All Chapters of 182days at the Lycan’s palace: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
112 Chapters
Chapter 81
Everything is not the same now. Feels like all my life has changed, nothing is going to go back to the way it was before. As a matter of fact, this is now the new normal - being home alone with Austin and everyone else but not Jacob - never Jacob. It’s so hard to live in a house where I am used to seeing him and talking to him but now, I can’t even do that even if I wanted. Every corner of this room reminds me of Jacob and how sweet and loving he’s always been. I really miss him and just like last week, I can still feel his presence isn’t here but he is never here. It’s like I am being plagued by his absence. Every corner and angle of the house seems to whisper his name, reminding me of the moments we shared. I still miss him like I do every single day and I still crave to be with him but now I have come to understand that it can not happen. I have finally found the heart to accept the truth that Jacob will never be back and I might forever be hunted with his love and affection. I
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Chapter 82
~ ASHTON’S POVI stood in front of the cemetery, my heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and sadness. I couldn’t bring myself to muster the courage to step in as I wanted to and I just couldn’t help but let my gaze roam around the yard, studying each gravestone. I have been doing this for nearly five minutes now, unable to stop. It's like I'm drawn to the stories and memories held within these grounds. It's both eerie and mesmerizing at the same time.I want to walk in but something inside of me isn’t ready yet. Maybe a part of me knows how hard it will be for me if I step in, or maybe I just still find it hard to believe the horrible reality. I’d rather be kept in an imagination than believe the truth of the death of my own brother.It’s been more than a week now since Jacob passed away and honestly, life has been pretty much messed up. As a matter of fact, I hate living knowing that I have no family left. Jacob was my only family and now that he is gone, I am all left alone with no o
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Chapter 83
My heart raced as I tried to figure out which scent it was, my mind racing through memories. And then, like a jolt of lightning, clarity struck me. Her scent. The one I hadn't sensed in what felt like an eternity. At that moment, my eyes widened in sheer surprise. She's back!No! She can not be back! She’s gone and she is not supposed to be back. She’s never meant to be back at least not when I do not need her again. She’s not back! I refuse to believe that, I must be hallucinating. She can not be back. It’s been five years since she left and she has always been running away from me. It’s not possible that she suddenly decided to come back. I refuse to believe so, my nostrils must have failed me. A whirlwind of emotions and thoughts about her coming back into my life came crashing into my mind as it led me to this overwhelming and confusing moment feeling like I had no control over what I wanted. It’s hard to figure out how to react in a situation like this. I know for sure that t
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Chapter 84
~ BELLA’S POVReading novels just hasn't been the same without Jacob by your side. I find it hard to concentrate and focus when all I can think of is the times he and I used to read together, wrapped around each other’s arms and clouded with a cozy blanket. I miss those days and I certainly miss reading with him. Although since reading isn’t on my agenda for now, I found a new hobby to keep myself occupied; watering plants and taking a long walk around the garden.It’s just so relaxing and therapeutic, always clears my mind, and finds some peace in it. Nature is definitely my new absolute favorite place too. I wish I had realized how amazing those walks were when Jacob was around. We could have spent hours just talking and enjoying each other's company, without a care in the world. It's those moments of pure connection and freedom that I now long for. I wish Jacob was here. While diligently attending to the plants, I happened to catch sight of Austin's vehicle as he made his way back
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Chapter 85
Today is the day.I seriously can not believe that today Austin is going to mark me. It's such a mix of emotions for me right now. The thought of Austin marking me today makes me really nervous and uncomfortable, but at the same time, there is a part of me that is very curious and wants to go through with it. I mean, I need to do this right? It’s for Jacob and Austin too, I need to do this for both of them.Although, It's just so strange because Austin is Jacob's brother, and even though we have been intimate before, this feels like a whole new level. I'm not sure if I will be comfortable having him marking me. I know this was my decision, and I thought I was ready to do it when I said it but now, deep down inside of me, I can't help but feel really uncomfortable about it. It's like this overwhelming feeling that I'm just not ready, you know? Who am I kidding, I'm not ready at all. I don’t think I can do this. Since morning, I have been thinking about it nonstop, and it's driving me
