All Chapters of The Billionaire’s One-night Stand: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
128 Chapters
The awkward silence that followed Madeline's confession lingered like a heavy cloud over the dinner table. Sensing the need to break the tension, Madeline's parents turned their attention to Marie's new boyfriend, Ashton. "So, Ashton," her father began, attempting to shift the focus, "tell us a bit about yourself. What do you do?" Ashton, maintaining a calm demeanor, smiled. "Well, Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne, I'm currently in college, studying computer science. I'm also handling one of my father's companies, although my dream is to start my own programming company someday." Madeline's parents exchanged surprised glances. "That's quite impressive, young man. Hardworking and ambitious," her mother noted. Ashton nodded appreciatively. "Thank you. I believe in working hard for what you want." Curiosity piqued, her father continued, "And how did you meet Marie?" Marie couldn't resist jumping into the conversation, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Oh, it's a romantic tale, really. Remember th
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As the night waned, as the night approached Amanda and Stephanie got ready to leave but before they left they had something for her first. Madeline found herself reflecting on the beautiful chaos of the day. The surprise party, had turned a seemingly ordinary Saturday into a memorable celebration.Amanda and Stephanie grabbed Marie and they went to meet madeline. "Hey baby girl,we have something for you" they pulled out an invitation card. The elegant card, adorned with intricate details, invited her to an event labeled "A Night of Magic and Possibility." "Guys what is this," Madeline asked. "You didn't really think we'd let you have all your birthday fun inside the house did you" Stephanie said and madeline groaned. Marie held her and grinned mischievously. "We're just trying to sprinkle a little magic into your life. Let's go check it out!." They arrived, and Madeline and Marie found themselves entering a beautifully decorated venue filled with enchanting lights and ethereal music.
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Madeline watched him drive away before entering her house with a smile still lingering on her lips. She leaned on the door and sighed she couldn't remember when last she'd had so much fun. Madeline went to Marie's room and knocked. She heard come in so she went in. She sat bedside Marie on the bed. "So how was your night" Marie asked. Madeline blushed and Marie raised her eyes wondering if Madeline and Jake had done the deed. Marie grinned at Madeline's blush, sensing that her sister had enjoyed the evening. "Spill the details, Maddie. I want to know everything," Marie teased, nudging her playfully. Madeline laughed, shaking her head. "Nothing scandalous, Marie. We just talked and laughed a lot. It felt good, though." Marie's eyes twinkled mischievously as she sat up. "You know, Maddie, I've been thinking. Maybe it's time for you to open your heart to someone new, someone who genuinely cares about you." Madeline hesitated, contemplating Marie's words. "I'm not sure, Marie. I don't th
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Amid the flurry of blankets and pillows being arranged for the sleepover, Emily and Sarah exchanged mischievous glances, their eyes dancing with a secret they were eager to share. Madeline, amidst the laughter and chatter, couldn't help but notice the subtle anticipation in their expressions. As the group settled down, Emily cleared her throat, shooting a playful look at Sarah. "Hey, everyone, we've got some news to share, and it's not just about Madeline's awesome birthday celebration." The room buzzed with curiosity as Stephanie and Amanda leaned in, their faces reflecting eagerness. Madeline, always the curious one, raised an eyebrow. "Spill it, you two. What's the big secret?" Sarah grinned, her excitement contagious. "Well, you know how we've been inseparable for quite some time now?" The girls nodded, their anticipation growing. Emily took Sarah's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Turns out, there's a reason for that. We're not just best friends; we're in love. We're dating." A
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Madeline reached Jake's house with a mix of nerves and nostalgia, contemplating whether to knock on his door. Moments of hesitation nearly led her to leave, but just as she turned, Jake swung the door open, catching her by surprise. " Madeline? What are you doing here?". She laughs nervously "Oh, hey Jake. I was just in the neighborhood, you know, thought I'd drop by." Jake smirking leaned on the door Post " In the neighborhood? We both know that's not true. What's really going on, Maddie?." Madeline sighs and smiles Okay, fine. I missed you. There, I said it." Jake grinning pulled Madeline into a warm embrace, his arms wrapping around her as if to shield her from the world. In that moment, words seemed unnecessary—there was a silent understanding between them that transcended the need for explanations. "I've missed you, Madeline," Jake confessed, his voice carrying a mixture of sincerity and warmth. Madeline, her heart responding to the genuine connection, replied, "I missed you too,
