty." I smiled back."So, have you two, you know?" Beli asked."Yes, three days ago and he made me feel so love and wanted. I love him." She said in a daze. "gotta go, he's waiting outside." With that said she left.Crash!"Sorry!" She yelled as we laughed."That girl is something else." B
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18- Meant To Be?
I was making lunch when I got a call from the hospital. Weird this call was from a hospital in Washington. When he mentioned Stefan, my heart shattered. Seeing as our relationship was growing, we decided to put each other's in the emergency list.I drove to my parents place and I explained to them what happened. Mom made a few calls and told us that a private jet was waiting for us at the airport. I contacted his family and told them what happened. Dad drove as fast as he could. Once we arrived at the airport, we boarded the private jet and took off immediately. His parents were also flying with us........We arrived and made our way to the hospital and asked for answers. The doctor told us he was still in the operating room. "He can't die, he needs to be alive so we can fix our relationship and he needs to know that he will be a dad." I started to cry. Mom pulled me into a hug."Wait, you're pregnant?" His parents asked me."Yeah, I wanted to tell him but he never answered." I sobb
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19-Trouble Ahead
After a few days in Washington, we returned. He had to take it easy, he also asked me to move in with him and I said yes, I mean we're in love a couple and expecting a baby. I don't see why not. My apartment will only be locked but still belongs to me. I won't be selling it.Oh, and his crazy assistant killed herself in jail when she learned she was going to spend lots of years there.As my pregnancy advanced, I got crazy cravings and lots of sex, so much I drained Stefan. And I'm pretty sure I'm driving him crazy. I was 6 months pregnant. And we are having twins. Girl and boy. He really did scored. You have any idea what is like to have a double kick? "You two stop kicking your mommy." I sighed while rubbing my belly."You okay?" He asked while sitting on the bed next to me."Yeah, just our babies playing soccer in my belly." I said as he laughed. "Three more months and then no more kicking, just crying and waking up early." He said while pulling me to him."Yeah, are you sure you'
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20-We Need Names
StefanChantelle stayed with her. I asked my bodyguard to keep an eye on them.I went with Ricardo to the cafeteria. Since I haven't had breakfast, he invited me. I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to turn him down."So, you proposed to her?""Yeah, I wanted to do it yesterday but that didn't happened. I love Val and our babies more than anything in this world. And I want to marry her." I answered him. He just nodded."Changing topic, want to tell me who was the man that attacked my daughter?" He asked as I ate my sandwich."He is the leader of the band. He was the one that made me steal a car so I could drive them away from the city. Who was I to fight them. I wanted to live so I obey." I told him. Before drinking my coffee.He just looked at me."I paid the price for something I didn't commit. Five years in jail was hell. I lost five years of my life." I said somberly."For the longest time, I thought you actually robbed the bank. That's why I thought it was weird that after 5 years
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Three months went by and it was three very exhausting long months. Chloe and Cedric would wake up every three hours."I did not sign up for this." He said in a very grumpy voice."I asked you before they were born, and you said yes." I went to their bedroom.We decided to put them both in one room. When they get older, they can sleep in separate rooms.Surprisingly, Chloe was sleeping. I just breastfeeded Cedric."Your daddy is a tool." I said while looking at his chubby little face.A few minutes later, Chloe started to cry. I got up and put Cedric in his crib, except he also started to cry."I'm sorry." Stefan said while picking up Cedric, he stopped crying and snuggled to Stefan.I didn't say anything till Chloe started to eat. Once she started I looked at Stefan."Do you regret getting married and being a father? Is that why you're always late and make excuses such as, late night works fixing shit and people stealing from me?" I asked as tears started to fall. "Are you having an a
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22-The Rainbow After The storm
It's been a couple of months. The twins are now 10 months. Dad and Stefan Were still searching for the bastard that attacked me. I hope they find him soon.I returned to work. Mom stays with them while we're working. But someone has become too attached to me that me leaving makes them cry so hard."Mommy is here." I said while hugging Chloe as she cried.Cedric was the most chill twin. While I had Chloe in my arms, he would lay next to me watching Pocoyo."Don't you want to watch too?" I asked her while wiping her tears. I turned her around still in my arms and she started to watch."I'm home." Stefan announced while entering the room. "I see someone has been crying.""Yeah, she's in that phase where she only wants her mom." I said while grabbing her little hands as she enjoyed the show."And this little one is too relax." He said while tickling him, he laughed."Mom tried to see if she could calm her while I was gone. But no luck. Once I was on my way to work, she called telling me C
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