All Chapters of Hot Shot Divorce: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
640 Chapters
Chapter 151 He Missed Her
After Lana discussed her plan to develop her existing business in Dawsbury City with Liam, Lana received his strong support.According to Liam, Dawsbury City's territory was too small, and its development was limited. Lana should move to a bigger city if she wished to expand larger.With Liam's support, Lana initiated her plan with peace of mind.Because she already had access to Dawsbury City with Mandy's help, Lana could move her spa and perfume shop there in just under a month.The perfume shop was renamed "Allure", while the spa was renamed "Enjoy". With such mysterious and high-end names, coupled with Mandy as the spokesperson, Lana quickly entered the market in Dawsbury City. Many people visited the shop out of curiosity and left satisfied, making Allure and Enjoy rapidly becoming popular among the youths in Dawsbury City.Everyone was curious how Mandy became the spokesperson for these two brands. She had never taken on any advertising endorsements in her decades-long c
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Chapter 152 Quite Shameless
Nadia was curious and asked, "You guys know each other?"Howard explained first, "Mandy knew me since I was a kid. Our families keep in touch."People from Dawsbury City are rich. Lana knew early on that Howard's family was exceptional, but she didn't expect him to know Mandy."Why didn't you even tell your mom that you're back in town!" The way Mandy spoke sounded as if she was his relative. "She's been talking about whether you'll come back home this year!"Howard shrugged. "Don't worry, I'll head back. I have a flight tonight."Nadia frowned. "How come I never heard you mention that you'll return home for New Year? I thought you'll celebrate with us here. I even prepared a gift for you. I'll give it to you before you leave."Hearing this, Howard looked at her tenderly and said in a half-serious tone, "I'll stay if you ask me to."Nadia immediately rolled her eyes and said, "When will you ever be serious?"When Nadia went to her room to grab his gift, Lana noticed Howard lo
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Chapter 153 New Year
Everyone in the vegan pasta restaurant knew about Liam and Lana's relationship. So they weren't surprised that he showed up. What surprised them more was how Mandy, the renowned international actress, ended up here."Mands, hurry up and eat. Otherwise the pasta will get cold."Mands was a nickname given by Mandy's fans. At this moment, Mandy was surrounded by people. It was as if she were being exhibited as a work of art.Lana smiled bitterly, "Laura, you have to give her some space to eat the pasta. How can she eat with your face so close?" Laura quickly realized her mistake and moved her face away from Mandy.Laura had always been a fan of Mandy's. Her biggest wish in life is to attend a screening of one of Mandy's films. However, given her social status, even if Mandy were to do a roadshow in the city, she wouldn't be able to attend. Laura never expected Lana to share such a strong bond with Mandy. She even managed to invite her idol all the way from the distant Dawsbury
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Chapter 154 Handsome Man Bathing
After the celebration, everyone returned to their own homes at 3:00 am. Only Liam stuck to Lana, leaving her somewhat at a loss. In fact, after he moved to Lana's house, he immediately went on a business trip. So, the two of them hadn't truly lived together yet. If Liam insisted on not going home tonight, it would be the first time they shared a bed since their marriage and divorce four years ago."Liam, you should go home. Grandma is still waiting for you to send her back," Lana said.Violet promptly stepped in to support her grandson. "Who said so? I don't need him to send me back. I can do that myself," she said. Lana said awkwardly, "The manor is so far from here, Grandma. Can you really walk all the way back?""Why can't I?" Violet declared confidently. "Even if I can't, I still have her!"Cherry, who had been grabbed at the collar by Violet, looked completely shocked.Could it be that Violet wanted her to carry her back home?"Grandma, am I really your granddaughter?"
