All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
592 Chapters
Chapter 131 Guards Behind Chris
Liam's actions caused Emily to be dumbfounded. Laura was a little taken aback as well."Oh... I'm sorry Liam. I forgot you don't like others putting food on your plate with their own cutlery. I'll use a serving cutlery next time. Let's eat." Emily found an excuse for Liam's actions.Laura looked at the two of them opposite her. Thinking of what just happened, she frowned a little.A strange feeling arose in her heart.Laura looked at Emily and realized that Emily wasn't really affected by what just happened, so she decided not to overthink things.The three of them continued eating. During the meal, Emily didn't put any more food on Liam's plate. However, she would still act intimately towards Liam from time to time. For example, she would pour him some beer and ask him if the food was too hot or not, etc.Laura felt that it was normal for couples to do such things, but Liam's reaction was quite strange.He actually told Emily to keep her distance from him. He even said that she
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Chapter 132 Lies
Emily had deliberately asked Liam out for a meal tonight. She also invited Laura without Liam knowing as well. Her purpose in doing so was to show off how lovey-dovey she was with Liam in front of Laura.She knew that Liam had feelings for Laura, she could tell, but she wanted the two of them to know that they couldn't be together at all. She also wanted to say that Liam only belonged to her and that Liam shouldn't have any thoughts about Laura anymore.Emily took a deep breath to force herself to calm down. She then caught up with Liam with her bag in her hand.When Chris came out today, it was Assistant Jacobs who drove the car. Therefore, he didn't have a car to drive at the moment.He wanted to take a taxi back, but Laura stopped him. "Do you have any plans later on? If not, let's walk home."Laura had quite a lot to eat today, so she felt a little stuffed at the moment and wanted to take a walk to help her digest."Okay." Chris nodded. "I don't have any other plans later on.
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Chapter 133 Why So Pretentious
Chris immediately began to blush.Laura stood up and immediately saw Chris's red face when she lowered her head."What's wrong? Why is your face so red?" she asked whilst feeling puzzled."Ahem." Chris covered his mouth and coughed lightly. "It's probably because I've been sat down for too long. I feel a little hot. I'm going to get some fresh air."Laura nodded whilst feeling puzzled, but when she saw Chris walking towards the window, she still said, "It's quite windy outside, be careful or you'll catch a cold.""Okay."Chris stood by the window and allowed the wind to cool him down. After cooling down, Chris furrowed his brows.He was a man. What was he being shy about just now?Laura didn't notice that there was anything wrong with Chris. She then placed the sandwiches into the fridge. After washing up, she said goodnight to Chris and went to bed.It was quite different for Chris. For the whole night, he kept on thinking about what he had seen earlier on. This caused him to
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Chapter 134 Status
It was a good thing that Laura reacted quickly, otherwise, Jordan would have succeeded."I work in the Jacobs Group now and I'm quite high up as well. I think you're quite good-looking, how about you be my girlfriend? I can promise you that you won't have to worry about anything anymore."Jordan looked at Laura with a pair of greedy eyes. The more he looked at Laura, the more he liked her.He didn't expect to see such a beautiful woman after coming out for a bottle of water. Jordan felt that he was very lucky.The next second, Jordan's face turned cold and he threatened, "If you don't agree to be my girlfriend, I'll make sure this store closes down."Jordan had heard from his cousin, Helen, that Lewis had a very high status in Empfield and was even able to allocate a job for him in the Jacobs Group. He felt that it would be even easier for Lewis to close down a convenience store.Laura realized what was Jordan trying to do. It seemed Jordan had no intention of leaving unless he g
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Chapter 135 A Lesson
Due to the fact that Jordan was in a panic, when he walked into the Jacobs Group, he bumped into a man wearing sunglasses."What's wrong with you? Watch where you're going!" Jordan cursed angrily.'I can't believe how unlucky I am!' thought Jordan.Chris furrowed his brows and listened to the alarm sounding in the distance. He didn't stop at all after bumping into Jordan.He had just come downstairs to bring Laura some snacks. What he didn't expect was to hear the alarm sounding as soon as he arrived downstairs. He could tell the sound of the sirens came from the convenience store. He didn't know what had happened.When Chris walked into the convenience store, he was stunned by what he saw inside. Soon, coldness filled his eyes."Chris, quick, get Madam Jacobs to the hospital!"When Laura saw Chris, she quickly put down the phone that she had in her hand.Chris walked over, bent down and picked Madam Jacobs up from the ground."Chris, get Madam Jacobs to the hospital first. I'
