All Chapters of Chasing Oblivious: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
70 Chapters
7-Back To Work
We were interrupted by a woman entering his bedroom. We pulled away and I got off Ricardo's lap."Breakfast is ready, I'm Rachel, his mom.""Chantelle." We shook hands.We made our way to the kitchen and were met by his father and an older woman."I'm, Marla, her mom and his Nana." She smiled. I introduced myself.After getting acquainted, we had breakfast. The food was so delicious. Carlos told me that it was a traditional dish from Colombia."Amazing, thanks for a very delicious breakfast.""You're welcome, dear." His mom said."So, drunkie, want to watch a horror movie?" Ricky suggested."Yeah, I love them." I replied, we went back to his bedroom and watch the movie."I have a feeling with those two." Marla told Rachel."On yeah, this will proof that social classes don't matter when it comes to love." She replied.We sat in his bed and he put play."If you get scared, you can hold my hand." I told Ricky. He rolled his eyes."Try not to jump on me. Or be all over me if a scary part
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He came out of the locker room covered in oil car. We all laughed. Even his dad did. Which surprised me a lot."So that's where the oil went." Carlos said as we all laughed some more."Chantelle, did you do this?" Ricardo asked through greeted teeth."Who, me? How dare you?" I replied."You're so toast." He huffed."Lighten up, you need some fun in your life." I told him. He walked a little closer and then he slipped and landed on my feet."Look at you, falling for me." I said in awe. Everyone laughed. "Fuck you, Black." He said while getting up."I mean, I'm not in the mood right now. But maybe someday." I smirked. He flipped me off.He pushed one of the worker's away from his way. The worker just chuckled."So rude." I said before going to the lockers, I grabbed my clothes and changed. I came out and he was talking to some girl that doesn't work here."Mama." I turned to see a little girl; she looks around 2 years old. She walked towards Trisha and hugged her leg."My baby girl." S
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Monday after class, I went to work. Ricardo wasn't talking to me. I honestly don't know why."Is there a reason why you're angry at me?""Nah, just that after that talk we had about you being careful, you still went out and got with some stranger.""You were at club 15 on Saturday?""Yes, I went to dance with Layla and boom, you're there dancing with a stranger." He said while still working on the car."His name is Luke and he is my best friend. But yeah, we hooked up that same night at his apartment. It's been a while since I had sex." I told him. Let's see if he reacts."Wow, La Princesa hooked up with her best friend. Do you think that makes you cool or something?" He asked in a very cold tone. My blood was boiling."At least it was Luke and not a stupid girl named Layla." I rolled my eyes."Jealous?""You wish. You should just go back to your bitch.""And you to your asshole." He said while mimicking my voice."Fuck you." I said before leaving."Back at you!" He yelled.We each we
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10-Social Status Don't Matter
He didn't say anything for about 5 minutes."You were Eric's mystery girl?""I didn't know I was mystery. But yeah, we used to date, we got in the heat of the moment and had a crazy night, and when I mean crazy, I mean big time. I ended up having a threesome that night. His best friend walked in on us and she was a little drunk and joined us.""Wow, are you into sharing?""No, Eric and I dated but we weren't serious, we just liked each other's company and had sex. After that night, I told him I didn't want another threesome." I move closer to his ear and whispered, "I prefer their manhood to be mine and mine only." I told him in a very seductive way."So, you enjoy sex and from what you're telling me now, you enjoy it a lot." He told me while looking down at my lips. "Yeah, I do. But I'm tired of meaningless sex. I want to be in a relationship based on love and not just physical attraction." I answered him as I pulled away."Well, the guy for you might be out there, just you wait." H
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11-Getting To Know You
After our nap, we went outside and they were all eating junk food."What did we miss?" Ricardo asked."Not much, Luke kissed Sapphi." Maggie answered."Maggie!" Sapphi blushed.We just chuckled. "Luke, you better treat Sapphi well, you've met her family, and there's a say that goes like this, never mess with Royalty. Besides, Jace would have your head if you mess with her." I told him as he shook his head."Sapphi is in great hands." He said before kissing her cheek, she turned red."Alright, now did you two got dirty?" Eric asked us."No, we just made out and ended up falling asleep. Besides, kind of hard getting dirty when mother nature hits you." I sighed."When we do get dirty, none of you will be near us." He told them while wrapping his arms around my waist. I just smiled. And now unholy thoughts about us together at flowing my mind."Well, at least you two re finally taking that step of kissing and being together. Took your sweet time man." Eric told him."I like to take my tim
