All Chapters of Hot Shot Divorce: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
640 Chapters
Chapter 171 Unsolved Mystery
When John woke up and saw Lana, his heart immediately sank.He was too foolish. To be fair, there had been clues that Lana was his former aunt-in-law. He had just let love cloud his judgment and never realized it.The first time he could've realized it was when Liam showed up when he delivered the package to Lana. Next was at his birthday party when Liam, who usually kept a low profile, kissed Lana in public. He should've known!His uncle would never try to steal his woman, so John thought the kiss was purely for the game. In the end, he was the one who was stealing Liam's woman. How ironic!"John, are you feeling any better?" Lana crouched in front of him with her hand on his wrist. She seemed to be checking his pulse.John didn't know how to face Lana. He turned away and said coldly, "Thank you for inviting me here to tell me this shocking news."Lana fell silent.She didn't specifically bring John here to shock him. All she wanted was to discuss a collaboration with him.
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Chapter 172 Saved by the Idol
Lana never expected to meet her idol, Xander, in such an awkward situation. She also never imagined that he would come to her aid. She was so surprised that she just stood there, grinning like a fool. Setting aside everything else, Xander was the only man Lana had ever liked in her life. Apart from Liam, of course.Xander was also one of the guests at tonight's charity gala. He was known for being dedicated to his work, as well as generous with his fans and subordinates. He also had an impeccable reputation in the entertainment industry. No scandal had ever followed him.If that was all there was to him, he wouldn't be worth Lana's affection. After all, there were many stars in the entertainment industry who were equally successful.What made Xander special was that, despite being a top actor, he was still devoted to helping various disadvantaged groups. For this purpose, he even built a retirement home for lonely and elderly folks to enjoy their later years. His kindness ex
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Chapter 173 Bye Carol
Whether it was because they had a pleasant conversation or to appease Mandy, Xander chose to sit with Mandy and Lana during the charity gala.Tonight's charity gala was one of the most iconic events in Dawsbury City every year. It gathered numerous celebrities, wealthy individuals, and socialites.The charity auction held during the evening was the highlight of the event. Each guest would contribute a cherished item to be auctioned off, raising funds for those in need.Mandy hadn't been back to her home country for a long time, and this evening marked her first public appearance since her return. Many friends from the industry came to greet her. She was also busy catching up with various acquaintances.Xander had a more laid-back attitude. In reality, he was a bit shy, waiting for others to approach him and start a conversation. In the meantime, he remained relaxed. Lana, who was sitting next to him, was too intimidated to even breathe. She kept discreetly observing her idol up
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Chapter 174 Hidden Feelings
Mandy was having a pleasant conversation with the renowned director, Oscar Wagner. Both of them were hoping to collaborate with each other, but they lacked the opportunity. Today, they finally crossed paths. So, it was only natural for them to have a good conversation and try to secure a collaboration.When Lana brought Romelius over, she happened to see Mandy almost resting her head on Oscar's shoulder with a smile. She also noticed that Romelius' usually gentle expression suddenly turned inscrutable. Even his gaze grew colder. Seeing Oscar holding Mandy's hand, Romelius seemed to wish he could just chop it off right there.This was not normal!Romelius' reaction wasn't what you'd expect from a brother toward his sister. Moreover, his puzzling demeanor whenever he saw Mandy was baffling. Did these two share some undisclosed secrets?However, Lana wasn't one to pry into other people's personal affairs. She didn't want to get involved in other people's business. Instead, s
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Chapter 175 Absolutely Must Win
The other party was an internationally renowned scientist. Carol and Chris wouldn't be so tactless as to snatch something Romelius' beloved daughter liked.Carol and Chris smiled at each other. "Rosa, you're overthinking. We won't take something that someone else loves."Only then did Rosa sigh in relief.Tonight, she absolutely must win. Since arriving, she had already contacted those interested in bidding for these jewelry pieces. She had asked them not to compete with her, and they dared not challenge her.After the host's lengthy introduction, they finally entered the highly anticipated auction event. Initially, the items auctioned were of little interest and were sold at very low prices. Mandy won the bid for a calligraphy and painting set. For her auction, she had donated a luxurious costume she wore in her first drama series. Such used clothing was typically of little value and would remain in the exhibition hall. After all, most people wouldn't touch such items.But
