All Chapters of Hot Shot Divorce: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
640 Chapters
Chapter 161 Mentor
After another 30 minutes, Rosa began working on the third problem. Meanwhile, Lana was still standing in front of her blackboard, chalk in hand. Once she lifted the chalk, she froze, staring blankly at the three problems."In trouble now, aren't you? Can't do it, huh? Let's see how long you can keep up the act.""Now you finally understand what advanced math is, right? You can't even understand the problems. Yet you dared to challenge a world-class competitor. Utterly delusional."Smiling slyly at everyone, Joyce said, "Come on, folks, she's just a young girl who hasn't seen much of the world. If she loses later, don't mock her. After all, we need to take care of her dignity."Joyce's implication was clear: Lana was destined to lose.At that moment, a cold voice cut through the air. "Maybe you should worry about your daughter being mocked instead."Joyce turned around to see Mandy looking at her with a smile that didn't reach her eyes."Mandy, if Rosa does something embarrassi
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Chapter 162 An Orphan
Rosa would never accept defeat! How could she lose to a nobody? As her face grew darker, Lana and others knew her answer.Rosa refused to call Lana "Queen Lana". Shrugging, Lana said, "Fine, if you don't want to call me Queen Lana, that's okay. I guess the President's family is just like this."This was the second time Rosa had heard this phrase from Lana. The first time, she hadn't realized the gravity of the situation. But now, in front of so many people, it wasn't just her problem anymore. It involved the dignity of the whole family.Just as the words left Lana's mouth, Priscilla's expression turned exceptionally unpleasant. The loss of a member from the President's family turned them into a laughingstock."Rosa, is this how we taught you?" Priscilla's tone was unfriendly, but she tried to maintain the dignity befitting a member of the President's family.Rosa's eyes reddened. She hadn't realized this woman was so capable, not only in mathematics but also as a master of wor
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Chapter 163 In An Accident
"What are you doing, Rom? You scared me."Romelius suddenly came to his senses. "Did you call me 'Rom'?""I don't want to call you Uncle Romelius. So, I have no choice but to call you Rom. Since it's rude to call you by your name directly." Romelius' attention was clearly not on how he was being addressed. After he calmed down, he sat next to Lana and said, "You mentioned that you were an orphan. Is that true?""Rom, do you think I would joke about something like that?" Lana asked as she looked at him disdainfully. "That's true. Where are you from? Why are you so capable?""I'm from Gilsbury. But I wasn't always there. I lived there until I was eight. I came back last year," Lana said directly. Romelius' heart skipped a beat, and his entire body was trembling. The hope he felt scared him. He didn't want to be disappointed. "Rom, why are you trembling?" Lana felt Romelius' forehead with her palm. Then, she muttered, "It doesn't seem to be a fever."Afterward, she grabbed hi
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Chapter 164 Show Off
After the series of twists and turns, the banquet finally began. Everyone started to eat and chat. The Quinns were all very outstanding people. Among them were a scientist, a famous actress, a president and a genius like Rosa. Even Rachel, who married into the family, was a successful businesswoman. Their talks were bound to be related to their professions. Rosa lost the Math Olympiad to Lana and had to call her Queen Lana as per the bet. She feared it would be awkward to meet Lana at the banquet. So, she was adamant to stay in her room and ate there. Mandy wasn't a biological daughter of the Quinns. She had also been away from home for decades. None of the Quinns would be impressed by her achievements, no matter how successful she was. The main topic of discussion revolved around Rachel. "Rach, It's only been a few days since I saw you. Why does it feel like your skin is so much better?"Rachel was busy with work, and she had to raise her kids. Her skin had been in poor c
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Chapter 165 A Priceless Gift
"Did you hear what they say, Grandma? Mandy isn't doing anything illegal or immoral. Why should she take the insults they are throwing at her?"The more Romelius tried to defend Mandy, the more it angered Priscilla. "Why should I care? If she is innocent, she shouldn't be affected by the words of others," Priscilla said as she glared at Mandy. With a single sentence, Priscilla instantly pinned all those disgraceful rumors about Mandy as fact. Mandy finally realized how unsightly she was to Priscilla.Mandy clutched the cards Lana gave her tightly. She stood abruptly and said, "Don't be angry, Grandmother. Romelius was just blowing things out of proportion. I'm not troubled by what Rachel and the others are saying.Rachel smirked at Mandy and said, "Mandy is right. We weren't speaking ill of you. Romelius, did you have to overreact like that?"Joyce was displeased that Romelius decided to defend Mandy while disregarding her feelings. But she quickly stepped in to play the Good S