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Chapter 155 Exactly The Same
"Mandy, so you really are the President's sister?"Mandy didn't seem as cheerful. She sighed and said, "What's the big deal if I'm the President's sister? I'm still alone!"At that moment, Lana didn't fully understand what Mandy meant. But she would soon find out."Why not?" If Lana had a brother who was the President, she'd probably be on cloud nine.However, even after becoming famous, Mandy still maintained a low profile. This was what impressed Lana the most.After parting ways with Mandy, Lana shared this shocking news with Liam via text. To her surprise, Liam wasn't particularly surprised."She was able to steer away from rumors even after all these years in the entertainment industry. I can't think of any other reason besides having a powerful background," he said."You're really no fun. Why analyze everything so thoroughly? You'll lose a lot of the fun in life that way."Liam didn't explain further. He only said, "Just remember what I told you. Dawsbury City is differen
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Chapter 156 Adopted Too
Mandy's gaze was locked onto the mirror, her eyes blinking non-stop. There seemed to be a hidden feeling underneath those eyes.Lana thought she might find the situation amusing. After all, how could she possibly resemble an international movie star? Even if there were similarities, it was undoubtedly the result of a professional team's work. These professionals had an exceptional talent for transforming even the most unremarkable individuals into international movie stars."Mandy?" Lana waved her hand in front of Mandy, breaking her reverie. "What's the matter?"Mandy finally regained her composure, suppressing her shock. "Nothing, I'm fine. I was just looking for similarities. We should be on our way."In all honesty, Lana had never imagined she would meet the President, let alone sit and dine with him.Mandy drove them to the President's residence, which turned out to be a small independent villa of less than 500 square meters. It lacked a small garden and retained a styl
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Chapter 157 A Peculiar Relationship
"My apologies, Joyce. Young people nowadays are so blunt."Joyce's expression turned sour. When did Mandy have such a formidable sidekick on her side?"And she is?" Joyce asked.After all, Lana looked about the same age as Rosa. Mandy had not had much contact with her family for many years. In their social circle, secret marriages were common. It was possible that the young girl with Mandy was her daughter. Plus, the two of them looked strikingly alike.Mandy kept her promise to Lana and did not reveal her identity. She replied, "This is my assistant.""What?" Rosa suddenly jumped from the sofa. "Just an assistant? And she dares to talk to me like that?""If someone young like you can boldly speak ill of their elders in front of them, then as a junior assistant like me, what can't I do?"Lana stood in front of Mandy like a shield.At this point, Joyce couldn't hold back any longer and stood up to defend her daughter."Mandy, isn't your assistant going too far? How can she
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Chapter 158 Worry
Seeing the situation on the verge of getting out of control, Joyce quickly stepped forward."Look at all of you. Why is everyone so worked up? It's been so many years. Can't we sit down and have a proper conversation?"Saying this, Joyce pulled the still-stunned Mandy up and said, "Come on, Mandy. It's more lively downstairs. Let's go downstairs to talk."Then, Mandy was dragged downstairs like a puppet.Watching Mandy's back, Romelius took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket and gently wiped away his tears.Devon lightly patted his shoulder. "So many years have passed, and you still haven't moved on?"Romelius shook his head. "Some things are hard to forget."The brothers candidly discussed secrets unknown to others, which made Lana extremely uncomfortable.If she were to speak up now, would they silence her?"If Grandma had only agreed back then …"Seeing that Devon was about to delve deeper into the conversation, Lana finally couldn't sit still any longer.Worried abo
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Chapter 159 Challenge Initiated
Priscilla enjoyed being complimented the most. She couldn't help but laugh continuously at the praises for Rosa. "Don't praise her so much. You know, Rosa doesn't like it. She didn't want me to mention her participation in the competition in the first place. But those reporters just happened to notice it."Just last month, Rosa won second place in an International Math Olympiad. All the participants in the competition were old folks who had been studying math for years. Each one of them could be Rosa's grandparents. However, Rosa managed to stand out among this group of elderly contestants and secured second place. This made Priscilla very proud.Her eldest grandson became the president, her younger grandson was a world-renowned scientist, her granddaughter is an international movie star, and now her great-granddaughter has won second place in a world-class competition. She couldn't help but wonder, in the entire Dawsbury City, which old lady could be more illustrious than he
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Chapter 160 Let the Competition Begin
Rosa was stumped by the naïve fool standing before her. Rosa was the runner-up in the International Math Olympiad. Even the champion of the National Math Olympiad could not compare to her. How could Lana, who probably didn't even know what the Math Olympiad was, dare to challenge her?Rosa wanted revenge for what Lana did upstairs. She didn't expect Lana would come knocking on her door.She wouldn't let the opportunity go to waste. She had to show Lana what a genius truly was. She had to let Lana know she was just a crazy fool before a genius like Rosa."Sure!" Rosa crossed her arms and walked toward Lana. "We must have a punishment. Otherwise, it would be boring.""I think so too!"Rosa couldn't help laughing. "It's up to you to decide the punishment, or others might think I'm bullying you!"Grinning from ear to ear, Lana replied, "I'm not familiar with punishments. I'll let you decide.""Well, if you lose, you must crawl and bark like a dog as long as you are in my house,"
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