All Chapters of His Secret Princess: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
200 Chapters
#Chapter 111: Another Test
Matt called me the next evening, his voice more subdued than usual. Only a day had gone by since I’d last seen him, but I missed him, anyway. My heart jumped in my chest at his tone, fear spreading through my veins. Everything between us was still so unsure. I couldn’t help but imagine it collapsing around me again, leaving me even more heartbroken than I was the last time. Our date yesterday was amazing, but I couldn’t help but feel like I’d somehow done something wrong.“Everything okay?” I finally asked, pacing the length of my room.The sound of the TV drifted up the stairs, and I could hear the ins-and-outs of the game even with my door closed. Jack and his friends we spread over the couches, watching hockey, and drinking beer. I had to go downstairs soon to get their dinner ready, not wanting to anger Jack when he was finally letting me be with Matt.“What do you mean?”“You sound tired,” I ventured, afraid I might inadvertently start a fight. Hopefully, he took it for what it w
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#Chapter 112: The Game
Luckily, Jack agreed to let me attend Matt’s game. As long as I sent him pictures with Fiona and came home well before midnight, I was free to go. A part of me wanted to argue further. It seemed silly that I had to prove to him I was with Fiona the whole time, but I didn’t want him to change his mind and try to stop me from going. Plus, I planned on defying him, anyway. I might have had plans to watch the game with Fiona, but I knew Matt wanted to take me out later, just the two of us.“I can’t believe you and Matt are dating!” Fiona gushed, not for the first time, as we neared the rink.My cheeks warmed. “We’re not offici
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#Chapter 113: The Bar
“Did something happen?” Matt repeated, his smile fading.After winning a tough game, Matt should have been celebrating, not dealing with my issues. It didn’t matter that I saw Alyx before the game. I knew mentioning it would just upset him, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.Fiona gave me a pointed look, but I ignored her. I didn’t want him to worry. He couldn’t do anything about Alyx. “No reason, we just found good seats over in the other section,” I said.Fiona’s disapproving gaze was like a brand, and, of course, Matt notic
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#Chapter 114: Playing Pool
I finished my drink, feeling it when I stood up to follow Matt over the pool tables. The floor swayed slightly, and my limbs felt loose. The nerves from earlier had gone too. A wide smile emerged on my face as Matt claimed one of the pool tables and handed me a cue.“Do you know the basic rules?” he asked, turning to me. He leaned against his pool cue, the muscles in his arms bulging around the edges of his short sleeves.“Um,” I said, too focused on admiring him.He chuckled. “Do you know anything about pool?”
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#Chapter 115: Enzo’s Rescue
After class ended the next day, I found myself blocked from leaving the room by Alyx’s tall frame. He had a smile on his face, but it seemed forced.“Hey, can we talk?” he asked.A sinking feeling settled in my stomach. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to him. I couldn’t stop feeling his hands all over me, and how he wouldn’t let go, no matter how hard I resisted. The thought of what might have happened if Matt hadn’t shown up made me feel sick.“I have nothing to say,” I muttered, stepping around him. His brow furrowed, but he d
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#Chapter 116: Family Lies
Jack met me at our usual spot after school, leaning against the light post with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.“Ready?” he snapped.I was right on time, but I didn’t bother saying so. Anyway, he was the one who kept forgetting or being late.“You know you don’t need to walk me,” I mumbled. “I can get home on my own.” Now that I’d met our father, I didn’t see what the big threat was. He clearly wasn’t going to try to abduct me again. Still, Jack insisted on walking me to and from school.
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#Chapter 117: The Lunch Date
Matt was waiting for me when I got out of class, leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed. He had on a pair of gray track pants and a form-fitting black t-shirt. He must have been at the gym or practice because his hair was still wet from the shower.His face brightened when our eyes met. “Hey,” he said, walking over to me.“Hey.” I couldn’t help but stare a little. He looked good like this, and not for the first time, I wondered what he was doing with me. Matt had to be one of the best-looking guys at our school, by far. I could see girls and guys alike sending him covert glances as they walked by.“Ready for lunch?” he asked, his eyes roving over my face.If he noticed people looking at him, he didn’t give any indication.“Yeah, ready.”Matt took my books from me and started down the hall. I hurried to catch up with him. “You don’t have to carry those.”He flashed me a grin. “I know.” I reached to take them back, but he didn’t hand them to me. “I want to.”“Oh.” I felt my
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#Chapter 118: The Standoff
JackJack watched Matt and his sister walk away, his frown deepening at the sight of them together. Matt had his arm around her shoulders, and it took everything in him not to walk over there and shove him away from her. He’s a werewolf, he wanted to scream, but there was a reason he hadn’t told his sister. It would just put her in danger.No, he had to find a way to deal with Matt himself. It was the only way to keep Celeste safe. He knew she cared about him, but she didn’t know who he really was, or what he was capable of. Jack had to protect her.Even though Matt saved his life, he knew he was still dangerous. Some of his cousins never made it back, and he knew Matt was likely the one who killed them. They were out looking for him, after all, when they went ‘missing.’His grandfather was convinced Matt wasn’t working alone, and he had to agree. There was no way Matt was running without a pack. The Peacekeepers were generally a big unit, and since Matt used to be his best friend, it
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#Chapter 119: Video Games
I wiped off the counters for the second time, sweating glistening on my forehead. Jack wanted me to deep-clean the kitchen, so here I was, cleaning it for the millionth time in the last week. It wasn’t a very original punishment, but I figured it could be worse. He hadn’t mentioned my lunch date with Matt, and I was hoping I’d be allowed to go out again soon. He couldn’t keep me locked in the house forever.Eventually, Jack had to realize I was an adult and that I could make my own decisions. Matt wasn’t going anywhere. The more time we spent together, the less I could fathom ever being apart. I knew I should be more careful, that my heart was still a fragile thing, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from falling for him more and more.Jack and his friends were in the living room, drinking beer and playing video games. I had no idea what game they were playing, but they were really getting into it. At one point, they were even shouting at the screen.It looked fun, but I’d never been
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#Chapter 120: Hurt Feelings
Matt tightened his hold on me, his face still pressed into the top of my head. I’d stopped crying a few minutes ago but made no move to pull away. I felt so safe in his arms.“I need to know what happened,” he said, his voice a soft caress. “Did someone hurt you?”I shook my head.“Please talk to me,” he murmured, and the raw edge to his voice made me pull away and look up at him. His expression looked pained. He reached out and wiped the tears from my face, his fingers trembling slightly.“No one hurt me,” I answered, my voice rough from all the crying. “Not physically.”“Someone hurt your feelings?”I bit my lip and nodded.He trailed his fingers through my hair, and a shiver went down my spine. He kissed my cheeks, taking his time with each one. I squeezed my eyes shut, so unused to all the tenderness. No one had ever been like this with me.“Your brother?” he asked as he pulled away.I nodded, my eyes still closed.“What did he say?” His voice had an edge to it, and I opened my ey
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