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Chapter 166 Punishment
When Lana said she mainly worked as Mandy's assistant and was a business owner on the side, everyone else thought she was joking. Even so, they couldn't prove it. Lana looked at Rachel's face, which was twisted in fear. She said coldly, "Also, I don't even know you. How did you get your hands on our serum without being a member? If you don't come clean now, I'll call the police. "The serum is a closely guarded trade secret of my company. It's also the core of my business. I don't want it to be used as a means for boasting by anyone." Lana was intimidating, and her words were logical. She had the demeanor of someone who far surpassed her age. Lana's intimidating temperament was honed through the trials and tribulations of the business world. Rachel finally realized how serious the situation was. She could only come clean with what happened. "My cousin works in your beauty parlor as a masseuse."Lana smirked and said, "A thief from within! What's her name?" Rachel was sc
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Chapter 167 Argument
"I guess we went through similarly hard lives, so we feel for each other." Lana tried to explain. "We were both adopted and had to live by other peoples' rules." There are many things that others could never relate to unless they also went through the same. That was why Lana felt for Mandy at the Quinn Residence and wanted to help her. Mandy patted Lana's head and said, "It's not worth getting on the bad side of the Quinns just to stand up for me."Lana knew what she was getting into. She smiled faintly and said, "But I think you're worth it." Mandy felt terrible. She thought Lana was brave because she didn't understand how scary the Quinns could be. But she knew about the risk of offending the Quinns. She decided that she would keep a closer eye on Lana to keep her safe.Mandy brought Lana to the most prosperous neighborhood in Dawsbury City. Lana bought an apartment here, and the price tag made her wallet bleed. The money she spent on the apartment was enough for a vill
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Chapter 168 Underestimated the Big Boss
"Grandma, you said that he went out early this morning?"Violet was still anxious as she blurted out, "Yes! He said that he wanted to surprise you since it's the first Easter since you and him are official."He wanted to give you space and let you celebrate New Year with your colleagues and friends. That's why he only went to you today."He didn't even have his breakfast before he left this morning. When Lincoln came back just now, he told me that Liam didn't have his lunch and dinner as well, just so he could have a meal with you. "Where could he have gone? Surely he won't get into trouble again?"Violet's nagging continued to sound through the phone. However, Lana was too upset and filled with self-blame to listen to what Violet had to say.Lana had noticed that Liam seemed off earlier. He was practically pale from hunger. Even though he had come here to reunite with her, she ended up making him leave in anger.As she put herself in his shoes, Lana thought that she would be d
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Chapter 169 He's Shy
After Lana brought Liam home and had him shower, she immediately went to the kitchen to cook for him.To Liam's surprise, Lana had magically whipped up four dishes and a soup for him by the time he came out of the shower. She prepared honey orange shrimp, crab omelet, roast quail, braised collard greens, and a pot of rich chicken broth.While the portions were not big, the dishes looked exquisite. Just the smell alone was making Liam's mouth water.Liam had never had much of an appetite for food. Before meeting Lana, he mostly ate whatever the chef at home cooked. However, ever since he got to know Lana, he surprisingly became picky about food. Lately, he often thought the chef in the company's cafeteria needed replacing. How could the food the chef prepared taste so bad anyway?"What are you looking at?" Lana brought the chicken broth from the kitchen. When she noticed Liam standing beside the dining table and observing the dishes, she immediately seated him at the table.
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Chapter 170 Ex-aunt
"Why did you throw it?" Lana ran over to pick up what Liam flung aside. "No matter what, it's a gift from Grandma!" she berated. Violet was doing everything possible to have a great-grandchild as soon as possible. She actually gifted something like this to the couple! How did she even get her hands on the lingerie anyway?Speaking of this, Lincoln had something to get off his chest! The 30-year-old man was thoroughly embarrassed just to buy this thing. Still, what was important now was whether the recipient was willing to use it.Lana picked up the lingerie set and looked at it from every angle, intrigued. "I have to say, it's a pretty color.""Are you going to wear it, then?"It was Lana's turn to feel embarrassed when she heard those words. She was so startled that her hands shook, and she dropped the colorful lingerie set.It was true that she had followed her heart when she decided to date Liam. However, she didn't think she would be giving herself to him so quickly.
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