All Chapters of The Crowolf. When Love Crosses Species. : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
80 Chapters
Chapter 71 - "You're on the dark side."
"Can you believe it? She finally remembered everything. Her name, her family, her life. And now she's trapped in this hellhole with no way out."The woman said, her voice trembling. Apparently she lost her cool calculated approach to the whole situation, she got much more emotional.“But we can still watch them. We promised ourselves not to intervene, but you can see now the crow world sees something more than we. Her second nature wants to bring Samuel to her.”“Isn’t enough to finally finish this torment for Bianca? If her crow nature wants Samuel, why should we have any more doubts who will be the best match for her?”The woman protested. She had her eyes wide with fear and determination. But it didn’t make an impression on the man. He just sighed with tiredness that he had to repeat the same thing again and again.“Look. Samuel has a big ally on his side. If he can’t get Bianca back even with the help of a crow, it will mean he doesn't deserve her. Maybe that’s the whole purpose o
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Chapter 72 - A time to Act
Samuel lay on the floor of the abandoned lighthouse, his breath ragged and his blood staining the leaves. He felt a sharp pain in his side where the sharp claws nearly tore him apart. He knew he had to heal quickly - deep down he felt Bianca needed him.He closed his eyes and focused on his inner wolf, willing his body to regenerate.However, he wasn’t alone.He heard a caw above him and opened one eye. A crow was perched on a rock shelf, staring at him with focus. Samuel growled softly, but the crow didn't seem afraid. It tilted its head and cawed again.“You’re a crow… Just like my wife,” he muttered. Despite the pain taking into parts all his consciousness, an intriguing thought came to his mind.“Do you know where Bianca is? Can you lead me to her?”The crow tilted its head and cawed again, as if understanding his words. There was something in its eyes that could not be overlooked.The crow landed on his chest and started pecking at his wounds. Samuel felt a shooting pain all over
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Chapter 73 - the Lullaby
Stacy pushed the handle leading to the golden cabin and ushered Patrick inside.“Just take a seat, Patrick,” the dwarf showed him a dusted chair and locked the door. He didn’t want Michael to hear any of what was just about to be said.He leaned against the door and took a deep breath.“How is it possible that both you and I are so deep in the werewolf’s world…”Stacy cracked his knuckles as Patrick listened, intrigued. The dwarf was the only person around who showed some common sense and was just like him - an ordinary man with no second nature inside.But that was deceptive.“People don’t even realize what world they live in. They are just playing around like kids in the sandpit, not even aware of what is happening to their relatives, daughters and so on. What can even happen to them.”The conversation was not what Patrick expected. He hoped to know something about his money and even though he trusted Stacy more than any other werewolf, he always tried to see the second bottom.Ever
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Chapter 74 - The final shot
“Are there silver bullets inside your gun? If not, I will take it as an offence.”The man sitting at the table didn’t even care that there was a gun pointed at him.“You’re alive Victor, you old fox. You’ve arranged everything from the start. And managed to involve so many people into your plot.”“And that’s only the beginning, Patrick. There is a great future ahead of us.’’“Ahead of us?” Patrick raised his voice. Finally, he noticed the woman sitting in front of him.“Yes. Ahead of me, Bianca and Melany.”The woman turned around and looked straight into his face. It was Melany - Bianca’s mom who was supposed to be sick with leukemia in hospital.Patrick lowered the gun unwillingly. “You must be kidding me. You have tricked not only me, but first and foremost Bianca! She's gonna hate you even more than me!”Victor smiled wickedly. "Oh, Patrick, you're so behind with everything. In the end, Bianca will thank us for it and that should not be your concern. Melany has always been against
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Chapter 75 - One Day Before
The gun fired and its bang tore the whole place apart. Patrick stood still with his hand raised to the ceiling, from which a black feather was falling down in a smooth move, straight to the table. Melany with a terror on her face watched a killed crow lying in front of her. It saved her life.Patrick, pointed the gun at her, instead of firing it at Victor. His hatred towards her was even stronger than his love for money.At the exact moment when Patrick pulled the trigger, another gun fired. It was Victor’s finger with a silver ring which aimed impeccably straight at the middle of his temple. From a small dot, suddenly a streak of blood started coming out, staining the lapels of his suit. His scalp burst into small pieces - the bullet literally smashed his head.Victor survived another death of his. Only Stacy did not foresee the outcome of this attempt at his life.“Look,” Victor put the gun on the table. There was still smoke coming from the gun barrel. “The crow has just saved your