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Chapter 176 Watch Out
After introducing the three jewelry pieces, the host's excitement grew. "Now, please prepare yourselves as we begin the auction with the first item, Princess Elowen's diamond tiara. Let's welcome our auctioneer."To ensure fairness, each new item in this auction would be presented by a different auctioneer. "Hello, everyone. I'm the auctioneer for tonight's diamond tiara, Chandler. Let's begin our auction. Please pay attention. The bidding starts at three million dollars." "Ten million!""12 million!"As soon as Chandler finished speaking, the voices of the bidders below began to increase the bid.Rosa was growing increasingly anxious. Why were these people so clueless? She clearly said that she wanted Princess Elowen's jewelry set. How could they still dare to bid?She grabbed Romelius's arm and nervously urged, "Dad, hurry up! Don't be so slow with everything. At this rate, someone else will take the diamond tiara." Romelius then raised his auction paddle, saying, "15 mill
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Chapter 177 Unexpected
"What's going on with this woman? Why is everyone acting like they're under a spell, rushing to give her things?""I don't think she even knows this man. Otherwise, her expression wouldn't be the same as ours!""Regardless, I envy her. Isn't she winning in life?"Amid the astonished gazes of the crowd, the man in the black and white checkered suit brought the bracelets to Lana."Miss Lana, don't be nervous," he said gently. "Mr. Liam had ordered me to do this. He said that tonight, no matter what, he must win this bracelet and give it to you!""Liam?" Lana's heart finally found some peace. After receiving the bracelets, she muttered softly, "How did he know I liked these things?"Mandy smiled and said, "I'm glad I didn't continue to compete with Liam. Otherwise, he would probably despise me now."Mandy knew that Lana liked the bracelets. She felt a bit sad earlier, thinking she couldn't win the bracelets for her. Mandy never thought that Liam would be so generous to secure the
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Chapter 178 Showered With Gifts
To be fair, Romelius' actions made sense. Mandy had declined his gift to preserve her acting career. So, he was meant to give this aquamarine necklace to someone else. Instead of giving it to a stranger, he would rather give it to someone he liked.He chose to give the aquamarine necklace to Lana because he felt a strong connection with her. Romelius found it more comfortable and relaxing to be around Lana than Rosa, his own daughter. That was why he had liked Lana since they first met. In his view, friends deserved gifts, regardless of the cost.Romelius's gesture left Lana so stunned that she was at a loss for words."Romelius, are you being serious? Everyone's watching. If you're serious, wink at me."In response, Romelius playfully winked at her and said, "Lana, please accept it. Save me from this embarrassment. I'm begging you."Romelius had made it plain and clear for Lana. Thus, she had no other option but to accept the aquamarine necklace.Upon witnessing this, Rosa l
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Chapter 179 Hot
Lana kept refusing, so Liam had no choice but to hold her and sleep, refraining her from doing anything. After all, he was the one who wanted to spoil her.Both of them were exhausted, and they accidentally overslept. The next day, Lana was awakened by the incessant ringing of the doorbell.Liam was still sleeping and seemed not to hear it. Lana, still fighting off sleep, went to open the door."Cherry, are you sure Lana lives here?"As Lana approached the door, she could hear Violet's nervous voice and the somewhat impatient Cherry. "I already told you she's staying here. She's probably not home right now."Cherry didn't like Lana to begin with, and now Violet dragged her to Dawsbury to see Lana. Her mood was far from good."Poor child, how can she live in a place like this?" Violet sounded full of pity. "No, I need to call the butler right away and have him buy a large villa for her. I have to find a better place for Lana to live."The conversation at the door sent shivers dow
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Chapter 180 Staying Away From Trouble
"Lana's out there on her own with such a busy job, and Lee can't be expected to do anything. Surely she'll need someone to look out for her, right?"Lana teared up at Violet's words.She was so fortunate to be cherished by Violet. Lana felt a kind of affection she had never experienced before from Violet."Thank you, Grandma!" She hugged Violet tightly. "You've been so good to me."Violet hugged her back, feeling a pang in her heart. "It hurts my heart to see you all alone.""Alright, that's enough!" Cherry had enough with their mushy display of affection. "Just state the purpose of your visit, Grandma. We need to hurry back."Cherry never liked Lana in the first place. Worried about Violet coming alone, she had no choice but to follow along.Little did she know she would be involved in unnecessary trouble.Worried about being chastised by Liam, all Cherry wanted to do was to get away from this troublesome place.Lana looked at Violet upon hearing Cherry's words. "Grandma, if
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