All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
592 Chapters
Chapter 141 Anger
"Mom, when Helen found out that you're hurt, she was so worried that she couldn't sleep. She kept on saying that she wanted to come to the hospital to visit you. Her aunt's here as well."Lewis introduced Mrs. Holdsworth to Madam Jacobs. Madam Jacobs had never liked Helen, but she knew that they were in the hospital, so she didn't shout for Lewis to get lost with Helen. Instead, she said in a cold voice, "I don't need anyone to visit me. You should leave.""Hey, I don't agree with you on this one, sister." Mrs. Holdsworth walked forward with a bag in her hand. She then placed the bag in front of Madam Jacobs. "Sister, it's normal for your son and your daughter-in-law to come to visit in the hospital. How can you say that you don't want anyone to come to visit you? I don't think you're doing the right thing here. Take a look at this. I've brought this especially from home. There are potatoes, carrots, and garlic. They're freshly picked and grown by ourselves. They're really fresh!"M
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Chapter 142 Fall Out
"What? You want mental compensation?" A look of disbelief appeared on Madam Jacobs' face.Mrs. Holdsworth not only came to ask for a letter of understanding, but also mental compensation as well."Get lost, all of you! If you don't get out of my sight right now, I'll get someone to throw you out! Let me tell you this, Lewis, take your woman and leave right this instance! Get out of my sight, I don't want to see her ever again!"Madam Jacobs' face was filled with anger.She felt truly disgusted.She couldn't believe what kind of people she was facing.Mrs. Holdsworth wanted to say something else, but Chris walked forward and stood in front of her. His cold eyes were glaring at her. "I'll give you three seconds to leave this room. You're going to be sorry if you don't."After hearing Madam Jacobs' words, Helen's face changed. Deep down, she didn't want to fall out with Madam Jacobs for her aunt and cousin. She pulled the hem of Lewis's clothes slightly and led him outside.Lewis
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Chapter 143 Chance
After being humiliated by Mrs. Holdsworth and Cassie, Helen was very unhappy, but they still blamed everything on Helen.Helen's face turned cold. When Lewis drove the car over, she just said, "If that's the case, then don't count on me for anything in the future, Aunt Karen. You can try to save Jordan by yourselves."With that said, Helen got into the car and told Lewis to just drive.Such an action angered Mrs. Holdsworth. She then began cursing loudly, but the car was already quite some distance away and the people inside wouldn't be able to hear anything she said.Inside the ward.Madam Jacobs was still mad. She couldn't understand how was she able to give birth to such an ungrateful son. He didn't even come to visit her when she was hospitalized but also brought the mother of the person who caused her to be in the hospital in the first place to plead for mercy.Laura and the others hadn't left yet. Harry was the best with words. He comforted Madam Jacobs to help her calm dow
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Chapter 144 CEO of the Jacobs Group
Jessica's eyes flashed. 'I'll definitely use Laura to get to know him! As soon as I see any hope, then I'll have an abortion immediately!'After all, Chris could make hundreds of thousands of dollars per annum. His brother must be around the same level. The worst thing that could happen was that she would live off Chris and wouldn't have to worry about anything."Let's go, Jessica."When Jessica heard the soft voice next to her, Jessica hid the disdain in her eyes and kept the same look on her face. She then continued to wrap her arms around Luke's as they walked forward.However, she would try to ask Luke about Laura."Luke, how did Laura and Chris get to know each other? I'm a little curious.""I don't know either." Luke had no idea how Laura and Chris got to know each other. He had just heard Shona say that Laura married some random guy and he didn't even give any bride price either.This caused Luke to feel that he had lost out on 40 thousand dollars."Do you know where Chr
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Chapter 145 Suspension
Chris sat there with a cold face. He didn't speak, but was emitting a domineering aura.Assistant Jacobs flicked through the account statement page by page and displayed them to all the shareholders. The shareholders began to discuss amongst themselves, but due to Lewis's identity, they didn't dare be too loud.Assistant Jacobs looked at Chris. When Chris gave the signal, he continued, "Mr. Jacobs, these are all the financial losses we've suffered after you've come to work at the Jacobs Group. Due to the large sum of money, after careful discussion, we've decided to announce your temporary suspension from this board of directors meeting.""What do you mean?" Lewis suddenly stood up from his seat.He knew that if he was suspended, then it wouldn't be temporary, but permanent. No one knew when he would be able to regain his position."It's normal to suffer losses when doing business. Why are you suspending me? I have 10% of the company's shares. I'm one of the largest shareholders!
