All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
378 Chapters
Can’t Resist Him
It immediately felt extremely crowded in the bathtub that probably wasn’t made for me to share with someone of his size. Bradon didn’t seem to mind at all; in fact, it just seemed like he was enjoying himself as he sat down in the water and seated me in between his legs. “You can lean on me…” he said as his arms wrapped themselves leisurely around my waist. I sat with my back to him in between his legs as his arms pulled me closer to him until my back was pressed up against him. His body heat seeped into my naked skin and he felt hotter than the warm water surrounding us. Bradon let out a sigh of satisfaction as he seemed to relax. On the other hand, I found it virtually impossible to relax with him so close to me. “Your ankle hurts, so you shouldn’t move around too much,” he warned softly. How did I end up in this position with him?“I should get out…” I muttered as I pulled on the edge of the tub in my attempt to get up. “Don’t go, Dahlia…” he said as his arms pulled me back ag
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Fulfilling Desires
I leaned back against his hard and muscular torso as I let my natural instincts take over. Each thrust of his fingers brought me closer and closer to my impending release. I forgot everything that I wanted to talk to him about as if it no longer mattered. In that moment, I felt satisfied enough to be held in his arms and pleasured by him. I wanted him to guide me to my climax so desperately but I didn’t want to cum from his fingers. His cock felt so hard and hot, and whenever I moved my hips, I could feel it rubbing against me. Boldly, I reached behind and wrapped my fingers around the thick girth of his massive shaft. Bradon groaned as I began rubbing his cock up and down. “It’s so hard…and so big…” I murmured in admiration as I continued molding my hand around his impressive length and thickness. “Do you want to feel it inside you?” he asked teasingly. I nodded my head while my pussy quivered in anticipation of taking in his engorged cock inside of me. His cock felt so hot and I
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Words of a Temptress
This wasn't the time to be pleased to find him still by my side. We were in my bedroom and dawn must be approaching soon enough. That meant that I didn’t have much time left with him. I wondered where I should start but all the words that I had prepared all seemed unnatural and insincere now that I thought about them. Bradon didn’t say anything but I could feel him watching me intently. He’s waiting for me to say what I have to… “It’s like a hostage situation…” I whispered. “...What?” Bradon said with clear confusion.It must have seemed very random for me to start our conversation with a comment like that. However, that was really how I saw the situation that we both seemed to be in.“Both of us are stuck here doing whatever our families want us to do, you know, all for the sake of the people we love and care for. For me, it’s because of Diana. As for you, it’s probably because of Anthony, right?” I said somberly. It was just my best guess but since Bradon stayed silent without d
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Two Key Men
If my plan succeeded, the Alnault family would be nothing but a shadow of what it was and my parents would finally get what they deserved. As for the role that the Alnault family was fulfilling right now, I was certain that there were countless other noble houses that couldn’t wait to rise up to take its place. I didn’t favor any of the other noble houses but I didn’t mind if they would benefit from the success of my plan. I waited nervously for Bradon to react to my thoughts. His face was an unreadable mask as always and that was a sign that he was on guard. This wasn't a casual conversation that we were having naked in bed together as lovers after performing the deed, it was a political conversation that pitted my interests against his. If this negotiation breaks down, what is going to happen to us? I pursed my lips tightly together without bothering to hide my anxiousness at Bradon’s silence. He was thinking things over and I didn’t mind giving him the time. This was a serious a
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Our Happy Ending
“Let’s talk about this again after we’ve given it some more thought. There is still time because the king is still the king and the crown is nothing more than the one next in line,” Bradon reminded me sternly. I hated to admit it but he was right. We did have time and taking hasty actions might not work in our favor. Talking to the crown prince about his plans after he becomes king when his father is very ill might come across as us being too insensitive and rude. “Fine…” I muttered. I sat up on the bed and crossed my legs under me as I folded my arms under my chest. Bradon still laid on his side while looking quite relaxed. I felt taken aback after finding that he wasn’t at all eager to help me arrange a meeting with the prince and that was because the second ask that I was about to ask for was even harder than the first. What does Bradon think about the Vulkan family?“About the second source of support, the Vulkan family…” I said before trailing off. I could tell that I had Br
