All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
592 Chapters
Chapter 151 Rage
The man's soft muffled voice came from above her head, and Laura realized she had caused Chris’s chin to turn red."Are you okay, I... I didn't mean to.""I'm fine." Chris also sat up from the bed and shook his head at Laura, "It doesn't matter, let’s get out of bed."Laura pursed her lips lightly. "Okay."She looked towards the side, there was a large empty space. It was probably that she had rolled over to Chris's side when she was asleep last night and kept on sleeping in his arms.Laura noticed that there was another red patch on Chris’s arm.She then said, "I was probably rolling all over the place when I was asleep and rolled to your side. Next time, you can push me away...""It doesn’t matter." Chris kept an indifferent face. "I slept heavy too, so I didn't feel anything either."He got out of bed, took his clothes, and went into the bathroom to get changed.Laura's clothes that she had washed last night were also dry, and when Chris came out of the bathroom, Laura also
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Chapter 152 Sandra Leicester
The more Lewis defended Helen and retorted Madam Jacobs, the more Madam Jacobs's heart sank."So what if she bought them? This is my husband, I get to decide whoever is allowed to come and visit him. What? Are you going to piss me off in front of your father’s grave?""Grandma." Chris saw that Madam Jacobs's chest was constantly heaving up and down with anger, so he stepped forward and supported her with Laura.Chris's face sank, his cold eyes glaring straight at Lewis. "If you don't want to be a part of this cemetery, then I’d suggest you get the hell out of here right now!""You!"Lewis knew what Chris meant and was so angry that he wanted to go up and slap Chris, but when he met Chris's eyes, he stood still again and didn't dare to move.He couldn’t believe that his son was treating him in such a way.But today, he was not going to leave. He just wanted to show Helen and his son to his father!Just as Lewis was about to say something, a cool and sensual female voice came fro
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Chapter 153 Worked Up
Laura opened her mouth and was about to reply when she heard Sandra continue, "You should be Chris's wife. You’re quite good-looking and are worthy of Chris’s looks.""Thank you," said Laura."Uh-huh," Sandra answered and didn't say anything more. After saying goodbye to Madam Jacobs, she turned and left.Sir Jacobs had treated Sandra well back when he was alive, so every year on this day, she would come to pay her respects.Chris and Harry's eyes watched her receding figure until she walked out of the cemetery.Laura noticed Chris's gaze and walked to his side, gently squeezing his hand, but she didn't Chris to hold her hand with his.The person who came just now should be Chris's mother, but she didn’t look at Chris and Harry from the beginning to the end. Looking at Chris's eyes, Laura somehow felt that Chris wasn’t in a really good mood. She punched him gently in an attempt to give him some comfort.After Sandra left, Helen's face was still dark. She suddenly felt pain in he
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Chapter 154 Moving House
She had already waited for 20 years. Now, she only had to wait for a few more months longer. When the child inside her womb was born, she didn't believe that Madam Jacobs would really be willing to let her grandson be homeless.Listening to Helen's words, Lewis breathed a sigh of relief.After all, in his heart, Helen had always been understanding, gentle, and considerate. That look just now had really taken him by surprise.But somehow, at this time, Sandra’s figure appeared in Lewis’s mind.It seemed that she would remain calm no matter what happened. Even when Lewis cheated on her and wanted to divorce her for Helen, Sandra would still remain very calm.After visiting Sir Jacobs, Laura and the others also walked out from the cemetery.In the car, Laura received a phone call from Linda, and after pressing the answer button, it was Shona's voice that came from the other end of the line."Hello, Laura.""Why are you calling me from Grandma's phone?" Laura frowned slightly."Yo
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Chapter 155 The Child
Shona obviously didn't expect Jennifer's mother to show up there, and looking at the clothes she was wearing, which were still pajamas, Shona was immediately dumbfounded."What's going on? Why are you here? What did you just say? What do you mean by your home?"Jennifer didn't answer, but instead looked at Shona, as well as the things that Linda and Laura were carrying in their hands."Luke's mom, why have you brought so many things with you? Are they for me?"Jennifer sounded like she was the owner of the house.Shona's face changed immediately."We're moving house, so it's normal for us to bring things over.""Moving house? Where are you guys moving to? Here? Oops, sorry in-laws, Jessica, her father, her grandmother and I just moved in yesterday. There are only four bedrooms here, one for Jessica and Luke, one for her father and me, one for her grandmother, and one for my grandson. There's probably no more room for you."Shona had a bad-tempered, and Jennifer's words immediat
