All Chapters of The Crowolf. When Love Crosses Species. : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
80 Chapters
Chapter 11 - The House of Cards
That valley used to be a big lake which disappeared after the earthquake. The bottom of the lake simply cracked in half, and the water drained as if someone had pulled out the plug from the bathtub. Samuel’s grandpa built a high tower with a light at the top, which resembled a lighthouse. It was placed at the bottom and the tower mysteriously glowed from below like a dome of a cathedral. Samuel enjoyed spending there his free time, especially at full moon, basking in the cold light. However, that night he wasn’t there for pleasure. He was getting ready to destroy his life. “Can you assure me that you will get me out of jail after a year?” Samuel asked a woman in a black suit sitting by him. “Money will do the trick. I just need to ensure it is given into the right hands. But are you convinced that he will keep Bianca alive? I wouldn’t give Dervel even a single penny for safekeeping.” Her red lips were moving slowly as she wasn’t sure yet if Samuel’s plan was the best option. “I’
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Chapter 12 - "Crave" for a girl
Countless police cars filled Victor’s premises. The officers moved around like ants on the anthill. In the place where the snowman used to be, there was just a red spot of blood - Victor had already been put into the black bag. Over that bag lying on the snow, a flock of ravens flew in circles making ominous sounds. Was it a cry or anger? - that remained a mystery. Nevertheless, the eyes of the whole country were turned to a different place - Samuel’s lighthouse. TV vans circled the building, hoping to catch the murderer’s face on camera - the face of a freak who killed a respected old man. And the tv vultures did so - two black officers led the handcuffed young man in tracksuits into the car. Samuel’s face didn’t show any fear, but he was not by no means the same boy from the Column Hall. Three-day stubble covered his cheeks, and his look was at least ten years older than a couple of days ago. He became a grown man - a warrior who was determined to fight no matter what. The
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Chapter 13 - "Just Die!"
“What did you find out? Do you know where she is?” Chapped lips moved on the other side of the hardened glass. “I need to know, or I will go crazy.” Samuel, dressed in an orange outfit, spun the wedding ring on his left finger nervously. Just after over a week in jail, he looked beyond recognition. “My God.” Thought Jenn to herself. How is he supposed to stand there the whole year…? “You must be patient, Samuel. I’m doing what I can, but it’s not easy to infiltrate Dervel’s pack. They are like behind an iron wall. It’s the best-organized pack I’ve ever come across. But don’t worry - I will get what I want.” Jenn’s eyes flashed at the mere sound of these words. What did she really mean? She definitely craved Samuel, and the more he was dependent on her, the more obsessed she was with him. Samuel clenched his teeth, making his jaw look masculine like never before. That week in prison changed him not only outside, but it gave him a bit of mature taste. “Oh dear,”thought Jenn.
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Chapter 14 - Into a Beast
“I’m not going to fall… I’m not going to fall… Michael!” Crave shouted his name. “I’m going to fall!” His bare foot slipped on the treetop and if not for Michael’s hand, he would definitely fall to the ground and maybe even break his neck. “I told you, man!” Michael pulled him onto the top with quite a big effort. “Don’t look down or we’ll both finish like two broken dolls.” Crave regained his balance and wiped the wound with his half-shifted elbows. It stretched from his knee, through the muscled calf, up to his ankle. “So…” Crave looked up at Michael who kept looking in the distance instead of showing any interest in his wound. But there was not even the slightest trace after Bianca. “You needed me here to climb trees like a monkey? For what?” His voice expressed irritation as Michael was so indifferent to him. “Don’t be a chicken, man.” Michael smiled unwillingly and put his palm on Crave’s back. “You’re here to save me when I slip, just what I did a moment ago. B
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Chapter 15 - The Three Scenarios
“Why should we ever bother with Jenn?” A short bearded man put Jenn’s top on Dervel’s desk. “That’s a gift from me, boss. I know you like souvenirs.” Dervel put a wry smile on his face and sniffed the piece of material. “I was just one step from eating her. But my gut told me to refrain. Her hatred towards Bianca can be helpful; I need to figure out when and how.” The dwarf, humorously called Stacy after his wife, who split up with him just one week into their marriage, showed a bit of discomfort. “I don’t know about you, but chicks in the team equal just one thing - complications.” “You don’t get it, Stacy.” Dervel uncovered his mouth. He had a soft spot for him. Stacy was treated like a curiosity in a circus by the whole pack, excluding Dervel who really liked him. “I’m not planning to use Jenn, only her sick jealousy. She will pay for all our sins if it's played out well. Then, after she has done her part, we’ll leave her like litter in the street.” “So…” The dwarf pic
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Chapter 16 - Behind you!
