All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
592 Chapters
Chapter 101 Wife
Her voice was loud. When Emily heard what she said, her eyes lit up instantly. She quickly headed inside the convenience store and led Laura outside. “Laura, come with me. There’s a good show to watch.”Laura felt puzzled, but since Emily was dragging her outside, she had no choice but to follow Emily out.When Zack heard the woman’s voice, he froze. He turned around with a look of disbelief on his face. That was when he saw his wife walking angrily towards him from a short distance away.This caused Zack’s face to turn pale and he quickly took back his hand which was wrapped around Jasmine’s waist.“Honey, what brings you here?”“What brings me here? If I hadn’t come here, I wouldn’t have found out that you’re seeing a mistress behind my back!”Zack’s wife was quite chubby, strong and had a tall figure. She walked up to Jasmine with a furious expression on her face. She then slapped Jasmine in the face. “You whore! You’re still young but all you do is seduce men! Let me teach yo
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Chapter 102 A Barren
"Zack, help me! Please help me!" Jasmine cried out loud.Listening to Jasmine's coquettish voice, Zack's wife became even more infuriated and she began hitting Jasmine even harder."Zack, I'm pregnant with your child? Are you just going to stand there and do nothing as this bitch hits me?" Jasmine screamed at the top of her voice.Zack immediately widened his eyes in shock. He then pulled Jasmine into his arms without any hesitation."Stop! Stop right there!" Zack pushed his wife away.Zack and his wife were married for over 10 years. Due to the fact that his wife was barren, the two of them never had a child.Zack was getting old and had always wanted a child.His wife was dumbfounded and looked at what was happening with disbelief.Jasmine leaned in Zack's arms and was sobbing. She kept on saying that her stomach ached and Zack was showing concerns for her.Zack's wife looked as if she couldn't recover from what she was looking at. She was in a daze for a whole minute before
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Chapter 103 Chris Followed
Laura had no idea how much Chris was paid every month."He's a special assistant. I haven't asked about his wage."'A special assistant? That means he's just a handyman then,' thought Emily.With that thought in mind, Emily looked away.However, thinking of what just happened, Emily couldn't help but sigh. "How ridiculous."She turned around and looked at Laura. There was a meaningful smile on her face. "I've always hated people who deliberately seduce married men. One can say that I have OCD in relationships. If something or someone belongs to me then that something or someone can only belong to me. I won't let anyone who tried to take that something or someone away from me off."As soon as she said those words, Emily didn't wait for Laura to reply and continued, "Alright, Laura. I've got to go. I'm going to find Liam. He's probably missing me now.""Okay." Laura nodded. After seeing Emily off, she also returned to the convenience store.Chris was walking towards the elevator
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Chapter 104 Fierce
As soon as the blonde guy at the front, Bradley, gave the order, the group of men chased after Chris.The alleyway was dark, but it was a dead end. Bradley furrowed his brows. He was just about to turn on the flashlight on his phone, when a white and slender hand patted him on the shoulder."Are you looking for me?" A deep voice sounded behind him.Bradley was shocked. He then quickly realized what was going on and swung the bat in his hand towards Chris."Get him!"Bradley was fast, but Chris was faster.As the successor of the richest family in Empfield, Chris had to be very physically strong. Otherwise, he wouldn't have beaten Luke up so badly.Bradley had brought quite a lot of men this time. Chris's bodyguards were sent back. He was left facing all of these men alone. At first, he could get the upper hand, but as time passed, he could only make sure he wouldn't lose the fight. However, it wasn't a big problem for Chris to escape this dangerous situation.Just when Chris wa
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Chapter 105 Someone's Waiting
Chris squinted his eyes when he heard what Bradley said.Nicholas Walker was Laura's father."It really doesn't have anything to do with me. He said that you've beaten his son up and he wanted revenge.""Chris, you've beaten his son up? Who is this guy? When did this happen?" Harry was puzzled, but his words still showed that he was on Chris's side. "My brother must have beaten his son up because his son had done something wrong and needed to be taught a lesson."Harry felt that Chris was a well-known entrepreneur in Empfield. A lot of people wanted Chris to teach them a lesson, but Chris ignored all of them."He's Laura's father," Chris said indifferently."Huh?" Harry was dumbfounded. "What the hell's going on?"This wasn't really the right time to talk about this. Chris looked at the time. It was getting late. It was already almost 11 o'clock at night. If he went home any later, he would probably wake her up."Take them to the police station. Take care of this for me.""Oka
