All Chapters of 182days at the Lycan’s palace: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
112 Chapters
Chapter 71
AUSTIN’S POVWith a heavy sigh, I reply, my voice filled with resignation, "I'm dying, Jacob and I just can't bear the weight of it anymore."I never thought I would tell Jacob this but he left me no choice. I did what I had to do even though I didn’t like it. I have kept this from him for as long as I can remember mainly because I never wanted to pull out a reaction from him or even let him give me that sympathy I never want. Jacob's eyes widen in disbelief as he asks, "What?! Are you serious?""I….umm... " I pause, feeling a rush of emotions, and take a deep breath before trying to stumble over my words. "Yes."I don’t know if this is a good idea or not but I feel somewhat good about this. Telling Jacob about my illness is the right thing to do especially since he is going behind my back making out with my own wife. I know what I am doing right now is a petty act but I don’t care. I need Jacob's sympathy and love if I want Bella to be back with me. He has to forget about her and I
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Chapter 72
~ JACOB’S POV"I don't know, Austin. There has to be another way." I said hoping there was.Austin takes a deep breath before he speaks "I wish there was another option, Jacob. But the truth is, it's either her or me," His words struck a chord with me that directly pierced my heart and then got stuck in my mind. I knew this decision might arise, but I never expected it to be this difficult. I had a feeling Austin wouldn't approve of me being with Bella, but I never imagined it would come down to choosing between my first love and saving my brother's life.If I had known how much Bella meant to him, I would have never let myself fall in love with her. I was under the impression that Austin never liked Bella and that he was trying to ruin her life but I was completely mistaken. She means the world to him. And Austin…. He can not live without Bella but I can and I just have to do this for him. I take a deep breath feeling the weight of the situation and circumstances. I know I will be
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Chapter 73
~ BELLA’S POVI slowly opened my eyes, still feeling a bit groggy. As my vision cleared, I gradually adjusted to the bright light in the room. I feel my temples with my hand; my head is pounding with an unexplainable headache, and my eyes feel heavy with bags. As I slowly turn my gaze, I see the man sitting next to me, and to my surprise, it's Austin!I notice the stern expression on his face, causing me to jolt upright Immediately. My heart beating out of my rib cage, I frantically scan the room anxiously looking for Jacob but he is nowhere to be found.I turn to Austin and worriedly inquire, "Where is Jacob?""Why are you asking?" he asks sternly.His tone becomes more worried, and I quickly respond, "Where is he? I'm getting really worried. Can you please tell me?"His eyes meet my worried expression, and he dismissively says, "I don't think you'd want to know where he is, but just so you know, he is not here."My heart sinks as I try to make sense of his words. Did something happe
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Chapter 74
It’s been three months since Jacob left.I haven’t heard from him since then nor have I even heard his name mentioned in the house for the past couple of weeks.I really miss Jacob, he was all I ever wanted and I wish I could change everything and make him be with me. I wish he could come back to me but I know deep down in my heart, he wouldn’t. Austin must have made it hard for him to even think about me and talk less of forming back to me.Every time, I try to bring up a conversation about Jacob, Austin ignores me presumably because he doesn’t want to show me that he’s angry. I still can’t figure out why Austin gets mad, I understand that my relationship with Jacob came as a surprise to him but that’s is not a reason to be mad is it? And if he wants to be mad at someone then it should be me and not his brother.It was never just Jacob… I wanted it too. I wanted us to be together and I think Austin did the wrong thing by just punishing Jacob for it. I should be in the same position J
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Chapter 75
"For five years?" I gasped, my mind reeling from the realization. Austin has been wanting me to be here for that long?My brain is buzzing with a whirlwind of thoughts, and I find it challenging to focus on just one. It's like a jumble of ideas and emotions all vying for attention at once. I couldn’t understand a thing that was going on. This is really hard to wrap my head around. The fact that Austin wanted me here for over a year doesn't make any sense to me. I thought he only found out about me a month before we signed the contract. But now it seems like I was totally wrong. It feels like everything, from the contract signing to Uncle Martin's involvement, was all part of a big setup. I mean, that's the only reasonable explanation right now because Uncle Martin knows everything but never said a word to me….. Why would he do that to me? I'm his niece, after all. Although he never actually considered me as one because if he did he would have always been there for me and Layla. As
