All Chapters of 182days at the Lycan’s palace: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
112 Chapters
Chapter 101
"No?" I find myself questioning him in shock and despair. This is the first time he's ever said no to me. He never rejects me, so why is he doing it now? Why doesn't he want to kiss me? Is he really that mad at me or is he in love with Bella? All these questions are swirling in my head, and I just can't understand why he would do that."Yes, no," he responds, his voice tinged with frustration."But why?"With a heavy sigh, he says, "Let's just go back inside," his voice carrying a mix of resignation and reluctance. As he turns to leave, I gently grab his arm, my voice filled with a mix of desperation and vulnerability, saying, "You will never forgive me, will you?""Your scrambled egg is getting cold by the minute. Let's go," he says attempting to divert the conversation away from the tension."No, I'm not going anywhere, and you're not going anywhere either until you answer me. Will you ever forgive me?" I plead"Look, I don't want to talk about this," he says calmly, his voice betra
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Chapter 102
"No, I'm with Bella now," he says, his voice filled with a mix of hesitation and guilt. As his words sink in, I feel a heavy weight in my chest, realizing that his declaration was solely influenced by his relationship with Bella."So this is about Bella, huh?" I question, my disbelief evident in my tone. "You don't want to be with me because of her, is that it?""I didn't say that," he responds, his voice calm but somewhat guarded."Then what are you trying to say, Austin?" I inquire, my voice filled with confusion and a hint of frustration. "Why can't you be with me? Is it because you love her?""What?" he asks, clearly surprised by my accusation."Oh please, don’t act so surprised," I press on, my voice firm. "Tell me if you love her. How long have you been feeling this way about her?""I'm not going to have this conversation with you, Samaria," he replies, his tone firm."You are going to have this conversation," I assert, my voice determined. "Do you love her? Do you want to leave
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Chapter 103
"You are the absolute love of my life," Austin whispers, his voice filled with tenderness as his words wrap around my heart, flooding me with sheer joy. A smile effortlessly spreads across my face as I gaze into his eyes, filled with adoration."I love you too, Austin," I reply, my voice filled with warmth and affection. At that moment, our connection felt unbreakable, as if nothing could ever come between us. Austin then, takes my hand in his, intertwining our fingers, and we begin to descend the stairs, ready to embark on our journey together.But, just as our footsteps echo on the steps, a sudden force pulls Austin's hand away from mine. My heart skips a beat as I turn to see Bella standing there, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. She boldly declares, "You're not going anywhere with him. He's my man."A surge of emotions floods through me, a mix of shock, confusion, and a tinge of anger. I gather my strength, ready to respond, to defend our love, when suddenly, everything fa
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Chapter 104
I've got every little detail meticulously planned out. It's going to be absolutely flawless, without a single blunder. I am determined to make sure everything goes smoothly so I can end this once and for all. I really need to put an end to this madness so Bella and I can have the perfect peace we deserve.I am pretty sure that I sound like a bad sister but trust me, I’m not the bad sister, Bella is. She is the one who is trying to take my man away from me. She is the one that trying to impose hateful comments about me on Austin. She is the one that ruined my life and now, I am going to make her feel the same. The only difference is that it won’t hurt as much as it did to me. I've got my plan intact in mind to ensure Bella rests in perfect peace before Austin returns home. After doing some research, I discovered that taking that large amount of pills would lead to death, but it takes time for them to take effect. All I am wishing now is for Austin to not come back before then, as I don
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Chapter 105
~ AUSTIN’S POVI'm feeling super overwhelmed with all these thoughts and emotions flooding my brain. It's like my mind is running a marathon, going a mile a minute! And the craziest part is that I can't seem to control my own thoughts. It's like they have a mind of their own, trying to take over the little space in my head.And it only gets more confusing and complicated because, for some reason, Jacob keeps popping into my head, and that's so out of the blue because I usually never think about him. I try my best to keep him out of my mind to avoid getting hurt, but it's like he's on repeat in my thoughts and I can't hit the pause button. It's driving me nuts. I wish I had a magic trick to make those thoughts disappear, but unfortunately, I'm still figuring it out myself.It's been a tough week for me, and I didn't make it to the cemetery to meet Jacob because of all these negative thoughts clouding my mind. It's so strange how my thoughts keep circling back to Jacob, even though I ca
