All Chapters of 182days at the Lycan’s palace: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
112 Chapters
Chapter 91
I could feel the beads of sweat trickling down my forehead, my body trembling as I struggled to control my breathing. With each beat, my heart thudded in my chest, its rhythm engulfing my senses. "Austin, you are really starting to scare me. Are you okay?" Samaria's voice trembled with concern as she tried to approach me. I raised my hand, signaling for her to hold back. If only I could find my voice, I would have warned her not to come any closer. "Austin, you need help. Please, let me help you," she pleaded, her voice laced with worry. I must admit, I find it difficult to believe her seemingly insincere concern, considering this is not the first time she has displayed such fake behavior. As I attempted to vocalize my thoughts, I suddenly experienced a numbing sensation, as if every ounce of feeling drained away. Each breath became increasingly arduous as if a vice were constricting my chest. In one moment, perspiration trickled down my forehead, while in the next, an icy chill s
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Chapter 92
It is really frustrating when I try everything, even sleeping pills, and still can not get any shut-eye. It's as if sleep is playing hard to get with me. And in those moments when I discover myself not being able to sleep, I find myself gazing at the sky, watching the moon disappear and the sunrise, it's like time stands still. The sky has this magical power to always calm my nerves and bring a sense of relief and comfort. It's almost like a gentle reminder that everything will be okay, although I know it isn’t. Last night was such a long and exhausting night for me. I was really looking forward to getting the sleep I desperately deserved. But thanks to Samaria and her fake care towards me, I didn’t get the sleep. Her presence just throws me off balance and makes me feel so restless and uneasy. It's like my body and mind refuse to relax when she is around me. And just like that, the sleeping pills I took lost their magic powers against her. Using the back of my hand to delicately ru
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Chapter 93
~ BELLA’S POVI can not bring myself to believe that what I saw is a reality. Austin and Samaria… seriously? Is he back with her?Of course he is, she said the sentence "I love you too." That only means one thing. He must have said it to her first.On my god! Austin and Samaria!This is bad, this is really really bad. They can not be together, this is not a good thing for either of them. Samaria is of no good to him. She’s just gonna hurt him again like she did before, put him in a terrible position where he has to deal with depression and anxiety. I can’t let Austin go through that again, he shouldn’t be in such a position again.It’s bad for him.He has already dealt with so many things. Being back with Samaria will just make things worse for him, not to mention that the pains he is currently trying to get over will be like a fresh wound in his heart when she dumps him again. It’s going to hurt him more than it already is and everything will be screwed up again. Austin will change
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Chapter 94
"Where did you get that?" I ask, my eyes darting from the locket to her face, curiosity bubbling inside me. "What are you talking about?" Samaria asked, a look of confusion on her face.I pointed at the locket in question and replied, "That locket. Where did you get it?" As I reached out to touch it, I couldn't help but notice that it felt exactly like mine—a smooth, metallic surface. I had seen many lockets before, but none quite like this.The situation felt incredibly strange. How did Samaria end up having the same locket as me?"This is a bit awkward," she said, gently removing my hands from the locket. "I know it's a beautiful piece, but there's no need to act so strangely about it.""Where did you get it from?" I asked again, my curiosity piqued.With a groan, she responded, "You are acting really strange about this but If you must know, it's from my parents. They gave it to me on my... my tenth birthday.""Tenth birthday," I quickly interjected, voicing out the words I presume
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Chapter 95
I waste zero time and immediately open Samaria's locket. And when my eyes land on the picture, my body freezes momentarily as my eyes widen in absolute shock and disbelief. Holy shit! No way, this is real!I had a prediction about this but I didn’t think it would turn out to be true.I couldn't tear my eyes away from the locket, but as Samaria began to leave the room, I hastily called out her name, desperate to share my newfound revelation. She turned around, her eyes filled with curiosity, waiting for my next words."Wait, Samaria!" I blurted out. "I have one last question for you."With a slight tilt of her head, she asked, "What is it?"I took a deep breath and asked, "Do you know what your mom looks like?"Her face fell slightly as she replied, "No, the tugged-up picture I have of her is slightly shed. Neither her face nor anyone's face is visible." Confusion etched across her features, she added, "Why did you ask?"My heart raced as I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. "
