All Chapters of Secret Identity of My Groom: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
592 Chapters
Chapter 111 Honey
"Thank you, Liam, but that's not necessary. I've told my husband and he said that he'll drive me there."On the day when Laura received the invitation, she told Chris about the lecture. He then said that he would give her a lift to the lecture.Liam's eyes darkened when he heard those words, but he quickly smiled and continued, "Are you free this lunchtime, Laura? Do you want to have lunch together? We haven't had lunch together for ages. I just happen to want to talk to you about professional knowledge."Laura opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, a deep male voice sounded from outside the convenience store. "No, she's not free. If you have any questions, then you can ask Google."A man in a black suit walked into the store. He had a tall figure and a handsome face. His slender hands hung on either side of him. Laura immediately saw the cuff links on his wrists."These are the cuff links I bought you, right? I told you they would look great on you."Chris nodded s
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Chapter 112 Love
Chris and Laura showing off their relationship just now made Liam's heart ache. Especially when he heard Chris call him by his name. This made Liam grit his teeth."I'm just about to leave," said Liam.He held the bottle of water in his hand and walked out of the convenience store. However, he stopped when he reached the door. "Laura is a good girl. If you don't treat her well, then I'll definitely teach you a lesson you won't forget."Liam's words made Chris laugh. "Don't worry. I'll definitely treat my wife well. I love my wife, so I'll definitely spoil you. That's not something outsiders need to worry about."Not knowing if it was intentional, Chris was emphasizing the words "my wife". This made Liam's face turn pale. In the end, he had no choice but to leave.Liam got into his car which was parked on the side of the road. Sitting in the driver's seat, Liam punched the steering wheel in front of him.What Liam didn't notice was that as soon as he left the convenience store, a
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Chapter 113 Care
In order to not make things too obvious, Chris made the medicinal supplements into drinks and would give a small bottle to Laura every morning and afternoon."This drink actually tastes quite nice. Your boss treats you so well. He actually prepares in the morning and afternoon for you."Chris leaned against the counter of the convenience store and looked at Laura. He made a note of Laura's compliments in his mind and nodded seriously. "Yes, he definitely treats us well. I'm lucky to be able to work in this company.""But the drinks are limited, right? What are you going to do if you've given the drinks to me?" Laura looked at the bottle in her hand which contained the medicinal supplements."I've got more. The drinks might be limited to other employees, but I'm the CEO's assistant. I don't have any limits.""That's good then."After all, the drink actually did taste good."By the way, I've got something to show you." After finishing the drink in her hand, she took out a small ba
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Chapter 114 Cold Eyes
About 20 minutes later.After getting out of the car, Laura ran towards the hospital located in the city center.Her lips were pursed and her eyes were red.Chris quickly parked the car and ran after Laura.There were a lot of people in the hospital and there was a long queue for the elevator, so she chose to take the stairs. Laura quickly ran up the stairs to the 13th floor.Outside the operating room on the 13th floor. Laura saw two familiar figures."Where's Grandma? How is she?" Laura ran towards Nicholas.After hearing her voice, Shona and Nicholas both looked in Laura's direction."Why are you here?" As soon as Nicholas saw Laura, he frowned."You bitch. How dare you come here? I still haven't settled the matter of your husband beating up your brother, how dare you show up here?" shouted Shona."Shut your mouth!" Laura turned and looked at Shona with cold eyes.This caused Shona to be dumbfounded."Why would Grandma have cerebral hemorrhage all of a sudden? What happe
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Chapter 115 Help
After coming out of Dr. Lister's office, Laura looked exhausted.Chris tried a few times to comfort Laura, but he knew that no words could comfort Laura now. All he could do was stay by her side quietly."Chris, Dr. Lister said that Grandma's operation would still take a while. Can you come with me to buy something for Dr. Lister?""Okay." Chris nodded.Laura had bought quite a lot of things for Dr. Lister, but he refused to accept anything. In the end, Laura had to leave the things in his office and run off with Chris.In the past, when Linda was in hospital, Dr. Lister had helped her out quite a lot. Now, he was worried about Linda as well. Laura would feel guilty if she didn't do anything for Dr. Lister.Laura and Chris arrived outside the operating room.Shona was tired of standing, so she was resting on a bench.Seeing Chris, she opened her mouth and was about to stand up, but in the end, she decided to remain seated.Nicholas, however, locked gazes with Chris for a whole