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Things are going way faster than jake anticipated and he realizes they need to stop or else he might lose control. "Maddy baby, we need to stop." Jake says his voice heavy with desire. Madeline blinks and looks at him "why did I do something wrong?" Jake closes his eyes and laughs. "No babe, you're doing everything right that's the problem." Madeline blushes and unwraps her legs from his waist. jake leans down to kiss her nose "you're so perfect. I still can't believe you're mine." Madeline blushes harder trying to hide her face in his shoulder. Jake laughs and they sit up. Madeline grabs her phone and checks the time. "It's getting late, I need to go back to my dorm" jake pouts "already, but you just got here" madeline laughs at his sad puppy dog expression. "We have time jake, we're literally in the same school, you'll see me everyday." Jake laughs " I know. It's just been a long while since I spent quality time with a girl that I love. Come on I'll walk you to your dorm but you k
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Madeline comes out of the bathroom with the dress on. Stephanie gasp "damn girl, I wish you'd dress like this every day, you look hot." Amanda squealing drags her to the mirror so she could do her make up and get hair. After some hours Amanda is finally finished. Madeline twirls in front of the mirror, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Stephanie and Amanda can't contain their enthusiasm. "Madeline, you look smoking hot! Jake won't know what hit him!". "Seriously, if he doesn't fall head over heels tonight, I don't know what will do the trick." Madeline blushes "Thanks, guys. I just hope I don't make a fool of myself." Stephanie reassures her "Nonsense! You'll be amazing. Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place."As they prepare to leave, Madeline grabs her purse. Amanda teasingly asks "Are you sure you're ready for this, Madeline? Once Jake sees you in that dress, there's no turning back." Madeline rolls her eyes playfully: "Oh, please. I'm not trying to seduc
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Madeline wakes up in Jake's arms, a soft smile playing on her lips. She traces the contours of his face, admiring the tranquility in his sleep. Jake stirs awake, and his eyes meet hers. He pulls her closer, sharing a morning hug and a gentle kiss. Madeline chuckles and teases him about his morning classes. "Don't you have class this morning, Mr. Responsible Student?" Jake's eyes widen in realization, and he groans. "Oh no, I totally forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder." Madeline laughs at his slightly panicked expression as he hurriedly gets out of bed. She watches, amused, as he almost trips while putting on his trousers. "Careful there, Jake. Don't want you ending up in the emergency room before your first class." Jake finishes getting ready, leans down, and gives her a quick, apologetic kiss. "I'll make it up to you later. See you soon." He heads out, leaving Madeline smiling at the chaotic but endearing start to the day. As the door closes, she hears him call out from the
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Jake continues his painful story, recounting how he and Rachel had known each other since childhood, their relationship blossoming during high school. Everything seemed smooth until a new kid arrived, catching Rachel's attention. Jake couldn't ignore the way Rachel looked at him or her persistent attempts to befriend the new guy under the guise of friendliness. One day, suspicions turned into reality when Jake stumbled upon Rachel and the new kid sharing a kiss in an empty classroom. Heartbroken, he overheard their conversation where the new kid asked about Jake. Rachel callously dismissed their relationship, claiming Jake was too nice, and she preferred someone with a rough edge – a bad boy. Madeline listens intently, feeling the weight of Jake's past on his shoulders. She gently squeezes his hand, silently encouraging him to continue with his painful tale. Jake continues, detailing how he left school immediately after discovering Rachel's betrayal. Consumed by a mix of anger and hea
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Slowly but gradually Madeline and Jake get adjusted to the role of boyfriend an girlfriend in each other's life. Getting to know each other better and understanding themselves. One evening, as Jake and Madeline enjoy a quiet dinner together, Jake brings up the idea of introducing Madeline to his friends. "You know, I've been thinking, I would love you to meet the rest of my guys. You already know Justin, but I'd like for you to meet Blake, and Nathan." Madeline, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, looks at Jake with wide eyes. Jake notices "Maddy what's wrong? If you don't want to meet them it's okay we'll just...." Madeline interrupts him "no Jake it's fine. I'm just feeling nervous. What if they don't like me." Jake chuckles, cupping her face with his hands. "Of course, they'll love you. But hey, if it makes you more comfortable, invite Amanda and Stephanie. It'll be a relaxed hangout." Madeline relax and nods. Jake kisses her on her hair and they continue eating. Taking Jake's
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