All Chapters of The Billionaire’s One-night Stand: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
128 Chapters
The crisp autumn air lingered as Jake and Madeline strolled back from the picnic, hand in hand. In front of Madeline's dorm, Jake paused, a tender smile playing on his lips. Without a word, he leaned in, gently pressing his lips to hers. Madeline responded with a warm embrace, and when they pulled away, she found herself engulfed in his strong arms. "Madeline," Jake said, his eyes reflecting sincerity, "I'm really glad you're mine." His words echoed with a depth that made Madeline's heart flutter. She chuckled, overwhelmed with happiness, and teased, "Well, I'm stuck with you now, so you better get used to it." With a playful twinkle in his eye, Jake suggested, "How about we head to my place? I've got some amazing homemade desserts waiting." Madeline blushed knowing exactly what dessert he was talking about. however, she reminded him of the impending week filled with tight schedules and looming exams. She shared her need to focus on her studies, admitting, "I want to spend time with y
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Madeline awakens to the warmth of Jake's arms around her, a sense of comfort enveloping her. Stretching lazily, she glances at the clock and realizes that a hectic day of classes awaits her. Jake stirs as she gets up, and she quickly navigates through the morning routine. A hurried shower, a swift selection of clothes, and she's ready to face the day. Jake, ever the attentive partner, decides to walk her to class. Madeline can't help but notice Jake's sexy disheveled look, a charming result of his just-rolled-out-of-bed hair. Unable to resist, she pulls him close for a deep, lingering kiss. The world seems to fade away for a moment, but they pull back, mindful of the time and the bustling day ahead. With a shared smile, they set out together. Madeline's roommate has already left for class, leaving the room quiet. Jake opens the door for her and Madeline freezes, surprised to see Daniel standing there. Jake's expression tightens, but he remains composed. Daniel stammers a greeting, "M
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Madeline walks back to her dorm already missing Jake. She sighed wondering what was so wrong with worrying about someone. She gets to her room and Daniel is sitting on the floor in front of her door.Madeline's heart pounds as she approaches her dorm, emotions swirling in her chest. Seeing Daniel sitting on the floor catches her off guard, and she calls out, "Daniel? What are you doing here?" He stands up, and there's a mix of hope and uncertainty in his eyes. "Hey, Madeline," he says, a hesitant smile on his face. "I didn't plan well with the hotel situation, and, well, I thought maybe you'd... consider letting me stay here." Madeline raises an eyebrow, her expression a blend of surprise and disbelief. "Are you serious, Daniel? After everything?" He sighs, looking down for a moment, then meets her eyes again. "I just thought, you know, since you were so upset about me leaving, maybe..." Madeline interrupts, her voice firm, "Daniel, I've moved on. Jake is an upgrade from you. I can't j
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Madeline, overwhelmed with frustration and regret, tries to go after Jake, but he's already disappeared. She sinks onto her bed, burying her head in her hands, questioning how everything went so wrong. Daniel, sensing the tension, apologizes and suggests that maybe it's best if he leaves. Despite the chaos, Madeline hesitates and then tells him not to go.Meanwhile, Stephanie and Amanda return to their dorm and catch a glimpse of Daniel. The puzzled looks they shoot Madeline silently convey their confusion. Stephanie doesn't hold back, "Why the hell is he in your room, Madeline?" Amanda chimes in, "what's going on Maddy." her expression a mix of concern and suspicion. Madeline sighs, struggling to find the right words to explain the unexpected twist of events. She begins, "It's complicated. He's going through something really tough, and I just wanted to help." Stephanie raises an eyebrow, "Help? By hugging him?" Madeline hesitates, "It's about his mom. She has cancer, and he's devasta
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Madeline, overcome with relief, practically leaps into Jake's arms as she finds him waiting for her in her dorm room. Jake's strong embrace provides a sense of comfort, dispelling the worry that had plagued her moments ago. As they sit down, Madeline looks at Jake, her eyes reflecting both joy and concern. "I was so scared you were avoiding me or something," Madeline admits, her voice carrying the weight of the fear she had just experienced. Jake chuckles, running a hand through his hair, "No way, Maddy. My phone's battery is low so I charged it at home." Madeline sighs, "I thought... I thought you were through with us, especially after the Daniel mess." She proceeds to explain the events with Daniel, making sure to emphasize that her concern for him doesn't jeopardize their relationship. Jake listens attentively, nodding understandingly. After Madeline finishes recounting what happened with Daniel, Jake takes a deep breath and reassures her, "Maddy, I trust you. I know you're a good