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Chapter 136 Mad
"I'm just worried about you, Grandma." Harry put on a pitiful look.With Laura and Harry around, Madam Jacobs didn't feel bored at all. Her abdomen still ached a little, but Madam Jacobs felt that it wasn't a big deal. She said that she wanted to be discharged from the hospital, but both Laura and Harry refused."Grandma, don't be in a rush to be discharged. You should stay in the hospital for a few more days to prevent further problems that your body might have," said Laura.A lot of people nowadays felt that they were okay when they were hurt, but problems may occur as time passed and their actions would have delayed their treatments."That's right, Grandma. Listen to Laura, I think she has a point. You might not have any problems now, but what if something comes up later on? I might not have a grandma anymore!" Harry put on a sad look on his face as he looked at Madam Jacobs. This caused Madam Jacobs to pick up an apple from the bedside table and throw it at Harry."You little
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Chapter 137 Nobody
Laura had no choice but to say helplessly, "Then I'll come see you during my lunch break, is that alright?""Okay, come over at lunch. We can have lunch together."After making plans with Madam Jacobs, Laura and Chris set off to work.Not long after arriving at the convenience store, Laura saw a familiar figure."Harry? Why are you here?""Well..." Harry walked into the convenience store from the outside. He looked around and smiled at Laura. "Laura, your store looks quite nice. It's quite clean as well. I don't have anything to do today, so I've decided to come and hang around your place. Is that alright?""That's fine. There's a chair over there, take a seat. There's water in the store and food as well. Take whatever you want." Laura smiled as she looked at Harry. Harry had finished dying his hair grey."You're the best, Laura. Then I'll make myself at home." Harry pulled a deck chair over and went to lie down behind the shelves. He then took out his phone. "Do what you have t
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Chapter 138 Cowards
"Harry, how come you're here?"Helen was shocked. She obviously didn't expect Harry to be at the convenience store as well. This caused her domineering aura to immediately disappear.When faced with Laura, Helen could act as if she was high up, but when faced with Chris and Harry, Helen would always act carefully.That was because she knew Laura wouldn't make a scene in public. However, Chris and Harry were different. Every time Chris looked at her, his gaze would send a chill down her back. This caused her to not dare to try and get close to him. Not only that, Harry showed no respect towards her whatsoever."Does it surprise you that I'm here?"Harry stood between Helen and Laura. He looked down on Helen with a disdainful smile on his face. His gaze caused Helen to take a few steps back.However, when she remembered that she was an elder, Helen pursed her lips and said, "Harry, I'm just here today to talk to Laura about whether she can forgive Jordan for what he has done. After
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Chapter 139 Child Gone
When the elder woman saw Laura, she immediately fell to the ground and began shouting."Somebody help! Look at this girl, she's abusing an elder!"Laura was a little dumbfounded by what was happening in front of her, but she quickly realized what was going on."Madam, what do you want?"Mrs. Holdsworth was shouting on the ground and quickly gave her daughter-in-law a meaningful look.Jordan's wife, Cassie Holdsworth, looked around. When she saw that there were no surveillance cameras around, she felt relaxed and nodded at Mrs. Holdsworth. This allowed Mrs. Holdsworth to shout even loud.Cassie walked forward and said, "Laura, my mother hasn't offended you in any way. How dare you be so ruthless and hit her? Don't you know it's against the law to hurt someone like this? If anything happens to my mother, I'll send you behind bars! Unless you write a letter of understanding, or I'll make you pay for what happened just now!"Cassie's words allowed Laura to know why the two of them w
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Chapter 140 Fight Back
Chris played along. His face darkened and his eyes turned cold as he looked at Mrs. Holdsworth and Cassie.He had been someone with a very high status for a long time. He naturally had a domineering aura. He wasn't just any ordinary person. His gaze caused Mrs. Holdsworth and Cassie's hearts to skip a beat.Laura continued to cry. The only way to beat a shameless person would be to act shamelessly as well."Honey, they said that I had hit the old thing, but they caused us to lose our baby. This is a human life we're talking about here! Ah! I feel that I'm bleeding! Quick, call the police! Don't let them get away with it!""What nonsense are you talking about? How can you prove that we're the ones who caused you to lose your child?" Cassie replied in a panic.Laura used the words that Cassie had just said a while ago. "My husband is the proof. He's the eyewitness! Honey, quick, call the police!"Chris played along with Laura and took out his phone pretending to call the police."
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