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Chapter 146 Laura's Past
Thinking of the fact that she told Madam Jacobs that they didn't need to order takeaways anymore, Laura decided to head to the open market for groceries with Chris and make lunch themselves.After arriving at the open market, as soon as they entered, Laura found a stall that sold potted plants.When Laura saw the potted plants, Laura's eyes lit up. "It's gardenia!"She could smell the scent before she even got close.The white flowers weren't in full bloom. There were dewdrops on the flowers which made the flowers look even better."Want one?" asked Chris.Laura nodded. "How about we get one for our balcony?"Laura quite liked flowers. She had long wanted to grow some flowers herself. However, she had been busy with work lately and would order takeaways to eat, plus a lot had happened recently, and Laura never had the time to shop.When the stall owner heard the conversation between Laura and Chris, he immediately promoted his flowers.Laura asked for a price. The stall owner
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Chapter 147 The Cut
"Nothing. I just wanted to call your name."Laura was rendered speechless. 'Why did she want to call my name?'Laura and Chris had bought quite a lot of things. It was a good thing that they came by car. After the two of them finished shopping, they walked out of the open market and placed the things they had bought in the trunk.When Madam Jacobs found out that Chris and Laura were coming, she had been waiting in the front garden from very early on. She would occasionally stand up and walk to the gates to see if they had arrived yet.When she saw the car slowly approaching her house, a big smile appeared on her face."You didn't have to buy so many things on your way here." Madam Jacobs went up and wanted to help carry some things, but Laura didn't let her."Madam Jacobs, you were just discharged from the hospital recently. You haven't fully recovered yet. You should get some rest. Chris and I will do the heavy lifting."Even though she said that she and Chris would do the heav
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Chapter 148 On the Same Bed
Seeing Laura turning around, Chris subconsciously placed his hand behind his back.Laura asked desperately, "What is it? Did you cut yourself?""No." Chris shook his head.'It's so embarrassing. I can't believe I can't even peel a potato,' he thought.Laura didn't believe Chris's words. He said with a straight face, "Let me see your hand."Chris didn't move."Hurry up!"Chris revealed his hands from behind his back feeling a little ashamed of himself. As expected, he had cut off some flesh from his hand.One's fingers were very sensitive, so injuries at the tips of fingers were really painful. Looking at the blood that was oozing out, Laura quickly went to fetch the first aid kit from the living room."I shouldn't have told you to peel the potatoes." Sadness appeared in Laura's eyes, but she didn't even notice that herself, and her voice sounded frustrated.Looking at the little head in front of him and the way that Laura was bandaging him up seriously, Chris's lips curved in
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Chapter 149 Pregnancy
As expected, just as the thought appeared in Laura's head, Madam Jacobs walked over with a smile. "Laura, I've set up the bed for you and Chris. I've also prepared pajamas for you. There's a glass of milk in your room for you and Chris.""Okay, Madam Jacobs." Laura nodded."I think you should call me Grandma from now on," said Madam Jacobs."Okay, Grandma," said Laura.Chris was making a call, so Laura headed into the room first.Looking at Laura's receding figure, Harry closed in on Madam Jacobs. "Well, Grandma, did you add something special to the milk?"Madam Jacobs lowered her voice and said, "I did. I had to pull a lot of strings to get it. It's perfectly legal and will cause no harm to the body. However, it helps one to become pregnant and will help one during sex."Laura had been married into the Jacobs family for quite some time, but she didn't seem to have become pregnant. This caused Madam Jacobs to feel desperate.She felt that her grandson wasn't putting in enough e
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Chapter 150 In Chris's Arms
The waist of the shorts was a little too large, so Laura used a rubber band to tighten the waist.When Laura came out of the bathroom, she saw the glass of milk on the table and drank it. After that, she went to lie on the bed.Laura went on her phone for a while as Chris went into the bathroom for a shower. Listen to the sound of the running water, Laura suddenly recalled the first day that she and Chris lived together. That was when Chris walked out of the bathroom and had forgotten to put any clothes on.The flesh that was exposed was white and muscular.The thought made Laura blush even more.'Stop! Since when have I become so perverted? What was I thinking?' thought Laura.Laura was still blushing even when Chris walked out of the bathroom.Chris looked at her worriedly. "What's wrong? Are you hot? Why is your face so red?""It's nothing. It's probably because the air in the room isn't circulating, I'll go open a window." Laura got out of bed, walked to the windows, and op
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