All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
592 Chapters
Chapter 121 Bring Things Back
Shona was someone who cared a lot about her own interests, especially when it came to money.Even if she had fallen out with Laura the previous moment, the next moment, if she felt there was something for her to gain, she could still smile and pretend nothing had happened.After living with Shona for over 20 years, Laura was used to Shona's instant change of attitude.At the same time, she knew Shona all too well. She immediately knew what Shona was thinking."You can meet them if you want, but you have to tell Luke to give back the things he took," said Laura.This sentence alone was able to shut Shona up."Well, you can't really take back the things you've given away, can you?"Even if they wanted the supplements back, would the Holland family give the supplements back to them?Shona was worried that if Jessica was angered again, something might happen to her grandson.She didn't dare to let anything happen to her grandson."Laura, we're all family here. Anything that belon
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Chapter 122 Company
"How come you're here?"Linda had already fallen asleep at this hour.Looking at the bed cover in Chris's hand, Laura cocked her brows.'He even brought the bed covers from home,' she thought.Chris didn't know what was wrong with him either. He just wanted to see Laura and be with her."However, there are no extra beds here." Laura looked around the ward. There was only one rollaway bed in the ward and a sofa.The sofa was very small, even smaller than the rollaway bed. It didn't seem comfortable to sleep in either."It's alright. You can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the sofa." Chris walked towards the sofa and placed the bed cover in his hand on the sofa.The bed covers that Chris had brought were the ones he normally used at home.He looked at the bed cover on the rollaway bed provided by the hospital. He then removed the bed cover and gave one of the bed covers he had brought to Laura. "Use this one."Chris felt uncomfortable using the bed cover provided by the hosp
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Chapter 123 News
"Okay." Chris didn't have any problems with that.He and Laura had been married for some time. It was reasonable for their family members to meet.He was planning on telling Madam Jacobs about the fact that Linda was in hospital. He wanted Madam Jacobs to come to the hospital to visit Linda.When Laura heard Chris's plans, she quickly waved her hand and said, "There's no need. I've read Grandma's Twitter. I think she's going on holiday with Harry, right? Let's not disturb her. They're going to meet in a few days anyway, right? They can meet then."Laura didn't want to trouble others. She didn't want to disturb Madam Jacobs' travel plans because of her matters.She could take care of Linda by herself.Laura told Chris a couple more times not to disturb Madam Jacobs. When Chris heard Laura say those words, he nodded in agreement.The two of them talked about some other things. Laura was using Chris's bed cover, which was filled with a scent that was unique to Chris. It somehow mad
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Chapter 124 Stepmother
On the morning of the next day.Shona slept until almost 10 o'clock in the morning before getting out of bed. She rubbed her waist as she got out of the rollaway bed. "This stupid bed isn't comfortable at all. My waist hurts."Linda rolled her eyes and had no intention of talking to Shona.Shona looked around and saw the plate and cutlery on the bedside table. She then asked, "Mom, have you had breakfast?""Yes."The hospital's food didn't taste so good. If Laura was at the hospital, she would prepare something else for Linda. However, Shona couldn't get up in the morning, so Linda didn't wake her up. The food was brought to the ward by a hospital staff.Shona rubbed her belly and went to the toilet to wash up. After doing so, she walked out of the ward holding her bag. "Mom, I'm hungry. I'll be heading out to get something to eat. Do you want any apples? I want some apples, I'll bring some back for you."Linda was rendered speechless.As soon as Shona walked out of the ward an
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Chapter 125 A Lesson
Helen hid the disdain in her eyes of the surroundings and said, "But there's nothing I could do. No matter how well I treat this child, his attitude towards me has always been cold. This caused his grandmother to not let me into the house. Chris's father and I have been renting a place to live for the past couple of years.""Renting a house would cost quite a lot of money. Houses in Empfield aren't cheap.""That's right. Chris's father and I would have an extra expenditure every month," Helen said with a smile.She knew Chris had kept his true identity from Laura, so when she was talking to Shona, she kept Chris's identity a secret intentionally.After all, no one wanted an extra person to share one's assets. Not only that, for a top family like the Jacobs family, only 1% of their assets would be the wealth that most people couldn't have for their entire lives."I coincidentally got to know that Laura's grandmother had fallen ill, so I thought I'd bring some supplements over.""D
