All Chapters of Hot Shot Divorce: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
640 Chapters
Chapter 141 Give Him a Chance
As she watched Liam's car drive away, Lana hung her head in dejection.It seemed like she had gone a bit too far this time.Liam had helped her so many times, but she didn't even express a word of gratitude. How inconsiderate of her.Lana felt that she needed to find some time to talk to Liam.However, Lana didn't expect that the time would come so soon.In the evening, while Lana and Olivia were preparing to conduct a Balanese language class for the restaurant employees, Lana suddenly received a call from Violet.Violet was somewhat hesitant on the phone. First, she said that she was feeling unwell. Then, she said that she wanted to come and see Lana. Lana knew that Violet probably had something to talk about, so she offered to go and visit her. By the time Lana was picked up by the Kane family's driver and arrived at the Kane Manor, it was already 9:00 pm.Lana hadn't eaten yet, so Violet insisted on having someone prepare her a meal. However, Lana rejected the offer. Sh
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Chapter 142 Putting Her in Danger
Violet stormed to Liam's study room. She pounded the door with fury, the sound echoing throughout the hallway."You rascal, come out now!" Violet shouted."I've handed you everything on a silver platter, and you still have the nerve to give me that attitude. If you don't go over there and clear things up today, you're no longer welcome in this house!"Liam opened the door and looked at her calmly.Violet pointed toward the door downstairs and demanded, "Immediately go after her! If you don't confess your feelings to Lana today, you're no longer my grandson!"Liam quietly helped her retract her outstretched hand as he said, "Can you not be so childish?""Me, childish?" Violet scoffed."I just want a great-grandchild from you. Is that considered childish? "Your parents passed away when you were young, and I've been watching over you on their behalf. Is that considered childish? "I don't want to leave this world knowing you're all alone. Is that childish too?"Violet bombarded
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Chapter 143 Least Afraid of Setbacks
When Lana received John's call, she was busy working at the perfume store.Before each quarterly product launch, Lana would go to the store to conduct research, figuring out customers' preferences. This way, she could ensure the popularity of the products."What?" Lana said in surprise."That's not necessary. I almost forgot about it myself. You don't have to go through the trouble just to celebrate for me."John said something on the phone, and Lana eventually smiled and agreed to his invitation.When Lana showed up at the Lewis Residence, John and Darla weren't the only people welcoming her. Unexpectedly, Mandy was there as well. After exchanging greetings with the Lewises, Lana approached Mandy and took her hand."Dy! How come you're here too?" Lana exclaimed with a sense of inexplicable affection.Mandy finally saw Lana, and she was so happy that she could barely speak. She smiled and said, "I just wanted to come and see you."Then, Lana and Mandy walked ahead, hand in ha
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Chapter 144 Heartless
John drove Lana home, while Mandy stayed overnight at the Lewis Residence.Darla brought a bottle of Mandy's favorite red wine to her room."Why are you suddenly in the mood to drink today?"Fresh out of the shower, Mandy wore a white slip nightgown. Her fair skin was tinged with a hint of pink from the hot water. The curves of her body were beautifully sculpted, enhancing her breathtaking beauty.Setting the bottle aside, Darla chuckled. "You're really wasting your looks and body."Mandy understood what she meant and wasn't bothered by it. "What? Are you jealous?"Darla quipped, "If I really cared, it wouldn't matter to that person, right?"Mandy's mood sank to a new low when she thought of that man.Because of that man, she lived a life of wealth and comfort in her early years. It was also because of him that her later years, despite being filled with glory, were marred with loneliness and hardship.Seeing Mandy's discomfort, Darla realized she had misspoken. She was about t
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Chapter 145 Let Go of Me
Lana thought that his anger was uncalled for. "Liam, if that's all, you can leave now."She didn't want to deal with this man anymore!Liam obviously misunderstood her. "Do you think I'm in the way here?"Lana retorted, "If that's how you want to see it, I can't do anything about it."Liam was so angry that he felt like he was about to blow his top. How could Lana be so indifferent to him?Lana didn't want to continue arguing with him. She decided to grab a bite at the restaurant before heading home. However, as soon as she turned around, she fell into a warm embrace. Before she could react, Liam pressed his cool lips against hers.Lana's eyes widened in surprise and confusion. Liam had clearly rejected her, so why was he still doing this?In fact, Liam had only wanted to punish Lana for her constant chattering. Yet, he couldn't resist her alluring taste, repeatedly drawn to her lips. However, Liam hadn't had his fill yet when Lana suddenly pushed him away.Then, a resoundi