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Chapter 116 Fear
When Nicholas saw that Linda was no longer in critical condition, he heaved a sigh of relief. He lowered his head, looked at his phone, and said to Shona, "I still have matters to take care of, I've got to go. Laura, take care of your grandma with your mom."Laura nodded in acknowledgement. Shona wanted to say that she had to leave as well, but she knew it was inappropriate for her to say such words at this moment in time. All she could do was to sit sulkily on the sofa.Laura found a chair and sat beside Linda's bed. Chris walked up to her and asked, "It's lunchtime, what do you want to eat? I'll go get you something to eat."Chris's words made Laura realize that it was already 12 o'clock noon. She had a lot of missed calls and text messages as well."I'm not hungry. You can go get something to eat for now.""No." Chris refused Laura's proposal. "If Grandma wakes up, she would definitely not want to see you like this. I'll go get some food, wait here for me."Not only Linda had
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Chapter 117 Get Out
"Don't you know how to respect your elders? How could you eat by yourselves?" Shona sat up on the sofa and reached out to point at Laura and Chris.Laura didn't move. She kept her head lowered and looked at the dishes on the table. Chris, on the other hand, raised his head and gave Shona an indifferent look.Every time when Shona looked at Chris in the eyes, fear would rise in her heart.She subconsciously took back the hand she was using to point at Chris and Laura. She then turned to look away.She swallowed and then pulled a chair to sit by the table."Why are there only two sets of cutlery? Where are mine?"No one answered her question.Shona was at a loss for words.If it had been in the past, if Laura treated her like this, Shona would have exploded in anger. However, with Chris around, Shona didn't dare do anything over the top. She looked around and was about to reach for the set of cutlery prepared for Linda.Laura pursed her lips, put down the cutlery in her hands, a
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Chapter 118 A Blow
Laura was shocked as well. She wasn't shocked because Linda wanted Shona to get out. She was more worried about Linda's health.The doctor had said that Linda shouldn't have excessive mood swings. Otherwise, she might have cerebral hemorrhage again.However, Shona seemed to not know what she should do and was frozen on the spot.Chris walked over and stood between Linda and Shona, blocking Linda's line of sight. "Mrs. Walker, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."Chris's gaze was very domineering and forced Shona to leave the room.When Shona had left the room, Laura comforted Linda. This allowed Linda to slowly calm down.However, Linda's reaction this time proved that Laura's guess was right. Linda's cerebral hemorrhage was caused by the members of the Walker family."Laura..." Linda reached out her hand to hold Laura's."I'm here, Grandma," Laura quickly said."It's gone. It's all gone. The money and the things are all gone..." Linda was lying on the bed and looking at th
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Chapter 119 No Grievance
The second critical blow for Linda was that it was the day that she was paid her pension as well. She was prepared to withdraw her pension, but when she went to the bank, she was told that her pension had been withdrew by someone else.When Linda went home to ask Nicholas and Shona about her pension, the two of them had no intention of giving the money back to her, especially Shona. She even requested Linda to give them her pension every month.Linda refused, but Shona said that it didn't matter. Every month when Linda's pension was paid, Shona would go in advance to withdraw the money, because she knew someone at the bank.The two critical mental blows made Linda infuriated and caused a cerebral hemorrhage. She then passed out.When Laura heard the story, her chest heaved up and down. She gritted her teeth in anger."How could they take what I've given you?"Laura's heart ached for Linda, but she was also touched. She knew Linda was doing all of this because of her.She knew ho
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Chapter 120 A Meeting
However, Laura didn't receive a reply.Chris called at around four o'clock in the afternoon. On the other end of the line, Chris said that the money that Linda had lost had been retrieved with the help of the police.He also said that taking one's pension without one's consent is against the law. Chris also asked if Laura wanted to hold Nicholas and Shona responsible.Laura thought about it and felt that she would need Linda's opinion on this matter. After all, Nicholas and Shona were her son and daughter-in-law. Laura felt that Linda wouldn't be so harsh.As expected, when Laura told Linda about this, Linda fell silent. After a while, she said, "Forget it, Laura."Linda was mad and didn't like what Nicholas and Shona had done, but she didn't want to send her son and daughter-in-law to court.This was something Laura had expected. She wasn't surprised at all. She nodded at Linda and gave Chris a reply."I understand." Chris had expected such an answer as well. "I'll get the poli
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