The Billionaire’s One-night Stand의 모든 챕터: 챕터 81 - 챕터 90
128 챕터
As the talent show approached, Madeline, with newfound confidence, decided to participate. She even convinced Jake to join her on stage, showcasing their friendship through a fun dance routine. The night of the talent show arrived, and the auditorium buzzed with excitement. Madeline and Jake's performance was a hit, earning cheers and applause from the audience. Amanda and Stephanie, watching from the crowd, exchanged surprised glances. After the show, Amanda approached Madeline, "Okay, maybe we misjudged. That was awesome! And you and Jake? Unexpectedly great together." Madeline laughed, "Told you. Sometimes you just need to let go and embrace the unexpected."Later that week, Jake reached out to Madeline with a casual text: "Hey, enjoyed the talent show! Wanna grab coffee and catch up?" Madeline hesitated for a moment, considering the recent conversation she had with her girls, but then she replied, "Sure, coffee sounds great!" They met at a cozy café near campus, and the conversati
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They decided to take a stroll around the campus, the soft glow of streetlights casting a warm ambiance. As they walked side by side, the tension between them eased, replaced by a comfortable companionship."So, what's going on, Mad?" Jake finally broke the silence. Madeline sighed, "It's just... I've been feeling disconnected. Daniel is so far away, and it feels like we're in different worlds. I miss the simplicity of how things used to be." Jake listened attentively, understanding the weight of Madeline's words. "I get it, Mad. College can be overwhelming, and distance, well, it's never easy. But you're not alone in this. We're all figuring things out." Madeline looked at Jake, a mix of gratitude and guilt in her eyes. "I appreciate you being here, Jake. But I don't want to burden you with my problems." He chuckled, "Mad, you're not a burden. Friends support each other through the ups and downs. You'd do the same for me." As they continued their stroll, Madeline found herself opening
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It's a beautiful Saturday and madeline had decided to just rest and relax. She had gotten some of her favorite movies and snacks to keep her busy till she got tired, then she heard a knock on the door. Reluctantly she got up to check who it was. She froze when she realized it was jake, but then she remembered that he couldn't see her,so she relaxed. She stood contemplating if she should let him, but decided against it after. She left him at the door and went to start her movie on her laptop using her ear pod so he wouldn't hear. After standing and knocking for a while jake left thinking no one was at home.Noon came swiftly and madeline started getting bored with the movie she was watching. She called Daniel but he wasn't picking, it went straight to voicemail. She wondered what he was always doing that's made him too busy to pick her calls. He made her feel like she was in a relationship alone. She sighed suddenly feeling lonely, just then Amanda and stephanie walk into the room, all
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At the airport daniel stops her "maddy!." Madeline hears name and she immediately starts searching for Daniel as she recognized his voice. She finally found him and went to him. He hugs her tight " I'm sorry for sending you packing like that, I'm just so hurt. You think it was only a kiss, but I know it's the beginning of the end of us." Tears once again fill her eyes " no Daniel, it was just one kiss. It meant nothing... I'll stay away from him... I'll st." Daniel stops her "I'm a guy, trust me when I say you won't be able to stay away from him. He won't let you, the scariest part is I'm Miles away and he's only a few blocks away." With a sad look in his eyes Daniel pulls madeline in for a hug. They call for final departure of her flight and he pulls back and kisses her deeply. "I love you maddy" with that he lets her go and turns around to leave.Back at college, Madeline faces the aftermath of her visit. Amanda and Stephanie bombard her with questions the moment she steps into her
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Heart pounding, Madeline stands frozen for a moment, her eyes locked on the scene unfolding before her. The loud sounds of the party clash with the turmoil in her mind. Hurt and anger surge within her as she watches Jake, the guy she tried to avoid, entangled with someone else.Unable to look away, she contemplates confronting them or slipping away unnoticed. In that moment of hesitation, Amanda spots her and break out of the group she was with and appears by her side, sensing Madeline's distress. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asks, following Madeline's gaze.Amanda's eyes narrow as she takes in the scene. "Wow, that's... unexpected. But hey, you're not together with Jake, and you've been trying to figure things out with Daniel, right?"Madeline sighs, the sting of betrayal mixing with her own conflicting emotions. "Yeah, but it still hurts." Amanda puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Come on, let's get out of here. You don't need to watch this."Amanda escorts her back to the dorm bu
