All Chapters of THEIRS: BOUND TO THE ALPHA KINGS: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
103 Chapters
13 - No
SorenAfter returning Rhiannon to her quarters, the complexity of my emotions leaves me restless, a turmoil that I can neither name nor want to acknowledge. She’s making me feel things, things I’d rather not examine too closely. The game between us, the banter and the challenge, it’s more than just a distraction—it’s becoming something that threatens the walls I’ve carefully built around myself.The primal chase through the forest, the heat of the moment when I pinned her beneath me—these are distractions I can’t afford. Yet, try as I might, pushing her from my thoughts is proving more difficult than anticipated. There’s a fire in her, a resilience that challenges me, makes me feel things I’ve sworn off long ago.Reaching my room, I try to shake off the remnants of the night, the electricity that seemed to crackle in the air between us. I decide that a shower is what I need—a chance to cleanse my thoughts and refocus on the tasks at hand. The hot water is a welcome relief against m
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14 - Because You Were Hurt
RhiannonWaking up feels like emerging from a deep ocean, the pressure in my head so intense it’s a wonder I can think at all. My head throbs with a pain that makes me wince, and for a moment, I can’t remember why. I try to sit up, but the room spins, a carousel I never bought a ticket for. Blinking, trying to force my vision to clear, I notice a figure in the room with me, still and silent. My vision blurs at the edges, a disorienting fog that takes a few heartbeats to clear.When it does, the figure beside me comes into sharp focus. Gavriel. As the world finally snaps back into focus, and memories flood back—his injury, the healing, my collapse. My head spins, not just from the pain but from the whirlwind of emotions that accompany the recollection.“How long have I been out?” My voice sounds weak, even to my own ears.“A few hours,” Gavriel answers, his voice a low rumble, filled with an undercurrent of something I can’t quite decipher.I pause, considering his presence here, by
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15 - A Risk
SorenAs we sit in the dimly lit room, the tension among us is palpable. Gavriel, still recovering but ever stoic, and Ivar, who’s been oddly contemplative of late, both watch as I cue up the video sent by Rhiannon’s parents. The screen flickers to life, revealing their faces—Malachi, Cassian, and Rune. Their expressions are ones of worry, a mirror of the emotions churning within me.“We did not send any hunters after you,” Malachi states firmly, his gaze piercing through the screen as if he could see us on the other side. “We don’t even know where you are.”“We wouldn’t risk anything where Rhiannon is involved. All we ask is for our daughter to be returned safe,” Cassian says. “Then we can talk about peace, about helping you regrow your kingdoms.”Rune, the soft-spoken one, nods in agreement. “We want a resolution, not continued conflict.”As the video ends, the room falls into a heavy silence. I glance at Gavriel and Ivar, gauging their reactions. Scepticism is etched deep in their
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16 - Full Moon
RhiannonPacing back and forth in my bedroom, a sense of restlessness envelops me, as if my skin doesn’t quite fit right. It’s hot, too hot, and beads of sweat gather at my brow, an uncomfortable sheen that I can’t seem to shake off. This isn’t just the heat of the room; it’s something else, something deeper, stirring within me.I stop, trying to catch my breath, trying to understand what’s happening. I don’t feel sick, not in the way one does with a cold or fever. No, this is different. It’s like there’s a fire inside me, burning, seeking an outlet, but I have no idea how to quench it. I’ve never felt this way before—so alien, so not like myself.I press a hand to my forehead, half expecting to find a fever, but there’s nothing. Just the same, relentless heat, the same unexplained turmoil.“What’s happening to me?” I mutter to the empty room, half expecting an answer from the shadows that stretch across the floor. But, of course, there’s none. The room remains silent, save for the so
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17 - The Morning After
IvarStanding by the window, the early morning light painting the horizon in shades of gold and crimson, I find myself lost in thought. Last night we discovered something that turned our world upside down—Rhiannon is mated to all three of us. It’s a revelation that seems to defy logic, yet here we are, bound by fate, or perhaps the gods themselves, to be the bridge to peace between our worlds.For the first time in what feels like forever, there’s another person in my life I find myself genuinely caring about, willing to lay down my life for. Glancing back at the bed, seeing her there, tangled in the sheets, nestled securely between Soren and Gavriel, a smile unwittingly finds its way onto my face. It’s a sight I never imagined I’d see, yet it feels right, as if all the pieces have finally fallen into place.Soren stirs, the shift in the room drawing him to wakefulness. He joins me by the window, his presence solid and reassuring. We both stand there for a moment, taking in the sere