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Chapter 126 Assets
Chris was telling the truth. At first, he wanted to hide his identity, so Chris told his men to buy a car that was worth around 20 thousand dollars. The interiors had to be normal as well."Only 20 thousand dollars? It's not even as expensive as the car Luke has bought." Shona lost her interest as soon as she heard the price. "Chris, you're not a youngster anymore and you only have a car and a house under your name. This is nowhere near enough. You need to plan for your and Laura's future. When you have a child in the future, your monthly expenses will increase by a lot. Your job as a security guard alone will definitely not be able to feed your family. You should try and maintain a good relationship with your parents." Shona's eyes flashed as she tried to make herself sound casual.Chris didn't answer to Shona's words, but Linda furrowed her brows. "Can't you keep your mouth shut? Why do you always have to stick your nose in other people's business?"Shona pouted her lips. "I'm jus
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Chapter 127 Number One in Empfield
Madam Jacobs raised her head and looked at the door. When she saw Lewis and Helen, her hand froze in midair. "Why are you here?"Lewis led Helen into the private room. "Mom, isn't today the day for us to meet the members of the Walker family? Why can't I be here?"Helen smiled at Shona and Shona responded by nodding her head.The interaction between Shona and Helen was noticed by Laura. She squinted her eyes and clenched her fists a little.Helen smiled elegantly. She first greeted Madam Jacobs and then looked at Linda. "This must be Laura's grandmother, right?"Linda gave Lewis and Helen a puzzled look. "You are..."Laura whispered something in Linda's ear and Linda immediately realized what was going on.She had just been wondering why she hadn't seen Chris's parents.'So this is why...' Linda said inwardly."Alright, since you're Chris's parents, then take a seat. We're just about to start the meal. I'll get the waiter to bring two more sets of cutlery." Shona quickly took
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Chapter 128 Brothers
"Huh? Me? Well..."When Harry heard his name being mentioned, he could only laugh awkwardly."I don't work. I just take orders for remodeling cars in my spare time. My brother will give me money normally when I run out of money."The Jacobs family was rich and powerful. It wouldn't be a problem to feed a couple of Harrys.Besides, from Harry's perspective, the Jacobs Group only needed his brother. He wouldn't be of much help and would only make a mess of things.However, he would get paid quite a lot for remodeling cars as well.As soon as Harry finished speaking, Shona immediately was dissatisfied with him. "Remodeling cars? It doesn't sound like a reliable job. You're already a mature adult and you still rely on your brother? For someone your age, you should find a proper job."'I can't believe Chris spoils his brother like this. That's not on!' thought Shona."Okay. I'll go find a job when I have time." Harry didn't want to make things awkward for Laura, so he didn't say any
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Chapter 129 Mutual Help
Shona held her bag and walked inside the community.Seeing this, Laura was infuriated. 'She's still as greedy as before!'"I've got to go as well, Laura," said Linda."Okay. Be careful, Grandma." Laura calmed herself down and looked at Linda's receding figure. She waited until she couldn't see Linda anymore before turning around.Chris had just finished his call. He put away his phone and walked towards Laura. "Grandma's gone?""Yes. Let's go."Chris nodded and the two of them went home.After arriving home, Chris went to the bathroom. When he came out of the bathroom, his phone rang. He picked up his phone, looked at his phone and saw an unknown number.Chris pressed the answer button and a man's voice sounded on the other end of the line."Chris."When Chris heard this voice, his face darkened. "What do you want?"Lewis continued, "What was Laura's mother talking about during lunch? Is her brother really coming to work at the Jacobs Group? The Jacobs Group isn't just any o
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Chapter 130 In the Bin
"Of course!" Lewis agreed without any hesitation. "You're my wife and the mother of my child. Part of the Jacobs Groups is yours as well. Your cousin is my cousin. What's wrong with our cousin coming to work in our company?"When Helen heard those words, the smile on her face became even wider.After Chris had hung up Lewis's call, he received another.Not knowing what the person on the other end of the line said, Chris just nodded and then walked up to Laura."Something came up at work. I've got to go. There's probably a business banquet tonight, so I won't be coming home for dinner.""Okay." Laura nodded.There was still some food in the fridge. She was planning on making some sandwiches for her and Chris tonight, but since Chris wouldn't be home, there was no need for her to make any sandwiches.Laura planned on taking a nap in the afternoon, but as soon as she tucked herself in bed, she received a message on WhatsApp. It was from Emily. "Laura, are you free tonight? Do you w
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