He was hidden between the rocks. However, the sound of bird wings hovering above drowned out his heavy breath. It was dark, and he couldn’t see any of them in the space between the rocks. Nonetheless, one thing was certain, there were hundreds of birds attracted by the majestic force of Bianca. She moved soundlessly towards Crave, looking much taller and much stronger than ever before. Crave couldn’t shift entirely into a wolf. He was paralysed by the fear and didn’t even think about putting up a fight. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, big cold claws snatched his arms so that Crave couldn’t move even an inch. Bianca lifted him without any effort like an eagle and flew over the rock in the cloud of other birds. The claws pierced Crave’s arms; soon after, streaks of blood stained his defenceless body. He even kept his legs still because every abrupt jerk electrified his body with pain. So, frozen like an icicle, Crave hovered in the black cloud of birds, not knowing what he wa
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Chapter 17 - Behind the Closed Door
Drops of water were falling from her as she sat in the same room, under the same black ceiling and on the same oak chair as a week ago. She said nothing, waiting for Dervel to begin. What should her feelings towards him be? Awe or Disdain? Admiration or Disgust? It was still too early to say. “You’ve got balls, Jenn,” Dervel’s face this time was all crystal clear. In the place of the red glow which shone last time, they sat in the light of the golden bulbs. Facing a lengthy moment of silence, he continued: “After how much I owned you last time… And after discovering my desire to drink your blood... Do you know that I was just one step from biting into your neck?” Jenn still kept silent. She felt the same pain as then, all over her body. But this time, wet clothes soothed the hurting spots. Finally, she spoke: “I know what I felt. You were not supposed to do it. Not then, and never again.” “Hahaha!” Dervel’s eyes filled with devilish joy. “So, you think that I spared you j
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Chapter 18 - Dervel's King
The bodies lay like withered leaves, a really unparalleled sight of abandoned werewolves. In the middle of the battlefield, Bianca crouched with her head hidden between her bloodshot wings. Michael was not too far, and although his eyes were open, he didn’t move - too weak to do anything except breathe. They both kept silent, one of them terrified to death by things she had done, the other fighting for survival. Luckily, werewolves’ bodies generate much faster than human ones, so by noon Michael was able to move. He saw her still hidden inside her wings and, before saying anything, decided to get closer. “Bianca…” he whispered. “Can you look at me?” Michael was a bit scared of going up to her. He was afraid to see her face now, the crow’s one. “Go away!” she whimpered, her body shook. “I don’t want anyone to see me!” “Bianca!” Michael’s heart beat faster. “Why so? It’s me, Michael. You saved my life.” “I saved your life?” Bianca laughed through her tears. “Look aroun
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Chapter 19 - Is Penance Enough?
"Ristel, I promised not to bother you unless it's truly necessary," Dervel's voice came through the receiver, tinged with concern. "It's about Jasmine. She might be in danger." The silence on the other end was disheartening, but Dervel pressed on. "What do you say? Can I count on you?" He held his breath, waiting for a response. "Where is she now?" Ristel, never one to answer questions, replied with a question of his own. "Downpour," Dervel carefully pronounced the name of the town where Jasmine lived. "Thank you, Ristel." He added his gratitude before the line abruptly disconnected. He took solace in the fact that, from now on, his daughter would be safe. [at Jenn's place] Jenn gazed at Samuel's photograph and nervously bit her lip. With each passing moment, her longing for his presence grew stronger. She knew that her very existence depended on winning him over. "I can't keep myself away from you any longer. I need you now!" she whispered, as if Samuel were there with her, kiss
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Chapter 20 - the River: the End or Beginning?
“Those bastards! They will not get away with it!”, Stacy looked at the werewolves’ bodies lying all over the place. They were all dead including Jester, who had his throat ripped off and stared hollowly far ahead. As Stacy called his pack from now on, the Avengers, sniffed the place thoroughly, trying to discover what exactly happened there. The conclusion was not that obvious, since in addition to Michael’s smell there was a strange one - a new creature whom they’d never met before. “Bury them with due respect,” the dwarf ordered and they immediately, they all began digging. It looked funny seeing a dwarf as a commander of fully grown werewolves, perfect machines for killing but the truth was that all the pack trusted him more than Dervel. They used to say that Dervel was a good Alpha as long as everything went well. As soon as something was wrong, he was a very unpredictable leader. Brutal, violent and disrespectful. His only trusted weapon was fear. That is why so man
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