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Chapter 96
"It's great to see you again, Bella! I must admit, I was quite taken aback when you mentioned that you urgently needed to meet with me. I sincerely hope that everything is fine and there are no pressing issues," he said in a calm manner.Sitting across from me was none other than Uncle Martin, a figure with an air of mystery surrounding him. Without wasting a single moment, I promptly contacted him and requested his presence. Initially, he displayed some hesitation, but when I mentioned Austin's name as a persuasive factor, he swiftly acquiesced and wasted no time in joining us."You don't have to put up a facade of pleasantness now that Austin isn't around," I remarked, hinting at a sense of skepticism in my tone."Well, if that's the case, why am I even here?" he asked sternly, his voice dripping with rudeness and annoyance.I couldn't help but cringe at the sound of his voice. In response to his question, I mustered up the courage to answer, "I called you here because there seems t
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Chapter 97
Still recovering from the pain, Uncle Martin repeated, "I will tell you everything you need to know." "Alright, start talking nowhere !" Samaria commanded, her voice filled with an air of authority. Uncle Martin managed to recover from the taser zap, his eyes tearing up as he looked at Samaria. It seemed like the shock had made his eyes water. "You are a wicked woman!" he ranted, his words filled with anger and frustration. "Well, what can I say? I learned from the best, didn't I, old man?" Samaria asked proudly, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. I could tell she was referring to him. "You are sick! A sick freakin' bastard!" Uncle Martin growled angrily, his voice seething with resentment. "When I said 'talk,' I didn't mean that you should talk ill about me. So shut the fuck off and speak words that I actually like, otherwise..." Samaria trailed off, her voice trailed off, leaving the threat hanging in the air as she turned the taser back on. The tension in the room was palpable, a
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Chapter 98
I have had enough time to think, enough time to calm down, and enough time to realize that everything I believed in was all a big fat lie. From the beginning of my life to where I am today…. All were lies. It really hurts me knowing that I have been living a lie this entire time, and Layla - who I thought was my real sister turned out to be another lie I was told. The reality surely will not change my love and care for her but it definitely will change something between us. Like the way I view myself with her and the way, our lives are completely connected yet differ from each other. With a sigh, I kiss Layla’s forehead as I watch her sleeping peacefully. She seriously needs the sleep considering she’s been up all night due to stomach aches. The nurse says that it’s food poisoning, I don’t know how though because I make all her meals but it’s not really something to be extremely worried about since she is now feeling better. On my way out of Layla’s room, I turn back to look at her,
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Chapter 99
~ SAMARIA’S POVThere can never be happiness, at least not when Bella is alive and still here. She is the root of every tragedy in my life, starting by taking Austin away from me and now ruining my life with this insane fact of her being my twin sister. My whole life is a fluttering lie because of her and I am so sure that she is enjoying the fact that I am miserable. She is definitely so happy thinking that she has control over me, but I won't let her win. I refuse to let her dictate my life any longer. Bella is not going to ruin any more moments for me. I'm going to take control of my own life, no matter what it takes. And that happiness she gets from my misery won’t last for long - I shall not let it. I have been suffering, thinking of what I can do to make myself feel better, to be happy, and finally feel my heart bounce in excitement once again. Nothing comes clear to be of the answers and I am going wild and upset, I honestly need to fire back and get myself in a better positi
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Chapter 100
The soft, refreshing breeze brushed against my skin, creating a sense of tranquility. As I gazed at Austin, his face appeared distant and rigid, devoid of its usual warmth. I couldn't help but sigh, my mind filled with questions about his sudden change in demeanor. Typically, Austin loves going on walks with me, but today, it feels as though I'm intruding or imposing on him in some way. It's puzzling and leaves me wondering what could be going on, isn’t he loving walking around with me like he does before?As we stroll through the garden, silence hangs heavy between us. Austin's quietness always manages to make me chuckle, leaving me wondering if he's simply too exhausted to talk or if he just doesn't feel like chatting with me. Perhaps he's still not over everything that happened, or maybe he's yet to forgive me.Letting out a sigh, I gaze at him and muster the courage to speak up. "Things have been really tough for me," I say, hoping for a response. However, Austin remains unintere
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