All Chapters of The Crowolf. When Love Crosses Species. : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
80 Chapters
Chapter 51 - the Swap
They all gathered under a big tree with its branches spreading widely like an open palm of a giant. The cold light of the moon made them all visible - clear silhouettes stood out in the cold moonlight. Dean was towering over them all. However, one thing had to be concealed - his true name. From now on, he was Dervel.Dean stood in the center, his heart heavy with grief, his senses acutely aware of every rustle in the underbrush. He had to play the role well, otherwise the whole intricate plan would fall apart.[five hours before]I need love. I need love! - Dean screamed into the open sky, feeling so lonely like never before. His anguished cry tore through the stillness, a raw and desperate plea that seemed to echo through the very fabric of the universe. With each breath, his chest heaved, and his golden eyes shimmered with unshed tears.He was already a full-grown, mature man realizing that the lack of a mate was the heaviest burden he had to carry. Now, having lost his brother, he
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Chapter 52 - Feathers of Regret
Bianca’s eyes had no fear, the first time in her life she felt so powerful. She was all covered with hard metal feathers except for her face, which had all the beauty of a young lady. She had never seen Jenn before but the lawyer knew exactly who she was.Not even a second longer could Jenn stand her look, she hated her even more for all who she was - perfect and powerful.“Who are you?” asked Bianca, piercing her through like a dagger. “And what are you doing here?”“Stay away from me!” Jenn screamed out of fear - the hatred itself didn’t make her brave enough to withstand her look - she was scared that somehow Bianca knew she wanted to steal her husband away.Bianca instead took a step closer, her movements deliberate and measured, as if sensing the fragile nature of the moment. Jenn's fingers clenched into fists, her knuckles turning white as she struggled to contain the tempest of fear raging within her.“Are you going to kill me?” she asked, prepared for the worst.“If only you g
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Chapter 53 - She doesn't fly, she falls
“Oh! Come on! You’re pulling my leg! Right? Whether white or black or any other girl’s flesh tastes exactly the same. ”“If that was the case, I wouldn’t have a collection of carefully selected patches of skin in my room. Believe me, man, every single one comes from a body which had a special flavour.”Patrick shook his head in disbelief. In reality, he didn’t give a damn what the werewolf was talking about, but he wanted to get access to the pack’s secrets through one of their members. Jig happened to be the chosen one, a naive macho, for whom thinking wasn’t the strongest side. He followed blindly his werewolf desires and became a prisoner of its instinct. Hunting for girls was his addiction and he couldn’t wait until the next freshly caught lady was chewed with his sharp teeth.“Man, you’re talking about it as if it was at least a piece of heaven in your mouth. I didn’t know the werewolf taste could be so sophisticated.”“Ha!” Jig shifted into a wolf. “You didn’t know about werewol
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Chapter 54 - The Dawn of Revenge
“I love her! I love her so much! She is my wife, I cannot lose her!”Samuel moved back and forth in the cell, barely able to tame the wolf inside him. His nature demanded freedom, demanded the moon and, what’s more, demanded a woman.“I need to touch you, Bella. I need to feel your skin, smell your hair and kiss you from head to toe. You’re my mate, so it is our destiny to be together and merge our bodies into one.”He spoke to the steel bars which reflected a distorted picture of his face. Something was telling him that he couldn’t delay any further action - it was high time to take those things in his own hands.It was late into the night when the guard took his stroll across the ward. He used to keep his torch on and crossed the cells with its stark beam to make sure everyone was in their places.As the guard's footsteps approached Samuel's cell, he paced anxiously, his heart pounding in sync with the rhythmic echoes. The moon's soft glow seeped through the small window, casting a
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Chapter 55 - One Touch Away
The dimly lit room spun around Jenn, and her thoughts floated hazily through her mind. The bottle in her hand was nearly empty when she burst out with maniacal laughter, almost breaking the glass against the table.With every passing moment, her inhibitions seemed to fade away, replaced by a reckless abandon that alcohol often brought. Her laughter echoed through the big house, a mix of melancholy and euphoria blending into a haunting melody.“Just one f*cking step from putting an end to this who*re! Just one f*cking step! You’re a traitor, Stacy! Blo*dy dwarf! You’re just like any other man, so naive and foolish…”Just as Jenn was beginning to lose herself completely to the intoxication, a sharp knock reached her ears. The sound cut through the fog in her mind, and she frowned, struggling to make sense of the intrusion. Her bleary eyes flicked towards the door, and she stumbled to her feet, swaying unsteadily."Who is this?" she muttered to herself, her voice slurred. She staggered t