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Chapter 86
~ AUSTIN’S POVWhoever is the person that had just knocked on my door at this hour has the most perfect timing because I can not think of a better moment to knock on the door. I normally do not like having guests at this time of the day but today is just different. I am beyond happy about this, as a matter of fact, I feel a hint of relief from whoever it is that had just knocked. This is because I am feeling super nervous about being with Bella regarding the marking situation. I don’t think I have ever been this nervous before. My mind, my brain, and my heart ain’t working together right now. All I can think of is marking Bella and ruining her life - I don’t want to do that. I have done enough already, ruining her life completely is just not the right thing to do. To be honest, this whole situation is just so crazy. I am really torn because deep down, I have this intense feeling that she might regret it down the line. I am not sure if Bella has an idea what this is all about, I mea
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Chapter 87
~ BELLA’S POVI was getting a hell lot of nervousness. Austin was taking too much time downstairs and I was basically just walking around and about the room trying to wave off the unshaken nerves growing inside of me. I do not think I have ever been this anxious and nervous at the same time. It’s almost as if I can not even think or do anything else that isn’t being nervous. My mind is just going on and off about one thing; Austin and I sleeping together. One mind kept telling me it was a bad idea and it was like cheating on Jacob while the other mind was basically telling me otherwise; It’s a good idea and I just have to do it if I want Austin to survive.Certainly, I can not think of anything more than saving Austin’s life. He saved Layla’s life by getting her admitted to the hospital, paying all her medical bills and even allowing her to stay in the comfort of his house. I can not be any more grateful for his help and I believe that I should do the same to him, let him mark me an
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Chapter 88
As I slowly awaken from my slumber, I stretch my arms above my head, feeling the gentle pull in my muscles. Opening my eyes, I take in the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. With a drowsy yet contented sigh, I sit up and use the back of my hand to gently rub my eyes, clearing away any remnants of sleep. A yawn escapes my lips; a brief melody of tiredness and readiness for the day ahead. As I turned around, feeling the rush of the morning, I caught sight of the clock and my heart skipped a beat. Only twenty short minutes left until breakfast! Without a moment to spare, I threw off the cozy covers and dashed into the bathroom, determined to freshen up quickly. I know how much Austin values punctuality, and I didn't want to keep him waiting.Speaking of Austin, I couldn’t help but think about how things are going to be right now. I mean, Samaria is back, and now that it seems like she’d be living with us for as long as I don’t know but quite a few days through. I am pret
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Chapter 89
~ AUSTIN’S POVI can not look her in the eyes. It affects me deeply; my wolf gets hurt in a way I can not explain nor can I handle. She has left a big impact on me, such that I can not comprehend no matter what I do or how I try. It’s just weird how she drives me crazy. I mean, I lose my nuts when I am with her, and just like that, I will find myself unable to control myself. It’s almost as if she has a remote that controls me. I can not even pretend to act like her presence does not affect me because it is; it really does. Seeing her back is deeply impacting on my wolf and I am not even sure if it’s in a good or bad way. At times I feel really violent just by looking at her and sometimes I feel like a butterfly; very happy and just so peaceful. I was absolutely astounded when Samaria first arrived at my house. I had spent a relentless five years on an exhaustive search for her but to no avail. And then, suddenly, she appeared at my front door one evening, seemingly out of nowher
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Chapter 90
Just as I was about to turn around and head out of the kitchen, a voice caught me off guard. "Austin."I instantly recognized it; it was Samaria's. I turned around, my voice filled with surprise. "What are you doing here?"She responded, "You said I can live here."I raised an eyebrow, still taken aback. "I mean, what are you doing here at this time?"Samaria lifted her water bottle for me to see and explained, "I wanted water.""Ohh," I said with a nod, understanding her feelings."What about you?" she inquired, genuinely interested in my reason."Same, I wanted water," I replied, realizing we both had a similar need."Oh, okay," she acknowledged.I was about to walk past her and leave when she spoke again, her voice filled with a hint of vulnerability. "Are you able to get any sleep?"I paused, sensing her struggle. "Why did you ask?" I inquired, wanting to understand her situation better."I'm finding it hard to find some sleep, and I guess I need you to give me some tips," she exp
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