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The next day they all stand around Mrs Anderson bed. Today was her last day. She had a few minutes before she died. In the hospital room, the atmosphere is heavy with a mix of sorrow and love. Madeline stands beside Daniel, offering a supportive hand on his shoulder. Mrs. Anderson, weak but remarkably composed, looks at each one of them with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you all for being here," she says, her voice soft but filled with sincerity. "You've brought comfort to my final moments." Mrs. Anderson turns her attention to Daniel, her son. "Daniel, my dear, I am so proud of the person you've become. Promise me you'll keep living, exploring, and finding joy." Tears fill Daniel's eyes as he nods, holding back his emotions. Mrs. Anderson addresses everyone, "Life is a beautiful journey, and I want you all to embrace it even when I'm gone. Daniel, you carry my love in your heart always." The room falls into a poignant silence as they cherish these last moments together. As her time
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Later that afternoon, Jake and Madeline meet at their favorite coffee shop. The atmosphere is a mix of tension and anticipation as they sit across from each other. Jake takes a sip of his coffee, breaking the silence, "I've been doing some thinking, Maddy." Madeline, looking at him with curiosity, nods for him to continue. Jake takes a deep breath, "I understand that you wanted to help Daniel. And I trust you. But it hurt to see you prioritizing him over us." Madeline, empathetic to Jake's feelings, reaches across the table and places her hand on his, "Jake, I'm sorry if it seemed that way. My intention was never to prioritize him over us. I just felt a responsibility to be there for him during a tough time." Jake sighs, "I get that now. And I appreciate that you're back. I missed you." Madeline smiles, "I missed you too, Jake. And I honestly hope there no more surprises like that."As days pass, Madeline finds a balance between supporting Daniel and maintaining her connect
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Madeline and Jake return from their getaway, the mountain air still lingering in their minds. Madeline steps into her dorm room with a lingering smile from the weekend getaway with Jake. The vibrant energy seems to fill the room as she greets her friends, Stephanie and Amanda. "Hey, you guys!" she exclaims, a genuine excitement in her voice. Stephanie grins, "Look who's back, the queen of the mountains! Tell us everything, Mad!" Amanda adds, "Spill the details, Maddy. We need to live vicariously through your adventures." Madeline eagerly dives into recounting the picturesque landscapes, the charming little town they explored, and the memorable moments shared with Jake. As she describes the breathtaking views from the mountaintop, Stephanie can't help but sigh dreamily, "That sounds like a perfect getaway, Maddy. I wish I could escape reality like that." After indulging in the joyous tales, the atmosphere shifts, and Madeline, sensing the weight of the unresolved issue, takes a deep
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Marie's eyes well up with tears as she recounts the painful chapter of her life. She pauses, taking a moment to collect herself before continuing with her heartbreaking tale. "It was supposed to be a happy occasion when Ashton proposed," she begins, her voice trembling. "But then he insisted we go to his parents, and I foolishly believed they would be as happy as we were. Instead, they shattered everything." The room falls into an uneasy silence as the weight of Ashton's parents betrayal sinks in. After a deep breath, Marie continues, "His parents told us that I wasn't suitable for Ashton. They needed him to marry into another wealthy family, a business partner's daughter, to secure their position and make more money. It was like my worth was reduced to a business transaction." Madeline, holding back tears, wraps an arm around Marie, offering silent support. Stephanie, her voice laced with anger, remarks, "That's despicable. Using their son's life as a bargaining chip without any rega
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Madeline felt the weight of the situation pressing on her shoulders as she agreed to Marie's desperate plan. Sensing the gravity of the moment, she told Stephanie and Amanda, "I need to talk to Jake about this. We can't rush into things without a solid plan, and honestly, I just need someone to talk to right now." The worry lines on her forehead deepened as she considered the risks and implications. Stephanie put a comforting hand on Madeline's arm, "You're doing the right thing, Madeline. Just be careful, okay?" Amanda nodded in agreement, concern etched across her face. Heading to Jake's house, Madeline's thoughts raced, and when Jake opened the door with a bright smile, she felt a mix of relief and anxiety. "Hey," Jake greeted her, pulling her into a hug. His warmth momentarily eased her tension, but she quickly broke away, her expression serious. "Jake, we've got a problem," Madeline began, her voice tense. She explained Marie's situation and the risky plan they were considering.
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