All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
378 Chapters
Elaborate Plans
Everything about the book looked ordinary and nothing should have caught my attention; however, something about the cursive golden letters on the cover of the book looked strangely familiar. It can’t be…I opened the book to its first page as I felt my hands shaking slightly. Although I wasn’t sure what I was expecting to see, I knew from the way that my heart hammered loudly in my chest that I was expecting something either meaningful or unusual. My throat felt constricted as I stared at the neat yet elaborate cursive handwritten message on the dedication page of the book. ‘In remembrance of the games we used to play together all night long…’I gasped in shock as I dropped the book from my hands as if it had suddenly caught on fire. That was just how shocked I was at what I had just read. Bella let out a small cry as she bent down to retrieve the book that I had dropped. No one must see this…“No, don't! I mean…I’ll get it myself…thank you…” I quickly called out to stop her. Bel
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Submissive Act
I smiled when I thought of how well she had managed to follow my instructions as well as how adorable she was when she expressed her concerns for me. There are always some kind of motive or explanation behind people’s actions and I knew very well what intentions were behind this submissive act of mine. “You’re here,” Bradon said softly when his eyes fell on me.I could just take my seat on the opposite side of the table from him as expected or I could do something a little bit more interesting. Although sex with Bradon was always satisfying and impressive regardless of how rough it could be at times, handling him as he acted like a lusty beast in my bed at night had become something more like a chore rather than a spontaneous thrillful ride filled with entertainment. It also bothered me that I wasn’t sure what exactly he was doing it for. I was certain that there were some ulterior motives behind his actions that extended beyond him taking pleasure in dominating me while we had awes
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Reason to Live
“Let’s take turns. I want to feed you now,” I said as I took the fork back from his hand. Bradon frowned slightly at me to show his slight disapparoval but he did not stop me when I began feeding him. I got some sauce on his lips which gave me the opportunity to lightly dab at his lips with a napkin. His blue eyes looked so alluring and captivating as he looked back at me. My heart clenched tightly in my chest and I wondered if things may be different between us had we met under different circumstances as more normal people without any of our complex past. Wistful thinking wans’t going to change anything, though. “Bradon…” I called his name softly to get his attention.“What is it?” he asked dryly the way that I expected that he would. “What does a person need in order to survive?” I asked. “Food, water, clothing, sleep, and shelter. The basic necessities for a human to survive,” he replied as if reciting from a book. I nodded my head slightly a couple of times to show him that
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His Reasons
“Is she just there to watch over me or is she there to stop me from doing something stupid? I guess, it’s a bit or both…huh?” I said darkly before I let out another scoff and looked away. Bradon was silent although I wanted him to do some explaining. It may not be true, but I would have preferred for him to deny it. Even if it was a lie, I would have loved to see him making up some excuses that she was just there to help take care of me and that he trusted me to behave. “You know, the fact that you think that I may do something stupid while living right under your roof already shows that regardless of what I think about the matter, you think that what I’m being put through is enough to drive me to do something very stupid…” I pointed out as I glared at him. “If there’s something else that you need, you can let me know and I’ll arrange it,” Bradon replied simply. “Actually, there is something…or rather someone that you can get for me. What about you drag the crown prince here so th
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Can’t Let Go
She was right that I hated my family but she was wrong in thinking that that was the reason why I wouldn't help her. No matter how much I wanted to help her, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Knowing what was going to happen after she achieved her dreams, I couldn’t bring myself to go along with it even though I knew how much it meant to her to finally take revenge on her family. “Dahlia…” I called her name softly. Her eyes widened slightly when I brought my fingers closer to her face. I smiled a little when she did not pull away or avoid my touch. Her skin felt smooth and so soft against my fingertips as I began stroking her cheek. If she stays here just like this, nothing else seems to matter to me. I can hold her close and hear her heart beating against my ear as I press the side of my face against her chest. I can breathe in her scent as I kiss her hair and the side of her neck. I can taste her when I kiss her and push my tongue into the warm depth of her mouth. I can hear her
