All Chapters of Hot Shot Divorce: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
640 Chapters
Chapter 181 Lana's Carefreeness
"Your relationship was wrong in the first place," Lana said straightforwardly.Romelius smiled wryly. "You have quite a strong sense of morality.""Of course. I'm a law-abiding citizen!""Could you listen to the whole story?" He tried to reach an agreement with her."Fine, go ahead." With Lana's permission, Romelius continued, "At that time, our days were quite thrilling. We continued pretending to be siblings at home, but we could love each other without restraint outside. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last.""People found out about your relationship?" she guessed."Yes. Back then, my parents were still alive. Despite being firmly against it, they didn't forcibly break us up."Instead, they had planned to disown Mandy. They even intended to send her to Nodrus, a small, war-torn country," he said.Lana sighed. Romelius' parents were ruthless.No matter what, Mandy was still a child they had raised since young. Even if she made a mistake, it didn't justify sending her
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Chapter 182 Spoiled Rotten
Rosa tilted her head. She found Joyce's behavior to be unusual."What are you talking about, Mom?" She rested her head on Joyce's shoulder. "Shouldn't the Quinn family's assets belong to Uncle Devon and Dad?" she asked.Since when did it belong to Joyce?Joyce turned and hugged Rosa. "Don't question anything, Rosa. Just remember. Even if everyone in this world abandons you, I'll never do that. You'll always be my good child."Rosa was confused as Joyce held her. She was acting really strange today.Thinking that Joyce was unwell, Rosa was about to tell her to see the doctor. But then, Joyce spoke up again, "Alright, it's getting late. We need to attend the church service. Great-Grandma's still waiting for us!"Again?Rosa rolled her eyes in annoyance."I don't want to go, Mom. It's fine if Great-Grandma reads the Bible and prays every day. But why are you doing the same? "You visit the chapel every day to recite the scriptures, and you even bring me along. If this continues
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Chapter 183 A Strange Ship
Joyce immediately stopped Romelius. "Can you stop mentioning it? Marion will be upset again if she hears it.""I didn't say it in front of her. Besides, it's been so long. You're too much.""No matter how much time has passed, a miscarriage is always a deep emotional scar for a woman. It's better not to bring it up casually," she said.There was some truth in her words. A thought flashed across Romelius' as he said excitedly, "I've recently met a highly skilled alternative medicine practitioner."I want to introduce her to Marion. Who knows, maybe she could still get pregnant after the treatment."Romelius became more excited as he continued. He wanted to find Marion immediately. "Marion's still young. With proper treatment, there might still be hope. I'll go right away.""Stop right there!" Joyce stood in his way. "Where do you think you're going at this hour?""I want to find Marion and give her the practitioner's contact so she can pay her a visit. Maybe there's still a glimm
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Chapter 184 You Scoundrel
"All the misfortune in my life were caused by the Quinns. If I could, I wish I wasn't a Quinn," Mandy said.She wanted to repay them for bringing her up. If not for that, she would've changed her name a long time ago."What happened back then was far from what Romelius said. He went abroad and left me and the child here. I was driven out from the Quinn family …"Something didn't feel right to Lana as she heard Mandy's words. However, she let her continue without pointing it out."I was penniless. If Darla hadn't taken care of me, my child and I would've starved to death on the streets."So that was why Mandy and Darla had such a good relationship."When I was close to giving birth, the Quinns suddenly sent someone to take me back. I thought they had a change of heart, but little did I know …"At this point, Mandy nearly broke down."They put labor-inducing drugs in my food, causing me to give birth prematurely. After I struggled to give birth to the child, they told me that the
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Chapter 185 Grandma's Love
"Grandma, I know you're excited about having a great-grandchild, but let me try to make it happen first, okay? Babies don't just magically appear out of thin air, you know?" Liam remarked.Violet's heart skipped a beat upon hearing this."Lee, what do you mean? Haven't you and Lana sealed the deal yet?"Liam fell silent.His expression spoke volumes, leaving Violet with no room for misunderstanding."Wait, seriously? I thought you and Lana were on board with this," Violet exclaimed. "How did you manage to leave her place without things getting, you know, intimate?"As the topic arose, Liam's face flushed with embarrassment and guilt."Isn't that all thanks to you and Cherry pulling the surprise visit stunt that day?" he retorted.Otherwise, Liam might have had the chance to take things further with Lana.It turned out that Violet had unintentionally complicated the situation. "Lee, it's all my fault," Violet lamented.Her frustration was evident, and she felt utterly overwhel