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Chapter 56 - the Blissful Forgetness
[Dean’s chamber]Dean closed the door softly and whispered, "How is she?" Stacy was still catching his breath, his arm aching from the collision with Bianca."Believe me, if it weren't for me, she would be dead. But now, she's at least breathing."Dean, his eyes filled with concern, checked her pulse. "That's not very reassuring. Give her to me; I'll take her to the secret chamber. No one can know she's here. Can you imagine it? The most wanted creature in the country is hidden right in the heart of our pack!"Stacy puffed, exasperated. "If you had told me about this a week ago, I would never have believed you."Dean turned the key and pushed the door open, revealing Dervel's secret sanctuary. He guided them to the bed where Jenn used to be invited by the former leader. Carefully, Stacy laid Bianca on the red blanket, her wings half-transitioned, unconscious, and her feathers glistening like they were dipped in black ink. It was a sight neither of them had ever seen before. Bianca was
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Chapter 57 - to Read Your Heart
Pale fingers, as white as a bedroom sheet, did not move. Jenn laid on the floor with her eyes open - once vibrant, now empty and glassy. Samuel breathed heavily in the eerie silence of Jenn’s living room. After his emotions dwindled, he finally understood what he had done. At first he could not believe it, but as the time passed, he decided to stay strong - no alpha could let himself have a moment of doubt.Next to Jenn’s fingers laid a black necklace with a padlock - a gift from Dervel. It made a stark contrast to the blood-red roses in the vase on the nearby table. The scent of roses, once a symbol of their passion, now mingled with the metallic tang of blood, creating a haunting aroma that hung heavy in the air. Samuel's sinewy hands reached out to pick up the necklace, his fingers tracing the smooth, dark surface.What the hell is it? Did you really become Dervel’s object?The padlock itself intrigued him - it looked like a symbol of her imprisonment.What did you do it for? Thos
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Chapter 58 - Bittersweet
In a dimly lit cavern in the heart of the forest, Jig and Patrick sat across from each other, their faces shrouded in shadow. The atmosphere was tense, charged with anticipation.Having his wolf on the verge of revelation, Jig leaned forward. "Patrick, you sly fox, I must say this plan of ours has worked like a charm. Stacy, the dwarf, has truly come through for us."Patrick nodded, a sinister smile curling on his lips. "Indeed, Jig. Stacy's approval of our plan gave us access to Bianca. And Dean is such a lost leader that he will do whatever Stacy tells him to do. If Bianca does not regain her memory until the day of conception, the biggest part of the plan will be done.”Jig chuckled, a low, throaty sound. "Who would've thought a dwarf seemingly of no worth would become our secret weapon?"Patrick’s voice barely above a whisper. "Without him, I would not be able to get to Bianca. Now we need to make sure we are always one step ahead. Ahead of them all"His eyes gleamed with exciteme
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Chapter 59 - In the Arms of Deception
“My name is Patrick. I am your father, my child. ”Bianca stared at him with an open mouth. She could not remember a thing from her past. The sight of a handsome, a bit older man who declared to be her father was special in terms of two things: first of all, she stopped being so alone in this world and, secondly, she could finally learn something about her past.“But… I just don’t remember you. I’m sorry, but I don’t remember anything!”Her tears could not stop falling. She tried to hide her eyes behind the shaking palm of her hand.“Don’t be shy to cry, darling. It’s all good. You just need to know you’re among friends. I will take care of you.”Patrick put the warmest smile on his face he could, and hugged Bianca, leaning over her bed. When she hid her face in his arms, he could finally take off his mask and stop smiling.It is my time now. Don’t screw it, Patrick. Just imagine Melany watching us now!"Tell me!" she begged, her voice quivering with emotion. "Tell me everything about
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Chapter 60 - the Bloody Luck
“You can’t be serious.” Stacy let go of the handle and the door slowly closed. Jenn was lying on the floor motionless with her empty eyes staring at him. There was a dark bruise painted on her neck and reaching up to her collarbone.Stacy felt a shiver run down his spine as he recognized a familiar smell in the air – one that could not belong to anyone but a werewolf. The chilling realization gripped his heart. Could the murderer still be inside, hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike again?He tightened his grip on the small ax, his knuckles turning white as he scanned the room, senses on high alert. The faint sound of a growl reached his ears, and his eyes darted toward the corner where heavy breathing moved the curtains.Stacy's heart raced as he prepared for a confrontation. "Show yourself!" he commanded, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination.The figure slowly emerged from the shadows, revealing a hulking, hairy form with gleaming blue eyes – a werewolf. Its
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