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The soft morning light filtered through Madeline's curtains, gently nudging her into consciousness. As she slowly opened her eyes, the hazy memories of the previous night flooded back. There she was, nestled in Jake's arms. Panic and embarrassment surged through her."Oh no," she muttered under her breath, covering her face with her hands as if trying to shield herself from the reality of the morning. Jake, sensing her discomfort, began to stir. His eyes flickered open, meeting Madeline's wide-eyed gaze. A playful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Good morning," he greeted, his voice warm with amusement. Madeline mumbled a strained greeting, still hiding behind her hands. "Morning. Um, about last night..." Before she could finish her sentence, Jake burst into laughter. "You're adorable when you're flustered," he teased, pulling her hands away gently."that's not what I'm talking about. I saw jake, at the party last night, what was that. I just need to be sure" There's a brief p
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The week unfolded in a blend of laughter, shared stories, and newfound connection between Madeline and Jake. As they spent days exploring the city and nights engrossed in heartfelt conversations, a bond seemed to grow, providing a temporary escape from the complexities that lingered in Madeline's heart. One evening, as they strolled through the city lights, Madeline took a deep breath. "Jake, there's something I need to tell you. I've decided to visit Daniel this weekend. I want to talk to him and figure things out." Jake, his expression a mix of understanding and sadness, nodded. "I'll miss you, Madeline. But I think it's a good idea. Get the clarity you need." Madeline smiled appreciatively, feeling a sense of gratitude for Jake's support. The weekend approached, and Madeline found herself packing a bag, anticipation and nervousness weaving through her thoughts.Arriving at Daniel's place, she held onto the hope of a heartfelt conversation that would bring clarity. However, as she a
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The airport echoed with the final goodbyes of the semester as Madeline hugged Stephanie and Amanda, each going their separate ways for the holiday break. The anticipation of returning home mingled with a tinge of apprehension, knowing that Daniel lived just a few blocks away from her parents' house.As Madeline settled back into the familiarity of her childhood home, she felt the weight of memories and unspoken conversations lingering in the air. Determined to keep herself occupied, she crafted a plan to ward off the thoughts of Daniel that threatened to invade her mind. "Alright, Madeline, time to keep busy," she mumbled to herself, scribbling notes in a planner. Her strategy? Work. Two jobs, to be precise. The first as a barista at a cozy coffee shop, the second as a part-time assistant at a local bookstore. The bustling activity and constant interaction with people became her shield against the silent echoes of heartache.Days blurred into nights as Madeline threw herself into the
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Marie, sensed Madeline's apprehension and discomfort, so she advised her to be honest with their parents. "Just tell them the truth, Maddie. They care about you and want the best for you. They'll understand." Madeline nodded, grateful for her sister's advice. "I'll talk to them after the dinner, Marie. I just need to get through this evening first." Marie, always one to balance the heavy moments with a touch of excitement, grinned mischievously. "And speaking of dinner, I have good news. I've got a boyfriend, and he's coming to join us." Madeline's eyes lit up, a genuine smile breaking through the shadows of her recent heartbreak. "Really? That's amazing, Marie! I can't wait to meet him." Marie, with a theatrical flair, reached into her closet and pulled out a stunning blood-red gown. "And here's something to make sure Daniel realizes what he lost." Madeline laughed, surprised at the bold choice of color. "Red, huh? You're going for the dramatic effect?" Marie winked. "Absolutely. Not
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As the days passed, Madeline found herself caught in the undertow of emotions, the routine of work no longer providing the shield it once did. Her mind, despite her best efforts, kept wandering back to the bittersweet encounter with Daniel. The weight of unspoken words, the lingering taste of that unexpected kiss – it all clung to her like a persistent shadow. Marie, sensing her sister's deepening despair, rallied their parents, Amanda, and Stephanie for an intervention. They decided to channel their collective efforts into a surprise birthday party for Madeline and Marie, hoping to lift Madeline's spirits.The weekend arrived, and the house buzzed with secret preparations. Decorations were carefully arranged, and a tempting spread of Madeline's favorite treats adorned the dining table. Amanda and Stephanie, hoping to make things a bit more interesting made a plan with Marie that invoked jake.After all the preparations Saturday finally arrived Marie and her parents were so excited. T
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