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Chapter 156 Jealous
Shona and Jennifer got into a fight because they were too angry.Now that they had calmed down, when she heard Jennifer’s words, Shona subconsciously wanted to shout no, but she only moved her lips and no sound came out. She turned towards Luke and said, "Luke, we’ve bought this house for you and paid in full. We did say before that we’re going to move in. Why did you let them move in?""Them? Who are you referring to, Mrs. Walker?"Without waiting for Luke to speak, Jessica suddenly raised her voice.She looked at Shona with anger on her face. "They are my parents and grandparent. What's wrong with them living in my house? My name is also on the property ownership certificate."Seeing her mother being beaten, Jessica no longer wanted to pretend to be weak in front of Shona.She had already got the house and car. Only the bride price was missing. With Luke around, she would definitely receive the bride price."My parents came to live in my house, what's wrong with that?""Exact
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Chapter 157 Admit Defeat
Just when Laura thought that Shona wouldn't help herself, she heard Shona's voice echo throughout the corridor.This made Laura a little surprised."Mom, Laura, let's go."By now, Shona had already seen the situation clearly.Her own son was clearly on the side of the Holland family, and now that Jessica was still pregnant with her grandson, Shona had to admit defeat.She was willing to give up her house as long as her son was happy.She carried her things and walked downstairs, Laura and Linda didn't say anything and followed her downstairs.This was the first time Laura had seen such a look of frustration on Shona's face.According to Shona's temperament, if it had been in the past, she would never let herself suffer, but now for the sake of her son and grandson, she compromised.Not knowing what came to mind, the corner of Laura's mouth hooked into a self-deprecating smile.As expected, Shona was able to compromise again and again for the sake of her son.The three of the
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Chapter 158 Apologize? No Way!
Chris was not only good-looking, but also talented as well. His good temper would cause anyone to like him after spending some time together.However, Laura knew that she and Chris were only in a contract marriage. The two of them would separate sooner or later and she shouldn't have other thoughts about their relationship.Laura quickly forced herself to put away the thoughts that she shouldn't have. However, in the near future, Chris would regret that he had signed the contract.After Laura and the others had left, Jessica looked at her mother's messy hair and the scars on her face. This caused Jessica to feel unhappy."Luke, you must give me an explanation for what happened today. Members of your family came and gave my mom and grandma a beating. Do you really think I don't have a temper?""I'm so sorry, Jessica. I didn't know that they would come today. Don't worry. I'll make things clear with them and they won't step foot into this house in the future. You'll be in charge of
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Chapter 159 Detest
Laura felt that she would need to think of another excuse to convince Linda to move in with her.When they arrived outside the community that the Walker family lived in, Chris got out of the car with Laura. The two of them walked upstairs together.Seeing Laura and Chris, Linda asked in surprise, "Laura, Chris, what are you doing here?"Shona was unpacking. When she raised her head and saw Laura return, she felt puzzled. However, when she saw Chris, she was stunned.Laura walked up to Linda and said, "Grandma, Chris, and I had thought about it and felt that we still want you to move in with us. It's because we're planning on having a baby, but neither of us has any experience of the food that we should eat. We're normally busy with work as well, so we would normally order takeaways. I want Grandma to come and cook for us."If it had been any other excuse, Linda might not have agreed to move in with Laura, but after hearing that Laura was planning on having a baby, Linda's eyes lit
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Chapter 160 Blind
On the morning of the next day. When Laura and Chris got out of bed, Linda had already prepared breakfast and had come back from a morning walk.Elders would normally sleep early at night and wake up earlier in the morning.After the three of them finished breakfast, Linda decided to go to the convenience store with Laura, because Laura wouldn't come home for lunch.After arriving at the convenience store, Laura introduced Shannon to Linda.Shannon was a sweet girl and very talkative. She was able to get along with Madam Jacobs in the past and Linda was no exception.After being engaged in a conversation with Shannon for a while, Linda decided to go for a walk around the store. This was so that she could get used to the surroundings. She was also planning on seeing if there was an open market nearby for her to buy some groceries as she planned on cooking something that was nutritious for Laura during lunch.However, as soon as Linda walked to the door, she seemed to have remember
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