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12-Lake Date
A few days went by, I was at the mechanic working with Ricardo. But I was distracted I didn't notice that I had spilled oil car on my uniform again.He laughed, "You should keep away from oil car.""Yeah." I chuckled."Are you okay?" he asked while putting the tools down, he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist."It's just, I was honest with you about my not so perfect life that day. I mean I had to be honest with you, I didn't want secrets between us, especially since we have a chance to be together." I told him while wrapping my arms around his neck."Yeah and I appreciate your honesty, although it was a lot of information, I'm glad you told me that. I think I would've been mad if I had known from someone else.""That's why I did it. But I keep thinking about my friends, Maggie and Sapphi will hate me when they learn the truth. Sometimes being honest can screw you for life.""You want to tell them?""Yeah, but I need to think of a way to tell them without them hunt
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13-Honesty Is The Best Policy
Sunday came, and I went to Luke's apartment. We were waiting for Eric to arrive. This should be interesting."I feel like I'm in trouble." Luke mentioned. I just chuckled."No trouble, but you'll have to have an open mind." I added.A few minutes later, Eric arrived. They both say on the couch. I was having til I finally said it."Eric, I used to hooked up with Luke. And Luke, I used to date Eric and we had a threesome. It was awesome. Now moving along.""What!?" They said at the same time."The only reason I'm telling you this is because, we need to be honest with Maggie and Sapphi. If you two plan on having a relationship with them, you need to be honest.""You realize they will hate us, right?" Luke said."And Maggie will dump me. We've been officially together for a month and I haven't told her this." He sighed. "What about you, are you planning in telling this to Ricardo?""He knows everything. He was cool about it. He understood that this was before meeting him. And it's the sam
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14-Rain's Event
We were enjoying our dinner, I really enjoyed being with him, and the fact that we're official makes it better."Wow, never thought I would see you in a crappy place like this. Wait till everyone knows about it." She took a picture of us."Look, Melinda,""It's, Rosalinda.""Don't really care, Melinda, Godzilla, luzmila, I don't care what you say about me, but you leave my boyfriend out of it."Ricardo laughed at my comment."Listen Godzilla, I know you're still butt hurt that my mother's books are better than your mom's. She's having an event to announce her new book. You and your mother tried to ruin it and it backfired making everyone hate your dear mommy. Get over it. Now shoo, I'm enjoying dinner.""I will find a way to ruin you and even your mother.""You do that and you will know who Chantelle Black really is. You don't get to mess with my family and get away with it. Mark my words." I said as I stood up and walked closer to where she was.She didn't say anything she just glare
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I left the credit cards. Luckily I still have my bank account with my savings. That's something they can't touch since it's with my name and I'm not under age. And since the car was a gift from my grandparents, it's mine and my parents can't take that away. I tried calling Aaron, but he never picked up. I didn't want to go to Ricardo's house and bother him. I also didn't want for his family question me, especially after what went down at the event.I went to the cheapest motel and went to my bedroom. I never thought that my family would turn their back on me. I guess, college is out of the question. I would need to search for another job, I would need it since the mechanic garage pay the basic and basic won't cover for rent, bills and groceries.........The next day I did my daily routine and saw a lot of notifications. I was tagged in a lot of videos and memes. Now they call me, upper East side whore.I tried calling Luke and Eric, but they didn't answer and they left me on seen. O
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16-Bed & Breakfast
RicardoIt was 2 pm already, Chantelle wasn't here. Normally she's always on time. I tried calling her but no luck."You okay?" I turned to see Trisha."No, I'm worried about Chantelle. She's going through a rough time. I'm sure you saw the videos.""Yes, they're all over the news. Even the ones where she's smoking and drinking and dancing on a table. I think it's very shitty what they did to her.""My heart aches for her. I don't know what else to do to cheer her up. It breaks me to see her like that." I rubbed my hair in frustration."Because you love her. You being there for her is enough for her. I think I know who might be the responsible for that." She told me."I do and so much. I'll tell her that this weekend. She definitely needs a weekend away from this city. And who?""Remember Linda, well she's been obsessed with you, when she saw you with Chantelle at club 15, that night, she was so angry. I told her to not do anything stupid.""Come with me."We left the mechanic and wen
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