All Chapters of His Secret Princess: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
200 Chapters
#Chapter 91: Inner Turmoil
Matt Matt stood beneath the swaying branches of one of the trees on campus, hidden in the shadows like a creeper. Which, technically, he kind of was. His eyes were fixed on Celeste, something he had found himself doing more and more lately.She moved gracefully, her laughter echoing through the clearing, but Matt's heart was heavy with a gnawing unease. She was with Alyx again. Matt couldn't help but resent the easy camaraderie they shared.They were becoming inseparable, and it ate at Matt's soul like a slow-burning fire. He was supposed to be by her side, not Alyx. Matt wasn’t sure why Jack even allowed them to be so close. He was too scared to ask. If he seemed too interested in Celeste, Jack would become suspicious.But each passing day was a searing reminder of how fucked up everything had become since the ball. And each passing day, Matt watched them share secrets, their laughter grating on his ears. He felt as if Celeste was drifting away on a current, leaving Matt stranded on
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#Chapter 92: The Decision
CelesteThe leaves painted the town in hues of amber and gold, casting a warm glow over the familiar streets of campus I had walked down a thousand times before. The crisp air held a promise of change and I had a feeling that I knew what that change was.As I strolled through the park, hands tucked into her hoodie pockets, I couldn't help but steal glances at the person beside me. Alyx, with his easy smile and sparkling eyes, had been a constant presence in my life for the past three months.We did everything together—coffee dates, movie nights, and long walks through campus when we both had free periods. Of course, Fiona had been at the movie nights, too. Jack would have never let me go if it had just been Alyx.I marveled at how Alyx had turned out to be such a sweet, dependable friend. He hadn’t made another move since the kiss in the stairwell. I felt like I could count on him for anything, from a shoulder to lean on to a listening ear in the late hours of the night. Usually after
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#Chapter 93: Bait
JackJack watched from the shadows in the hallway, his jaw clenched in frustration. The air hung thick with tension as his sister and Alyx laughed as they walked side by side. They were close, closer than he'd ever seen Celeste with anyone before. And it irked him.He had always been protective of Celeste. He had to be because of what she could become. But this... this was different. Alyx was different. He was charming, intelligent, and seemed to genuinely care for Celeste. And it was driving Jack insane.But he couldn’t do shit about it. He was the one who had come up with this plan and he had to see it through. Because if he was right, if what he suspected was the truth, Jack was going to burn the campus and everyone in it to the ground.As he pushed himself away from the shadows, Jack's thoughts raced. He had to find out where Matt stood in all of this. Matt, his best friend since childhood, had been acting strangely ever since the ball three months ago. Jack wasn't stupid; he coul
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#Chapter 94: First Date
CelesteI couldn’t believe that I was finally going on my first official date. And that Jack had completely okayed it. After that utterly awkward conversation, I had texted Alyx and told him everything. Well, not everything. Just the important part.We had immediately set up our date for Friday night. Just in case Jack went back to his usual self and changed his mind. I didn’t completely trust my older brother. Especially since he’d been lying to me for so long. I figured going on the date as soon as possible would be the safest option.I had no idea what we were doing though. Alyx wanted it to be a secret, a proper first date. He was even coming to pick me up in his car, even though both of us preferred walking. I did manage to get him to tell me what I should wear though.Fancy, but not too fancy. In other words, not my usual attire. I looked at my sparse closet. Most of the things I owned were oversized and not the sort of thing most girls my age would wear out and about.I bit my
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#Chapter 95: Always Her Protector
MattThe night hung heavy with an oppressive stillness, broken only by the distant hum of city life. Matt stood hidden in the shadows, heart pounding, his breath a silent echo in the park. As much as he told himself not to do it, he couldn’t help following Celeste and Alyx around on their date. The sight made him sick to his stomach. It should have been him with her.They strolled down the sidewalk, laughter and flirtatious banter punctuating the cool evening air. Celeste's radiant smile, once meant solely for him, now danced across her face in Alyx's presence. It felt like a thousand knives, each twist of the blade reopening old wounds.Alyx, with his bed-tousled hair and confident stride, seemed to have charmed his way into Celeste’s world. Matt clenched his fists, resentment simmering beneath the surface. He should have been the one to take her hand, to share these moments. But he had let his insecurities build a wall, and now he was condemned to watch from the shadows.Just as Mat
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#Chapter 96: That’s What Friends Are For
CelesteAfter what happened with Alyx, I didn’t go to school for a week. I just stayed in my room, ignoring everybody. Even Jack left me alone. I just couldn’t face Fiona. She had been calling me non-stop. I know she wanted to hear about the date, but I couldn’t talk about it yet.I went back and forth between being angry and utterly devastated. I couldn’t help but feel like there was something wrong with me. The boy I had loved more than anything or anyone had brutally rejected me in front of everyone. And the guy that had been such a close friend and that I was starting to actually like turned out to be a creep.
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#Chapter 97: Confrontation
JackThe sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the quiet suburban street. Jack's fingers drummed nervously on the steering wheel of his car, the engine humming with anticipation. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was teetering on the edge of a precipice, about to plunge into the unknown.The plan hadn't exactly worked, but it hadn't exactly failed either. When Celeste appeared at his doorstep with Matt in tow, instead of Alyx, Jack's heart had plummeted. He had expected Matt to make his move, to finally reveal his betrayal.But the truth that spilled from Cele
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#Chapter 98: With Friends Like These
MattAs soon as Matt had been far enough away from Jack, he had shifted and backtracked. He was faster in wolf form so not much time had passed since they had parted. He was able to clearly see Jack pull out the lie detector.Matt watched from the shadows as Jack ran off after him. He should have been able to see this coming. Jack’s paranoia knew no bounds. Matt had been able to smell the device on him as soon as he got out of the car. There was no going back now.Jack knew the truth. He knew that Matt had feelings for Celeste. Perhaps not the depth of his feelings, but that o
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#Chapter 99: Matt’s Confession
CelesteI was finally going back to school. After Fiona’s visit, I had felt much better and with her support I was able to actually get out of bed and do all the things that I had been putting off. Namely showering and eating a proper meal.Fiona made sure that we stayed far away from Alyx. Instead of our usual seats, we sat in the back corners. We even went so far as to come in late so that all the good seats would be taken. We didn’t want to take any chances.In the middle of one of my lectures, my phone went off. I quickly silenced it, not even bothering to look at th
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#Chapter 100: The Blood Test
The mid-morning light filtered through my curtains, casting a warm, golden hue across my cluttered room. My mind was a tempest, whirling with thoughts of Matt's unexpected confession the day before. I couldn't shake the weight of it, like a puzzle piece that refused to fit. I decided to clear her mind by tackling the mess that had accumulated over the past week. Clothes strewn across the floor, books piled haphazardly, and a layer of dust on every surface made my room a reflection of my inner turmoil. I couldn’t stand it.As I sorted through my belongings, I came across
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