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Our Share of Mistakes
Nothing about the situation was in my favor and I cursed myself for not knowing better. I shouldn’t have started this risky conversation with him when I was still naked in bed with him. Of course, I didn’t think that this conversation would end in such a disaster. Even as he stared down at me, I didn’t know why Bradon was suddenly so angry. Did I say something to offend him?“I thought you would be much smarter than this, Dahlia,” he said solemnly with a slow shake of his head. My lips and throat went dry as I wondered how I could possibly get myself out of this situation. Although I didn’t know what I had done wrong to trigger such a reaction in him, I was certain that I was going to be punished thoroughly for it. I should just make a run for it…“Where do you think you’re going?” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back. I felt the softness of the bed against the front of my bodyas I laid on my belly on the bed and then I felt his grip on my wrists. A cr
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Unforgettable Lust
“Ahhh…” I moaned as my effort to keep it in failed. Bradon told me that I made the mistake of coming back. If he was referring to the fact that I returned to this country, then his regret must be related to how I left this country in the past. It still didn’t make any sense to me no matter how hard I thought about it because Bradon had nothing to do with my decision to leave the country in the first place. What does he mean when he said that he let me go? Why was it a mistake to him?“It must be so easy for you to forget. Anything that isn’t convenient for you, you’ll just forget it, isn't that right, Dahlia?” he accused me tauntingly. The tone of his voice was dark and tinged with malice and some emotions that I couldn't identify or understand. He sounded hurt but at the same time, there was so much hatred in his voice as well. “That’s not true…” I whispered in response. If the horrid memories were so easy for me to forget, then I wouldn’t feel this raging need for me to get rev
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Lustful Demands
Bradon reared his hips back before slamming his cock all the way back into my sopping wet cunt. “Ahh! Bradon…please…it's so…rough…” I pleaded before letting out another cry of ecstasy from his cock pounding directly against my pleasure spot. “It’s not enough yet…” he said.“Ahh…Ahhh!” I moaned and cried out until my throat stung and my voice sounded hoarse. Bradon clearly had not had enough and continued ramming his cock in and out of my love hole. I eventually reached my climax and came while whimpering his name. Bradon jerked his cock out of my hole as he flipped me onto my back. In one swift movement, he lifted my thighs and spread them widely apart before he settled in between my legs. While I was still lost in the aftereffects of my orgasm, Bradon shoved his thick rod all the way into my flooded hole. “Wrap your legs around me…” he instructed. I was in no state to do what he wanted no matter how much I wanted to comply with his wish. My entire body felt heavy and I felt exha
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All for His Pleasure
My chest clenched as I continued staring up at his massive cock. Bradon let out an amused chuckle at my reaction but that wasn’t a sign that his mood had improved at all. He placed his hand behind the back of my head before pushing my head forward, urging my face and lips closer to his cock. Bradon kept his hand at the back of my head as his other hand guided his erect pole to my lips. I could smell his manly scent as the swollen head of his cock approached my mouth. I parted my lips and my tongue slowly slipped out to meet the tip of his cock. “Dahlia…” Bradon moaned my name when I began slowly flicking the tip of my tongue against the head of his love stick.I could already taste his precum as his scent filled my senses. My tongue swirled around the swollen head of his cock faster as I felt it twitching from pleasure. “Put it inside your mouth,” he instructed impatiently. “Mhmm…” I made a sound in my throat after taking his cock into my mouth. His manly taste filled my mouth alo
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Special Delivery
I shook my head slightly to myself before letting out a soft sigh as I placed a hand over my lower abdomen. The throbbing ache that I felt there told me that this might actually be worse than when we first started. Bradon didn’t just revert to his old self, it was much worse now than before. His mood had gotten darker and so did the way that he ravished my body. Every night Bradon would visit my bedroom without fail and we would end up doing it until I could no longer go on. When I wake up the following morning, he would be gone and everything would feel like a twisted and perverted nightmare. Only the love marks and the ache between my legs lived on as proof of our steamy nightly affairs. “Master Bradon told me to let you know that he will be back early to have dinner with you today,” Bella said as if it was supposed to be a good thing. “Ok…” I murmured emotionlessly. “Is there something that I can help you with? The weather is so nice today so I was thinking that it might be fun
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