All Chapters of The Crowolf. When Love Crosses Species. : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
80 Chapters
Chapter 21 - A Desperate Embrace
[kisses of the river] The river tossed them like crazy, up and down, left and right, but Michael kept Bianca firmly, because he knew that if he let her go, she would drown. Body to body, neck to neck, they floated with the current, powerlessly struggling to take a breath.Suddenly, Bianca tightened Michael’s hand, which he had put around her waist. She was short of breath, either out of panic or because the violent hits of water were about to strangle her. Michael guessed straightaway what was wrong. He took a deep breath, turned his head towards her, and kissed, giving her a bit of air. She greedily took life from his lips and after one sip, she accepted another, then the next and one after another, every time Michael was ready to kiss her. Those kisses were life-giving; however, they made Michael terribly exhausted. But he knew that without them, she would certainly die. Fortunately, the current got weaker at one point, and their bodies slowed down, giving them some respite. The
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Chapter 22 - The Bloody Fight Show
"First round! Welcome to the show everybody! We do not fight for fun! We do not fight for money - at least, most of us say so! We do not even fight for women! Although it's good to have one on your side when your body bleeds, like after a dog fight. But we fight for what?!" the speaker suspended his voice. "We fight for blood!" the crowd cheered madly as another pair of fighters entered the ring. "We fight for blood!" "For blood!" "For blood!" "For blood and until the bloody last drop of blood!" the speaker joined the crowd, and the whole mess sparked off. The bell rang to commence the first round. The fighter standing in the left corner wore only yellow shorts, whereas the other one from the right corner had red pants on his hips. They had no gums protecting their teeth. Both were muscled, both were big, and both were ready to kill or be killed. The audience demanded a show. They had paid a lot of money to see not the winner, but the loser more. The fighters had been conscripte
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Chapter 23 - Reunion
It was a peculiar sight to see three glass vials with three different liquids inside. The middle one was red and two external ones were green and blue. They looked so cheerful like the paints used by children to make a nice picture. But in reality, each of them was an ingredient of a mixture capable of changing people beyond recognition. The trick with those elements was that, separately, each of them had a different property. “The green one could erase your short-distant memory, the blue deprives you of any love for anyone and anything - it can make your life utterly unbearable to live. The red one in turn provokes hatred towards someone whose body touched you first after drinking it.” “Be careful, my child.” the woman with ragged hair moved the vials across the table. “The effects are irreversible, once someone drinks it, there is no way back.” “Good,” said Jenn. “That is what I need. No more weakness, no more doubts, no more mercy.” The witch looked closer at her with s
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Chapter 24 - Golden Dog Tags
“Smoking is not allowed. Do you hear me? Smoking is not allowed here!” Jenn had had enough of it. Stacy not only paid her an unannounced visit but also behaved in the most rude way, regardless of her status. She was a lawyer, people should treat her with due respect. But there he was, keeping his dirty shoes on her desk, smoking a fag and grinning brazenly as if she was not there. “You’re Dervel’s pet. You know?” The dwarf was looking straight into her eyes. “You’re taking it out on smoking, but in reality, Dervel can do with you, whatever he wants. Don’t you see that? He’s playing with you just to satisfy his dark desires in exchange for what? Bianca’s head? hahaha!” Stacy burst into laughter so loud that ash from his cigarette fell on the leather chair he was sitting on. “He can’t protect his own pack and you think that he can catch Bianca for you. Anyway, even if that miraculously happens, you want her to be dead but he wants her for something else. He’s making a fool
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Chapter 25 - One Mirror, Two reflections
“One spark can ignite the whole fire.” A man sitting at the table finished dinner and wiped his mouth with a white napkin. The restaurant was almost empty as the clock struck eleven and the place was about to be closed. Waiters were already tidying the tables, but he and his companion didn’t bother, they needed rest after the meal. “You know I respect you, Dean and I always will, regardless of your brother who is in the hands of powerful demons ruling his life,” the other man’s shirt was a bit cramped, obviously he was after a long working day. “I know what you mean, Steff. We belong to the same team. We’re both werewolves but managed to tame the darkness inside us and lead a decent life. Dervel is my family. He’s my twin brother and sometimes I have the impression that I am being watched by the same dark spirits which watch him. I feel what he feels. Every single deed committed by him is felt inside me. And honestly, it has gotten even worse recently. Darkness eats my heart fr