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What We Needed
The way Bradon was rushing things made me feel that my warning from earlier must have had some impact on him. An entire war cannot be won in one day. With that belief in mind, I was content to have won a small battle against him today. I clutched at his hair when he planted kisses on my chest before his lips moved to capture one of my erect nipples. Whenever Bradon couldn’t give me the answers that I wanted, he would give me hot sex instead. It felt so good as he began sucking hard on my nipple as he played with the other one by rolling it between his fingertips. “Ahh...Ahhh…” I moaned louder. We were outside and it was still light out. Bradon stared down at my body and my disheveled clothes before his hands dropped to unbuckle his belt. My pussy quivered as my core burned intensely with the heat of my desire to have him. Bradon was in a rush to join our bodies and I didn’t mind at all. Perhaps being outside like this excited me because I could feel my pussy getting wetter than bef
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Abusing His Power
My father did not waste any time in getting right to the reason why we had been summoned. After we sat down on the sofa, my father began speaking without even greeting us. “The crown prince, Prince Desmond, sent a formal invitation inviting you two to dinner. Of course, not you two as yourselves but as Anthony and Diana,” my father said as he pushed a navy blue envelope towards us. My eyes dropped to the envelope on the table in front of me and then I felt my chest clench quite uncomfortably. The signature navy blue color and the golden seal on the envelope undoubtedly belonged to the crown prince. Unless anyone was stupid enough to risk the penalty of forging royal documents, then it must have been genuine. “We’re not going,” Bradon stated bluntly. “We are in no position to turn down a formal invitation from the palace,” my father rightfully reminded Bradon. “He’s right. We can’t ignore this invitation,” I told Bradon while trying to sound natural and calm.In fact, I wanted to
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I Miss Her
If this man wasn’t born the crown prince and wasn’t next in line to the throne, I doubted that I would have let him live as long as he has. “We will not be attending the dinner,” I declared boldly. “Says who? You or Dahlia?” the prince asked carefreely. My eyes narrowed when I realized that he couldn't care less what I thought. In fact, had Diana not been married to Anthony, the prince probably would have addressed his invitation to only Diana and end up inviting only Dahlia to the palace. “Why are you so persistent about seeing her?” I asked as I tried to suppress my frustration. “Why can’t I see her?” he asked immediately in return.“Why must you see her?” I repeated my question again. There was a moment of silence from the other end of the line as if the prince was deciding whether or not to tell me a secret of his. “I miss her…” Desmond replied softly after a pause. “You…miss her?” I repeated his words questioningly while wondering if I had simply misheard what he said. A
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Please Don’t Shoot
Feelings of sorrow and regret filled my chest when I realized that I shouldn’t have harbored any hope that I could get away and meet the prince. I hoped that he knew that I did everything that I could to try to be there. Hopefully, the prince wouldn’t take this the wrong way because that might spell demise for my plan even before it had even taken shape. Suddenly, I heard sounds of men shouting and then there were lights in the near distant from the direction of the inner gates. My eyes widened in slight excitement when I thought that perhaps it was Bradon who had finally come home. Maybe he had changed his mind and was going to take me to the palace. “Wait here please, Diana,” Bella said sternly as she motioned with her hand for me to stay back. “What is going on over there?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes. It felt like something abnormal was happening and the way that Bella seemed alert and on edge was the confirmation I needed to know that what I thought was correct. There was t
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The King’s Return
His smile felt even more lively and attractive than I remembered. Tall, dark brown hair that appeared almost black with pale gray eyes, the crown prince truly lived up to the fairytale image of a prince. The gray suit that he had on matched the shade of his eyes and I was reminded once again why this man had long been one of the most desirable bachelors in the country. I hoped that it would remain that way and that he wouldn't end up getting himself killed. “You can’t hurt him. No one can hurt him! No matter what, you all can’t shoot Prince Desmond!” I yelled again while praying that Zain would listen to me. Zain didn’t shoot the prince but he didn’t make a move to lower his gun either. There was so much tension in the air and I was at a loss as to what I should do. These were Bradon’s men so they wouldn’t take commands from me that went against any of Bradon’s existing orders and rules. “Actually, I can…” an icy voice said. The sound of the car door slamming closed sounded so lo
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