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Chapter 186 Confident and Composed
In the bustling lobby of Enjoy, guests and staff gathered in a circle. They were completely enthralled by something intriguing.As Lana approached, she couldn't help but overhear their conversation."Wow, Madam, you look even more stunning and radiant in person!" one of the employees exclaimed.Marion grinned, her eyes twinkling with humor. "Did I look terrible on TV, then?"The employee chuckled nervously. "Oh, no, not at all! I meant you just exude this vibrant energy in person. On TV, you come across as a bit more reserved and composed."To maintain the graceful image of the First Lady, Marion deliberately portrayed a reserved demeanor during her TV appearances."Madam, it's wonderful to see you here!"Lana greeted Marion warmly, radiating confidence and respect without appearing timid. A glimmer of appreciation flashed in Marion's eyes as she said, "I've heard that your beauty treatments here work wonders. I'd love to give them a try."Lana graciously gestured, guiding Ma
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Chapter 187 Encountering a Benefactor
Lana turned to Marion. She hesitated briefly before speaking earnestly. "I genuinely think this treatment will work. But your commitment is key," Lana emphasized.Lana could still sense Marion's reservations lingering in the air.Marion nodded, her determination evident in her expression. "I'm willing to give it a shot! But I do have one condition.""Please, go on," Lana encouraged."I don't want Devon to find out!" Marion's voice trembled with a touch of sorrow. "I've raised his hopes before, only to disappoint him repeatedly."Lana nodded empathetically. She could grasp the depth of Marion's concern. "I totally get it. You don't want to let President Quinn down again."Following a moment of thoughtful silence, Lana suggested, "How about this? I'll hook you up with the supplements you need, and we'll arrange for them to be delivered to your art gallery daily."You won't have to worry about President Quinn finding out. Does that sound good to you?"Marion hadn't expected Lana,
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Chapter 188 Inferior
Lincoln was worried he might become entangled in the fight between Liam and Lana. So, he quickly grabbed the newly developed smartphone and swiftly retreated.However, just as he was about to escape, Liam suddenly summoned him back."Be prepared. After tonight's meeting, I'm heading to Dawsbury," Liam said.Perplexed, Lincoln asked, "Sir, why are you going to Dawsbury? There haven't been any scheduled events there recently."In response, Liam shot Lincoln a scornful look, leaving him to decipher the meaning on his own.A heavy silence descended upon the room.In hindsight, Liam could have avoided further complications by simply asking for forgiveness. He didn't have to resort to elaborate actions.Despite the unsettling phone call with Liam, Lana surprisingly found herself unfazed. She casually indulged in two extra bowls of pasta that evening and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.The next day, Lana wasted no time in following Marion's instructions from the day before. She swi
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Chapter 189 An All-Rounder
The pursuit of beauty was a universal desire. In just under 15 minutes, Lana found herself deeply engrossed in conversations with the other young ladies at the event.It was Lana's passion for beauty that motivated her to develop the remarkable beauty serum aimed at preserving her looks!The ambiance here was just splendid. The place was filled with so many gorgeous young women. They not only look stunning but are also delightful to talk to.If it weren't for Rosa and Carol, Lana would have thought she had stepped into paradise.However, something caught Lana's attention after the third round of tea. She noticed all the young ladies grabbing their bags and heading toward the dressing room.Perplexed, Lana wondered if the tea was subpar or if the pastries didn't meet their expectations.She decided to approach one of the young ladies and asked, "Hey, what's going on? Why is everyone changing their clothes in the middle of the event?"The young lady Lana had asked raised her bag a
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Chapter 190 A Taste of Humiliation
Rosa's comments dripped with sarcasm as she watched Lana's performance. "What's so impressive about this? It's only because your fundamentals are strong." However, everyone in the audience was well-versed in ballet. They could see that Lana's movements were far more intricate than a simple demonstration of solid basics.Lana's dedication and years of practice were apparent. It was evident in the refined results she showcased on stage.As the saying goes, "Success is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration." Lana's performance perfectly illustrated the truth of these words.Shifting the spotlight to Rosa, someone in the group said, "Rosa, you're an outstanding ballet dancer, one of the best in Dawsbury City. How about treating us to a performance today?""Yeah, we've all been eager to see you in action. Could you make our day and dance for us?" another member added enthusiastically.Some of those who usually enjoyed buttering up Rosa found themselves coming to her defen
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