All Chapters of 182days at the Lycan’s palace: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
112 Chapters
Chapter 61
"Because I don’t want to be in one of your paintings anymore." I voice out Austin's face drops, a mix of astonishment and disbelief written all over his features. I can sense that my words have caught him off guard, and the expression on his face makes it clear that this is not going to go well."I know about the painting Austin," I said.I never forgot about that painting - I just never could. I wanted to confront Austin and let him know how frustrating and unacceptable it is to paint something like that about me. But every time I tried to talk to him, my mind would wander to Jacob, and just like that the fear of getting caught grips me and I lost the confidence to confront him. But right now, he will have to speak. There is absolutely no way I am going to allow Austin to get away with this. He has and will have to be held accountable and provide a thorough explanation for why he decided to paint that portrait of me. "You had no right to paint a nude picture of me Austin," I state
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Chapter 62
Austin's eyes blazed with fury as he warned, his voice filled with frustration, "Never fucking talk about her again otherwise you are going to face more consequences than you can ever imagine." He released my hair with a forceful gesture and stormed out of the room, leaving me to process his words.I feel a surge of tears welling up in my eyes, but I summon every ounce of self-control to prevent them from spilling over until Austin takes his leave. It's crucial for me not to let him witness my vulnerability, as I refuse to give him the satisfaction of thinking he can easily hurt me. I won't let his ego be boosted by seeing that weak side of me.As I hear the door bangs shut, my heart soars with a mix of emotions and uncontrollable tears stream down my face making me feel pathetic and miserable. My heart begins to thump against my rib cage and I feel an overwhelming need to release my anger, unsure if I should let the tears flow or take more drastic measures.Controlling my emotions se
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Chapter 63
~ JACOB’S POVI gaze at her serene expression as she peacefully rests, her beauty radiating in the soft moonlight. The sight fills my heart with an overwhelming sense of awe and adoration. My desire to be present and witness her tranquil sleep remains unyielding, as I cherish every precious moment.Bella looks so perfect when she is asleep. She is undoubtedly the most beautiful person I have laid my eyes on. While gazing at her serene face, a delicate strand of eyelash captures my attention. With utmost tenderness, I delicately pluck it away, ensuring not to disrupt her blissful dreams. My heart swells with adoration, cherishing these intimate moments of affection.Last night, Bella and I had a deeply emotional moment. It was so magical how I easily comforted her and made her feel better. I am so glad that I was there for her when she needed me the most.After what had happened between her and Adam, I felt like Bella deserved someone she could easily talk to. Someone she could rely o
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Chapter 64
~ BELLA’S POVI am sitting on the couch with Jacob by my side. We are both wrapped in a cozy blanket, lost in the pages of an enchanting novel. The warm glow of the fireplace casts a romantic ambiance as Jacob gently reads each word to me.It's a beautiful moment and I feel really lucky to have this intimacy where our hearts intertwine through the power of storytelling. I couldn't ask for a more enchanting evening.As I steal a quick glance at Jacob, my heart flutters with a mix of excitement and warmth. A smile effortlessly dances across my face, revealing the joy I feel deep within. It's incredibly peculiar, yet undeniably endearing how I find myself irresistibly attracted to this bookish man. I never thought I would be drawn to someone like him, but I suppose fate has its own whimsical plans for me.And you know what? I absolutely adore it.Jacob is like a beautiful paradox in my world, someone who effortlessly fulfills my deepest desires. As I watch him immersed in the pages of th
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Chapter 65
~ JACOB’S POVI finally did it.I can not believe it. I finally said the words to Bella. This still feels like a dream to me, I didn’t think I would be able to tell her that I love her, at least not now. But I am so glad I finally let out my feelings and told her how I felt. I always feared that if I told Bella I loved her, I wouldn’t get those words from her but I guess I was wrong. She equally feels the same and it’s amazing.I couldn’t stop smiling all day - how would I, I finally stole the heart of the woman I love. Though I am really happy about this but a part of me feels really weird about it. I mean now that Bella and I have confessed our feelings for each other, what is it going to be with Austin? Is he going to be happy with me? Will he support Bella and I? I don’t really know about that but I do know that after the contract ends and Bella and I are still together, she and I would make it official; at least that is what I want. But what about Austin? Would he be happy? Is