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Chapter 76 - Twelve Hours Before
Michael couldn't take his eyes off Bianca's face. She was in a deep sleep after drinking his mixture. He had been sitting by her bedside for hours, holding her hand and looking at the clock which in twelve hours was supposed to strike midnight. When it happens, a special conjugation of stars and the Moon, which takes up the shape of a crow, will open Bianca’s body to an extraordinary thing - the ability to accept wolf’s semen and use it for the creation of a new species.So he sat there alone, completely unaware of what was happening behind his back. He was afraid of just one thing - what if she said no to their act of creation? What will he do if she rejects him?The time to unite their bodies won’t last too long - it is just a window of three hours, between midnight and 3am. Michael wanted to make it as pleasurable as possible for her, but what if she said no?I have no choice. I will have to force her, whatever the cost. The child must be born. He fiddled around with one of the th
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Chapter 77 - the Reserrected
Samuel's wolf could sense Bianca's smell all over the tunnel. He could be sure that the crow leading him to her was right. The crow even knew how to open the stone entrance but at some point, when the light completely disappeared deep down in the tunnel, the flying ally disappeared. Samuel didn't notice that until he heard the entrance became closed again. The sound of sliding heavy rock made him realize there was no way back.Was it a trap? His eyes glowed with fear. If the tunnel was closed on the other side, he would be sentenced to death, death of hunger, thirst and perhaps even suffocation.But he had to keep on running, regardless of what was awaiting him at the end.At the same time, another big run was about to take place. Stacy realized his plan didn't prove to be successful, so he knew, there was just one option left for him - to retreat.Being so close to the desirable aim of independence from anyone, made it for him even more regrettable, but Victor would never forgive him
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Chapter 78 - A figment of imagination
Bianca tossed and turned in her sleep, trapped in a nightmare. She dreamed that it was her wedding day, and she was walking down the aisle in a beautiful white dress. She looked up and saw Samuel, her fiancé, smiling at her. She felt a surge of love and happiness, until she blinked and saw that Samuel had changed into Michael. She gasped and tried to run away, but it was too late. Michael grabbed her hand and put a ring on her finger, saying "You're mine now, Bianca."She screamed and woke up in another dream. This time, she was in a different wedding dress, and she was marrying Samuel again. She felt relieved and hoped that this was the real one. But as she kissed Samuel, she felt something wrong. She opened her eyes and saw that Samuel had turned into a werewolf, with sharp teeth and claws. He bit her neck and she felt a searing pain. She pushed him away and ran for the door, but it was locked.She cried and woke up in another dream. This time, she was in bed with a werewolf, who wa
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Chapter 79 - the Decision
A loud bang tore the whole place apart. Melany jerked out of terror and the only thing that occurred in her head was the fear about her daughter.I know this gun. She thought.Victor, who are you shooting at? Her hand was already on the handle. Bianca surely wasn’t asleep anymore. Not after such a long bang. When the door is open, the whole truth will come to light.So, there she was behind the door fighting with herself. With her fear of losing her daughter once and for all, which might happen in two different ways: physical and emotional.Bianca, are you alright? Having seen Patrick’s blood, her imagination went wild, and she already saw Bianca dead lying on the floor.No… I can’t wait any longer! I must see you!And she pushed the handle. The moment it happened, the curtain of mystery dispersed.It was like a big thunder piercing through Bianca’s flesh. Her crow woke up from a deep sleep and spread its wings. She was covered with black, shining feathers, starting from her breast
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Bianca cradled her newborn baby in her arms, feeling a surge of love and relief. She had survived the ordeal of giving birth to a healthy beautiful boy who had three different natures: the human one, crowish and wolfish.But it didn’t matter at that time. Bianca couldn't believe how perfect her baby was. She held him close to her chest, feeling his tiny heartbeat and his warm breath on her skin. She looked at his face, his eyes, his nose, his mouth, and saw a reflection of herself and his father. He was their miracle, their joy, their everything. She smiled and kissed his forehead, whispering words of love and gratitude. She felt a surge of emotion as she realized how much her life had changed at that moment. She was a mother now, and nothing would ever be the same. The world was about to change thanks to her and the werewolf who she picked to be the father.At the same time, the mere thought of what was going to come filled her with fear. Until her baby is not big and strong, there w
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