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Chapter 106 Guilt
Chris had no intention of telling Laura what happened tonight. He knew she would be very upset if he told her.On the morning of the next day. Laura and Chris headed off to work as usual.However, not long after the convenience store was opened, a familiar figure walked in from the outside.Laura saw it was Madam Jacobs and her eyes lit up. She then asked in surprise, "Madam Jacobs, what brings you here?"Madam Jacobs had quite a lot of gifts in her hand. Laura walked over and took the bags in Madam Jacobs' hands to prevent her from being too tired. She then placed the bags on one side. "Madam Jacobs, what are all these? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Chris and I could go pick you up.""There's no need. The neighbor's child was coming nearby so I got a lift in his car." Madam Jacobs had a big smile on her face. The fact was that she asked the driver to drive her there."There were quite a lot of supplements at home and I can't finish all of them by myself. I brought them
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Chapter 107 No Going Back
"Do I need to report to you wherever I go?" Madam Jacobs walked up to Lewis and Helen and then began sizing Helen up and down. "Do you think very highly of yourself?""Huh?" Helen was taken aback. She didn't understand what Madam Jacobs was saying."Otherwise, why would you disturb Laura when she's working? Not only that, you also want her to look after you as well. You think it's nothing, but that's not what she thinks!"Madam Jacobs wasn't holding back at all with her words. Her words immediately made Helen's face turn red.Seeing Helen like this, Madam Jacobs couldn't help but roll her eyes.However, Lewis didn't want his wife to suffer any grievance at all. He immediately spoke on behalf of Helen. "Mom, you're here as well, aren't you? If you can come, why can't Helen?"Laura looked at Lewis in surprise. She couldn't help but think that this father-in-law of hers was a little stupid.As expected, Madam Jacobs slapped Lewis in the face and said angrily, "You unfilial bastard.
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Chapter 108 No Need
'Not to worry. I'm all grown up now and I'm married as well. I'm also stronger,' thought Laura.When Linda arrived home, Shona was mopping the floor. When she saw Linda coming home, she raised her head. "Mom, where have you been again? Don't go running around all the time. You're getting old, what if you fall over or if something bad happens to you? We don't want such things to happen to you."Shona didn't want to go to the hospital to look after Linda again."I don't go out all the time. I've only been out today," said Linda.Shona didn't continue the topic. She noticed the things in Linda's hand. "Supplements? Mom, these things aren't cheap. Where did you buy them? Have you been spending money again?""No, well..." Linda subconsciously wanted to say that the supplements were given to her by Laura, but she was afraid that if she said such words, Shona would make a fuss again. Therefore, she decided to swallow the second half of her sentence and nod her head at Shona.Shona made
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Chapter 109 Only Her
Linda had just about finished her meal, so she went straight back into her room.Looking at Linda's receding figure, Shona poked Nicholas with the fork in her hand. "Look at what your mom had said. We were doing this for her own good. Nicholas, your mom lives with us at the moment, and we're paying for everything. She doesn't need to pay for anything, so you might as well get her to give you her pension next time. It can prevent her from spending money on unnecessary things."In the past, when Shona wanted Linda's pension, Nicholas would always refuse. However, this time, when he heard Shona's words, he hesitated and then nodded. "Okay."This answer made Shona smile.Luke saw what was happening and said, "Mom, what do the supplements that Grandma bought look like? Let me have a look."Shona took out her phone and showed Luke what she found on the internet.On the morning of the next day.Linda went out to buy some fruit. When she came back, she was about to go back to her room t
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Chapter 110 How Many?
Shannon looked at Laura teasingly and said, "I feel you're very lucky, Miss Walker. Your husband treats you very well."Shannon would always see Chris occasionally bringing some snacks for Laura, which were prepared by the Jacobs Group.Laura smiled, but didn't express her opinion. Chris did treat her very well, that was the truth."How are you and your boyfriend doing?" Laura asked while still knitting the scarf.She remembered that Shannon had told her a few days ago that she had a new boyfriend."Well." Shannon chuckled. "We're doing quite well. Compared to my previous boyfriends, he isn't the most handsome, but he's definitely the one who treated me the best. He cares a lot about me and would pay attention to my mood."At the mention of her boyfriend, Shannon seemed to have a lot to talk about. "Miss Walker, how long have you and your husband been dating before you were married?""Well..." Laura hesitated before continuing, "We met on a blind date, so we got married quite qu
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