All Chapters of A PACT TO LOVE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
198 Chapters
William and his father returned as Celia and I finished setting up the table and we sat down to enjoy the meal.“Hello dear, my name is Matthew and I am William's father, I'm sorry we weren't formally introduced earlier. I would like to personally welcome you to our house. We are all so glad that William has finally brought a woman home, it’s way past due.” Mathew says out of the blue as we eat. I stop eating and send him a grateful smile. I guess William managed to convince him we were actually in a relationship.“Thank you, sir, You have a beautiful home, and I am also so glad to be here.”“Call me Mathew.” He says and I nod as we continue eating our meal. Like I have not been calling him that in my head.“So tell me about you, how old are you and how did the both of you meet?” Celia asks as she takes a bite from her meal.Well, your son William sent his friend Luke out into the world to look for the perfect candidate for his contract and I guess I was a good fit cause Luke started
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The next morning, I guess William was right because his aunt did come into the room but I was very much wide awake at the time. The floor was so uncomfortable that I couldn't even get any sleep. I kept hoping all through the night that William would suddenly have a change of heart, but I hoped all night. I guess his aunt not seeing me sleeping on the floor is a win, right? We made breakfast for everyone before she gave me a mini tour of the mansion. She reminded me a little bit of my mom.We had to leave early the next day because Luke called saying something needed William’s urgent attention at work so we had to leave extra early.I enjoyed it there but I was glad I was not sleeping on the floor anymore even if my bed wasn't all that comfortable, I'd still prefer it over sleeping on the floor any day.As usual, like all my mornings have started since I signed that dreadful contract, The sound of my ringtone stirs me up from my sleep. I reached out to answer the phone without checking
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“We need to work with time. William isn’t going to take fashionably late as an excuse today.” Alois says ordering his team.“Bailey, I want you to hop into the bathroom and scrub your skin before we start making you sparkle for your engagement. You are the diamond of the season.”Yeah, you heard right, engagement. I was shocked too. It has been a week since when I went bridal shopping and yesterday night, Luke called me to let me know before the time that today will be my engagement day. Why couldn’t William pass on the message himself why did he always have to send someone in place of him to communicate with me?The next thing I knew, Derrick came to pick me up and he dropped me off at the same hotel we used the last time to get ready for the charity and Alois was already there waiting for me alongside his team.I walked into the bathroom and did as I was told. Once I was done, I applied lotion to my skin and put on the white cotton robe before sitting in the chair I needed to be in
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William chose the rooftop of one of the finest and most expensive penthouses with skylight and floor-to-ceiling windows in New York to have the engagement party. Cedrick dropped us off at the penthouse building and William and I made our way up, I made a mental note to stay as far away from William as I could once we got up there. The elevator opened, and I placed my hand in the crook of William's arms as we made our way out of the elevator with a fake smile on my face. All the guests present gawked at us as we walked in and a few congratulated us as we walked past them.First of all, we had to share a dance to begin the event. The crowd parted ways for us as we made our way to the center. I placed one hand on William’s shoulder and used the other to hold his shoulder while he placed his hands on the bodice of my gown. I could feel his warm touch through the fabric which shouldn’t even be possible in the first place. The music started and we waltzed to it. I do hope I don't fall dur
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The past seven weeks had been me riding my high. A high filled with excitement and ecstasy or so I assumed drowning myself in a state of cloud nine. I drowned out the voice of reasoning in my head letting myself get carried away by things so fake and Instead succumbed to the state of ignorance.It was so clear that all those planning, meetings, and enjoying the finer things of life were all just an illusion, a sad illusion. I subjected myself to planning a fake wedding, I didn't even know the man I was getting married to except his name and the basic things I had to learn from Luke to keep appearances and avoid any speculations.I poured myself another drink and downed the glass in a go. At this point, I just felt numb and I was in my own world ignorant about the people around me, I couldn’t even taste the bitterness of the drinks anymore. I knew by tomorrow whatever time I woke up, I was going to regret drinking so much today but I didn't care, I was tired of everyone and everything.