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Chapter 66
The doctor hesitated, but Lycan Austin cut him off, saying, "No need to try and convince me. I will do what I want, after all, it’s no big deal, she is my wife and I will have my way around her."No, you won't. I'm not letting that happen. Austin has caused her so much pain, but things are about to change.I was so furious that I couldn't bear to hear what the doctor had to say so I stormed into the room, fueled by anger. "Absolutely not, Austin. There is no way I am letting that happen," I firmly stated, making my stance clear."Why are you doing here Jacob?" He asked, clearly curious about my unexpected presence.I waved off Austin and the doctor, their surprised faces not fazing me. My eyes locked onto Austin with a fiery glare, my anger burning through every fiber of my being. "I heard everything and I am not going to let that happen."Austin's expression shifted, clearly taken aback by my words. He mustered the courage to ask, "What did you hear?"My voice filled with disbelief
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Chapter 67
I leave the room, my anger boiling over as I can't contain my frustration any longer. The intensity of my emotions is palpable, and I can feel the heat radiating off me as I make my exit.I am incredibly angry right now, words fail to describe it. Austin has crossed a line that can't be ignored. I refuse to let him get away with his actions without consequences. He did whatever he pleased, and now it's my turn to take control of the situation.I can not stand by and let Bella suffer because of him. I am done doing that and I am done holding back my love for Bella just because of Austin. She means too much to me, and I refuse to let his actions ruin what we have. If Austin can’t treat Bella right, I will step in and give her all the love and care she deserves. I will go above and beyond to make her feel special, and I will shower her with the most precious things in the world. She deserves nothing less than the best from me.As I arrive back to the house, I swung the door open and ther
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Chapter 68
And in that exhilarating moment, the electricity between us intensified, fueling the fire of our connection. But alas, our moment was interrupted when the door suddenly swung open and a familiar face walked into the room. My heart starts pounding like a wild stallion, and I feel this rush of fear mixed with nervousness when Austin walks into the room. In a split second, I instinctively nudge Jacob aside, feeling a surge of fear and anticipation. It's like a whirlwind of emotions hitting me all at onceAustin's eyes widen in sheer disbelief, a mix of shock and surprise evident on his face. Not a single word escapes his lips, but his expression speaks volumes, revealing that he undoubtedly caught sight of us in that very instant. I can't help but feel an extreme surge of panic fill me in. This is bad, this is really bad.Austin is going to kill me, I can feel death brushing against me. My heart lurched in my chest I felt my head sweating. I glance at Jacob to see his attention is full
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Chapter 69
~ JACOB POVI watched her lose balance and fall, her eyeballs wiggling until they were completely shut. Her voice is still echoing in my ears and It’s making me lose my mind. I can not believe this, Austin did this to her, he hurt her, and I watched him do so. I did not protect her as I promised to. I did not even take care of the situation like I thought I could. I just let Austin do whatever he wanted to do. This is all my fault. I let her down again but that’s does it. I am not going to let this slide, I understand that Austin is mad but he has no right to hurt her. He had done this before but I promised not to let that happen. I ignore Austin as I carefully hold Bella in my arms and head towards the bed. I make sure that I lay her comfortably on the bed before turning around to Austin."What the actual fuck is wrong with you, man?!" I growl, stepping closer to him with anger boiling inside. "What is this sick obsession of yours with hurting her?""She fucking deserved it!" Aust
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Chapter 70
My words trail off as Austin turns to look at me, his eyes filled with a blazing fury. He said, "I don’t care what is going on between you two, but if I can’t have Bella, one of us is going to end up dead."His words hit me like a freight train, and I stared at him in utter disbelief and shock. There is an undeniable truth in his words that sends shivers down my spine."What the fuck did you just say?" I ask in disbelief, my heart is racing fast and my anger is intense. I am not sure if I heard him right. There's got to be something wrong with my ears because my brother never threatens me like that. He is not really talkative with me. In fact, he never gets this furious at me. I definitely must have misheard him, I am certain of it."You fucking heard me right, Jacob, and I am not even joking about it," He said with anger in his voice. "If you don't let her go, one of us will end up dead. I am confident about that."I was dead wrong. I heard him loud and clear, but I never in a milli
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