All Chapters of His Secret Princess: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
200 Chapters
#Chapter 101: The Rogue
MattThe car was filled with tension as Matt drove Celeste back to her small, dimly lit house after their visit to the hospital. Her pale face was etched with worry, but she managed a weak smile as she thanked him for being there. Matt nodded, assuring her that he'd be just a phone call away.As he pulled away, his phone buzzed, jolting him from his thoughts. It was an urgent message from Enzo, instructing him to attend an emergency meeting immediately. He glanced back at Celeste's house, hoping she would understand his sudden departure.The sun hung low in the sky when Matt arrived
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#Chapter 102: One Last Time
JackThe moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet town of Mountain View. Jack's heart raced as he stepped into the dimly lit room, where the Schrieber family meeting was already in full swing. Faces, stern and determined, turned toward him as he entered.Jack hated coming here. While he was a member of the family, they never spoke outside of these meetings. After what his father did, they had regarded him with suspicion. As far as Jack was concerned, he and Celeste were all alone.He wasn’t even sure why they had called him here. Nothing of importa
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#Chapter 103: The Phone Call
CelesteFor the past few days, I had been a nervous wreck. Every time my phone rang, my heart would beat so fast that I would get light-headed. I kept expecting it to be the hospital with results of the paternity test.I wasn’t sure if I was more excited about the results or dreading them. Maybe it was a healthy mix of both. If the crazy man was my actual father, that would change everything. My entire life would be a lie.And if he was my father, did that mean that Jack had recognized him that day? My brother had been old enough to know what our dad looked like. Surely he wou
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#Chapter 104: Research
Over the next few days, Matt and I tirelessly combed through public records, old photographs, and any trace of information that might lead us to my father. It was a journey filled with dead ends, false leads, and frustrating moments, but we refused to give up.I didn’t have much to go on. I didn’t know his name and I had no pictures that I could show to anyone. I literally knew nothing of my father other than what he currently looked like. The hours of research had been grueling.There wasn’t anyone I could ask either. Jack made me stay away from the rest of our family. The only one I had contact with was my brother. I wasn’t even sure if h
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#Chapter 105: Finally Found
I wasn’t sure how it had happened or who had dropped it off, but by some miracle, I had found a letter addressed to me in our mailbox in the morning before Jack was able to bring in the mail. There must have been someone looking out for me.As soon as I read it, I called Matt. I told him that whatever he had planned today had to be canceled. We needed to go to an address that was kind of out of the way and since I didn’t have a car, he needed to take me.Matt was more than willing. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel a little guilty. I felt like I was using him, just a little. I knew it wasn’t true, but I couldn’t help it. Matt w
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#Chapter 106: Night at the Cabin
I could only stare at my father as I processed what he had just told me. Despite the fact that I had lived with the knowledge that my mother had been dead my entire life, it still hurt when my father confirmed it. I guess a little ember of hope had been lit that my mother was somehow still alive when I had discovered that my father was, in fact, not dead anymore. The grief threatened to consume me and my eyes began to burn with unshed tears. Without saying anything, Matt reached over and grabbed my hand underneath the table. I gripped his hand so tight that it would probably be hurt if he was human. Like my father was human. But he wasn’t human. And neither was my mother. Focusing on something other than my mother’s death helped clear my head a little. At least enough that I was able to ask my father a question. “So, why am I
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#Chapter 107: Bargaining for Freedom
I had never been more nervous than I was when Matt dropped me off at my house. I knew Jack would be waiting for me. I approached our front door with a heavy heart. The events of last night weighed on me like a cloak of lead, suffocating every breath I took.When I opened the door, Jack was pacing in the living room. His eyes were filled with a mixture of relief and worry as they locked onto mine when I finally stepped inside. I didn’t think it would last long. Anger was never far around the corner. "Where have you been, Celeste? I've been out of my mind with worry," he exclaimed, his voice fraught with concern. But there was a harsh edge to it. I was going to be in for an earful if I didn’t take charge. I closed the door behind me an
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#Chapter 108: It’s a Date
After the confrontation with Jack, I needed space. The weight of our conversation hung in the air, suffocating me. I retreated to the sanctuary of my room, seeking solace in solitude. The hot water cascaded over me, washing away the tension that had built up inside me. It was a balm for my weary soul, a temporary respite from the chaos outside. As the steam filled the bathroom, I closed my eyes and let my mind drift. I should have been focusing on what my father had told me. Or maybe what he hadn’t told me. But that’s not what I was thinking about. Only one moment stood out, clear and vivid - the kiss I had shared with Matt. It was like an electric jolt, a spark that had ignited something within me. I could still feel the warmth of his lips against mine, the gentle pressure that spoke volumes. It was a kiss that held promise, potent
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#Chapter 109: The Coffee Shop
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee hung in the air as I stepped into the quaint little coffee shop on the corner. The soft murmur of conversations and the rhythmic hum of the espresso machine provided a comforting soundtrack to the cozy atmosphere. I scanned the room, my eyes finally landing on Matt, who was sitting by the window, his gaze fixed on the passing world outside. A soft beam fell across his face and hair, making it seem like he was glowing. He was beautiful. Taking a deep breath, I approached him. Matt looked up, his eyes meeting mine, and a warm smile spread across his face. "Hey," he said, gesturing to the empty chair across from him. "Glad you could make it." "Of course," I replied, nervously smoothing out the creases in my skirt as I took a seat. Everything had changed with that unexpected kiss the other night. It ha
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#Chapter 110: The Schreiber Family Attacks
The moon hung low in the ink-black sky, casting an eerie glow over the desolate streets as Matt tread silently through the night. He was in rather high spirits that night. The date with Celeste had gone great. He was finally getting somewhere. Still, despite the giddiness that coursed through him, he was still on high alert for the rogue as well as the Schreiber family. They had been oddly silent. Usually when they decided something, they struck fast. The anticipation was putting him on edge. Matt moved through the narrow alleys, his senses heightened, and his eyes darting from shadow to shadow. He had been at this for years, and his intuition told him that danger was lurking in the darkness tonight. The wind whispered through the empty streets, carrying with it an unsettling chill. Somewhere in the shadows, Enzo and Nina were following him. H
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