All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
375 Chapters
Help Needed
To do that, I need the prince’s help. ‘What about this? You can ask me for anything if you can win a game…’I could remember the promise that we made to each other. If I could beat him at one game of Gomoku, he would grant anything that I wished for as long as I didn’t ask to sit on the throne as the next king. The real issue about that was my failure to beat him. Not even once did I win against him although I did come close to it a couple of times. I could still recall the way the prince smiled and congratulated me on ‘almost’ beating him. I would have taken things even more seriously if I knew that I would need his help like I needed it now. “Desmond…I…I need your help,” I manage to spit out. I knew well enough that because I had failed to win even a single game against him that I didn’t exactly have the right to wish for anything or to request for his help but I didn’t have much pride to hold on to. He might reject my proposal or ignore my plea for help, but I still had to make
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Sham of a Girlfriend
“That’s…” I muttered but felt too tired to go on. He was right in the strictest sense that I wasn’t married, yet it didn’t feel like he was right. I never thought that the prince would demand something like this from me. “I’m sorry but I don’t think I can go through with this. I might not be married but I’ve taken my sister’s place in her marriage,” I reminded him. “I don’t see how that is an issue. I’m asking you to play my girlfriend as Dahlia and not as Diana,” he replied with a careless shrug of his shoulders. It just didn’t make sense. Back then, the prince asked me to date him so that he could get out of his impending engagement with a few potential marriage candidates. I could understand him back then, he was young and had absolutely no interest in marriage. However, directly turning down the various requests for a politically arranged marriage wasn’t possible. Being in a relationship also wasn’t enough to stop the engagement talks from going forward because everyone would
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Lust and Attachment
I understood well enough what he was trying to tell me. Those weren’t questions at all but words to guide me to think the way that he wanted me to. I dropped all pretense of politeness as I felt my mood darken. Elaborate words aside, Desmond had just told me that I didn’t have a choice. I bit hard on my lower lip while feeling like he had managed to corner me once again. “I’m not sure if I can do this…” I murmured honestly. I resisted the urge to chew on my own lower lip in extreme exasperation. Since there is only one king and he was going to be crowned the next king very soon, he was right that I had no choice but to involve him in my plan. But still…“I need some time to think about this,” I replied softly. “Sure. There’s still time but I can’t wait forever,” he said lightly. I nodded to show him that I understood. If I wanted to help him out, I knew that we had to start very soon. The latest would be sometime soon after his coronation. Maintaining the line of succession and b
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Winning Him Back
**A few weeks later**It seemed like my luck had not completely run out because Desmond and I somehow managed to survive the day despite Desmond’s bold move to thwart Bradon. Surprisingly, Bradon didn’t say a word as he let Desmond leave and before I could say anything to him in a desperate attempt to heal the situation, Bradon had already stalked off. For a few days after that, it became impossible for me to catch Bradon. I knew that he was mad but does he have to be this angry? “He’s still angry, isn’t he…” I murmured to myself but it wasn’t really a question. “Maybe the master is just busy…” Bella said as she tried her best to smile. “I should apologize…” I muttered to myself. “That’s not a bad idea,” Bella quickly agreed. Despite her words of encouragement, I was not at all optimistic because I highly doubted that my simple words of apology would cut it. Bradon had been clearly ignoring and avoiding me and I had already started to lose count of how many times he seemed to tu
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Fastest Way to a Man’s Heart
“His work isn’t really that busy, is it?” I spoke up suddenly. “I’m honestly not sure about that. I guess he is somewhat busy,” Jenna replied softly. I hadn’t realized that I had spoken my thoughts out loud and hadn’t expected a reply from anyone. Although I should be focusing on what Jenna was teaching me so that I could cook up some of Bradon’s favorite dishes, I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to the man himself. One of Jenna’s suggestions was for me to personally cook Bradon something that he likes to eat. I wasn’t convinced that this would do the trick but I didn’t have any better ideas and I surely had a lot of idle time to burn. That was how I ended up in the kitchen with Jenna, Bella, and a few other cooking staff. I stared at the vegetables on the chopping board in front of me as I wondered if what I made was even going to be edible. Cooking had never been something that I enjoyed doing and that was probably because I was horrible at it. Cooking classes had always fel