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Chapter 76
I slowly open my eyes, greeted by the soft rays of sunlight that filter through the curtains and gently caress my face. Letting out a tired groan, I reach out to the space beside me, wondering if Austin is in the room or not. When my hand finds nothing but cool sheets, I sigh and roll over to the other side of the bed, seeking solace in its familiar embrace.There is no better relaxation than having the bed all to yourself. It’s just so comforting and satisfying knowing that I can roll over the bed anyhow I want to without anyone touching anyone. Feeling the relief of being alone, I let out a dramatic sigh, savoring a few precious moments of rest before mustering the energy to lift my body and stretch my arms. With a gentle rub of my eyes using the back of my hand, I bid farewell to the cozy covers and made my way to the wardrobe. There, I carefully select my favorite pair of panties, grab a fluffy towel, and gather my toiletries before heading to the bathroom.It’s time to freshen u
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Chapter 77
With tears streaming down his face and his voice choked with emotion, Charles looked down at me and said, "Jacob is gone."My heart dropped, and tears started to well up in my eyes. Did he just say….. no he didn’t? I don’t think I heard him right. I definitely heard him wrong. That’s not what he said, I just know it. I heard him wrong, I definitely did. I look at Charles and my face is filled with disbelief. I must be mistaken, right? There is no way Jacob could be gone. It just doesn't make sense. Jacob can not be gone, he is fine. I can sense that he is fine. My mind starts to race, trying to find any other explanation but it’s so hard when I have two men mourning in front of me. Jacob is actually gone?No.I don’t think so. There is a good explanation for this. It is possible that I am just overanalyzing everything. Maybe I didn't fully grasp what Charles meant. Perhaps he and Austin are feeling down because Jacob is no longer around, which could also be because he went on a j
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Chapter 78
~ A week later It’s been a week since Jacob passed away and just like the very day, I am still finding it hard to believe that he’s gone.Every day, every night, every minute, every second has been a goddamn nightmare for me. I have flashbacks of Jacob and I imagine the dreams we wanted together- the dreams that will never be reality. Thinking of Jacob has become a daily habit of mine, making it hard for me to believe that he is truly gone and will never come back. Since the day I learned about the death, I haven’t had a good sleep not because I couldn’t sleep but because each time I close my eyes I see his beautiful face and his bright smile dancing across my eyelids. It makes it hard for me to accept the truth and endure the pain. It’s been a real struggle for everyone most especially Austin. I mean, he is really going through it right now. I have never seen him so down and out before. He's just different now. He’s lost his appetite, barely saying a word to anyone unless absolut
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Chapter 79
We pulled up at the church and I walked out of the car with Austin. He has a sunglass on and is refusing to remove it no matter what. I guess he put them on to make things easier for him. I understand that he doesn’t want people to see him crying, especially in a crowded place like this. Austin and I walked together, our footsteps echoing in the quiet church. He seemed lost in his thoughts, avoiding eye contact with anyone. As we matched to our seat all eyes were on us but Austin acknowledged no one as he found his seat. I sat down beside him, a comforting presence by his side. In the next minute, the pastor's voice filled the air, speaking words of tribute and remembrance for Jacob. Each word struck my heart, a bittersweet reminder of the void left by his absence. It still feels surreal, like a cruel twist of fate that Jacob is no longer here with us.While the pastor's words filled the entire room, I couldn't tear my gaze away from the somber sight of the closed casket positioned a
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Chapter 80
The funeral service came to an end, and we returned home for the reception. I was engulfed by a sea of sympathetic faces, each person trying to console me with their own grief and words of encouragement. Their presence meant a lot to me, but my heart ached to break away from them and rush to Austin's side. I really want to ensure he is okay and offer him the support he desperately needs in this difficult time.I was really concerned after he finished speaking at the church. And back when we were heading home, he didn't say anything else, and I'm scared that he might be feeling depressed and could do something to hurt himself. All I want is to ensure that he's alright.While I was talking to Clarissa, the pastor's wife who was trying to console me, I glanced around the room, desperately searching for Austin. But to my disappointment, he was nowhere to be seen.My mind is filled with negative thoughts, and I'm really scared that Austin isn't doing well. I finally manage to excuse myself
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