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Chapter 146 Reorganize Properties
When Mandy agreed to be Lana's spokesperson, Lana started reorganizing her properties in Gilsbury City. She planned to relocate the spa and perfume store to Dawsbury for a trial run. The vegan pasta restaurant was a well-established business in Gilsbury City. So, she thought it was better to keep it there for now. Once things in Dawsbury were stable, Lana planned to introduce new items to the menu before relocating the restaurant.After organizing everything, Lana returned to the pasta restaurant. She planned to discuss the creation of new menu items with Peter. Upon entering the restaurant, she noticed Peter and a staff member having an intense conversation. "He has gone this far in getting things done. Isn't that a great show of affection for Lana?" "Just think about it. He challenged the higher-ups and still came out on top all by himself. That takes tremendous courage, doesn't it?" "I hereby declare that from now on, Liam is my new crush."The passion of this discus
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Chapter 147 Turning Villainous
In fact, Lana was deeply saddened by Liam's behavior. However, she was determined to make things clear. "Could you spare some time for a stranger like me, Mr. Liam? I have something to talk to you about." Liam turned and headed back to the elevator, stating, "I'm not interested." As the elevator doors closed, it was as if Liam and Lana were now in two different worlds. Liam's aloof expression had already made everything clear. They no longer had any relationship.Lincoln thought that when Liam returned to the elevator, he would return to his office. However, Liam didn't have that intention. He casually stopped on a random floor and smoked quietly in the stairwell. It had been a long time since Liam had smoked, and the fact that he started again in such an unpolished manner genuinely took Lincoln by surprise.Holding a briefcase in his hand, Lincoln stood straight beside him. After a prolonged pause, he asked, "Sir, why didn't you tell Ms. Clark the truth? You offended t
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Chapter 148 You're Too Old
It was almost eight in the evening. In the corner of the second floor at Gilsbury's most luxurious Fleines restaurant, Sherry Wheeler was sitting there looking restless. She was dressed in an elegant light pink dress and looked charming. "Waiter, could you please bring me another glass of water?" Sherry asked. "Well … Miss, you've already had ten glasses of water. I'm afraid you might need to use the restroom frequently later," the waiter reminded her.Sherry seemed visibly surprised, not realizing she had drank so much water. She gestured to the waiter and said, "Thank you for the reminder. I've changed my mind about that glass of water."After the waiter left, her fidgeting continued. One moment, she'd check her makeup in a little mirror. And the next, she'd adjust the neckline of her dress to ensure it wasn't too revealing. After all, she was meeting none other than Liam Kane, someone who was known for his cunning and ruthless nature.It was said that the Kane famil
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Chapter 149 A Match Made in Heaven
While Liam was still lost in thought, Lana used her finger to gently lift his chin. "What are you staring at? Aren't you coming home with me?" After saying that, Lana didn't even bother to see Liam's response. She simply turned and walked away. Lana felt that if she didn't leave soon, the situation might get rather awkward.Liam didn't hesitate this time. He smirked and let out a low whistle. Then, he swiftly followed Lana out of the restaurant. The two of them walked out of the restaurant one after the other. Liam was about to head to his car, but he noticed an incredibly cool motorcycle parked at the entrance.Lana glanced at him mischievously and tossed the other helmet in his direction. "Get on." Liam raised an eyebrow in mild surprise. Most men couldn't handle such motorcycles, and Lana kept surprising him time and time again. Liam put the helmet on as he smoothly got on Lana's motorcycle.The thunderous sound of Lana's motorcycle immediately attracted the curiosi
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Chapter 150 We Must Act Together as a Couple
Without hesitation, Lana immediately called Violet. At the same time, she grabbed the coat she had just removed and headed outside. The moment the call connected, Lana hadn't even begun to speak when she heard Violet sobbing. "Lana, you finally called back. What do we do? What would happen to Lee? Could it be that the bad people have kidnapped him again?"Somehow, whenever Violet couldn't reach Liam, she couldn't help but recall those unpleasant pasts. Her heart sank, and she felt a bone-chilling cold all over.Lana hurriedly comforted her, "Grandma, please don't cry. Liam is fine. He has been with me all night."Violet was confused. "Huh? You two were together last night? But didn't Lee go on a blind …"Violet almost let it slip. "I mean, he had some evening plans. How could he be with you? Lana, you need to explain this to me." "Grandma, please don't worry. Liam should be getting home soon." While reassuring Violet, Lana walked out of the elevator, intending to get on he
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