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Chapter 106
~ AUSTIN’S POVI have done a lot of thinking and I believe this is best for me. I just have to do it no matter how hard it is or how much it’s going to hurt me. I know this is going to be extremely tough but I believe I can handle it. I have dealt with so many tough things and even though I know that this won’t be easy, I believe I can do it. I have spent years being in constant pain, just trying to strive and be myself. I think that everything will be fine if I just go back to Samaria. She has always been the one my heart desires and maybe, just maybe her words are true and she wants to be back together. I know it's a long shot and I've said in the past that I don't want to be with her, but the truth is, my heart yearns for her. Every part of me is calling out her name, and all I can think about is spending the rest of my life with her.I thought of letting her go and just be with Bella but what if Bella doesn’t want to be with me? What if she wants to be with someone else? I mean B
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Chapter 107
~ AUSTIN’S POVSamaria is definitely behind this. She has to be the one who tried to drug Bella, it only makes sense that way because she was the only one present there and she had the pill bottle with her. I am not so sure of this but I find it very much believable that she can do something of such. She’s done a similar thing in the past so I won’t be that much surprised if she tried to do it again. I have been constantly thinking about this and I want to let it slide but at the same time, I can’t. It’s hard to let go of a matter that is more of a life-and-death situation. Samaria must have been fully aware of the purpose and effects of the medication to intentionally use it on Bella.Leaning against the chair, I try to reason it, all pieces of this situation tell me how badly Samaria is behind this. I mean, first, she gets extremely upset at Bella for no particular reason and then suddenly she tries to get to know her better…. I knew something was off the moment Bella told me that
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Chapter 108
Samaria stood in front of me, her eyes fixed on mine, waiting for a response. I tried to meet her gaze, but something held me back. Was it because I still had feelings for her, or was it just my own anxiety getting in the way?"I don't love you anymore," I say, looking into her eyes. It's hard to believe I actually said it, but strangely, I don't feel as anxious as I thought I would. It's like my heart knows it's the truth and it feels liberating to finally be honest."No!" she shakes her head, refusing to accept it. "You're lying to me. I can't believe this.""You have to leave now. I don't have time for this," I inform her, trying to be firm."No, you can't just tell me to leave, Austin. You need me," she insists."I don't need you," I reply, my tone resolute."Yes, you do. You need me," she repeats, holding on to hope."The door is that way, please," I point towards the exit, choosing to ignore her plea."I can't leave, especially when you need me," she says."For the love of God,
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Chapter 109
~ BELLA’S POVThose weeks seemed to pass by in a blur, and little by little, I felt my heart and soul healing. The pain and confusion I once felt about why Samaria tried to hurt me started to fade away. It finally clicked in my mind that she did it because she wanted to be with Austin. I can understand her perspective, but I can't help but think that her approach was completely wrong and unacceptable.If she had just talked to me, she would have known that my heart never throbbed for Austin. He's always been just a friend to me, nothing more than that. It's frustrating to think that if she had followed the right path, she could have had Austin without causing all this unnecessary pain. But alas, she didn't realize it.A lot has changed in the past few weeks, and I've noticed some interesting things. Layla has been doing so much better lately. She's not spending all her time sleeping anymore, which is a huge relief. And as for Austin, he seems to be a lot happier overall. But there are
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Chapter 110
"Layla, are you done getting ready?" I ask, stepping out of my room. "Yes and I'm right here," she replies with her cute little voice, peeking out from the corner. I turn to look at her, and my eyes light up with delight at her appearance. "Wow, you look absolutely stunning!" I exclaim, unable to hide my admiration. "Thanks, Bell! I really love this dress. It's definitely the best Christmas gift ever," she says, her face beaming with joy as I wrap my arms around her. As we pull away, I can't help but smile. "Oh, silly girl!" I cup her face "The dress is just a present, not your actual Christmas gift. That's waiting for you under the tree." "Really? Can I open it now?" she asks eagerly, her excitement palpable. "No, sweetheart. We have to wait until after dinner," I reply, trying to contain her impatience. "Okay," she says, though her tone hints at her eagerness to tear into the presents. She's always like this when it comes to Christmas gifts. As we descend the stairs, I feel L
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