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Independent Test
Perhaps it was because such a dinner didn’t quite exist in my family that I appreciated the simple taste of home cooked food more than ever. Bradon must have been quite happy to have Jenna cooking for him and taking care of him. The proof was that Jenna was still here with him. “You’re an amazing cook. This is so tasty and you make everything look so easy,” I complimented her wholeheartedly. “Oh, it’s not me who’s an amazing cook. The recipes of everything that we made today were developed by Brenda,” Jenna said warmly. “Brenda?” I murmured questioningly. “Oh, she’s Master Bradon’s mother. She was an amazing cook when she was younger…” Jenna explained before she suddenly looked away. It just occurred to me that Bradon had never mentioned anything about his mother to me. Just like the many things that I didn’t know about him, his mother was also a mystery to me. Of course I knew that his father was the head of the Vulkan family but I didn’t even know who his mother was or whether
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Dirty Desire
“What is it?” Jenna asked even before I could. “Master…he’s back…” the maid reported while seemingly struggling to breathe. Bradon is back?!I stared speechlessly at Jenna and Bella. Their wide-eyed look of surprise must have reflected my own reaction. There was still some time left before dinner time and Bradon hadn’t come home this early since the day that we had our argument. “What should I do?” I murmured as I started to panic a little. Jenna and Bella looked too stunned to say anything as they both stared at me. That was when it fully hit me that I must have looked like an unpresentable mess after all the cooking that I just went through. I was so certain that Bradon would come home late just like he always did recently and I counted on that to give me the time to wash and dress up. I lifted the apron that I had on slightly as I stared at it. My body was sweaty and my hair was messy and unstyled. “Please tell Bradon to wait for me in the dining room. You can start serving th
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Fulfilling His Appetite
His kiss felt intoxicating and extremely addictive at the same time. It felt useless for me to resist him and yet I knew that I should stop him from going any further for my own sake. “Bradon…” I called his name when I managed to break our kiss.Not surprisingly, I was panting and struggling to catch my breath from the aftereffects of our intense kisses. My heart raced even faster in my chest when he suddenly pulled me against his body and held me tightly. Bradon buried his face into the side of my neck and my body tensed in his arms. I felt the heat of his breath against my sensitive skin before he pressed his nose against it and began breathing in my scent. “No…please…” I whimpered as I tried to put in some distance between our bodies.Struggling against him felt futile and all I could do was make small whimpering sounds as Bradon began kissing the side of my neck. I felt mortified that he was breathing in my scent in the state that I was in. His name left my lip in a breathless w
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Savoring Me
I could feel and hear just how wet I was from the lewd squelching sounds that echoed from where his fingers were rapidly pounding my love hole. It felt so good that all I could do was cry out and moan in pure bliss. His thick and long fingers moved to mess up my insides while my pussy tightened to squeeze them. After pumping his fingers fast and hard in and out of my inundated tunnel to the point where I was close to my release, Bradon suddenly withdrew his fingers from my body. I whimpered his name as he pulled my panties down my legs in one swift motion. “Wait…” I whimpered weakly.To my utter shock, Bradon knelt down in front of me and lifted one of my legs and placed it over his shoulder. My eyes widened when I felt my pussy being spread open, and then his face was between my thighs. I could feel him staring at my crotch for a brief moment before he buried his face between my legs. “Oh…Bra…don…” I managed to say in between my lewd moans.He kissed my inner thigh before pressing
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The Way to His Heart
“You taste sweet, Leya…” he murmured against my back. “Ahh…please…” I pleaded when he sucked hard on the back of my waist. His hands moved to caress the sides of my hips teasingly before he flipped the skirt of my dress up to reveal my ass. Bradon distanced himself slightly from me just enough for him to free his massive cock from his pants. My pussy quivered as it waited eagerly to be filled by his gigantic rod. I felt the hot heat of his cock pressing up against my entrance as his hands parted my ass cheeks to stretch open my entrance. My eye lids drifted closed as I braced myself for the impact of his entrance. It felt like too long since the last time that we did it. Bradon thrusted his cock into me in one rough thrust that made me cry out. My eyes snapped open as I felt this thick cock stretching my entrance and pussy walls. He penetrated me deeply in a single thrust that rammed his cock all the way against my womb. “Ahh…Ahhh…” I moaned repeatedly as my pussy hugged around hi
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