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Guess what day it is.It’s my wedding day. Yay.I hope you noted the sarcasm in my tone. I stared at my lifeless self in the mirror as my gown was being arranged properly to look good. It was finally the day of no return. I thought staring at the ring on my finger in the mirror as I pat my wedding gown.The room was quite rowdy with Shayna having her hair styled while Hazel was having her makeup done since she’s been running around ensuring everything was in place with the wedding planner, Miss Flair so that everything could sail smoothly without any hitches.“You look stunning darling,” May says holding my shoulder, standing behind me, as we both focus our attention on the mirror in front of me.“Thank you, May.”“Just relax, Bailey, Once you walk down that aisle, you’re going to forget all the nervousness you are feeling right now all your focus will be on finally getting married to the love of your life, who will be standing on the other side of the aisle,” May says and I force a s
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Immediately after the ceremony, I was practically dragged into the car by William. He did not even let me say my goodbyes to my friends. To him, they were not necessary as long as I was not dying. He threatened to leave me if I didn’t follow him instantly.He Is so arrogant I tell you. “Cedrick.”“yes sir.”“Take me to my office building and drop Miss Simmons at the house.” I make eye contact with Cedrick immediately. “Okay, sir.”“Why are you going to the office? We just got married that will-”“I don’t remember asking you for your opinion.” He says cutting me off. I roll my lips in my mouth in annoyance and suck them in to keep my anger in check as I glance out the window.“Tomorrow at 11 pm Cedrick will pick you up. You’ll meet me at my office and we’ll go to meet my grandfather’s lawyer. Don’t be late.” He says and I nod glancing back outside the window. Cedrick drops William off first before driving me to William’s home.I thank Cedrick as I alight from the car and walk in. Aga
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I woke up earlier than usual today, I had just kept on tossing and turning all night. The house is going to have to take some getting used to.I stretched my limbs while jumping off the bed, I quickly made the bed before heading towards the bathroom. I ran my hands through my hair as I walked lazily into the bathroom, I reached into the bag I brought in yesterday for my toothbrush to brush my teeth before going into the shower.After showering, I glanced at the little clock sitting on the tableside for the time and I still had three and a half hours before Cedrick would come to pick me up. I changed into a comfortable outfit before making my way down to the kitchen where I met Agatha. As I made my way to the kitchen, I couldn't help gawking at everything in this house, the whole interior was so exquisite.“Good morning Mrs Agatha.” I greet her“Good morning Bailey. I placed your breakfast on the table.”“Thank you. I don’t know if I’ve asked this before but do you also live here?”“N
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William tossed the files he was holding rudely on the table in front of Mr. White. Mr. White unfurls the files and brings out our signed marriage certificate. He read through it first, making uncanny hmmn sounds. He locked his gaze with me after reading and I felt as though he was using his eyes to interrogate me, trying to break me into saying this marriage was all a sham from the pressure of the eye contact but I wouldn’t dare do that, I knew better than that, I also knew what was at stake, there was a humongous fine hanging over my head. “You’ve seen the certificate, White, so read the fucking will,” William says breaking Mr. White’s gaze from mine and I held myself from giving out a sigh of relief. Mr White stares at the certificate once more before placing it back into the file he removed it from, handing it back to William.He unlocks one of his drawers and brings out a sealed brown Manila envelope, clearing his throat before reading out loud. “You don’t know how happy I am th
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I woke up this morning and did my normal routine before heading down to the kitchen in my black sweatpants and tank top. I walked past the dining area and into the kitchen. “Bonjour, you must be Mrs. Armani.” A man dressed in black jeans and a black chef shirt says turning to me. His forearms were fully tattooed from what I could see showing from the shirt he wore and they looked like they extended up his arm.“Yeah, but you don’t have to call me that. Please just call me Bailey and you must be Chef Mario.”“In the flesh.” He says grinning. “What would you like to have for breakfast?”“I don’t know anything you want to make but I would love to assist there is really nothing to do here and I have just been here for a day.”“Alright, lady boss. There’s a spare apron in the storage.” He says pointing at the door. I walk to the door and open it. At the door side, I pick up the light blue apron and put it on, closing the storage door behind me as I knot the apron.“So Chef, what are we ma
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