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18 - Making Plans / Setting Things In Motion
Rhiannon Sitting across from Ivar, Gavriel, and Soren, I’m completely nervous and out of my depth. We’re about to discuss something that could change the course of our lives forever. “We need to talk to my parents,” I start, diving straight into the heart of the matter. “And I mean really talk. Not through messages or mediators, but face-to-face, on neutral ground.” Ivar leans forward, his usual carefree demeanour taking a backseat to the seriousness of our discussion. “And what’s to stop them from launching an attack when we meet? Neutral ground or not.” Gavriel, silent up to this point, adds, “They’re not known for playing fair. We can’t afford to underestimate them. Security is a concern. We don’t know if your parents will come alone or bring an entourage. We have to be prepared for anything.” Soren, who’s been quietly listening, finally speaks up. “And there’s the matter of trust. We’re asking them to meet under a flag of truce. After everything, that’s asking a lot.” I can’
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19 - The Night Before
GavrielIn our war room, the atmosphere is charged, a blend of anticipation and underlying tension. The response from Rhiannon’s parents has arrived, a beacon of hope amid the uncertainty that’s shrouded us for so long. They’re willing to meet, a first step on the treacherous path towards peace. Rhiannon is asleep, unaware of the developments, and here we are, planning every detail of our departure tomorrow, prepared for every eventuality, even an attack.“I can’t believe they actually agreed,” Ivar comments, leaning back in his chair, the nonchalance in his voice not quite reaching his eyes. He’s been off lately, the usual lightness of his wit shadowed by the weight of our situation. “This is good, right?”Soren, leaning heavily against the table, runs a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. “Yeah, willing to meet or set a damn trap. We can’t rule anything out.”He’s right. Our isolation, by choice and circumstance, has always been our strength and our vulnerability. Now,
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20 - They’re My Mates!
RhiannonThe cold shock of being torn from Soren’s embrace cuts through me, my screams shattering the stillness as I reach out for him, for any of them, only to find my hands grasping at empty air. The ground rushes up to meet me, and as I scramble to my feet, my eyes lock onto my parents, standing a few feet away, their expressions a mix of concern and something darker.“What have you done?!” I shout at my parents, staring into their faces, searching for some hint of remorse, of understanding. “Why would you do this?”My father, Cassian, stands firm, his expression a mask of regret and resolve. “We did what we had to, Rhiannon. They took you from us and we had no idea if this was a trap or not. We’re just taking you back.”“Taking me back?” I echo, incredulity sharpening my voice to a cutting edge. “You call this a rescue? I chose to be with them!”My mother reaches out, her touch meant to soothe, but it only fans the flames of my anger. “Darling, please, try to understand. We’re ju
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21 - Time Will Do You Good
SorenCircling the island, I stretch out my wings, feeling the wind rush through my scales as I survey the boundaries of our territory. It’s a routine patrol, but today, my mind is restless, preoccupied with thoughts of Rhiannon. Since the disastrous meeting with her parents, there’s a heaviness in her that I feel deep in my bones—a shared ache, thanks to the mate bond, that tells me her heart isn’t just bruised, it’s shattered. She puts on a brave face, dismisses it with a wave and a joke, but I know better.Shifting back to my human form with a practised ease, I pull on a pair of shorts just as I see her approaching. The sight of her—in a simple white cotton dress, barefoot, her hair catching the light of the setting sun—tightens something in my chest.Before she can say anything, I close the distance between us, pulling her into my arms, and kiss the side of her head—a gesture of comfort I hope she can still find solace in. “How are you doing?” I ask, though the answer is written
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22 - A Night To Just… Be
RhiannonAs I feel the fabric of the blindfold tighten gently around my eyes, Ivar’s warm breath tickles my ear. “Trust me, Rhi. You’re going to love this,” he whispers, his voice a soothing blend of mystery and reassurance.“Where are you taking me?” I ask, half-excited, half-anxious as he guides me by the hand. Each step crunches softly underfoot, the unmistakable scent of the forest growing stronger with every breath. My heart races, not just from the blindfold and the unknown, but from the anticipation of whatever Ivar has planned.“Just a little further,” he teases, his usual light-hearted chuckle making it harder to fret about where we’re going. “You don’t always need to see the path to enjoy where it leads.”Despite my nervousness, I smile, squeezing his hand. “If this is another one of your cooking experiments, I swear…”He laughs, stopping us both. “No cooking this time. I promise.” He leans in, kissing the side of my head gently. “Okay, ready?”The anticipation is a knot in
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