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Chapter 26 - A twin-light inside the soul
“Where is Michael?” Bianca asked silently, almost whispering. “He’s gone to do some business,” Blaze answered softly, barely moving his lips. “So, you must have been surprised that he’s got a twin brother?” Bianca did not get up from her bed. It was too soft and too nice to leave it. For many days back, she had been sleeping rough, but to say sleeping is a bit of an exaggeration. “I’ve seen so many things so far that, now I think, nothing can surprise me anymore.” “Oh dear…” sighed Blaze. “ I could have predicted that. Life with Michael cannot be different than that.” He smirked ironically. “I’m sorry, girl, but I know Michael a bit and sometimes he just can’t help himself from getting into trouble.” Bianca said nothing. For a moment she felt like in her old days, having a normal chat with some friends. How far those times seemed to her! “I know a bit about the things which happened to you. If I were in shape…” Blaze pointed at the dressing wrapped around his belly -
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Chapter 27 - Downpour Clash
“He’s on the billboards all over the underground world!” “You must be kidding!” Dervel collapsed in the chair. “It’s been just two weeks since you saw him last. That cannot be him!” he said through his teeth. His reddish mouth barely moved. Jig took a poster out of his pocket. “Look! Every bloody wall is covered with his face. He’s the new f*cking champion! And the new hero! He strangled Mercury with his gut ripped apart!” He could not stop shouting. The picture burnt him like fire. Dervel had a closer look at the photo. The similarity was undeniable. Under the white werewolf with grey eyes, there was a name: BLAZE. “ah” he pointed at the red capital letters forming the new champion’s name. "It's not Michael, you moron! It's his twin brother! He left our pack many years ago. Another prodigal son." “Michael times two?” Jig tried to be funny regardless of the harsh words. He even smiled a bit mockingly, looking for some approval from his boss's side. Obviously, he didn't
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Chapter 28 - the Communion of Souls
Dervel was taking a bath in the lake when his phone left on the shore started ringing. It can wait, he thought to himself, enjoying the lukewarm touch of the water. He was after another time when the king inside his head demanded Jenn and satisfied his needs. Jenn again fulfilled his wishes. The wolf king finally fell asleep, so Dervel was alone again. Like a drug addict, he felt satisfied and could think clearly again. And actually, it was the right time to do so. The Alpha dived into the water with his enormously built body and opened his eyes under the surface. It was completely dark down there, and despite perfect vision, he could not see anything. Suddenly, a quick flash appeared in front of his eyes, taking the shape of Jasmine’s face. His thoughts froze - he started sinking with his limbs dumb like a stone. Jasmine! A disturbing hunch crept into his mind like an octopus. Dervel began quickly moving his arms and legs and finally emerged from the dark depth of the w
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Chapter 29 - “Just play it out well.”
[a text message]466 Greenrose CircleEast Elmhurst, Downpour 11730the basement of the abandoned buildingI’m waiting here for you. Leave your flat now! The avalanche has moved! He waited with anticipation for the answer from Blaze. He had warned him in advance what he was going to do and couldn’t understand why they hadn't come yet. The silence gaping from his phone was unbearable. Jasmine was lying on the dirty mattress, her hair in dried blood. She was gagged but her eyes were open all the time. On the one hand, she should be grateful for saving her dignity and life, but on the other, she didn’t know what would happen next. She followed Michael with her fear growing, coming to the basement in the dimmed light. After Michael shifted into a man, it suddenly became clear to her - the stories about werewolves were real. Lost in his thoughts, Michael stared at Jasmine. He had to admit, she was quite pretty. Michael had no idea what her mom looked like but she could have been of e
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Chapter 30 - the Ballerina
She looked at the TV screen and followed the news about the mysterious murders committed on three men. The festival in Downpour became known nationwide as last night’s events shocked everybody. There was gossip spreading across the city that it might have been a job done by a wild animal or even a pack of wolves crossing the country. Some people who had fun at the party claimed to have seen some of them. Their descriptions varied from more plausible ones to completely out of this world. For example, the beast was supposed to be pink with yellow stripes but that was quickly ruled out as the witness turned out to be a drug addict who saw not only pink bears but yellow ants, blue worms and white mice. However, one of the witnesses’ testimony drew Jenn’s attention. She was a ballerina, a young distinguished woman who, despite ridiculously long eyelashes, evoked trust. She said something along these lines: “Those so-called victims were rapists in reality. They surrounded some gir
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